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Boon removal sigils


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How useful are those?


2 boons removed every 18 seconds,with almost every profession having trillion boons with almost 100% uptime.


I'm gonna remove 2 of your boons,you gonna re-apply same boons next second.


I guess that would work with proper premade team,where everyone has boon removal.

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It's not very reliable, and letting it proc randomly you are very likely to remove some swiftness and maybe fury most of the time.


The Sigil of Annulment however, can be better utilized due to it's trigger mechanism - weapon swap. What this does, is to give you 1 controlled boonrip every time you enter combat.


Basically you choose a weapon set to engage with (the set without this sigil) and start pressuring your opponent. Whenever he pops a boon you deem annoying (so it's the most recently applied one) like f.ex a necro enters shroud with the "Foot in the grave" trait which gives him stability, you swap weapons and autoattack him in order to remove those last two boons.


You can only control this for the first boonremoval, the rest will be a bit random, lucky and rarely you can do it several times in a longdrawn fight if you count the 18 sec cooldown in your head.

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> @"rng.1024" said:

> It's not very reliable, and letting it proc randomly you are very likely to remove some swiftness and maybe fury most of the time.


> The Sigil of Annulment however, can be better utilized due to it's trigger mechanism - weapon swap. What this does, is to give you 1 controlled boonrip every time you enter combat.


> Basically you choose a weapon set to engage with (the set without this sigil) and start pressuring your opponent. Whenever he pops a boon you deem annoying (so it's the most recently applied one) like f.ex a necro enters shroud with the "Foot in the grave" trait which gives him stability, you swap weapons and autoattack him in order to remove those last two boons.


> You can only control this for the first boonremoval, the rest will be a bit random, lucky and rarely you can do it several times in a longdrawn fight if you count the 18 sec cooldown in your head.


if you have only 1 sigil, weapon swap has 9s cd, meaning that going back and fourth to the set takes 18s cd. meaning its up every time

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"rng.1024" said:

> > It's not very reliable, and letting it proc randomly you are very likely to remove some swiftness and maybe fury most of the time.

> >

> > The Sigil of Annulment however, can be better utilized due to it's trigger mechanism - weapon swap. What this does, is to give you 1 controlled boonrip every time you enter combat.

> >

> > Basically you choose a weapon set to engage with (the set without this sigil) and start pressuring your opponent. Whenever he pops a boon you deem annoying (so it's the most recently applied one) like f.ex a necro enters shroud with the "Foot in the grave" trait which gives him stability, you swap weapons and autoattack him in order to remove those last two boons.

> >

> > You can only control this for the first boonremoval, the rest will be a bit random, lucky and rarely you can do it several times in a longdrawn fight if you count the 18 sec cooldown in your head.


> if you have only 1 sigil, weapon swap has 9s cd, meaning that going back and fourth to the set takes 18s cd. meaning its up every time


Sure, however

- warrior

- necromancer

- engineer

- elementalist

- revenant

- firebrand


have mechanics that will cause this to proc unintentionally, and I don't know what this person is playing.

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Annulment sigil is sometimes literally the difference between you winning a 1v1, landing a cc, and or dying. It literally can be the difference between someone getting rezzed by a support as well.


It’s great counter play especially against a warrior.


Necromancers typically run in on staff with unblockable marks.



If you give other professions more boon rip options and more reliable boon rip spam other than annulment and revocation sigils then necromancer loses the majority of it’s role in spvp. Even though it’s boon rip/conversion will always be the most potent.


Thus, you can’t be asking for that. It doesn’t provide balance to the game.


There are some profession skills (other than in necro) that rip boons from enemies that are just fine how they are.


A few examples include:

-Revenant’s Banish Enchantment

-Thief’s Steal (traited through trickery)

-Mesmer’s Dune Cloak (trait through mirage)

-spellbreaker’s breaching strike

-Revenant Facet of Nature for Shiro stance

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18 seconds is the amount it takes to get back to your weapon that you swapped from, that's only if you don't play a class that proc the sigil without the swap.

Annulment is favored to take down people with Resistance or Stability, it's the same niche case where people favor Doom to slow downstate revivals.

Most sigils are strategically picked to compensate for something the class lacks, so don't be looking at them as if it's a main function but like it is, a predictable extra effect to your arsenal.


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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> How useful are those?


> 2 boons removed every 18 seconds,with almost every profession having trillion boons with almost 100% uptime.


> I'm gonna remove 2 of your boons,you gonna re-apply same boons next second.


> I guess that would work with proper premade team,where everyone has boon removal.


boon removal on interrupt is actually great on my daredevil. I can reset spellbreakers every 3 seconds before they build up omegamight. Basically invalidates FGJ too. pair that with bountiful theft and I can __go through blocks on a firebrand, snatch their stab, + two other boons, + a boon on the interrupt and open them to cc in a +1__ . Same for holo, especially since elixir is super short now. I normally use trickster instead of bountiful because I'm stupid (read: most of my utilities are tricks) though. If I needed to run a team comp though, would definitely be deactivating boon tanks.


They dont work on everything, but things that rely on boons to damage or prevent melt some of them are quite useful.

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> How useful are those?


> 2 boons removed every 18 seconds,with almost every profession having trillion boons with almost 100% uptime.


> I'm gonna remove 2 of your boons,you gonna re-apply same boons next second.


> I guess that would work with proper premade team,where everyone has boon removal.


its very good depending on which professions it procs on.

Generally its most effective on professions with high boon application but small boon tables like warrior for instances they have alot of might uptime and occasionally swiftness or say fury and or quickness usually in most cases never more than 2-4 boons at any given time they they can self produce ina given build.

Same with necromancer high might up time and application but the boon table is pretty small. Might, swiftness, occasionally protection and stability (mostly with reaper) and fury generally necromancers only have between 3-5 boons at any given time and the upper end of that usually is with reaper while the lower end is with core and scourge.


So in cases like this it can be easy to time when you want to use your annulment to hinder them.


That said its still useful against the bigger boon table profession too but in a lot of those casese they will replace the boons the movement you remove them but still even if you removed 2 boons for a short time its still decent as you can rip away possibly the most important boons like might, stability, etc.


So its more effective against some professions than others but generally its a good choice.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> > How useful are those?

> >

> > 2 boons removed every 18 seconds,with almost every profession having trillion boons with almost 100% uptime.

> >

> > I'm gonna remove 2 of your boons,you gonna re-apply same boons next second.

> >

> > I guess that would work with proper premade team,where everyone has boon removal.


> its very good depending on which professions it procs on.

> Generally its most effective on professions with high boon application but small boon tables like warrior for instances they have alot of might uptime and occasionally swiftness or say fury and or quickness usually in most cases never more than 2-4 boons at any given time they they can self produce ina given build.

> Same with necromancer high might up time and application but the boon table is pretty small. Might, swiftness, occasionally protection and stability (mostly with reaper) and fury generally necromancers only have between 3-5 boons at any given time and the upper end of that usually is with reaper while the lower end is with core and scourge.


> So in cases like this it can be easy to time when you want to use your annulment to hinder them.


> That said its still useful against the bigger boon table profession too but in a lot of those casese they will replace the boons the movement you remove them but still even if you removed 2 boons for a short time its still decent as you can rip away possibly the most important boons like might, stability, etc.


> So its more effective against some professions than others but generally its a good choice.


How is boon removal prioritized? Order of application?

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> > > How useful are those?

> > >

> > > 2 boons removed every 18 seconds,with almost every profession having trillion boons with almost 100% uptime.

> > >

> > > I'm gonna remove 2 of your boons,you gonna re-apply same boons next second.

> > >

> > > I guess that would work with proper premade team,where everyone has boon removal.

> >

> > its very good depending on which professions it procs on.

> > Generally its most effective on professions with high boon application but small boon tables like warrior for instances they have alot of might uptime and occasionally swiftness or say fury and or quickness usually in most cases never more than 2-4 boons at any given time they they can self produce ina given build.

> > Same with necromancer high might up time and application but the boon table is pretty small. Might, swiftness, occasionally protection and stability (mostly with reaper) and fury generally necromancers only have between 3-5 boons at any given time and the upper end of that usually is with reaper while the lower end is with core and scourge.

> >

> > So in cases like this it can be easy to time when you want to use your annulment to hinder them.

> >

> > That said its still useful against the bigger boon table profession too but in a lot of those casese they will replace the boons the movement you remove them but still even if you removed 2 boons for a short time its still decent as you can rip away possibly the most important boons like might, stability, etc.

> >

> > So its more effective against some professions than others but generally its a good choice.


> How is boon removal prioritized? Order of application?


There was a long conversation about this in a mesmer post when talking about arcane thievery vs corrupt boon and to be honest no one can agree on consistent information or sources... so honestly i dont know. From my experience most of the time its the most recent that were applied (not including increasing durations on boons that where applied well before) This is me using corrupts though not direct rips. I dont use direct rips as often as corrupts with necromancer being my main choice of profession.


But some people will say its random even when in my opinion it seems like its not which does not prove that it is or is not random and some people say it prioritizes boons like Aegis and Stability first which in the case of corrupts and my exp on necro that this is not true. How ever in the case of direct rips (purely removal) heck if i know.


In the case of something like Annulment i have no clue.


The only confirmed prioritized boon removal/rip that I can agree is 100% consistent as boon removal is done with thief steal both with its f skill (when combined with bountiful theft) and its weapon skills. Those will always prioritize boons like aegis and stability before any other boon regardless of how / when they were applied but i have a feeling that other boon rips might not work this way. I think this was programmed in so that the "Slight of hand" trait would always apply its daze to the target so long as you also invested in bountiful.


Out side of that the information is too mixed from too many different players for me personally to consider any 1 player be 100% correct on how any other types work to really say and because the wiki provides no information on this the only way i think we would ever know is if a Dev popped in to answer for us.


If a group of people can agree with the priority on how annulment rip works it would be something for me to look into so i would appreciate it.


The reason i made the post about it being stronger on professions like warrior and necro is because their boon tables are smaller than alot of other professions if you are looking to remove specific boons with the sigil effect the smaller boon table likely means you are more likely get the one you were looking to remove.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> For example:


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Absorption


> This one takes resistance first.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Larcenous_Strike


> This takes aegis first.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bountiful_Theft


> This takes Aegis first, but always takes Stab second



now if only we knew the order list for every other type of removal sense all of them seem to be a bit different D:

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