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Deadeye role?


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Hi, I'm starting building up my DE as my PvP main (currently gold 3) and experiencing some weird stuff. Sometimes ppl say in chat that Deadeye's not for roaming. Sometimes they blame me for not constantly roaming. In one of my latest games someone blamed me everytime I enganged in a group fight because in his opinion I had to go far.


I always defined my role in this way:

1. Outnumbering fights (therefor being aware of the ongoing fights all the time) and dealing a huge amount of damage.

2. Pushing far (if that's what's best in the current situation), but don't waist too much time when theres a bunker at the node and I can't end the fight quickly.


All in all I'm always aware of the map and considering where I'm needed the most. But I don't define me as a roamer because there are many classes (core thief, daredevil, mirage, ...) with higher mobility. And I think the advantages of a Deadeye are waisted when I'm constantly capping nodes. But some ppl want me to do excactly that and their argument is "you're a thief".


Now I want to hear your opinion about this. Thanks in advance.

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Deadeye is a viable choice in some scenarios. If the enemy team is stacked with rev, core mes and other thieves, deadeye will have trouble to roam and be effective. On the other hand, if we are talking about a slower enemy comp, with warriors, necros and engineers, deadeye will perform just fine.


Your role is not to take 1v1s, it's to quickly burst down enemy targets, in teamfights and outnumbered fights. You shouldn't roam to much - e.g. decap far constantly - and focus on getting kills above all else. Pure roamer thief build is a d/p daredevil dasher, deadeye doesn't compare in terms of mobility but it does do a lot more damage. Potentially.

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> @"Ysmir.4986" said:

> Your role is not to take 1v1s, it's to quickly burst down enemy targets, in teamfights and outnumbered fights. You shouldn't roam to much - e.g. decap far constantly - and focus on getting kills above all else. Pure roamer thief build is a d/p daredevil dasher, deadeye doesn't compare in terms of mobility but it does do a lot more damage. Potentially.


That is exactly what I do but if my team looses there is always whining about deadeye not roaming -.-

Thanks for your answer :)




> @"Highlie.7641" said:

> Your touching on the main problem of being a thief, you can build to team fight, you can build to 1vs1, you could even trait to be a ninja nurse, you can not however convince your teammates that you can tackle another role. (which you can)


You're right. For many players any thief is just a roamer thief. No matter which spec or build. That's really frustrating. I could say them multiple times that I'm no roamer, they just don't listen. And of course if the team looses, it's always the thief's fault. Really annoying. Thanks for your answer!

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Deadeye is designed for precise elimination so yeah, to just be roaming and capping is counter-productive and from a wvw perspective I always found the mobility excuse mostly bs. Even when running shortbow+shadowstep, I had to chase nike warriors, rangers, engineers, weavers, and heralds for about 4k units before they tab out which is sufficient amount of distance to rush from home to far on most maps. Problem is some won't look beyond the surface and treat the tactic of "thieves capping points while avoiding most of the combat" as a foolproof plan, regardless whether they're kitted for it.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> Deadeyes roll is to be toxic 1 shot sniper or free kills to other enemy gankers.






'The Deadeye is an offense-oriented class that focuses on projectile damage and utility, gaining access to passive projectile modifiers like extra projectiles, pierce, chain, and area of effect. This class is obviously suited for bow attacks but most of its modifiers apply to any sort of projectile, meaning most projectile attacks (such as those fired from Wands) and some spell projectiles also benefit from them.'



**Grinding Gear Games gets it right**


(Deadeye Elite should have been best reserved for the Ranger Profession)

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Deadeye is less mobile but should still be relatively mobile. Questions about the role of the DE from a team are more likely issues with teamwork for the entire team.


Any thief can rotate quickly enough between two points. But that won’t work if your team is constantly dead. If that’s the case, you basically can’t roam because you have been forced to play in team fights to protect your team from dying.


DE isn’t bad at team fights even though it may have trouble carrying a bad team like a really successful support char can. In those cases you should be 1) targeting their DPS 2) focusing downs and 3) breaking their support/bunker.


If your team isn’t always dying, you can focus on roaming, i.e. 1) map mechanics, 2) decap and 3) pluses on your (hopefully) singular character pushing far and 3v2s on other nodes.


What you should do to help your team end up in the latter situation is figure out who needs to die quickly on the other team and then make sure your team is focusing that player. Easy kills or risky enemies to allow to live long in a team fight are both good options. Sometimes your team doesn’t realize the enemy is playing a glass staff ele and that is why the entire team is wiping so quickly.

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> @"Lurana.7506" said:

> Hi, I'm starting building up my DE as my PvP main (currently gold 3) and experiencing some weird stuff. Sometimes ppl say in chat that Deadeye's not for roaming. Sometimes they blame me for not constantly roaming. In one of my latest games someone blamed me everytime I enganged in a group fight because in his opinion I had to go far.


> I always defined my role in this way:

> 1. Outnumbering fights (therefor being aware of the ongoing fights all the time) and dealing a huge amount of damage.

> 2. Pushing far (if that's what's best in the current situation), but don't waist too much time when theres a bunker at the node and I can't end the fight quickly.


> All in all I'm always aware of the map and considering where I'm needed the most. But I don't define me as a roamer because there are many classes (core thief, daredevil, mirage, ...) with higher mobility. And I think the advantages of a Deadeye are waisted when I'm constantly capping nodes. But some ppl want me to do excactly that and their argument is "you're a thief".


> Now I want to hear your opinion about this. Thanks in advance.


Actually, the best two DEs in NA pretty much do absolutely nothing other than putting 100% focus on moving around the map and repeatedly ganking everything they can easily counter, while completely avoiding anything & everything that posses a threat in any way. The best DE players actually pretty much completely ignore nodes.


This works because Thieves are the most mobile class. When a DE ignores the nodes and pushes for kills against easy targets, it turns into a situation where a good DE player is constantly keeping a player or two in respawn with no room to breath. This results in the DE creating & keeping a 5v4 situation for his team or sometimes even better, a 5v3.


Your best positioning as a DE is not the far node. It doesn't really matter where you are or how you're doing it, as long as you're keeping your team in a number advantage in the map, where the enemy is constantly having certain important team components being neutralized and sent into respawn. A good example of this is if you were to target and neutralize a strong Necro player over and over, so he was unable to wield his strengths in team fights for his team. This does a couple things:


1. You tip of the balance of winning team fights into your team's favor, by not even having to be in that team fight. Remember, this is all about YOU as the sniper, being able to quickly identify who on the enemy team is presenting the greatest problem for your team. If it happens to be a player that you are not able to deal with, select a different target to neutralize and try to avoid the stronger player who is able to kill you. A DE is who is dying and going into respawn frequently, or who isn't dealing damage, is a useless liability that will quickly lose matches.

2. Eventually the opponents will notice what you are doing, and they will send a person or two to get on your back. This is so they're Necro or strong player that you are neutralizing can get back to the team fight, where they need him. This is your opportunity to kite and harass 1v2. Very good DEs can use this situation to actually start farming people 1v2 at their spawn, which is the best possible scenario. But for most DEs in this situation, they will want to more so harass and kite 1v2. Don't focus on killing, focus on stalling. If you can pull 2 players to your 1, way off node near their spawn, and they are stupid enough to chase you around 2v1 and try to kill you, just keep rolling around and stealthing, make them waste time. This situation is still you providing your team a 4v3 on the nodes. In many ways, it's almost like you are making someone on the enemy team DC, until they wisen up and learn to ignore you, which is when your kill opportunity comes back. It amounts down to: Focus them when they ignore you > Kite when they focus you to waste their time > Refocus them when they want to ignore you, so they try to focus you again or have to start LOSing, instead of being able to get back to the node play for their team.


Almost certainly, your optimal position as a DE is when you can funnel that player or two that you easily counter, into their respawn at the same time, and then you camp the spawn, which will draw other opponents over to try and stop you, which draws like 3+ opponents away from the nodes, and pretty much results in a triple cap for your team.


Just learn to not die. There is nothing worse to have on your team than a DE that sucks. Keep in mind that this DE technique works great in solo/duo play, but just doesn't work at all in higher tiered more organized team play. DE is actually a poor choice for ATs or any Tournament held events for several reasons I'm not going to go into atm.

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Actually I totally disagree that a deadeye should just focus weak target and should only rotate with that in mind. Sometimes literally holding far or home can turn matches though I think it would be a gimmick to say just push far at start and hold node, but much of the time crossing at the start and taking out a target who’s alone then rotating to help your team is 100% the best play possible

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > Deadeyes roll is to be toxic 1 shot sniper or free kills to other enemy gankers.


> https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Deadeye


> **Overview**


> 'The Deadeye is an offense-oriented class that focuses on projectile damage and utility, gaining access to passive projectile modifiers like extra projectiles, pierce, chain, and area of effect. This class is obviously suited for bow attacks but most of its modifiers apply to any sort of projectile, meaning most projectile attacks (such as those fired from Wands) and some spell projectiles also benefit from them.'



> **Grinding Gear Games gets it right**


> (Deadeye Elite should have been best reserved for the Ranger Profession)


I agree that a sniper via bow would suit the ranger profession and with slb dps potential with sic em it kinda already exists, but with that said lb sniper fits ranger like sniper rifle would suit a assassin class such as thief right?

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