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Do you feel like ArenaNet is actively developing GW2 or just doing the bare minimum ?


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > Is clearly on maintenance mode. but inst anything new, a old product bring money to a new product.


> Not entirely sure that you understand the term "maintenance mode".


Virtually no one who uses the term understands it and that is repeated through this and other threads. The fact we get a consistent supply of living world content alone put the game well above maintenance mode, plus the fact almost the entire team would be gone from the game. GW2 it still has a sizeable development squad.


There are issues of course, but maintenance mode is not a term remotely applicable here

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**Do you feel like ArenaNet is actively developing GW2 or just doing the bare minimum ?**


...like what? come again? are we speaking **english** here?

You say A or B and give answers "yes", "no" ...??????


Yes to what? A or B? No to what? A or B?...o_O


That aside ... i dunno. It does not feel like maintance mode, but it does not feel like proper MMO development either (no xpac, "xpac features" so far just being talk little prove).

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I think it's fair to say that whatever else they're working on, that's where the big ideas and skill are going. It's not that there are no ideas, skills, or development going into GW2, because they are. But the best stuff? We're not getting that, and it does show.


Take a look at the masteries for LS5-1. The first Raven mastery is mostly used as a gate key you need to pass through areas. They did this back in HoT with the Itzel poison mastery, and then had to roll it back somewhat because people objected to how it was done/used. It's the same basic idea, just instead of "Can't move forward due to poison", now it's "Can't move forward". Then the other three lines, channeling energy from lost/fallen Spirits of the Wild? In the story that's supposed to be about norn and charr we have... yep. A generic asura, telling us how to just gather and 'exploit' the energy. No lore, no history, no effort.


Even the gemstore has suffered, as shown by the charr and norn chairs. Despite charr and norn chairs existing in the game world and able to be used, for some reason they couldn't manage to make the gemstore chairs anything other than human sized. And this was the gemstore offering to celebrate the story focus on charr and norn? Clearly, people with the skills to do that right are working on something else.


This game is not in maintenance mode, but it is clearly no longer where ANet is putting their best work, and it's starting to take a toll.

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I have no doubt it's active ... but it's like any established game business model. People just get tired of it and resources dwindle. Frankly, I'm surprised it did this well with only the gemstore for continuous funding.


> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Bit of a silly poll. They clearly are otherwise we wouldnt get new episodes, visions of the past, a 900 skill balance patch etc.


> Whether you agree with the direction, it is clear effort exists just in a smaller team. MMO development is a hugely complex task which cant be compared to other game developments. Direction, communication and some modes being neglected are all issues, but effort snd desire are not one of them.


> So unless you are a snark, option 1 is the only answer here.


Hear hear .. I love how people with an axe to grind use polls to try to 'prove' something.

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this is a trick question as yes/no, but i appreciate your concern. the team is doing fantastic work advancing the story, keeping events fresh and engaging, while also building new content, and managing a thriving community. the underlying technology is a weak point. OS updates, and manufacturer hardware/driver changes create a very challenging situation in terms of keeping things physically running well, and making things look as cool as possible. the definition of possible, changes every day. i hope guild wars keeps going. we love it.

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Some people really need to play an abandoned mmo on life support to see the difference with gw2. Try secret world legends, champions online, among others.

Just because we're not getting the content some want, doesn't mean we're not getting content. We're getting new maps, new story, new items, armors, weapons, world bosses, masteries, etc.

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> @"Zok.4956" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > **Are they doing the "bare minimum"?** Definitively not. Bare minimum is functionality maintenance, or worse, nothing at all. What they have offered is new chapters in an ongoing story; new episodes of a series, and that's not insignificant.


> GW2 is clearly not in maintenance mode, like, for example, Guild Wars (GW1) is.


> But "bare minimum"? depends what "bare minimum" means for you.


> I do believe that Anet as a company is only doing the "bare minumum" that is required, so that this online-game/service is still attractive to enough whales (players that buy lots of gems with real money for the gem-shop) to secure Anets monthly revenue stream. This does of course means some content-updates etc. so the game looks like it has a future and does not feel like it is dying, abandoned. etc.


> Do Anet devs only do their "bare minimum"? I do no think so. I believe most devs are passionate about their work in game development and are doing much, much more than they have to.



Very well then. Name something less than nothing they could be doing, and you'll have proven me wrong.

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It quickly devolved into maintenance mode after PoF and they clearly hate expansions so looks like anet want a dead game with living story just to keep those gem purchases flowing. I don't expect anything significant in the games future anymore but that's ok I've moved on, it doesn't hurt to log in once in a while to do a pvp match or something but its impossible to keep this game as your main mmo lol.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:


> I feel closer to maintenance than the intensive development/releases period at the start of the game with the 2 worlds of sab, festivals and LS1 events.


IIRC Super Adventure box was initially created by a single Arenanet employee as a random side project. The higher ups apparently liked it enough to add it to the game.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> It's unfortunate but Anet has gone back to their secretive PR method and won't tell us what they working on until it's done, which gives the impression that they doing very little.


It is not a secret. They are doing very little. If you are expecting anything but 4 story chapters and maybe a raid and fractal you will be disappointed.

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Neither. It's not the maintenance mode. They are still developing the game, and are still doing a bit more than the absolute bare minimum effort necessary to keep the game afloat for a while. On the other hand, i don't feel like the effort being put into it is as big as it once was. And the emphasis is being moved slowly but consistently towards gem store over the core content.

As i see it, they are still developing it, but have already given up on _growing_ the game. They do not think about the far-off future anymore - they are just thinking on sustaining it from day to day, and milking the players as much as possible while doing it, nothing more.

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I love the LS, i play Evert new story and then I take a break. But, there is always new content and some I like and some I don't. I am not mutch for grinding and farming and sadly Anet has started development on that kind of content to keep those speedrunners occupied... Sadly I really want that skyscale...

But I dont feel like content output has been less than before. Though I would like the idea for a new expansion but then I wouldnt like for the LS to stop and it being released slower. I am hoping for a suprice reveal for an expansion ?


Anyhow, I have gone from playing GW2 everyday to few hours a week and event have year long breaks but it is not becouse of lack of content but becouse of enourmos amount of grind and farming content to let some players play a little longer. That does not work on me... Who is a casual compleationist. I compleated almost everything in vanilla GW2 on 8 characters and achivements by just playing and not standing Still on one map just to repeat 3-4 events once a Day.


But there is frequent content, but not the usuall One year and a new expansion content.

With a new expansion People expect to get new stuff like new class, new race, new traits and new skills, even new weapons. I admit that I want that too but for every new skill, class, trait is not only work to the point of release but there is a lot of after work with tuning the skills, changing traits to not make other absolete, well alot of balancing and of I remember that is why they made GW2 becouse GW1 just had to many skills and to much variables so it was impossible to balance.

With LS, we do not realy expect more than new map, new masteries, new skins, new story and balancing. Now and very less then there are some changes and tweaks to PvP and WvW.


But again, there are lots of content for us and it is alot more than som other games have even if they are not in maintenance mode.

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I don't vote on black or white polls.

But generally, i feel like anet is developing properly, but they may not have their priorities straight.

Some problems have persisted since the beginning with no incentive to fix them.

Mainly looking at particle clutter and model load order during large scale events.

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> @"Poormany.4507" said:

> I feel like they're doing something between the two options, some LW episodes seem very well done and in general positively received by the community (Icebrood Saga Prologue, A Bug in the System), while others are obviously much lower quality, bordering on bare minimum (Kourna, Episode 1 of the Saga). I really do think they can still recover, but need to do so very soon with an expac or actual expac level features while there is still some hope and hype left in the community.


This. If you aren't going to do an expansion you really need to get moving on these "expansion-level" features if you expect to keep players who rely on expansions to keep things fresh. I little reorganization time is to be expected in this situation, but you have been out of time on this. Communicate and produce or you're basically sending the signal that players shouldn't waste their time on this game.

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