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Upgrading Personal Guilds Solo


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Is there a way to upgrade guilds on your own? Like with gold or gems? I'm not really looking to start a guild, I'd just like my guild to at least get it's guild hall built. At the moment it only serves as a personal bank, of a considerable 150 slots.


I don't visit my home instance very often since I'm not particularly fond of 'retreating.' So upgrading that is mostly pointless. And to begin with, I've seen the home instance a thousand times which makes it pretty boring. To me, leaving the map I'm on isn't fun. I would say I'm actually gifted in my ability to get lost. Take me somewhere, spin me around, and I'll head in a new direction every time. Which keeps things pretty fresh and also really crazy... Something which waypointing takes away from.


Besides, most guilds work off of outer players leeching off of responsible inner players because many of this game's mechanics simply require numbers. So learning to become one of those pillars that people can leach off of seems, to be the point of this game. Aka, asking this question is time well spent for the approaching end game role of 'leech provider.'

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You need a group to get a hall first of all. 5 is enough and players usually helpful enough to hoin just for it. I assume you have done that if i read your op correctly.


Upgrading it can be done solo, but it takes time, a ton of resources and thousands of gold. Anet have been on record in the past to say they dont really recognise a handful of people or less as a guild, so they made halls for large groups only.

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You can get favor as a single player guild if you do Treks, Races and Puzzles but it may require another guild to be doing it at the same time.


> [individual missions](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_mission)

>Most guild missions require 3 or more representing members, but certain missions may be successfully completed by a single player. A Guild member with 'Mission Control' privilege must start the mission. Completing some guild missions requires participating with another Guild, while representing your own guild to receive guild credit.


>**Guild Trek**

> Guild Trek personal credit may be received if you locate and complete any of the targets of the Trek.


>**Guild Race**

> Guild Race, You must personally complete the mission to receive both personal and guild credit if enough people from all guilds complete the mission requirement.


>**Guild Puzzle**

> Guild Puzzle (instanced), Start the mission when outside the instance. Represent the guild you wish to receive credit. Enter the instance of the other Guild. You will receive both personal and guild credit after the mission is successfully completed.

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I am one of those that have a private guild with hall. I basically registered the guild, asked 4 friends willing to help me occupy the hall (yes it needs 100 gold but this should not be too difficult to get). If you would fail a guild hall capture, don't worry. The gold invested to enter that mission to capture will be saved as long till you succeed the mission.


As soon as you have a guild hall, set the guild mission to Pve. Then you will get a mission named Trek. The easy mode one can be done with spare time easily when it pops (almost every week I see it pop). The medium one is doable as well but trickier.


Another doable one to "solo" are the race missions. This will tell you that you need 10 members to complete but you can solo it. Make sure you go to the race when other guilds are doing this race. You need 15 finishes total. Basically you finish at least 1 run and the other guilds simply count automatically as the remaining 14 runs.


Easy Difficulty Tier Guild Missions award 300 Favor

Medium Difficulty Tier Guild Missions award 400 Favor

Hard Difficulty Tier Guild Missions award 500 Favor

A bonus 10% Favor is awarded if a Guild has not chosen to Specialize in PvE/PvP/WvW missions specifically.


To get the 1st favor needed you basically need to do 1 mission before you have the hall itself. This will be a random mission task so pick something you can either do solo (may need some time) or ask some friends (invite them to guild temporarily for this purpose) to do one that needs more players.

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Regarding guild missions:


You can do the easy treks yourself, and its a bit stressful but you can also do the medium treks yourself with mounts once you memorise them (unless you get really unlucky and get a JP, which does happen occasionally).


Google: Dulfy Guild Trek Guide


You can do all the rushes, easy, medium, hard, by yourself, by joining an existing rush event. As long as the guild doing it completes it with 15/15, then activating it, passing the finish line yourself and talking to the NPC to end it will give your guild credit too. Typically these events are done on the last day before reset, so if you see something like "Reset in 12 hours", you can start looking at the locations.


You can do easy guild bounties yourself, just ask for a bit of help on map chat when you found the bounty NPC.


Medium or higher bounties, hard treks, and guild challenges and puzzles are impossible for a single player. They're content that requires a specific number of players and there's not alot that randos/pugs can do to help you especially since some of it is instanced.



Regarding capturing a guild hall:


You'll need about four people for this, although 5-7 is ideal. (We did it with 3; expert mode.) Any more than that and it'll start to scale up, making it more difficult. Make sure you have at least 2-3 dedicated DPS and at least one dedicated healer and buffer.


If I remember correctly, the players helping you don't have to be in your guild, just in your party. Just beware that it can be an exercise in frustration because the locations of the events to spawn are RNG-based, meaning you can have a really bad run and then enter again and then everything could go perfectly, just from having better luck on spawns.


Windswept Haven is the easiest to capture, Gilded Hollow is average, and Lost Precipe is the hardest. Windswept Haven is also the smallest guild hall and the easiest to solo upgrade since you can make it look nice with fewer decorations.



Regarding upgrading the guild hall:

You'll need thousands of gold to do this, but just regular farming of events like Auric Basin, Istan, etc. will provide you plenty of raw materials to radically reduce the raw gold cost, which mostly only occur at level 40+ and higher.


There's a few account-bound obsticles to be aware of (like Silverwastes Shovels), and alot of flax farming. I mean, tens of thousands of flax required, so generally Vials of Linseed Oil is one of the things you'll want to save your gold up for because its impossible to farm all the Piles of Flax Seeds yourself, I managed to solo the 2nd Tavern upgrade and then burned out after that.


The overall cost of basic upgrades (level 20-30) is on par with a legendary weapon, and maxing is ~a whole set.


You'll also need to train up a Scribe, which costs about 300-400g itself.. (maybe cheaper now after market crash?)

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It seems to me like you really just want to be able to leave the open world to vendor/repair/manage inventory and then return to the exact same spot you were before? If so, you should know that there are no guild upgrades which allow access to the trading post. The merchant and repair anvil are very easy,(just gold and favor) and the scribe crafting station (for bank access) is not very difficult. You would already have guild bank access, as it's something you've already earned. But you won't be able to pick up anything from the TP in your guild hall.(Unless you use an item to summon the NPC) The Mistlock Sanctuary offers all of those services, including trading post access, and gives you the option to return to your original location. The permanent pass is 1000 gems in the gem store.(when available - not now, of course) And I think the WvW entry area offers all of those services as well, including returning to your starting point. And you don't have to buy anything for the WvW option. I'm pretty sure that the WvW area offers everything you need, and it wouldn't cost you anything to go in there and check.

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> @"Elden Arnaas.4870" said:

> It seems to me like you really just want to be able to leave the open world to vendor/repair/manage inventory and then return to the exact same spot you were before? If so, you should know that there are no guild upgrades which allow access to the trading post. The merchant and repair anvil are very easy,(just gold and favor) and the scribe crafting station (for bank access) is not very difficult. You would already have guild bank access, as it's something you've already earned. But you won't be able to pick up anything from the TP in your guild hall.(Unless you use an item to summon the NPC) The Mistlock Sanctuary offers all of those services, including trading post access, and gives you the option to return to your original location. The permanent pass is 1000 gems in the gem store.(when available - not now, of course) And I think the WvW entry area offers all of those services as well, including returning to your starting point. And you don't have to buy anything for the WvW option. I'm pretty sure that the WvW area offers everything you need, and it wouldn't cost you anything to go in there and check.


Obsidian Sanctum gives you all those with less walking to reach them.

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> @"Elden Arnaas.4870" said:

> It seems to me like you really just want to be able to leave the open world to vendor/repair/manage inventory and then return to the exact same spot you were before? If so, you should know that there are no guild upgrades which allow access to the trading post. The merchant and repair anvil are very easy,(just gold and favor) and the scribe crafting station (for bank access) is not very difficult. You would already have guild bank access, as it's something you've already earned. But you won't be able to pick up anything from the TP in your guild hall.(Unless you use an item to summon the NPC) The Mistlock Sanctuary offers all of those services, including trading post access, and gives you the option to return to your original location. The permanent pass is 1000 gems in the gem store.(when available - not now, of course) And I think the WvW entry area offers all of those services as well, including returning to your starting point. And you don't have to buy anything for the WvW option. I'm pretty sure that the WvW area offers everything you need, and it wouldn't cost you anything to go in there and check.


I use the PvP waiting room for bank/TP/selling, etc. Also sends you right back where you were.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:


> ---

> Regarding upgrading the guild hall:

> You'll need thousands of gold to do this, but just regular farming of events like Auric Basin, Istan, etc. will provide you plenty of raw materials to radically reduce the raw gold cost, which mostly only occur at level 40+ and higher.


> There's a few account-bound obsticles to be aware of (like Silverwastes Shovels), and alot of flax farming. I mean, tens of thousands of flax required, so generally Vials of Linseed Oil is one of the things you'll want to save your gold up for because its impossible to farm all the Piles of Flax Seeds yourself, I managed to solo the 2nd Tavern upgrade and then burned out after that.


> The overall cost of basic upgrades (level 20-30) is on par with a legendary weapon, and maxing is ~a whole set.


> You'll also need to train up a Scribe, which costs about 300-400g itself.. (maybe cheaper now after market crash?)


I basically solo'd upgrading our guild hall from ~15 to where we are now at 60. Hannelore is not kidding about the flax seeds. I think I added it up once and it came out to 60,000 or 70,000 piles of flax seed. Then there is the 625 Ley-Line Infused Tools that require a Charged Quartz Crystal to make...so 15,625 quartz crystals. And the 23650 elder wood planks, requiring 70950 elder wood logs. And the similar amount of mithril ingots...Oh, and don't forget the 720 PvP reward potions.

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> @"Kaltyn of Torbins Deep.2946" said:

> > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> -snip-

> > ---

> > Regarding upgrading the guild hall:

> > You'll need thousands of gold to do this, but just regular farming of events like Auric Basin, Istan, etc. will provide you plenty of raw materials to radically reduce the raw gold cost, which mostly only occur at level 40+ and higher.

> >

> > There's a few account-bound obsticles to be aware of (like Silverwastes Shovels), and alot of flax farming. I mean, tens of thousands of flax required, so generally Vials of Linseed Oil is one of the things you'll want to save your gold up for because its impossible to farm all the Piles of Flax Seeds yourself, I managed to solo the 2nd Tavern upgrade and then burned out after that.

> >

> > The overall cost of basic upgrades (level 20-30) is on par with a legendary weapon, and maxing is ~a whole set.

> >

> > You'll also need to train up a Scribe, which costs about 300-400g itself.. (maybe cheaper now after market crash?)


> I basically solo'd upgrading our guild hall from ~15 to where we are now at 60. Hannelore is not kidding about the flax seeds. I think I added it up once and it came out to 60,000 or 70,000 piles of flax seed. Then there is the 625 Ley-Line Infused Tools that require a Charged Quartz Crystal to make...so 15,625 quartz crystals. And the 23650 elder wood planks, requiring 70950 elder wood logs. And the similar amount of mithril ingots...Oh, and don't forget the 720 PvP reward potions.


I also find the highest level leather to be a pain in the ... as its not easy to farm such big amounts of even with lake doric. I personally find the flax easier (posting alts at gather nodes)

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > Cost of fully upgrading ...

> > !(https://i.imgur.com/I81jfzO.png)


> Wow, doesn't seem worth it! Thanks for posting that. You just saved me soooo much wasted effort.


Note, that is for _maxing out **everything**_. Not likely to be interesting for a solo guild.


Look through the Guild Upgrades page on the wiki for what seems interesting and see what *that* amounts to. Likely it will still feel like too much for what it gives, but don't frighten yourself with the cost to _max_.

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Well... Technically it is possible to do the entire thing on your own. But it just takes so much time and effort. Essentially not worth doing it alone. But if you still insist. [Here is an example of someone that actually pulled it off](

). As for upgrading it, i'd suggest you focus on easy / medium guild missions to get the currency. Trek especially. (also start farming silverwastes shovels).


Out of experiance from a very small guild. I would like to give you some tips in regarding to order of upgrades to process the hall:

- You may want to pre-level up scribing first. You're definitely going to need this. Doing this first before starting a hall will give you a better time during the process as you wont need to worry about levelling up, since its locked behind guild level also. There are guilds that allow you to do this in their guild(hall).

- Prioritize mining aetherium capacity upgrades. This will increase your aetherium capacity. You need this for upgrades in your hall.

- Ignore mining rate. As a solo guild your progression will go really slow anyway. By the time you have enough favor, the aetherium will be capped already.

- You can use workshop upgrades as your main focus to progress the hall (recommended). This is basically what most people want and go for. Not to mention nodes are nice and give some mats back. An investment. But pays out in the long run.

- There will be times where you cant progress in a certain area. Say Workshop for example. In these moments you can pick small upgrades from other areas to level up the hall. Tavern, guild banners is a nice way of doing this. Once you pass the level, you can/should continue on the main (mining/workshop) focus.


Other then that, i REALLY would recommend you to have at least few people in your guild. Being 3 / 4 people is enough, but it really speeds up the favor gain as you can engage more guild missions weekly. Otherwise you'd have to wait for rng easy/medium trek and such. Which is annoying. And that's kind of it. Good luck with the hall ;)

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > Cost of fully upgrading ...

> > > !(https://i.imgur.com/I81jfzO.png)

> >

> > Wow, doesn't seem worth it! Thanks for posting that. You just saved me soooo much wasted effort.


> Note, that is for _maxing out **everything**_. Not likely to be interesting for a solo guild.


> Look through the Guild Upgrades page on the wiki for what seems interesting and see what *that* amounts to. Likely it will still feel like too much for what it gives, but don't frighten yourself with the cost to _max_.


That is indeed the case ... also even if you DO want all the functional(?) upgrades it doesn't require getting all the upgrades. For example you can skip all the mining speed upgrades from the mines. You are only required to get the capacity upgrades as requirements for other things. There are also some upgrades which are detrimental such as the last two of the cloth synthesizer upgrades because that adds silk and gossamer to the possible results. Getting those is simply paying to get worse rewards.


Once you have the list of upgrades you want(and their prerequisites) you can go to https://gw2efficiency.com/account/guilds and select those to see a tally of their cost.

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I did this - upgraded my personal guild, "Kunzaito" [KUNZ] solo from capture to max. It took me from the day HoT launched until the middle of last year. I would say I worked on it with dedication but not mania - a guild upgrade was always on tap for my efforts but I didn't just throw every copper and second of play at it. I made sure my favor was always topped up - that really was not the hard part. Others have already talked about completing some of the missions solo, but I can add a few observations:


1. Once you unlock the WvW-specific mission, it will occasionally roll "Complete the Obsidian Sanctum Jumping Puzzle" as a mission. Although it is shown as "recommended" for 15 players, a solo player can easily complete it as no one is ever in there. The time limit is incredibly generous anyway (45 minutes) but you don't even have to start the mission until you're at the end and you'll still complete it.


2. In addition to what others have said, do the easy bounty and get map help to do it. IMO just cancel and reroll until you get Trillia. She is easy to find and has several waypoints in her path - start her near a WP. Call it out in map, but even if no one comes to help you can easily solo her with the WP. Poobadoo and Brekkabek (the other two easy targets) are considerably harder and probably impossible to solo, and you'll get fewer helpers.


3. Park an alt at the start of the races for the week, and check in to see if a bigger guild has completed the course when you can. Good times to look are Monday after missions reset and other days around daily reset. It's usually a waste of time to try to recruit enough map pugs who can complete the race, but you can complete the race multiple times during the limit for credit, so you could conceivably do it with ~5ish players depending on the course.


4. IMO the medium trek is too hit-or-miss to be worth doing, but that may not be the case now with mounts (I didn't have them when I needed the favor).


5. It's possible that you could complete the WXP and PvP rank points missions solo if you have ideal circumstances (a good ktrain zerg, some cooperative matches) but I've never put effort into it. Also, anything that says "X players required" means you cannot get credit for the mission with less, even if you complete the main criteria. Which seems like an unnecessary restriction to me, but it is what it is.


6. The two most annoying things are definitely shovels and ley-line tools. Start making ley-line tools WAY ahead of time because the numbers get crazy later on and you can only make 1 charged quartz per day (or be prepared to pay a premium for them on the TP). Shovels, well, hope you like the Silverwastes (or, again, paying a premium or begging other players for their shovels). If it hasn't already been noted, they are account bound, so you would have to extend a guild invite (make sure to make a rank for new invitees with very limited permissions) and they would have to donate themselves. Up to you to work out the parameters of the trade (payment in advance, or after donation, or a split, or whatever). Look ahead for other things you can't buy (like essences of luck, wvw and pvp potions, pvp tokens, insignias and inscriptions, etc.) and make sure you're stashing them away well in advance so it doesn't seem like a massive time gate wall when you get there.


7. Farming for most of the mats directly is nuts. The only things I farmed directly were flax and elder wood, because you just need SO much of them, they are expensive, and they have quick and concentrated farms that you can park alts at. Everything else I had either accumulated from other play or purchased. Some things that have a seasonal pattern that I was aware of I'd put off until it dropped but mostly just bit the bullet when I'd accumulated enough gold from doing the things I enjoyed. I never farmed gold because that's boring to me.


8. I leveled my scribe character along with upgrading the scribing station and found it pretty seamless; I didn't hit any stopping points that bothered me anyway.



Feel free to message me here or in game with any questions, I'd be happy to help. I found it a lonely but rewarding process myself, but I play primarily to collect things so it was right up my alley. One of the fun small benefits is getting to watch the upgrades happen and see the bits of dialogue that the hall NPCs have along with various changes. I think very few players get to experience those. Also, if anyone wants to join my guild for scribing or whatever, all are welcome. It's really nice to have anywhere access to a crafting station that can refine all fine mats.

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> 2. In addition to what others have said, do the easy bounty and get map help to do it. IMO just cancel and reroll until you get Trillia. She is easy to find and has several waypoints in her path - start her near a WP. Call it out in map, but even if no one comes to help you can easily solo her with the WP. Poobadoo and Brekkabek (the other two easy targets) are considerably harder and probably impossible to solo, and you'll get fewer helpers.


Poobadoo is actually not that bad. Just make sure to start the fight on land and ideally a location with some room to maneuver. I've accidentally solo him or came close(the close ones was because I managed to stop in time). It will depend on build of course. Having one with range and being able to stay mobile helps a lot.


Brekkabek is just a pain due to the CC spam from the bears. =_=

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