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If every profession had a unique weapon only useable by that profession, what would it be?

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If it's in the game or not, even if it's not a "real" weapon. Just for fun. Give some details.



Here are mine:


* **Warrior:** Fist weapons. Power focused with all instant cast skills low CD skills. Each skill would have different affects depending on what other fist weapon skill you cast before it allowing you to pull off different combos. It should really have that heavy hitting brawler feel.

* **Guardian:** Great shield. Two handed shields that have a crouch mechanic like deadeye rifle. When they crouch, they bunker down behind their shield reducing there movement speed by 25% but giving them access to different skills. Regular standing skills are CC focused, flip skills all each have a symbol but no CC.

* **Revenant:** I have no idea for this one.

* **Ranger:** A hawk, main hand. Every skill is a flip skill with a max duration. You send the hawk at your target and it flips the skill. It will continue to do the first skill until the duration expires or you use the flip skill for a bigger affect and have it return to you. If your hawk is deployed the other two skills become disabled until the hawk is returned to you.

* **Thief:** Meteor hammer. Has a pull, knockdown, and stun. CC heavy weapon

* **Engineer:** Not really a weapon slot weapon but a mounted chain gun kit ultimate. It roots the engi in place while using it and would be the only kit with a cast time of 1.5 seconds. Provides a 20% increase attackspeed for all teammates in 900 radius and deals very fast, small hits of aoe damage out of a 900 range cone. (RIP if they have retal)

* **Elementalist:** Spear. I'm thinking like wushu style animations with elemental effects mixed in. 600 range weapon skills with a focus on single target.

* **Mesmer:** Whip. Condi weapon based around bleeds and torment. Has debuffing and boon removal.

* **Necromancer:** A great axe with a focus on execution like mechanics and gaining more effects the lower health your target is.

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Warrior: I could get behind the idea of a fist-punchy weapon like a Cestus or Katar as a Warrior exclusive. I don't want to make it the generic "fist weapon", because that would lock out martial-arts type disciplines for the other professions.


Guardian: Tower Shield for all the blocks, but short of a massive bull rush there's not much they can do with that, offensively. Might I suggest we take more from the Deadeye and make it a magical Bombard (armored hand-cannon) instead? Put a cannon or some big, force-laser spells on the shield wall to mix offense and defense more effectively; especially at range.


Revenants have the ability to use Mists/Warp energy. They could borrow inspiration from the Holosmith to conjure cuts and slams out of space itself, using Raw Energy.


Rangers have a returning axe attack, but what if they could go full Boomerang? bouncing/repeating hits at range (like Rev Sword), a bit of AoE, plenty of disruption, that kind of stuff.


For Thief: Why be limited to a Meteor Hammer, when we could have a Kusarigama? That way, Thief maintains mid-range control, but can add Pull and Trip to the bag of tricks. Since this is a class-exclusive, we could also give it it's own mini-mechanic: a hand swap. This would be a button to switch the hammer chain and sickle and swapping the ranges on its pull and stun.


Engineer: if we're gonna go chain-gun (and because this will never actually happen), let's give it a little spin-up mechanic in its attack chain. Similar to the Warrior's Axe, its main attack can hit once, then twice, then three times. After the third hit, instead of resetting the chain, it would stay at that third attack, and unlock other abilities, such as the AoE Superspeed you mentioned.


Elementalist: That's... just a Staff with new animations. We can do better. Let's give the Elementalist a Familiar weapon. Mechanically similar to the Hawk you imagined for the Ranger: you lock on to a target and cast spells at or around that target through the Familiar... *but also around you*. This would give Ele the flavors of the GW1 Enchantment Ele and Dervish builds. Like a common pet, the Familiar can be locked-on to a single target or recalled (probably with some sort of finishing move), allowing the Ele to attack/affect two areas at once (and twice in closer range). Unlike a "regular" pet, the Familiar doesn't need to travel to its target and can't be targeted itself, very much functioning as a reticule rather than a creature. Visually: Its model or color might change with Attunement, like different types of Pseudodragons or Elementals.


Mesmer: Yeah, a Whip works, I guess. A bit predictable; leaning awfully heavy on that "Domination Magic" theme...


Necromancer: That's literally what a Reaper does with Greatsword. And are you really going to deny future Warriors (among other classes) a Greataxe? No, if we're going to do "only Necros can do this" thing, it HAS to be something only one who has studied life and death magic would use. I'm talking about an Effigy (aka, a "Voodoo Doll"). I imagine it would function inverse to the Ranger's Longbow: effective at range, but more effective the *closer* you are to the target, with scaling mechanics based on Conditions and Maximum Health.

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Great Axe for Warrior. I want to go full Conan on something.


Whip for thief - get that Simon BElmont/Indian Jones vibe going


Chakram for Mesmer. Dunno why, just feels right. Or you go Chakram for Warrior to mimic the whole Xena thing


I'm all in for mini gun on Engi, familiar on Ele and Tower Shield for Guardian as @"Trise.2865" suggests.


Necro would be a proper scythe. Failing that, they need Shadow Mans gun


I like the falconer idea for ranger. That would make a fantastic elite spec


Revenant...flail maybe


Ranger. Boomerang works, or some sort of energy power bow variant. Then I can charge through Maguuma shouting I AM TUROK!



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Warrior: Definitely Greataxe


Guardian: Spear, but I would go more one handed style rather than pike


Revenant: no idea. Hard to pin Dow their exact theme.


Ranger: Its technically in the game, but I'd like then to have a musket as it just fits my idea of a ranger.


Engineer: Crossbow


Thief: Fists, stealth skill being garrote wire, have some dart throw or something in there and a kick.


Elementalist: I would think unarmed, for a "true" spellcaster.


Necromancer: Flail, the imagery just works in my mind.


Mesmer: I like the idea of Juggling pins for some reason. Like all skills are stationary channels, but teleports, clones, mass confusion, cc and taunts.

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Some of the ideas like a hawk and fist weapons make me think of another idea - rather than profession exclusive weapons, how about a "new" weapon type that is.. nothing? Like your 1-5 stuff is magic you do, elemental blasts, fistfights as warrior, beams of light for guardian, and so on for every class.

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The problem is, it's really, REALLY hard to justify why someone from at least one other class wouldn't be able to use that weapon. And people would eventually start to call for those weapons to migrate to other classes.


I think a better way to look at it would be: "If new weapons were to be introduced, what would they be and what class should get them first?"

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Warrior: Great Axe

This one just seems natural.


Guardian: Spear

Joko is dead. Sunspears can carry spears again.


Revenant: Flag/Banner

What better way to wield the power of a legend than to carry the mark of that legend into battle for all to see?


Engineer: Spike Launcher/Nailgun

Because if anyone's going to nail your foot to the floor, it's an engineer.


Ranger: Tiger Claws/Hand Claws

Animal based fighting styles are a natural here.


Thief: Kusarigama

Trips, pulls, and other neat tricks.


Necromancer: Tome/Scroll

Because if there's a book of nightmarish lore nobody should read, you know they're reading it.


Mesmer: Whip

Some animations will be similar to those of the Kusarigama, but for the work it would take they need to do double duty anyway. Plus, who else would use one?


Elementalist: Crystal Ball/Floating Orb

Because if an Elementalist is hitting you with their actual weapon, then they're doing it wrong.

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Warrior:** Great Axe bc we should already have one

Guardian:** Flail

Ranger:** Crossbow

Thief:** Fist Weapons. More common for a thug than a warrior.

Engineer:** Machine Gun. We already have pistols and they're Engineers sooo

Elementalist:** Above ground Trident

Mesmer:** I agree with whip, brilliant choice

Necromancer:** I agree with spirit jar above

Revenant:** Spectral weapon that changes shape based on the attack. It could be a combination of a sword, dagger and mace etc. Main bar, keys 1 thru 5



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Warrior: Javelin

Guardian: Flail

Revenant: claws

Ranger: throwing glaive

Thief: hand mounted xbows / throwing daggers

Engineer: pneumatic gloves

Necromancer: Soul conduit

Elementalist: Elemental spear (no weappn out of combat, in combat would appear during attacks based on attunement - kinda like dark souls lightning spear (maybe idea for new leg?))

Mesmer: double bladed sword

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**Elementalist**: ..no clue really

**Necromancer**: Coffin. Like a big coffin where you summon mobs out of or something of that style. I can see a sarcophagus skin with this easily.

**Mesmer**: Orb (one of those future readings orbs), fits the theme, could even be some elite spec

**Warrior**: Spear, just give us water weapons for out of water already, A-net

**Guardian**: Flail. feels right at home with this class, heavy and slow.

**Revenant**: couldn't come up with anything, but I like the claws idea mentioned above.

**Thief**: Katana. very edgy, very fast, feels like a thief class to me.

**Ranger**: Crossbow, some kind of flanking styled combat.

**engineer**: a drill for some kind of mobile underground combat game.

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Warrior: A battering ram.

Guardian: A pair of balances.

Revenant: A Chain sickle.

Mesmer: Flute or Fan.

Thief: Cloak with hidden weapons.

Ranger: Landspear / Lasso / bolas.

Engineer: Hoverdisk like Forged Vanguards.

Necromancer: Spiky whip / Flail (Flagellant from Darkest Dungeon).

Elementalist: Actually turning into elementals, no specific weapon.

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