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800-900 changes in ~March 2020.


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > So does this look like doing pve and pvp skills seperately like in GW1..


> Personally, I don’t think it will be to that level. (Unfortunately ? )But hopefully it’s more in that direction.



I hope you are right. I am pretty sure people would not like their PVE builds to be changed much :/

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> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > > So does this look like doing pve and pvp skills seperately like in GW1..

> >

> > Personally, I don’t think it will be to that level. (Unfortunately ? )But hopefully it’s more in that direction.

> >


> I hope you are right. I am pretty sure people would not like their PVE builds to be changed much :/


I just can’t imagine they would use the word ‘splits’ and mean something else. It just makes sense. Why bork one game mode’s builds just to make a different one angry.. All the time...


I mean, unless they are bringing dance/cheering/gymnastics in... ?

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we're just again at that point... battles are not the biggest problem of WvW as a format, by far not. they should rather work on rewards for team performance and matchup-solutions as well as some optically nice looking stuff (map design, new map(s), eotm workover) and the still brutally glitchy maps (u can get stuck on way too many wallsides for example..)


i mean people still play wvw without really any positive content for very long; the battles did barely change, why now forcing people to adapt to completely new battles if it was good enough to keep them playing for several years?


there is not "one type" of Wvw-player anyways, it's pretty split between people that like fighting over objectives and people that are only there for the fights (those would be fine if you'd give them nothing more than an empty, white-grey and even map tho, so yeah..)

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > a pretty incomprehensible number of changes. all my bad / off meta builds are both scared and hopeful.

> >

> > Won't be able to watch till later, did they post them or just state a number?


> > @"ilMasa.2546" said:

> > 800 to 900 changes.Considering most of the latest changes were bs...i have no expectations at this point.

> > They fix things breaking PvE (perma stealth trapper thief),they "balance" things for PvE (conditions,skill changes...)

> >

> > Meanwhile you ask for server balance and sieges rework: dead silence. Sooo...yeah


> The term I heard used was ‘just the splits numbered 8-900 changes’


ye that's right, just the splits. checked the post in pvp forums again. welp, i'm sure actual mechanical changes will be aplenty too...

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> we're just again at that point... battles are not the biggest problem of WvW as a format, by far not. they should rather work on rewards for team performance and matchup-solutions as well as some optically nice looking stuff (map design, new map(s), eotm workover) and the still brutally glitchy maps (u can get stuck on way too many wallsides for example..)


> i mean people still play wvw without really any positive content for very long; the battles did barely change, why now forcing people to adapt to completely new battles if it was good enough to keep them playing for several years?


> there is not "one type" of Wvw-player anyways, it's pretty split between people that like fighting over objectives and people that are only there for the fights (those would be fine if you'd give them nothing more than an empty, white-grey and even map tho, so yeah..)


I'm personally of the opinion that zerg fights are extremely shallow in GW2. Sure there are some tactics involved in it with position and such, but otherwise...eh...really not that deep, and very much rewards having a bunch of mindlessly spamming randoms amidst the group so long as they just drop all the damage where its called and hug tag. Large scale fights in BDO have more depth, even if not by much, but still more so than GW2. I think people just like that its more accessible to get into on GW2 than it is on other games like BDO, ESO and Archeage and that it gets super flashy and you get to see the two blobs clash with all the flashy effects and people feeling like they are contributing as part of a group. I won't say people's fun is wrong, but you know at least recognize what it is.


Also I really don't think a blank map with nothing on it would be all that appealing to people who "just want the fights" as positioning (on terrain) and using your environment can be big factors in winning fights on the larger scale and what can make those fights all the more fun for people.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> > we're just again at that point... battles are not the biggest problem of WvW as a format, by far not. they should rather work on rewards for team performance and matchup-solutions as well as some optically nice looking stuff (map design, new map(s), eotm workover) and the still brutally glitchy maps (u can get stuck on way too many wallsides for example..)

> >

> > i mean people still play wvw without really any positive content for very long; the battles did barely change, why now forcing people to adapt to completely new battles if it was good enough to keep them playing for several years?

> >

> > there is not "one type" of Wvw-player anyways, it's pretty split between people that like fighting over objectives and people that are only there for the fights (those would be fine if you'd give them nothing more than an empty, white-grey and even map tho, so yeah..)


> I'm personally of the opinion that zerg fights are extremely shallow in GW2. Sure there are some tactics involved in it with position and such, but otherwise...eh...really not that deep, and very much rewards having a bunch of mindlessly spamming randoms amidst the group so long as they just drop all the damage where its called and hug tag. Large scale fights in BDO have more depth, even if not by much, but still more so than GW2. I think people just like that its more accessible to get into on GW2 than it is on other games like BDO, ESO and Archeage and that it gets super flashy and you get to see the two blobs clash with all the flashy effects and people feeling like they are contributing as part of a group. I won't say people's fun is wrong, but you know at least recognize what it is.


> Also I really don't think a blank map with nothing on it would be all that appealing to people who "just want the fights" as positioning (on terrain) and using your environment can be big factors in winning fights on the larger scale and what can make those fights all the more fun for people.


How dare u say such things about spam wars 2

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I'm fascinated to see what the changes are.

But 800-900 items... kinda an admission of neglect. Guess they really have just been fuckin about all this time.

Also funny that, since templates are so disgustingly monetised, they now have a real incentive to split everything.

It's gonna be hilarious. I'm stocking up on popcorn ?

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If you remember, they said they were iffy on doing splits in the past except in small cases. Because they wanted people that came to competitive modes from pve to have their skills act alike. But heavy handed competitive nerfs have split over into pve because of that and badly hurt many classes.


So I see this with 800-900 splits that they are finally giving up on that fallacy.

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> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> is it 8-900 changes or 800-900 changes? Those are two very different ranges haha


That's like when we get scout reports that vastly underestimate enemy player numbers. 10+ turns out to be 60.

> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> hope this the balance patch to adjust the game to the new Elite Specs on the way.


You mean the POF ones? Hmm... I was speculating with my server that there's a tiny possibility of new Elites. 900 seems like a LOT. Let's remember that MO's mantra was "surprise and delight". Ye ... we all know what we think of that, BUT it would be in keeping to drop Elites on us out of nowhere, and what better time than a complete rework? Then we won't know how they would have stacked up in the old meta.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"DKRathalos.9625" said:

> > If we take the max 900 changes then it's 100 changes per class... Can we hope something good for each class? 100 is quite a number.


> Nah I don't think it could be that even numbered, some classes might have more than others, at least that's what I'm going to assume.


Of course yes it maybe not that even numbered, I agree with you. Maybe I should've put [Roughly] 100 changes per class, for just rough calculation.

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