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How far do we have to go for anet to change?

The Ace.9105

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Constantly going to the wrong direction in everything without anything meaningful in the future. How far do we have to go for anet to change or are they just with get woke and go broke mentality where they eventually crash and make excuses and blame toxic white males for their failures or something?

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What I mean is that we get a story with unbelievable long release interval that's now even shorter than the normal living story that was not successful in the first place and the game is slowly just declining and there's nothing anet is doing to change things.


Now they just call it a saga and pretend that it's more content more often when in reality it's just the teams split to have 1 extra team and less content.


Balance of the game is still terrible and the changes to reduce damage has been stated by devs in a live stream to be done by nerfing each of the skills individually which takes a long time meaning that we are not getting balance anytime soon cause they want to do it all at once.

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> Constantly going to the wrong direction in everything without anything meaningful in the future. How far do we have to go for anet to change or are they just with get woke and go broke mentality where they eventually crash and make excuses and blame toxic white males for their failures or something?


Found the Gamer.

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> What I mean is that we get a story with unbelievable long release interval that's now even shorter than the normal living story that was not successful in the first place and the game is slowly just declining and there's nothing anet is doing to change things.


> Now they just call it a saga and pretend that it's more content more often when in reality it's just the teams split to have 1 extra team and less content.


> Balance of the game is still terrible and the changes to reduce damage has been stated by devs in a live stream to be done by nerfing each of the skills individually which takes a long time meaning that we are not getting balance anytime soon cause they want to do it all at once.


Actually, the Devs stated it was shorter/less 'content' more often; thus, no pretending. For informational _facts_, try watching Guild Chat.

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Stop saying "we" when you mean yourself. There are plenty of people, myself included, that are quite happy with how things are going. If you want something to change try being constructive about what you particularly dislike and how it could be improved instead of making a cry-post.

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> Constantly going to the wrong direction in everything without anything meaningful in the future. How far do we have to go for anet to change or are they just with get woke and go broke mentality where they eventually crash and make excuses and blame toxic white males for their failures or something?


Interesting admission to the brigading that's been happening recently.

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Hmm, while Anet is annoyingly woke, I am not sure how that bears on the apparent stumbles. Their direction at this point is continuing to use the game to draw eyeballs to the gem store. I think any ambition beyond that was eliminated when they restructured. Its a disappointment, but does not necessary point to woke foolishness.

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> @"Lottie.5370" said:

> Stop saying "we" when you mean yourself. There are plenty of people, myself included, that are quite happy with how things are going. If you want something to change try being constructive about what you particularly dislike and how it could be improved instead of making a cry-post.


OP is a 1 man army, hence "we"


everyones have different opinions of what direction / changes should be done to the game, Anet just follows the loudest voice

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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> No idea what all that means but GW1 released full force expansions every 6 month. Not 18 minute episodes on 1 map where 15 minutes are virtually created by waiting for events.


At that was hell on the Dev team, they hated it, it really burned them out having to develop that content so fast...which is the exact same thing that happened with Season 1...hence them never reverting to that format.

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> How far do we have to go for anet to change or are they just with get woke and go broke mentality where they eventually crash and make excuses and blame toxic white males for their failures or something?


What does this have with...


> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> What I mean is that we get a story with unbelievable long release interval that's now even shorter than the normal living story that was not successful in the first place and the game is slowly just declining and there's nothing anet is doing to change things.


> Now they just call it a saga and pretend that it's more content more often when in reality it's just the teams split to have 1 extra team and less content.


> Balance of the game is still terrible and the changes to reduce damage has been stated by devs in a live stream to be done by nerfing each of the skills individually which takes a long time meaning that we are not getting balance anytime soon cause they want to do it all at once.






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I am 99% sure that this post is just a troll or a rant. The attitude with which the OP tries to make a statement here is beyond comprehension. I am not even going to argue with that.

I am also not even sure what this topic is about or what the core message is but this attitude and the lack of mature expression has already kicked me off.


This might be a candidate for a close!

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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> No idea what all that means but GW1 released full force expansions every 6 month. Not 18 minute episodes on 1 map where 15 minutes are virtually created by waiting for events.


Which resulted in 3 expansions, and then stopping 2 years after the launch of GW1.


Gee, that's way better than 7 years and counting of content.

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Wow allot of anger directed towards those who create expanding on their views and perspectives of the real world. Welcome to the world of art, tv, music, oh and now videos games. You don't like it move on. Do I think everything that is released is golden? No remember "Inside out the video game" episode where you supposedly were so distraught over your choices that your had crippling anxiety? That said i did not take to the forms to complain, the creators are not here to attack you or anyone else. Art reflects life, the world is changing and as younger artist move in to fill the rolls and be the creators the world of Tyria is going to change with them as they are going to build what they see is better. No need to get angry either you enjoy the game or you don't. I have been playing since beta weekends consistently and do I notice a change in things yes there has been a increase in "WOKE" but truly they have unique opportunity to utilize the views of the different races to help everyone who plays navigate the social mine field of the digital age. I could turn this into a crazy long speech on how we are loosing basic communication skills IRL and that bleeds over into posts like this one but I won't I will simply say, Maybe take some time to breath and figure out what it exactly you want out of your games and maybe this RPG is not it and if it is learn how to be reasonable and open to the ideas and views of others. You never know what you might learn about yourself.

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> Constantly going to the wrong direction in everything without anything meaningful in the future. How far do we have to go for anet to change or are they just with get woke and go broke mentality where they eventually crash and make excuses and blame toxic white males for their failures or something?


The problem is people complain but still play everyday or even buy gems!!! anet won't change a thing as long as this system works, they will realize the mistakes the day a really huge chunk of their playerbase stops playing overnight or spending money for gems... meanwhile going into forums to complain or give feedback and logging in every afternoon like nothing happens won't help at all

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> @"The Ace.9105" said:

> What I mean is that we get a story with unbelievable long release interval that's now even shorter than the normal living story that was not successful in the first place and the game is slowly just declining and there's nothing anet is doing to change things.


> Now they just call it a saga and pretend that it's more content more often when in reality it's just the teams split to have 1 extra team and less content.


> Balance of the game is still terrible and the changes to reduce damage has been stated by devs in a live stream to be done by nerfing each of the skills individually which takes a long time meaning that we are not getting balance anytime soon cause they want to do it all at once.


They won't do it all at once, is another of anet's scams, think about this, they don't even have a freaking testing server!!! If they are really so naive to think they can rework almost every class overnight without completely breaking the game for good they are mad

Let's not forget they couldn't even code equipment "templates" right without breaking the game for almost everyone

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