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After balancing dmg & heal, please don’t forget about the mobility creep


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I have great hopes for the coming major balance patch targeted at the damage and healing levels.


I just want to remind that mobility creep has also gone through the roof and needs balancing.


For example, soul beasts with their pet leaps + weapon leaps.

Or dead eyes with their shadow step + portal + rifle 4.


Combine those mobility with access to stealth and you get kiting creep on a new level.


And those are also the classes with 1500+ range.


They should be restricted to active defences in melee and not given insane mobility to run and shoot.


I suggest to remove all mobility skills from pet merges on soulbeasts and remove death retreat from rifle 4 for dead eyes.

Instead, replace it with active melee defences like blocks or evades etc.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> I have great hopes for the coming major balance patch targeted at the damage and healing levels.


> I just want to remind that mobility creep has also gone through the roof and needs balancing.


> For example, soul beasts with their pet leaps + weapon leaps.

> Or dead eyes with their shadow step + portal + rifle 4.


> Combine those mobility with access to stealth and you get kiting creep on a new level.


> And those are also the classes with 1500+ range.


> They should be restricted to active defences in melee and not given insane mobility to run and shoot.


> I suggest to remove all mobility skills from pet merges on soulbeasts and remove death retreat from rifle 4 for dead eyes.

> Instead, replace it with active melee defences like blocks or evades etc.


I'd also like anet to balance downstate. Its infuriating downing a ranger to have its pet cc u even though uve black powdered the area or somthing similar, necros does need some defensive tools but its downstate definitely needs nerfs as well. Some classes are harder to stomp than they are to down and that's silly.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> I have great hopes for the coming major balance patch targeted at the damage and healing levels.


> I just want to remind that mobility creep has also gone through the roof and needs balancing.


> For example, soul beasts with their pet leaps + weapon leaps.

> Or dead eyes with their shadow step + portal + rifle 4.


> Combine those mobility with access to stealth and you get kiting creep on a new level.


> And those are also the classes with 1500+ range.


> They should be restricted to active defences in melee and not given insane mobility to run and shoot.


> I suggest to remove all mobility skills from pet merges on soulbeasts and remove death retreat from rifle 4 for dead eyes.

> Instead, replace it with active melee defences like blocks or evades etc.


GW2 ain't stand still wow combat. We dont need 2 dumb down game 2 necro 1990 design lvls. U should ask for mobility buffs n bettr ranged weaps 4 ur necro instead so u can dool bettr.


N 2 be help, I teach u by xample how 2 make buff necro post... https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/58958/eye-on-necromancer-for-august-2019


Njoy and HH!


Edits!- oh n this xample 4 move buff 4 evrybody so no more my neccy cant run or chase ppl qq... https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/9804/idea-wvw-only-movement-skills

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Give all non-teleport mobility skills the ride the lightning treatment.

For non-targeted teleport/shadowstep skills, increase their cooldowns and tack something else non-mobility related (a stun break, for example) to justify the cooldown increase. Increase the initiative cost on initiative-based teleports that don't require a target (or aren't part of a combo that involve being close to the target _at some point_). I agree that if mobility-heavy specs wants to "keep pressure" on their target, they'll need to risk getting caught with their mobility on cooldown to do so.


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> Give all non-teleport mobility skills the ride the lightning treatment.

> For non-targeted teleport/shadowstep skills, increase their cooldowns and tack something else non-mobility related (a stun break, for example) to justify the cooldown increase. Increase the initiative cost on initiative-based teleports that don't require a target (or aren't part of a combo that involve being close to the target _at some point_). I agree that if mobility-heavy specs wants to "keep pressure" on their target, they'll need to risk getting caught with their mobility on cooldown to do so.


> ~ Kovu


Issue is glassy classes that have tele and high disengage potential have received nerfs over the years due to the mobility leaving them hit and run hit and run style playstyle so if that's changed to keeping pressure on target then they'll need buffs they can actually keep pressure on the target without getting downed in secs.

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Mobility + high evade + long range is a big problem if there comes a cc nerf. Cc is a bir problem if there comes a sustain nerf. And sustain nerf is a big problem if there comes a mobility nerf. So best would be to bring all the nerfs at the same time in a one big patch. I think this is what they are trying to do right now. But as everyone suffered for so long from these problems, we cannot trust them to do it good and on time.

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