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What was the largest single hit you've taken from a single player in the last 3 months? (non-zerg)


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Core Kill Shot Warrior meme'd me good. I believe it was just over 30k.


30k is also the highest I've hit on a player with Reaper using Executioner's Scythe.


![](https://i.imgur.com/HZkfblb.jpg "")


I recall some time ago someone shared a picture of a 50k hit on a player using Soulbeast's Worldly Impact. I don't think that one can be topped, lol.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> Core Kill Shot Warrior meme'd me good. I believe it was just over 30k.


> 30k is also the highest I've hit on a player with Reaper using Executioner's Scythe.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/HZkfblb.jpg "")


> I recall some time ago someone shared a picture of a 50k hit on a player using Soulbeast's Worldly Impact. I don't think that one can be topped, lol.


No, that's probably still the top. But wasn't that nerfed now?

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> > 2118 Armor, ~ 17,120 HP, Arc Divider

> Well there is no need to note armor when you literally have no armor.



I'd rather see people being honest about the damage they take than saying [nonsense like this](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1077605/#Comment_1077605).

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Got hit by a death's judgement for 16k on 2 separate occasions on soulbeast with I believe the only toughness coming from signet of stone (so 2300 armor?). And then died to the next attack of 1.5k or so. Incidentally the rest of the entire night was spent trying to instagib each other. Also I decided to get 2k more health and about 200 armor after this, deciding that closer to 20k health was better. I really should take the effort to custom stats on those trinkets.


Also got hit by a 13k Malicious Backstab but since I was thief trying to instagib someone else, I don't think that's really worth whining about.


Honorable mention goes to being hit by an single 8k meteor.

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