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Can we get a new borderlands map someday?


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I was thinking about what content WvW would do well to gain and one of my first thoughts was a third borderlands map. After all, we have two alpine and a desert, if we got one more there wouldn't be the same map twice anymore. I'm not sure what biomes would be the most unique, but I was imagining possibly a 'Desolate Borderlands', integrating assets from Orr and the Ring of Fire, since those places aren't really used in any current WvW map. I'd also enjoy a more substantial underwater area - maybe one day we can even get an entire ocean map

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Discussed hundreds of times in here. Another bleak map would probably suck to be honest, desert already gives a healthy dose of that. Either a snow map like frostgorge or a forest like auric basin would be better imo. An island or beachy type map would be ok too, but mostly water map, not sure how long I personally could stand playing that, but combat would be much more limited with skills available there which may be a good thing for fights I guess.


In any case we're not getting another map cause of the hate the last two got, plus takes them a year to develop a wvw map, not something they'd want to put resources into these days I'm sure.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Discussed hundreds of times in here. Another bleak map would probably suck to be honest, desert already gives a healthy dose of that. Either a snow map like frostgorge or a forest like auric basin would be better imo. An island or beachy type map would be ok too, but mostly water map, not sure how long I personally could stand playing that, but combat would be much more limited with skills available there which may be a good thing for fights I guess.


> In any case we're not getting another map cause of the hate the last two got, plus takes them a year to develop a wvw map, not something they'd want to put resources into these days I'm sure.


Now that you mention it, more desolate would be depressing. I do like the idea of a beach/island map, kinda pirate themed, there's a lot that could be done there. And considering the variety in the other ones I could see an AB forest being in the same map

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They could take any of bloodtide coast, sparkfire fen, straits of devastation, southsun cove as examples and fill the land areas up with auric basin theme. It would honestly be nice to get another good map like alpine or ebg to play.


I still really like alpine in any case, a lot of freedom to do everything you want in wvw, sieging and counter sieging seems perfect on there, big open areas to fight, to roam, different themes with snow up north, keep with a giant moat, keep up in the mountains, ruins area to sneak around and do ambushes. When you really think about it, alpine is a well put together map, it's simple with not a lot of pve mechanics to obstruct/annoy you, which frankly is a good thing not being complex as something like tangled depths, but it provides some great areas for conflict for all group sizes.


The only other issue is whether or not they really should waste time making another home borderland type map. They should have just made ebg type maps from the beginning so they would have had more flexibility to switch maps in and out of play.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Discussed hundreds of times in here. Another bleak map would probably suck to be honest, desert already gives a healthy dose of that. Either a snow map like frostgorge or a forest like auric basin would be better imo. An island or beachy type map would be ok too, but mostly water map, not sure how long I personally could stand playing that, but combat would be much more limited with skills available there which may be a good thing for fights I guess.


> In any case we're not getting another map cause of the hate the last two got, plus takes them a year to develop a wvw map, not something they'd want to put resources into these days I'm sure.


I think it's more the hate, personally. I do level design for a job, and the only way it takes a year to complete a map that size is if you're constantly being re-assigned onto other tasks or putting too much work into the prototypes.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Discussed hundreds of times in here. Another bleak map would probably suck to be honest, desert already gives a healthy dose of that. Either a snow map like frostgorge or a forest like auric basin would be better imo. An island or beachy type map would be ok too, but mostly water map, not sure how long I personally could stand playing that, but combat would be much more limited with skills available there which may be a good thing for fights I guess.

> >

> > In any case we're not getting another map cause of the hate the last two got, plus takes them a year to develop a wvw map, not something they'd want to put resources into these days I'm sure.


> I think it's more the hate, personally. I do level design for a job, and the only way it takes a year to complete a map that size is if you're constantly being re-assigned onto other tasks or putting too much work into the prototypes.


I always assumed an old or poor engine design that made actually implementing this stuff time consuming. Even then, I don't see how it could take a year with just the physical work alone.

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Just remember this is wvw, which probably had the smallest dev group throughout the history of the game, plus the other departments for coding and art probably had the maps on low priority. It was mentioned before it took them about a year to do eotm or desert. I can't be bothered to pull the quote up.

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They can give us an open pvp mega server mirror for us to knock out our story and pve stuff where we can see the WvW map updates and see team chat and all that. I don't want another map where we get a burst of action at around 6pm and nothing happens on it otherwise. I'd love an open world pvp server with some rule sets about map travel and structure/plot claiming and all that but we can barely tame the warclaw at this point.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> The only other issue is whether or not they really should waste time making another home borderland type map. They should have just made ebg type maps from the beginning so they would have had more flexibility to switch maps in and out of play.




Modify existing maps from BL to BG maps, then open/close maps depending on activity. So we don't have 4 maps open for 20 roamers in the middle of the night. And actually open another EBG the rare times there is actually queue's. Being able to have 1 EBG is baseline, and open a cycle of: Alpine, Desert, EOTM, EBG as needed.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> If they had their druthers Alpine would've been retired when HoT launched.

> Desert was meant to be the end-all

I'm pretty sure they meant to rotate them periodically, but the years-long tantrum people threw over the DBL kind of put the kibosh on that (and, not coincidentally, probably any further new maps).

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Remember the desert BL laser event aka lagfest?


If they do introduce a new map it better be tested thoroughly. I participated in the Desert BL public testing but there was nowhere near the scale of players on reset night.


The air keep lord "donut" ring is rather annoying to this day ; fire keep lord area has been changed so that you don't get feared into lava.


Desert BL also happens to have no interplay between towers and keeps, so losing a tower isn't as impactful.

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Still kind of surprised Anet hasnt taken the absolutely easiest way out to give us content and make just a remastered EB in a specific setting.


I mean the base design is already there, dont need to change anything. All you'd need to do is update the assets, tweak the terrain, add content, do minor design changes to objectives. So we could have a Jungle EB map, which looks basicly the same as EB but it has HoT assets - SM now being a Tarir style keep, one keep beeing a Pact style staging point with multiple airships overhead, another keep being frogmen swamp. Giant trees, hollowed logs, etc. You get the idea if you've been to HoT zones. Just imagine EB inside the deep jungle. This would replace one of the Alpine maps.


And also pocket raptors.


Lots and lots of pocket raptors.

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> I think adding new maps and rotating then in would be great!


> I'd be fine with a mostly underwater map. Most people never update/understand their builds for water play. Makes them easy prey.


Would sadly just result in people not playing while the underwater map was in. Honestly I don't think it's that bad since the balance pass on underwater and swim infusions... Add a mastery for faster swimming and shrines can unlock a current for your team to quickly traverse the map. Make it happen! lol

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The alpine's and EB are fine besides the Skill Lag. They could do with a visual change now and again though, to keep it fresh, but the Alpine's are supposed to be winter themed.


I doubt they have the resources they used to have though, EOTM and the Desert BL are quite flawed. They added a Arena in EoTM, but the rest would need a major rework.

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No no no, let them focus solely on alliances. The game is in need of a competitive structure with an incentive before we get new maps. Let ArenaNet focus solely on Alliances. They have limited resources and if they focus on short term outer appearances, it will only deviate from what drives WvW, competition. Let them focus on the core issue. The rest can come later.

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