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Dyeable backs.


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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > Now that ANet obviousl y has the tech set up to dye backpieces, all backpieces should be dyable. But as we learned from the past, they probably won't because looking back at content is not what ANet is about. The only thing we would get dyable backpieces if it was monetized in some way or another. Sad story is sad.


> You can't just flip a switch and it's suddenly enabled for everything. They have to go through each piece individually and not only specify area but also other effects like metallic or what have you to enable it on every one. That's not worth the time investment when they could be making more new things with that tech enabled.


I can imagine it's not easy. It would just be great if they did, also it wouldn't separate dyeable from non dyeable backpieces if everything had at least one or two dye channels. But as I said, ANet will never look into retroactively making stuff dyable, so why bother. Everybodies cought up in the ZOMGITSCAPES hype anyway.

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I won't say Anet is going to make all back items dyable BUT do you think at least they gonna make the current legendary back items dyable ?

I mean... there are only 3 legendary back items (The Ascension, Ad Infinitum and The Warbringer). Currently many people have some of them but they kinda don't fit in every fashion wars situation. For example... Ad Infinitum is good looking on someone dyed a bit purple. The Warbringer fits on someone fiery (but the normal kind of fire, not green or blue fire etc.). The Ascension looks good on someone with bright colors. So if someone wants to showoff with his legendary back item he needs to work around how the legendary back item is colored, thus we end up with 20 people in squad looking all the same in WvW, all fiery and red just like The Warbringer. I think being able to dye your legendary back item is going to put lots of freshness in to the game.

Also is going to be great if you'll be able to dye all the back items that has glider combo in them... so far we can dye the gliders so don't see the problem adding the option on the back items as well at this point.

Also the trinkets !!!

I won't touch on the weapon subject... there are plenty of cool looking weapon sets that can work in any situation.

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> @"Joe Farmer.2063" said:

> They mentioned somewhere that its not possible for older backback items due to technical reasons.

> I guess they would have to create a 2.0 version of the item, dyable, what might need an efford similar to create a complete new one they could make money with.

> Or sell as new content ...


iirc exact wording was not "impossible" but "prohibitively difficult". And yeah I think they have also stated that creating new backpiece from a scratch would be easier way to go than editing old one.

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > @"Joe Farmer.2063" said:

> > They mentioned somewhere that its not possible for older backback items due to technical reasons.

> > I guess they would have to create a 2.0 version of the item, dyable, what might need an efford similar to create a complete new one they could make money with.

> > Or sell as new content ...


> iirc exact wording was not "impossible" but "prohibitively difficult". And yeah I think they have also stated that creating new backpiece from a scratch would be easier way to go than editing old one.


Yeah but would you agree that 3 legendary back item skins worth the effort ? And what does it mean "from scratch" ? Does it mean they have to make the whole 3D model all over again or just the overlay of the item and the visual infusion-like effects? In previous times I remember they've updated few visuals of some legendary weapons to make them more "legendary"-looking.

Also my opinion is that they started adding the the dyable option at some point because they were considering adding the option to the game at later point. I think the option is there but it's not available to us yet. The question is at what point they started using this policy? Maybe they started before adding the legendary trinkets (Aurora - around July, 2017, Vision - May 28, 2019, Coalescence - June 11, 2019) and The Warbringer (June 6th, 2017). While other legendary back items may not have the option because they were added quite earlier in to the game - The Ascension (2016), Ad Infinitum (April 19, 2016).

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > > @"Joe Farmer.2063" said:

> > > They mentioned somewhere that its not possible for older backback items due to technical reasons.

> > > I guess they would have to create a 2.0 version of the item, dyable, what might need an efford similar to create a complete new one they could make money with.

> > > Or sell as new content ...

> >

> > iirc exact wording was not "impossible" but "prohibitively difficult". And yeah I think they have also stated that creating new backpiece from a scratch would be easier way to go than editing old one.


> Yeah but would you agree that 3 legendary back item skins worth the effort ? And what does it mean "from scratch" ? Does it mean they have to make the whole 3D model all over again or just the overlay of the item and the visual infusion-like effects? In previous times I remember they've updated few visuals of some legendary weapons to make them more "legendary"-looking.

> Also my opinion is that they started adding the the dyable option at some point because they were considering adding the option to the game at later point. I think the option is there but it's not available to us yet. The question is at what point they started using this policy? Maybe they started before adding the legendary trinkets (Aurora - around July, 2017, Vision - May 28, 2019, Coalescence - June 11, 2019) and The Warbringer (June 6th, 2017). While other legendary back items may not have the option because they were added quite earlier in to the game - The Ascension (2016), Ad Infinitum (April 19, 2016).


I agree that out of all backpacks legendaries would deserve such treatment (being remade to support dying).


I don't remember exact details, but it was more or less about all the textures shaders etc. - pretty much everything outside of the raw model. Simple "let's just enable dye channel here and there" would not work because dyes would look nothing like they are supposed to.


I think we are seeing here a bit of post-launch development - vanilla day one GW2 didn't have much (if any) renderable back pieces, they were added "ad hoc", gained traction and now AN is adapting how they are making them to support better system.

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Yep definitely the legendary backpacks should get the treatment, and the gem store glider skins also maybe when they rotate an old glider skin in the gem shop so they have time to do them 1 by 1. They will probably come as extra skin unlock like the Guild Cavalier weapons. But that is only if they bother revisiting the old skins.

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Oh, I see my topic has been moved over here. Lovely! Just For reference... the start of the topic was this:

> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> I won't say Anet is going to make all back items dyable BUT do you think at least they gonna make the current legendary back items dyable ?

> I mean... there are only 3 legendary back items (The Ascension, Ad Infinitum and The Warbringer). Currently many people have some of them but they kinda don't fit in every fashion wars situation. For example... Ad Infinitum is good looking on someone dyed a bit purple. The Warbringer fits on someone fiery (but the normal kind of fire, not green or blue fire etc.). The Ascension looks good on someone with bright colors. So if someone wants to showoff with his legendary back item he needs to work around how the legendary back item is colored, thus we end up with 20 people in squad looking all the same in WvW, all fiery and red just like The Warbringer. I think being able to dye your legendary back item is going to put lots of freshness in to the game.

> Also is going to be great if you'll be able to dye all the back items that has glider combo in them... so far we can dye the gliders so don't see the problem adding the option on the back items as well at this point.

> Also the trinkets !!!

> I won't touch on the weapon subject... there are plenty of cool looking weapon sets that can work in any situation.


This means Anet is paying attention to this topic and maybe is doing something about it behind the scenes, *fingers crossed* ! :)

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