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What could be done to promote PvP?


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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> It seems to me a lot of the issues stem from a lower player population. What could be done to draw in more players?


Re-introduction of team queue, even if its separate to solo queue. Balance and i don't mean listen to forum nerf post balance i mean actual balance. I'd say rewards but i think rewards in ranked contribute to AFK/botting currently.

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> @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> If players aren't already trying their hand at PvP nothing will encourage them to do so. Most GW2 players want nothing to do with PvP and I don't blame them. It has always been the most toxic mode of the game and the rewards are kind of kitten.


Things could be done to try to draw in PvP players from other games. I don't agree we can't encourage people to do so. I had several guildies who had no intention of trying it until I talked them into it and they had a fun time running with me as a team. Now we play on the regular together. That's not a scaleable solution though, that's why I'm asking this question.

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Fixing match manipulation it, adding new supported modes that are not just conquest, properly enforcing even balance across everyone instead of some more over others.

Removing or limited toxic behavior and taking action against its swiftly.

Fixing the ranking system will help too or adding different ranks for new different modes. People shouldnt take rank thats based on how your team performs on average as their personal skill ranking as the two do not always relate to each other. In some cases people can be very skilled and end up with a bad rank due to bad team machup averages while others who are "average" at the game can end up in high plat just cause luck of the draw.


If anet does these things then they can start promoting for pvp. But the biggest things are balances and new game modes thats not just **"Capture and hold!"**

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Getting in New players and returning players to GW2.


Overall, game population is on a downward slide due to lack of content.


On sPvP level not much can be done (more viable builds would be nice). On overall game level nothing will be done.


This is a done deal. GW2 will continue to lose players. SPvP will continue to have an ever diminishing player pool.

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Players who know the basics of PvP before the hit Ranked.

Make unranked actually mean something.. After all unranked is where you're suppose to go to learn PvP.

Reward tracks - new meaningful ones.

BALANCE!!! like seriously.. we have a Boon Spam, Hard CC and burst meta.. it's not fun

Actively sort out the bugs.

Kick out the bots 100% faster than what they are now.

Match Manipulation as well.

Afk players need punishing faster (guessing via reports, Maybe a 1hr time out if 8 reports during same match from different players?)

New maps - capture the flag maybe? - Ask the players what they want there. and no NPC like whatever that map is.

New tournements ... 1v1 ladder style, 2v2 etc (I know we have swiss coming)


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What's the point? Ben and Cmc seem to be the only vocal points and that's great. But regardless of their motivation it doesn't seem like they have much sway. I'm not sure of Cmc's new position, but I know that Ben only has power over changing the pvp maps, and moving around numbers concerning balance in spvp only. The act of changing a skill other than moving numbers around would require a lot more approval, and therefore would be unlikely to change, so their power is limited. But it's been empty promises for years, I'm gonna walk away now before I type a novel of disapproval.

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i am new to the game, got it like 2 weeks ago and wanted to focus mainly on pvp because i loved it in WOW, but after losing like 10 games in a row i kinda gave up already.

I dont know if high skilled players can play unkraned pvp but my team and i got trashed hard every game, especially from reaper and guardian. The good thing in wow is that its 10v10 or 15v15 where u as 1 individual dont have a big impact if u get trashed down by elite players, but idk in the gw2 5v5 it has a bigger impact.

Maybe dont listen to me im new and dont know all the mechanics of other classes yet etc, but yea it felt aweful when these elite players just trashed me and i felt sorry for my team ^^

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> @"roq.1968" said:

> i am new to the game, got it like 2 weeks ago and wanted to focus mainly on pvp because i loved it in WOW, but after losing like 10 games in a row i kinda gave up already.

> I dont know if high skilled players can play unkraned pvp but my team and i got trashed hard every game, especially from reaper and guardian. The good thing in wow is that its 10v10 or 15v15 where u as 1 individual dont have a big impact if u get trashed down by elite players, but idk in the gw2 5v5 it has a bigger impact.

> Maybe dont listen to me im new and dont know all the mechanics of other classes yet etc, but yea it felt aweful when these elite players just trashed me and i felt sorry for my team ^^


There are just hard learning steps in Gw2, each spec has the own individual way to outplay


In your case, guards in general have many blocks and boons on every spec.

You should not do your big burst while there are blocking or have the protection boon. There symbols do a lot of dmg try to avoid them even if you need to go of point.


Necro specs are different but they all have big aoe depends on the spec in meele or in "range"

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A good start would be doing something about builds, like allowing you to equip a back piece rather than just an amulet. No one's looking for PvE/WvW level of customisability but atm you can't even make a simple hybrid build.


The next problem is that the UI, the queue system, all of it is not great, it feels very primitive like a game from the early 2000s.


Another big thing is, the maps just aren't very good, they're kind of bad. All the maps really show their core design philosophy which was outdated about a month into the game's release, and they've never really been updated with a few exceptions.


(I find that people tend to enjoy PvP in WvW more because the terrain is actual combat terrain, made for war.)


The whole game mode comes across (and always has) as being a poorly made clone of Quake 3: Team Arena, except with far more cheesiness and without any of the things that made that game actually fun.

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I guess we need some tournaments with massive promotion and good casting to rise interest for the game mode. So people could see there are fun, skill, flashy plays etc. (at least we should try to show it)

And something has to be done with power creep. When I came back 2 seasons ago after leaving pre HoT I can't survive longer than 5 seconds in fights. Noone wants to die in a couple of seconds before they have a chance to understand what is going on. That's not healthy in my opinion. I'm not talking about bunker meta just lover burst potential to give new players time to react.

Just my 2 cents.

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1. Step: Bring something like the legendary pvp backpack that you can only grind in pvp. (yeah I know, that Pve players where hell)

2. Step: Bring back team q so you can advertise it as "farm it with your friends and have fun".

3. Step: they need to win to get this gear/mount/whatever, to get secure for afkler

4. At's as guildmissions???

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> @"Laera Myrith.7605" said:

> Re-introduction of team queue, even if its** separate** to solo queue.


Here, i agree with you 100%, a primary solo queue and give the ones who want to queue as a team what they want (5 vs 5, 2 vs 2, 3,5 vs 3,5)


We can't make an organized team as mannschaft play against the 10th team of the 3rd division, it's not about numbers, it's just logic.

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While it is true there are some classes that could use a little bit of balance, the main issue I see in pvp in general, and in ranked in specific, is the actual game design itself. You are being punished for what your team does not for how will you play. You have no say in your team composition, what classes they bring, how they play, and yet you get punished severely if you have the wrong team composition. The penalty for losing is outrageous. The rewards for getting top stats on the losing party mean nothing. The entire system needs a major rework.

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Ignoring balance (as big patch is coming anyway, so wait and see) and afks/bots (as that just needs firmer action from Anet, plus 1 suggestion will help).


1. Remove duo q, and make solo q and team q ranked (seperate): this should help bring back some ex players, but also hinder "manipulations" etc.

2. No f2p accounts in solo ranked: can still compete with friends in team q, but this also will hinder bots as they would need a purchased copy and lose money when action is taken. Good for health of the game.

3. A. Remove unranked: this is the killer of "new" pvp players, they have to fight 40+ matches here getting dominated by teams, meta players, smurfs etc. This will also reduce the spread of the playerbase, further hinder bots (as they need a team unless they payed for a copy) and theoretically match new/inexperienced players with each other. (ISSUE where do f2p play? Just team q?)

3. B. Massively adjust how match maker works in unranked: it needs to really promote new players playing against new players, perhaps have an upper rank threshold where can no longer queue unranked etc. Unsure.

4. Rewards! Keep losing rewards the same, however increase winning rewards to make it the best "gold farm" in the game (assuming 4-6 wins per hr, choice tbd)

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> > If players aren't already trying their hand at PvP nothing will encourage them to do so. Most GW2 players want nothing to do with PvP and I don't blame them. It has always been the most toxic mode of the game and the rewards are kind of kitten.


> Things could be done to try to draw in PvP players from other games. I don't agree we can't encourage people to do so. I had several guildies who had no intention of trying it until I talked them into it and they had a fun time running with me as a team. Now we play on the regular together. That's not a scaleable solution though, that's why I'm asking this question.


You can't draw players to PvP from other games that has PvP when....


- AFKers go unpunished

- Match Throwers and manipulators go unpunished

- Botting go unpunished

- Win Trading go unpunished

- PvP rank and leaderboards only reflects who is the best at bending the rules with outer game METAs.

- Your skill does not reflect your rank

- Devs. just don't give it nearly as much attention as other games that have PvP

- You are punished more for expressing your discontent in a match for such ongoing while they go completely unpunished.



The above are reasons GW2 have no chance to pull PvPers from other games with PvPers in them.

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> @"Fearless.3569" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"Bassdeff.1895" said:

> > > If players aren't already trying their hand at PvP nothing will encourage them to do so. Most GW2 players want nothing to do with PvP and I don't blame them. It has always been the most toxic mode of the game and the rewards are kind of kitten.

> >

> > Things could be done to try to draw in PvP players from other games. I don't agree we can't encourage people to do so. I had several guildies who had no intention of trying it until I talked them into it and they had a fun time running with me as a team. Now we play on the regular together. That's not a scaleable solution though, that's why I'm asking this question.


> You can't draw players to PvP from other games that has PvP when....


> - AFKers go unpunished

> - Match Throwers and manipulators go unpunished

> - Botting go unpunished

> - Win Trading go unpunished

> - PvP rank and leaderboards only reflects who is the best at bending the rules with outer game METAs.

> - Your skill does not reflect your rank

> - Devs. just don't give it nearly as much attention as other games that have PvP

> - You are punished more for expressing your discontent in a match for such ongoing while they go completely unpunished.

> The above are reasons GW2 have no chance to pull PvPers from other games with PvPers in them.


This is the most accurate summation of the issues. I can't recommend this competitively because, sooner or later, you're going to get matched with people that orchestrate throwing to inflate their own numbers, and there's nothing you can do to counter it.


If there is visible proof that the above is being addressed, and people that have been found to be manipulating matches get their rewards and rankings pulled, then we can talk about promoting PvP.



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