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Ice shard value decrease

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There really isn't much of a difference considering how quickly you can obtain them.


I don't see an issue for people who hoarded them previously. They got what they needed with them, and they can still get more. Even if Anet completely redacted the ability to trade them in for PAST season currencies, it shouldn't really be an issue. Be grateful they allowed it at all, as it's not really necessary to the current season.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> They were already among the easiest to earn map currencies so increasing droprates had to come with an increase in prices.


If they were so easy to earn why increase the drop rate? Both are unnecessary by that logic.


This move has the sole function of devaluing the stockpiles that farmers had built up because Anet is reusing the same map/currency, so they are introducing a treadmill to slow down the **new** content. Understandable. But not giving advance warning doesn't just devalue the hoarders' stockpiles, it punishes everyone who had saved currency but not yet acquired the original map rewards. There should have been a notice and reasonable opportunity to cash out what they had beforehand since they had already earned the rewards under the original drop/conversion rate. What Anet did here is nothing more than theft by inflation. (Not the first time it's happened, but still a problem.)


This is the kind of thing that put me off in the early years of the game. Ever since the big layoff and reshuffling of staff I feel that there have been a handful of 2013-style bad decisions coming back into the game which includes a previous issue with map currencies being stealth nerfed to have no vendor value. I can only assume that the reintroduction of old GW2 staff is the cause of these anti-player moves, and if so I think there needs to be an internal review to make sure that everyone is on the same page about which methods are acceptable and which are not.

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I agree that it is a pretty low blow from Anet. For example, I had 1,000 Eternal Shards. I could have bought 8 Asgeir's Amulets for my alt characters (for raiding). Now I can only buy 2 (2.66 repeating) since they increased the price **without notice**. This is not to mention the fact that now we need 3x the inven/bank space if we are saving up for something to buy with the shards. I guess the lesson here is to spend your currency as fast as possible since they can devalue it at anytime **without notice**

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> @"KingJoko.1625" said:

> I get that you increased drop rates, but still it would be nice to announce that you will increase the price of every item, because now every single ice shard earned before the patch has 1/3 of it's value, which is really really not cool imo... I was stacking them up to convert at once to ls4 currencies, now they are worth 1/3... little things like these will make me slowly and slowly stop playing the game... when the company just doesn't respect your time at all..


Another moment when ANet takes something from the players (in this case it is the time - until yesterday the shards gathered in X time had a value of Y LS4 currency. Now the same amount of shards has a value of Y/3). It seems that this is the norm today. I wonder not **if** but **when** ANet will remove 2/3 from the gold every player has and announcing us that they increased the amount of gold dropped from events from 1s 19c to 1s 47c !


> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> They were already among the easiest to earn map currencies so increasing droprates had to come with an increase in prices.


So, they increased the droprate in order to be able to increase the prices? If this is an even exchange, then what is the point? What is the point of increased droprate to one of the easiest currency? Are you sure you can find an honest reason for this? Is this a real "honest" exchange?


Something crazy is bothering me now, after this "honest" exchange: Taking into account the following:

1. The shards are used to acquire LS4 currency.

2. The players expect a legendary trinket at the end of this Saga.

3. The Legendary trinkets needed a lot of LS currency.

4. This is not a LS (as per devs. statements). This is a Saga.


THEN - the conclusion bothering me: It may be very possible that the Legendary Trinket from this Saga to require a lot of LS4 currency! :#

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there was no need to nerf these items so much. As a second part of Bjora arrived, I believe that the right thing would be to double the amount of items needed to make the exchange at the npc. Therefore, it would only take 50 eternal ices to get 10 ls4 ores. 75 eternal ices in exchange for 10 ores I think it’s absurd. As a matter of fact, I don't even know exactly what is the use of eternal ice, decoration for guild hall? Tonicos? Ugly weapon skins? The only use I saw was to exchange the eternal ice for the ls4.

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> @"Virdo.1540" said:

> come on ^^ its not like they are that hard to get. If 3x more are needed, whatever

> No worth is still no worth


And farming Ice Shards was what kept people playing map,not non rewarding meta for sure.


I know i wont be entering map nor im gonna finish new story chapter,like ever.


Consider it boycott,it wont impact things in any way,but its personal matter of principle.


Im not one of those to dislike things every time he gets the chance,but secretly enjoying exact same thing he's flaming.


I bought full story every single chapter few days ago,but last night after seeing they were serious about strange direction story goes,i will ask for refund and i will never participate in any story they release,until they sit down and think good about what they want in their game and until they start doing proper changes.


Eh yes...dialogue skip doesn't exist to this day,if you completed story on one character already.


I'm actually surprised unlocked skins are account wide,not character bound.

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> @"Sanity Obscure.6054" said:

> There really isn't much of a difference considering how quickly you can obtain them.


> I don't see an issue for people who hoarded them previously. They got what they needed with them, and they can still get more. Even if Anet completely redacted the ability to trade them in for PAST season currencies, it shouldn't really be an issue. Be grateful they allowed it at all, as it's not really necessary to the current season.


There is a difference. I was farming them on the OLD DROP RATE to convert to ls4 currency after this episode, now all that farming seems pointless....

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I don'tknow what to spend them on exactly, I haven't bothered to look into that, but if we have many more items that require them it would make sense to increase the drops too. We also don't know what is yet to come that might need a bunch of them.


So if the third ep comes out with even more items, you think they should increase the drop rates even more and increase the vendor prices again?

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> since the ways to get them increased, their value had to be reduced. It is really that simple. Economy 101.


> There is no need for an outrage.


So you get 3 times as many in the same time now. I dont believe that. That you can get them at more places ok, but that doesnt equal you get 3 times in the same time as before. You still have to spend 3 times as much time for the same. At first glance it looks like a tripled timesink.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> since the ways to get them increased, their value had to be reduced. It is really that simple. Economy 101.


> There is no need for an outrage.


It's not about current rates but what this means to people who spent a lot of time farming them already. Imagine you spent a lot of time farming gold in anticipation for a new legendary. You got 3000g saved! Then, in the same patch they release the legendary they triple the prices of all the mats BUT they also triple gold income. You spent all that time gathering 3k gold and your time had just been devalued by 1/3 basically turning your 3k gold into 1k gold, but you still spent 3k gold amount of time earning it.

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> @"Bolbo Baggins.8594" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > since the ways to get them increased, their value had to be reduced. It is really that simple. Economy 101.

> >

> > There is no need for an outrage.


> So you get 3 times as many in the same time now. I dont believe that. That you can get them at more places ok, but that doesnt equal you get 3 times in the same time as before. You still have to spend 3 times as much time for the same. At first glance it looks like a tripled timesink.


Sorry, i missed the information that the drop rates where increased, ignore my post ;) Somehow i cant delete my post.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > > since the ways to get them increased, their value had to be reduced. It is really that simple. Economy 101.

> > >

> > > There is no need for an outrage.

> >

> > It's not about current rates but what this means to people who spent a lot of time farming them already. Imagine you spent a lot of time farming gold in anticipation for a new legendary. You got 3000g saved! Then, in the same patch they release the legendary they triple the prices of all the mats BUT they also triple gold income. You spent all that time gathering 3k gold and your time had just been devalued by 1/3 basically turning your 3k gold into 1k gold, but you still spent 3k gold amount of time earning it.


> Yeah but at the exact same time they doubled the gold drop rate and added 15 more chests full of gold and 25 more gold nodes and more events that dropped gold. You can get shards at 4 times the rate easy now so it's at the point where your complaining just to complain and not any logic except I saved these up when I wish I spent those before the change no one knew about. It's like someone crying their 500 snow truffle buy order got filled after the 5 nodes were added and value dropped to 1/4. They adjust stuff all the time.


It's not complaining just to complain? Your most valuable asset in life is time. This change throws away 2/3rd's of people's time spent on this and forces them to spend even MORE time to get back to equal value to what they had before. This is perfectly fair to be frustrated about. The difference in your example is that this isn't economic response to some changes around the market. It's an intentional hard coded change made by anet specifically to devalue the currency (people's time) who had spent time farming it before hand so they wouldn't be "stocked up" when the new episode dropped. It's one way to deal with having the same currency across two episodes like this but doesn't feel right from a player and gameplay perspective.

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> @"KingJoko.1625" said:

> I get that you increased drop rates, but still it would be nice to announce that you will increase the price of every item, because now every single ice shard earned before the patch has 1/3 of it's value, which is really really not cool imo... I was stacking them up to convert at once to ls4 currencies, now they are worth 1/3... little things like these will make me slowly and slowly stop playing the game... when the company just doesn't respect your time at all..


> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> what exactly is the problem? so they changed the conversion rate. No big deal. Just go to the maps or farm your home instance.

^ This attitude from players with fully stocked home and more loot than they will ever use is why new and returning players often feel like the game isnt for them. Because people lack empathy and assume everyone has a ton of gold and resources, but many are still working on that stuff.


Granted as many say they arent that hard to get, etc, etc. That perspective seems to totally miss the OPs point which is a very valid one.That point being, players end up feeling ripped off and kinda betrayed in a sense when changes like these come without warning.


For instance, I recall back in LW4 that Rose Quartz has a min merchant value of 50s each and was tradable. People has farmed the hell out of it. Some had been buying them speculating correctly that they are a limited material trading at near its merchant price which IS typically a good investment. However, overnight Anet removed the merchant value of Rose Quarts and the value went down by 80% overnight. So much for a safe investment due to min. NPC merchant value of item u invested in. This issue is very very similar but wasnt announced at all to players in advance. So naturally anyone who made the choice to be make good choices and farm the most efficient currency to convert like the OPs seems to have is then punished for making what was actually a good choice since they couldn't have known Anet would pull the rug out from under them. In that sense, it seems totally out of line to respond to this with well its easy to farm so who cares you just lost 66% of your product from your in game efforts. TBH it sounds insulting. These ARE exactly the type of things that make people sick and tired of playing due to feelings of wasted time and effort after the fact due to things beyond the players control. Therefor, I feel it is much more productive to see it for what it is nd to give a little empathy for what is a real issue and not a one time thing either.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > > > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > > > > since the ways to get them increased, their value had to be reduced. It is really that simple. Economy 101.

> > > > >

> > > > > There is no need for an outrage.

> > > >

> > > > It's not about current rates but what this means to people who spent a lot of time farming them already. Imagine you spent a lot of time farming gold in anticipation for a new legendary. You got 3000g saved! Then, in the same patch they release the legendary they triple the prices of all the mats BUT they also triple gold income. You spent all that time gathering 3k gold and your time had just been devalued by 1/3 basically turning your 3k gold into 1k gold, but you still spent 3k gold amount of time earning it.

> > >

> > > Yeah but at the exact same time they doubled the gold drop rate and added 15 more chests full of gold and 25 more gold nodes and more events that dropped gold. You can get shards at 4 times the rate easy now so it's at the point where your complaining just to complain and not any logic except I saved these up when I wish I spent those before the change no one knew about. It's like someone crying their 500 snow truffle buy order got filled after the 5 nodes were added and value dropped to 1/4. They adjust stuff all the time.

> >

> > It's not complaining just to complain? Your most valuable asset in life is time. This change throws away 2/3rd's of people's time spent on this and forces them to spend even MORE time to get back to equal value to what they had before. This is perfectly fair to be frustrated about. The difference in your example is that this isn't economic response to some changes around the market. It's an intentional hard coded change made by anet specifically to devalue the currency (people's time) who had spent time farming it before hand so they wouldn't be "stocked up" when the new episode dropped. It's one way to deal with having the same currency across two episodes like this but doesn't feel right from a player and gameplay perspective.


> Sorry no, it is so easy to get them before and now no one farmed them we got them handed to us. Like I said above it was 150 a day logging into a completed meta opening chests and you act like you farmed them. You could of sat 20 alts in the 3 node room for another 10 per alt per day. Needing the t2 weapon for t3 I get cause that's 150 gold to replace this when they are everywhere from everything is def complaining just to complain


Where are you getting your facts that no one farmed them? Just because they were plentiful people were not farming them? I doubt that. I think you're deliberately avoiding the point though because "you're fine with it so everyone else should be". I'm done talking about this with you.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> The same place your facts that everyone farmed them I guess. No I have 1500 storage and that filled up every week or so is where I'm getting that from and kept buying 10 amulets to salvage or ls4 mats. It was insanely easy and even more so now if I do drakkar and loot all chests once a day I bet every 3 days my 1500 be maxed.

So? That 1500 now is worth the same as 500 before. You're actually farming now at the same rate as before, you just don't see it, because you got blinded by the current huge numbers.

And you still don;t understand the core issue. Anet took 2/3 of ice shards people had. Yes, they can farm it again, but that would stil be farming for _something thay already had, but was taken away_.

And notice that how fast one would be able to farm that back is dependant not only on your personal farming speed, but mainly on how much you've had stockpiled - people that were spending their shards immediately didn;t lose anything, but those that stockpiled them could potentially lose a _ton_ of time.


It is not right for Anet to take away from you something you have already earned, if you earned it legitimately. No matter what it is.



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I don't understand why anet didn't just hike the shard prices of the new items instead of across the board. It's not like you can buy them from TP, it costs *time* to get them, and anet have wasted 2/3 of our time taken to get what we had before the patch hit. I don't mind (as much) having to pay more for shards, but time is life and i'm not getting that back!

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I am furious. No warning, some major late note that didn't even specify by how much. People farmed many hours, I hoarded them for the future since I was uncertain when I wanted to go for the weapon mastery achieve.


To go from 25 to 75, in no way does the extra map/drop rate even remotely compensate for this. We aren't farming 3x faster, and I know because I counted my shards every day for months. It would have been better to just have the other map drop a different currency. I had about 2 months of farming just thrown out the window, before I had enough to get all the skin achieves and have left over to fill lw4, now I can't even do one of them.


If their reasoning to not give us early warning was because we'd spend it then that's even worse, of course we'd spend them because we farmed hours upon hours for it. I am usually praising many of their moves but this has to be one of the worst ones I've experienced in a while.


It's pretty disappointing seeing some people justify this move, it's like they don't realize it sets a bad precedent and also a lack of trust for new maps. Now I am reluctant to farm anything to high levels especially if it's a new map. Hoarding shouldn't be punished, you put in the hours to get the luxury of spending when you need to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

People like to complain about the silliest things these days. So what if they increased the cost of S4 currency? They haven't rendered them useless. So what if you were saving them, you still have them and can still spend them and we are still droping stacks upon stacks of the crap. Collecting S4 currency isn't hard even with this change. I spend no more than a couple hours a week and I have enough ice to by a several stacks of any of these currencies.

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