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General Complaint Thread


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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> The whole setup of how the initialization of matches work pains me. No body likes waiting for the next match. Why not have an overflow match while you wait for your next ranked game to pop.


Or even better yet; let us change maps while staying in the queue, so people have the option to do dailies across multiple maps while they wait.

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biggest complaint i would have is probably the players that continue to hope for the best for this game and make threads nonstop to try and get a change to happen knowing it'll never happen. Everyone that USE to be Great or Solid at the game has literally given up on this game over a year ago. The Lack of Updates, Hot Fixes, Communication, Special Tournaments and Support from the devs has literally killed the game mode. It was Bleeding for a bit but at least every year we'll have 3-4 solid tournament's where we can enjoy the meta and streamers but after 2020 and the huge change to damage has killed everything off for players that even took this game serious.


This game is never ever going to get better because of the devs lack of respond and effort. Move on and stop wasting time on the forums.

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People who think pvp needs to be balanced around middle or low-tier play. The idea that a product should be optimized around people who don't know how to use it is ridiculous. Fortunately, they're easy to point out. They're the ones complaining that their meta build from 5 seasons ago can't face-tank every build in the game anymore.

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> @"medivh.4725" said:

> You need to stop making super far respawn points for Story, stop sensitive red zone kicking players from accidentally stepping into, it freaking restart the whole story all over again. And stop squeezing like 15-18 sub missions into 1 bloody chapter, once player is struck gamer needs do these 15-17 sub mission ALL OVER, and it ain't fun.


> Lets not forget your story mode is bugs ridden, easily progress is struck because of a unkillable villian, or character get struck, an event that don't trigger, or something like that. Easily 45 minutes of rework for the gamer. How is that fun


> Stop packing 20 over mini task into 1 chapter. OMG. I think you can do a secondary buffer to warn. Instead of straight kick. Sometime a player just fell into a awkward gap and cannot get back - for that to do it all over just makes people want to delete the game all together. You feeling the frustration yet?


Well played.

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> @"Jables.4659" said:

> My biggest complaint is that Anet spent the past year and a half nerfing Core Mesmer, Chronomancer, and Mirage to the point that the Feb. 2020 patch was able to obliterate Mesmer into irrelevancy. Its been over 6 months since this happened and all we've received is a reversion on Illusionary Persona for Chronomancer. Although this was definitely a good change, **it doesn't do enough to make Chronomancer worth taking over other classes.** On a more general note, the current meta in regard to spvp and small-scale WvW just isn't all that fun to me. Easy to play classes are yielding far better results than are warranted for the effort required to play them. Condi-Rev, Reaper, Core-Necro, Condi-Thief, Burn-Guard, Holosmith, and Auramancer are some of the worst offenders here.


**Oct 6, 2020**

'Gw2 Mesmer Chronomancer Mirage Roaming/Dueling WvW OneShot'



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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Jables.4659" said:

> > My biggest complaint is that Anet spent the past year and a half nerfing Core Mesmer, Chronomancer, and Mirage to the point that the Feb. 2020 patch was able to obliterate Mesmer into irrelevancy. Its been over 6 months since this happened and all we've received is a reversion on Illusionary Persona for Chronomancer. Although this was definitely a good change, **it doesn't do enough to make Chronomancer worth taking over other classes.** On a more general note, the current meta in regard to spvp and small-scale WvW just isn't all that fun to me. Easy to play classes are yielding far better results than are warranted for the effort required to play them. Condi-Rev, Reaper, Core-Necro, Condi-Thief, Burn-Guard, Holosmith, and Auramancer are some of the worst offenders here.


> **Oct 6, 2020**


> 'Gw2 Mesmer Chronomancer Mirage Roaming/Dueling WvW OneShot'




No comment regarding chrono I haven't been back on since prior to the patch that tweaked chorno, maybe it's good; idk. Game has bigger problems that wont be rectified by just making a class better, and A-net has been known to take it away again on a whim.


But that first (and only) mirage fight: The thief clearly is not aware of mirage timings, or just got super greedy. They essentially just threw his easy win at the 40 second mark. He was too eager and went in on the mirage while he was getting his mirror, something blatantly obvious with a ton of visual information, and something a more experienced player would have seen. All thief had to do was delay by a second or two and secure the kill just before the weapon swap. Failing that he had a second opportunity while invisible to get out of leap range, and if mirage leaped in; easy win he had no resources to defend. And if mes didn't approach just gain ini while keeping bow out and win with more resources. At worst refresh stealth if he was silly enough to let 6 seconds pass for the mes to weapon swap.


Thief had 3 easy opportunities to win. Mirage only won because the thief screwed up 3 times.


There was a standard that was set around... season 11? I think? Where Condi mirage fell under scrutiny where to paraphrase: "fighting it was unfair because you won only because the mirage made so many mistakes". I don't know if I 100% believe that sentiment, but Condi mirage definitely had issues compared to power. However where I take issue is mirage got nerfed for such a standard; Yet here we allowing this standard? Okay, thief being the main mes hard counter, sure, fine; Maybe it's intended to be that way. But I'd argue since the mirage changes this is the status quo for the majority of power mirage's matchups.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:


I'm aware that bad players exist and that it is still very possible/easy to outplay them with Mesmer or any other class in the game if the skill difference is wide enough. A video of some random player solo roaming in WvW doesn't change the fact that Mesmer is in a very bad spot right now.



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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Jables.4659" said:

> > My biggest complaint is that Anet spent the past year and a half nerfing Core Mesmer, Chronomancer, and Mirage to the point that the Feb. 2020 patch was able to obliterate Mesmer into irrelevancy. Its been over 6 months since this happened and all we've received is a reversion on Illusionary Persona for Chronomancer. Although this was definitely a good change, **it doesn't do enough to make Chronomancer worth taking over other classes.** On a more general note, the current meta in regard to spvp and small-scale WvW just isn't all that fun to me. Easy to play classes are yielding far better results than are warranted for the effort required to play them. Condi-Rev, Reaper, Core-Necro, Condi-Thief, Burn-Guard, Holosmith, and Auramancer are some of the worst offenders here.


> **Oct 6, 2020**


> 'Gw2 Mesmer Chronomancer Mirage Roaming/Dueling WvW OneShot'




Is this video supposed to prove that Mesmer is in a good state?

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> @"Ronald McDonald.8165" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Jables.4659" said:

> > > My biggest complaint is that Anet spent the past year and a half nerfing Core Mesmer, Chronomancer, and Mirage to the point that the Feb. 2020 patch was able to obliterate Mesmer into irrelevancy. Its been over 6 months since this happened and all we've received is a reversion on Illusionary Persona for Chronomancer. Although this was definitely a good change, **it doesn't do enough to make Chronomancer worth taking over other classes.** On a more general note, the current meta in regard to spvp and small-scale WvW just isn't all that fun to me. Easy to play classes are yielding far better results than are warranted for the effort required to play them. Condi-Rev, Reaper, Core-Necro, Condi-Thief, Burn-Guard, Holosmith, and Auramancer are some of the worst offenders here.

> >

> > **Oct 6, 2020**

> >

> > 'Gw2 Mesmer Chronomancer Mirage Roaming/Dueling WvW OneShot'

> >

> >


> Is this video supposed to prove that Mesmer is in a good state?


This video proves that Mesmer Profession remain Toxic and Badly Design. I just logged of WvW with 29 players to play Final Fantasy 14 online after having a +1 shot faceoff with Enemies Mesmer Profession +1 shutting the group i was in. 6 Enemies Mesmer Profession players with +1 Thief Profession players +1 shotting them for about 17 minutes.


They've been off and on Guild Wars 2 for 8 months and i finally gave in to help them to know WvW better.


Obviously, i was playing Necromancer Profession until i realized that the enemy Mesmer's and Thief players were trolling us by +1 shotting us.


So, as a Mesmer Profession main, I swapped to my Mesmer Profession and retaliated by 1 vs 7 and +1 shotted them within 4 minutes. The enemy Thief Profession player with the 6 Mesmer Profession players told me that 'you have skills and what build are you using'?


I told them, 'what do you think, same Toxic Bad Design Old Builds As Usual' so they bow down to me with the group and left us.


I was beyond unhappy because here i was trying to encourage non-Guild Wars 2 new players who were willing to learn, to give the game a chance and there it was, Toxic Bad Design Profession waiting for them with +1 shot and Toxic Stealth abuse.


They told me while we were playing Final Fantasy 14 online that, 'this is the reason why i do not try to log in to the game, it is the same classes i face of with and bam, i am dead'


So Ronald and Jables, tell me what is wrong with this picture??


Should we all blame Mesmer and Thief Profession for their Negative Behaviors or should we instead directly Blame how their Toxic Bad Design are negatively impacting players experiences resulting in Guild Wars 2 population decline?


(by the way, the reason why i swap to Mesmer Profession is to demontrate the tolerance of Guild Wars 2 standards of 'fairness fight'. Toxicity vs Toxicity. Who ever plays the most Toxic Badly Design Professions with the most Toxic Broken Builds= Win)


-more importantly, it is not about what Profession that are in a good state, it is about does the Profession promote healthy competitive experience for its players including other players and how their actions contribute to the game stability in a positive way?-


-i felt complete disgusted by my actions but it was the only way to save them and to prove to the enemies players that, I know Toxicity better than you-



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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> So, as a Mesmer Profession main, I swapped to my Mesmer Profession and retaliated by 1 vs 7 and +1 shotted them within 4 minutes. The enemy Thief Profession player with the 6 Mesmer Profession players told me that 'you have skills and what build are you using'?


Include videos of yourself doing it or stop lying, thanks.

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I mean mesmer is obviously still overpowered. It's very hard to find the real one.


In yesterday's mAT I actually saw one guy running mirage in about 20+ games so that means it's totally viable for top tier gameplay. He was farmed tons of times in the quarters I think, but he played it, therefore Mirage should be nerfed.


Misha also played holo ignoring the fact he is basically the best mesmer in game. Guess what? He LOST not playing mesmer. Is that a coincidence? Don't think so.


tl;dr nerf mesmer, it's too overpowered.

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dropping siege health in wvw to low % then trapping it and waiting for prey was fun, but now siege/and sentry flag poles trigger traps.

my heal skill I take solely for blind has a higher base damage than all my utilities+elite combined.

no tricycles with tassels to ride in wvw while we fly kites.

game is dead

memehunter is dead

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I think its hilarious that some players think certain 'easy to play' (their words) classes shouldnt be able to win 1v1 fights vs other 'hard to play' classes. Anet promised that essential tenant as part of their game design philosophy that your class would not be the limiting factor in any game mode. Of course they failed royally at this idea, but the philosophy still remains and thus it is expected that that capacity exist.


Condi mirage burst is still quite easy to accomplish (and play) and devastating if you kite away, save your invulns stealth and teleport for emergencies, and can dominate said easy classes. Similarly those classes can beat Mesmer. Its unfortunate how many players complain for balance when their limited perspective has them only main a few or single classes. The pvp forum sees these poorly written and composed "balance" suggestions every single day without fail.


According to Anet every class should have equal potential at every game mode. Some just require more effort to achieve that success. Hopefully one day and several patches it will be more equitable. We can only hope until then.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As you are aware, botting has become so bad in PVP, that a lot of players went to PVE content due to the fact that PVP ranked and unranked has become unplayable! Each match consists of at least 2 or 3 botts (very often the same ones for a years on end)

I already have gotten a standard reply from you guys about this issue stating that you are working on it and that you can't give out any info about how you guys are dealing with this. To be honest, I have even heard rumors that ARENANET is actually creating and or allowing these botts to exist to fill up the PVP to make it seem more full and reduce queue times. I hope this is not true, as this would be a clear violation towards your audience and consumers.

I'll get straight to the point now; I don't expect you to do anything about the botting since I've read countless forums and thousands of review about people complaining about you guys not doing anything about it so I won't even try to convince you guys. But please, and I stress, PLEASE, why won't you guys just add 3v3 deathmatch permanently in the queue option!!! This way people can make their own pre-made groups which is amazing to play!!!! No botts whatsoever!!! You guys already have the 3v3 system all mapped out, so it's just a matter of adding it to the queue system permanently so you guys don't even have to do any extra work. There also an option for you guys to make conquest 5v5 available for pre-made groups of 5 and not 2. The last option would be to give us two conquest modes the standard 5v5 or another one that is 3v3 (pre-made groups possible) This way people can actually choose their PVP mode and play style and reduce and even eliminate botting altogether! Can you guys please discuss this on your next team meeting please? Since you guys are focused on bringing gw2 to steam and bring in new crowd, you should take it seriously that a lot of new players will be drawn to the PVP content as well and if they see that at the get go, there are non-stop botts 24/7, they will stop playing gw2 altogether.. Please discuss it at your next meeting and just implement the 3v3 deathmatch as a fixed permanent thing to reduce botting! This way you guys also have less work on keeping an eye on botters all the time. If by a miracle you do decide to add 3v3 permanently, then please also increase the reward track by adding more ascended shards and marks so it can be a viable way to grind ascended gear. I still have hope that one good soul ( developer) at ARENANET will read this and help make the game better and the audience more satisfied and renew the faith in ARENANET!!!

Thank you for your time



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