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I reached platinum finally!


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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> I know no one cares and it's not a big achievement but I've been working pretty hard at it and I finally got there and had to share. Took me till midnight and had a lot of setbacks, but I got there! I've had much better luck on weaver than thief.


If it's a big deal for u than it is a big deal.

Congrats and GL.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> Grats mate!

> If we just wuld have more ppl like you, still trying and go for continuing personal improvement instead wasting time in forum crying about everything they don't understand. Ranked would be so much more fun with a higher skilled playerbase or at least ppl try to learn.


Thanks! I'm trying to do my best to spread this mindset to other players and continue to be positive even though I may be personally frustrated.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> I know no one cares and it's not a big achievement but I've been working pretty hard at it and I finally got there and had to share. Took me till midnight and had a lot of setbacks, but I got there! I've had much better luck on weaver than thief.


If you have enough matches played for the leaderboard, play 1-2 matches every 3 days and that's it. this way you have a better chance of keeping your rating.

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> @"Zoricus.2439" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > I know no one cares and it's not a big achievement but I've been working pretty hard at it and I finally got there and had to share. Took me till midnight and had a lot of setbacks, but I got there! I've had much better luck on weaver than thief.


> If you have enough matches played for the leaderboard, play 1-2 matches every 3 days and that's it. this way you have a better chance of keeping your rating.


Eh, I'm too stuck in PvP to do that haha

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Honestly the biggest props to u is being able to stand playing the garbage that is gw2 pvp enough to climb to plat lol that is a feat in itself.

> U must be a person of great patience :)


well once you make it to plat once (ever) it's easy to make it there again. like ever since I made plat years ago, just doing placements is enough to get put there again. so the climb is mostly just a one time thing


now I just play ranked because the matches are better than unranked. way fewer 4v5s, fewer one-sided stomps, etc

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