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Which class suffers the most hard-counters in a 1 vs 1 fight?


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Given WvW's wide open terrain, it is common knowledge that Necros are generally hard-countered by long range kiting classes like Soulbeasts and Deadeyes.

But are these two classes/builds the only thing that hard-counters a Necro?

What about other classes? Do you guys suffer from many forms of hard-counters too?


Hard-countered in the sense that the class has little options in their kit to build and fight against these type of foes in general.

Fights usually favor the other class like 80-20 or more.

For example, thieves used to struggle badly against holosmiths and guardians until the recent rise of Sword/pistol gave them a build to fight against their nemesis.

And mesmers used to struggle against thieves until Mirage came along.


Which class in your opinion currently suffers the most hard-counters in a 1 on 1 fight?

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> If there's someone that is bored enough and looks for something to do, I have a favour.

> Could you count how many useless polls did this guy make during this year only?


That bored person would be me =)

I counted and its around 28 polls.

Which is 8 short of my target.

So expect 8 more polls from now till the end of the year B)

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> @"Widmo.3186" said:

> If there's someone that is bored enough and looks for something to do, I have a favour.

> Could you count how many useless polls did this guy make during this year only?


If so useless dont read nor vote. Its actually fun to see the results and maybe ( never happened nor will ) anet would look into the results and try t9 confirm and maybe change something like the last poll showing core engi as the worst thing to play.

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I am not a frequent Necro player, but it seems like they have very few winning matchups assuming equal skill level. This becomes a bit less black and white when taking into consideration gear like Trailblazer and Dire, but I'd still say Necro has the hardest time *in general*.


If a 1v1 is assuming a duel, this is also a pretty biased foundation because if we are being honest, most duels occur on open terrain with no LoS or no-port spots. This almost always works against the Necro's favor. I would say they would definitely be higher up on the list if dueling areas had more varied terrain with the ability to really abuse LoS. Unfortunately and unsurprisingly, dueling areas tend to favor the stronger roaming classes.


And on a side note, I like these polls as well :).

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It is a bit different since Necro is much better in duels as opposed to roaming as they die much quicker if they get +1'd, surprised, or focused. Of course, astute necros will go hide behind a house or something if they fight ranged. I mean, this game is designed around LOS when it comes to fighting other players...


I vote Guardian because Guardian doesn't actually beat anything but squishes so all you really need to do is switch to a sustain build and you win or at worst draw. Easy with templates these days and I really hope nobody is standing in traps; it's 2019 already ffs.


Obviously if you are not allowed to adjust your build, it is conceivable that you could be taken by surprise. But you shouldn't lose the next round.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> that says it all


I agree, one of the most newbie friendly class that attracts casual players will obviously get the most votes from said pve players. :D (NOT saying it applies to every player of the class, it obviously doesn't)


btw. any voting person should make a list of the "hard counters" for EVERY class to show they really put thought into the answer instead of being biased by playing the single pve build and getting farmed in wvw , after which they throw in an empty vote, because -obviously- *buff me plox* ;)

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Helly.2597" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > Necro is only upvoted so much because so few know how to actually play it in small-scale.

> >

> > I disagree.


> I didn't say they were wrong,

> Only that most of these people probably are not qualified to even vote on this subject.


I agree.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"Helly.2597" said:

> > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > Necro is only upvoted so much because so few know how to actually play it in small-scale.

> > >

> > > I disagree.

> >

> > I didn't say they were wrong,

> > Only that most of these people probably are not qualified to even vote on this subject.


> I agree.

I won't disagree with that.


The truth is mostly that hard counters aren't a thing. From my experience too many variables can go into a fight to make any matchup between classes "unwinnable." If you allow for every class to build swap between builds freely then most "hard counters" stop being so. Even at equal skill levels.


Which is mostly why I didn't vote.

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> @"Helly.2597" said:

> The truth is mostly that hard counters aren't a thing. From my experience too many variables can go into a fight to make any matchup between classes "unwinnable." If you allow for every class to build swap between builds freely then most "hard counters" stop being so. Even at equal skill levels.


I agree with this. I think there are a lot of fights that favor one side over another, and in some cases it can be extremely one sided, but I don't think there are "hard-counters" per-se. At least by my definition, that means one thing cannot beat another regardless of skill. Only by chance or crucial mistake can x beat y, but otherwise skill will not dictate who wins - class/build will.


I don't think Necro or Reaper are weak as they currently are. I think in an open field 1 v 1, Necro/Reaper/Scourge will struggle against just about anything, but I don't think that makes it bad, weak or defenseless. It's a low skill floor class with a high skill cap. A lot of people pick it up because it's easy and can have a big impact on group fights, but most never learn how to actually play it outside of those scenarios.


It's nice to see people giving support to Necro and all, but I kind of don't want it either... Historically, bad things follow when Necro gets buffs and I don't think it needs anything right now. Scourge needs a lot of work, but otherwise I'd rather ANet just leave Necro alone, lol.

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