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What is your absolute favourite thing in GW2?

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There are a lot of things I still like about this game despite recent let-downs, but I'd have to say that my all-time favorite things are the visual bugs.


If you haven't experienced the joy of T-posing with your mount as you slide majestically across the map, watched NPCs endlessly fall down and get up, stared in awe at a clone of yourself floating in the air after you've stopped gliding, or gone for a run through Tyria with your fist frozen in the air above you, you haven't quite hit the top of what GuildWars2 has to offer.

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Well, everyone speaking about big things and things from the past I couldn't see because they were wiped out so, definitely not my uttermost favourite thing but one of the things I liked a lot when I saw the first time I played LW3 was the Thermal Tubes. It's amusing to see the character crawling under the soil and then getting launched several miles away.

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I'm also going to add the animations - esp the mounts. The attention to detail is astonishing. Even when they jump, the raptors feet wiggle in the air. It's nothing in the grand scheme of things, but adds something that makes the mounts feel more like a living creature than just a pixeled speed boost

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> @"Cronospere.8143" said:

> For me it was the first battle against kralkatorrik. The hype, the excitement and ofcourse the plottwist. The feeling of my heart getting broken and just staring at my screen feeling empty and lost.

> The battle was amazing with these cutscenes. The game controlling your camera. It was just awesome. (All or Nothing, living story s4e05)



So much this^^^^ The moment you engage Kralk to the tragic end of that battle was the single most impactful gameplay session I've had since launch. That experience felt EPIC and I hope to get another moment like that from the current season. It wasn't even about the storytelling at that point. It was the execution of the battle that just floored me. I felt like I was battling an Elder Dragon for the first time that episode and I felt small! Well done!

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First and foremost the combat and build system, no matter how unbalanced it may seem at times. As far as content (which I have not done all of mind you) pretty much the entire HoT area, specially Verdant Brink. Despite having gone through all of it dozens of times I still enjoy exploring it and making my way up to the top and jumping off.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > @"Cronospere.8143" said:

> > For me it was the first battle against kralkatorrik. The hype, the excitement and ofcourse the plottwist. The feeling of my heart getting broken and just staring at my screen feeling empty and lost.

> > The battle was amazing with these cutscenes. The game controlling your camera. It was just awesome. (All or Nothing, living story s4e05)

> >


> So much this^^^^ The moment you engage Kralk to the tragic end of that battle was the single most impactful gameplay session I've had since launch. That experience felt EPIC and I hope to get another moment like that from the current season. It wasn't even about the storytelling at that point. It was the execution of the battle that just floored me. I felt like I was battling an Elder Dragon for the first time that episode and I felt small! Well done!


To be honest they need an amazing build up to create that attachment like the one we felt for Aurene.

There is one character a lot of people are getting an heart for and thats Rytlock. So I fear that if they gonna do something like that again it's Rytlock. And please make the battle against Jormag in the same proportions as the first kralk fight.


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I would like to add metas. My Post Reset TT fam deserves a lot of credit. They make this game much more enjoyable by keeping things organized and open to the community to learn to this day!


I second the other poster who said Dragon Stand. Full map meta made it feel like a a real war. Much respect to those people who helped streamline the tactics to keep it consistent and even pugable with the right know-how.


Those huge map metas and world bosses really brought players together. They still do to this day! Whether you're in the Silverwastes farming away, core Tyria, or HoT, those two formats were and always will be the bread and butter of this game.


I'm so glad they're moving toward it again with the recent metas and the new boss in the new episode approaching. I joined this game for OPEN World, not closed instance.

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My guild. Most fun group of people I've seen in any game, period. http://tinyarmy.org


The fact that despite having played this game for seven years, every time I work on map completing a new toon, I always find something I've never noticed before. Hidden corners and neat places, events, bits of lore and NPC dialogue. The depth of this game is absolutely off the charts.


The lack of end game grind, allowing me to spend most of my time in game as I choose.

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.. I'm someone who can't play any musical instrument and is not fascinated by any modern music trends whatsoever. And yet I have to write:

Music! Music! And music!

I don't think the music is mentioned enough.

It's music that ties everything together. Be it epic scaled event like Tarir. Be it a raid boss or bosses (looking at you twins). Or be it just LA idling music. And it all started with 'Fear not this night' (The Source mission in Zhaitan storyline is still my fav. Together with 'Victory or Death' ending).

I can't possibly mention all soundtracks here because that'd be a long list.

Vanilla music, xpacs music. Event music (Breachmaker, boneskinner to name two). And trust me, my cousin could tell you how many times I tell her to be silent for a while so I can listen to the soundtrack. :)


Really, music department is doing an awesome job!

Keep up the good work!

With regards,

Mike Langelo

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1- The Charr.

Started cooking up the ideia of buying the game after hearing Steve Blum behind Rytlock Brimstone and how awesome the race was/is.

2- Combat

nothing like it out there, at least with such level of perfection.

3- Horizontal progression

I like the concept, and the first time I heard about the mastery system it looked better than it is now, I mean "Taming the jungle" learning the language of the natives, gain immunities, perfecting glide skill….

4- Map designs

Not much I can say here they're a work of art… only wish it was fully open, with no waypoints.


in early 2020 I wanna be saying:


5- Fishing

Love the mechanic, love my boat and my fishing pole skins, and the social interaction it promotes with my friends

6- Animations

Love my character great variety of idle animations while standing, and the new /AFK emote

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My favorite things in GW2:


* The action-oriented, fast-paced combat system

* How the game encourages players to play together in PVE. No loot stealing, XP-stealing or gathering node stealing. Events that can easily be played together. Etc.

* The game play in stories, especially in the Living World episodes, is in fact quite creative and well designed IMO. Some of the most commonly used formats of quests/story-quests used in MMOs are the “Go to x objects/points/people” and “Collect x of y” type of quests. GW2 does that as well, in fact most likely rather frequently, but GW2 is a lot better in disguising those types of quests or implementing them in a creative way than other MMOs I’ve played.

* The fact that every class plays a bit different.

* No gear treadmill

* The megaserver system

* How easy it is to change builds and skills.

* Creating new characters. I’m an altoholic. Creating new characters and leveling them is my favorite activity in the game ^^.

* Exploration

* Jumping puzzle

* The “The Source of Orr” chapter of the Personal Story. It gets me every time I play it. And I've played this chapter so many times by now (altoholic ^^).

* The map design of the Heart of Thorns maps, especially Tangled Depth.

* The fact that the world of Tyria has no generic medieval fantasy setting, but rather shows a world on the verge of the age of industrialisation (the Asura are an exeption of course).


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