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YO meta guess bois.


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> @"reikken.4961" said:

> FB looked to me like it got hit pretty hard, so I guess I missed it. What's making it look like it'll come out on top?


> ditto for thief. with all damage down, people have to be lower for them to burst someone down, so I'd actually expect thief to come off worse


FB only got small damage nerfs everywhere and small heal nerfs.

no condi nerfs.

no cooldown increases.

no mobility nerfs.

Same for thief. S/D thief for example has same ammout of dodges it used to have, meanwhile other classes will have longer CD and skills that deal 0 dmg ( CC ).

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"reikken.4961" said:

> > FB looked to me like it got hit pretty hard, so I guess I missed it. What's making it look like it'll come out on top?

> >

> > ditto for thief. with all damage down, people have to be lower for them to burst someone down, so I'd actually expect thief to come off worse


> FB only got small damage nerfs everywhere and small heal nerfs.

> no condi nerfs.

> no cooldown increases.

> no mobility nerfs.

> Same for thief. S/D thief for example has same ammout of dodges it used to have, meanwhile other classes will have longer CD and skills that deal 0 dmg ( CC ).


What is this nonsense?


Heal nerfs to ToR were MASSIVE. Healing nerfed 60%. Cleanses massively nerfed: ToR#5 goes down from 5 to 2. That's WAY above the ~30% everything else is being targeted for. Healing from symbols cut in half. "small heal nerfs" you say :/


Mantra of Truth condition durations were cut by 50%. Mantra of Flame condition durations were cut by 50%. Stoic Demeanor durations slashed. "no condi nerfs" you say :/


Elite Mantra had its recharge doubled AND the stability taken down to only 1 second. It's legit not going to be picked any more. Who wants a ONE second stability on a 45s cooldown? Stand Your Ground cooldown increased 50% - group stability is literally a thing of the past. "no cooldown increases" you say :/


"no mobility nerfs" FB never had any mobility to begin with. You can't nerf nothing.


Support FB isn't going to be a thing any more. Taking up an entire team slot to provide a single 2-condi cleanse and 1 second of stability is just not a smart choice.


Symbolbrand will be a thing, it'll still be strong.


But don't spread this nonsense about "no nerfs", when they're literally there for everyone to read. It's intellectually dishonest.


To be clear, I'm not arguing that FB is being hit too hard. I'm just contesting this self-evidently false argument that it "received no nerfs".




Back on topic; Reaper appears to have done very well out of all this.

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Thief and Daredevil look poised to be really strong. Right now SP Daredevil and DP Core Thief are really bad. DP Core Thief is particularly degenerate. And while SP got some nerfs that'll cull some of their numbers, what makes DP Shadow Arts good didn't get touched at all, and if SP dies there's always SD. Larcenous strike, SD's bread and butter, didn't get touched.


Necromancer and maybe Reaper look poised to be really strong. I think in a world where all damage goes does, shroud becomes massively more useful as a tool.


Warrior and Spellbreaker still look poised to be really strong. Just don't even think about equipping a hammer.


Power Mesmer will still be strong but I think it'll loathe how strong thieves will be. I think most mesmers will move to power core if the Mirage change goes through.




I think Fire Weaver is dead. Just taken out back behind a shed and put down. It's remaining parts butchered and fed to unsuspecting school children at the school cafeteria who greedily devoured Friday "Sloppy Joe". And to be honest, I don't know what'll replace it.


Had condition mirage not gotten the 50 endurance trade off, I think it would be one of the strongest builds still. Like I think there might be some potential for it to be workable? But I think condi mirage is probably dead.


Still digesting the changes for Guardian, Rev, Engineer, and Ranger. But those first five I definitely stood out to me.


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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Thief and Daredevil look poised to be really strong. Right now SP Daredevil and DP Core Thief are really bad. DP Core Thief is particularly degenerate. And while SP got some nerfs that'll cull some of their numbers, what makes DP Shadow Arts good didn't get touched at all, and if SP dies there's always SD. Larcenous strike, SD's bread and butter, didn't get touched.


> Necromancer and maybe Reaper look poised to be really strong. I think in a world where all damage goes does, shroud becomes massively more useful as a tool.


> Warrior and Spellbreaker still look poised to be really strong. Just don't even think about equipping a hammer.


> Power Mesmer will still be strong but I think it'll loathe how strong thieves will be. I think most mesmers will move to power core if the Mirage change goes through.




> I think Fire Weaver is dead. Just taken out back behind a shed and put down. It's remaining parts butchered and fed to unsuspecting school children at the school cafeteria who greedily devoured Friday "Sloppy Joe". And to be honest, I don't know what'll replace it.


> Had condition mirage not gotten the 50 endurance trade off, I think it would be one of the strongest builds still. Like I think there might be some potential for it to be workable? But I think condi mirage is probably dead.


> Still digesting the changes for Guardian, Rev, Engineer, and Ranger. But those first five I definitely stood out to me.



Larcenous strike was nerfed a while ago already.


Flanking is getting nerfed.


Smoke screen is getting nerfed with 10 sec cooldown increase.


Withdraw is getting bumped to 25 second cooldown.


Backstab nerd, dagger damage nerf, shadowshot ini increase.


Lower damage on spin to win.



Core dp got touched a good bit.



Shadow arts traitline is not overperforming.

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I'll aim straight for MAT comp:


1. Firebrand - It will maintain its importance in proportion to the nerfing. Big part of this is due to boon generation, after other classes get their boon generation cut in half or more.

2. Core Necro - Heals getting nerfed but not Death Shroud functions! So this tanky dirty spec is going to be even tankier & dirtier post patch, to the point that it will probably be a new side node bunker if it wants to be. Furthermore, with heals nerfed, its damage output will actually be dangerous. Then of course it has the boon removal vs. what is going to be much less boon application around the board. <- That's going to become powerful because the Necro can remove the few and short duration boons that you have.

3. Power Shiro Herald - It will maintain its importance in proportion to the nerfing. Actually, due to its boon generation, it may become even more important post patch, to have in the team fight.

4. Any random Thief build. It's all going to be out of control stronk until they fix it.

5. Another random Thief build. Seriously, just RNG the traits/weapons/other selections. Any of it will work and be meta after patch.

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maybe I missed something with warrior but I don't see it being any good. gs3 dmg halved, defensive cds increased, strength kinda crap now cuz might makes right halved and dodge damage cut by 2/3. maybe berserker? hum maybe tactics actually. nah heal from might nerfed decently there too. maybe simply it counters whats going to be good eh.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> maybe I missed something with warrior but I don't see it being any good. gs3 dmg halved, defensive cds increased, strength kinda kitten now cuz might makes right halved and dodge damage cut by 2/3. maybe berserker? hum maybe tactics actually. nah heal from might nerfed decently there too. maybe simply it counters whats going to be good eh.


Disrupting Stab: reduced power coefficient from 0.8 to 0.4 disrupting is CC that still deals damage

Signet of rage is 20might for 4s, every 40s. every 40s you have -> you die if you dodnt dodge elite.

axe still has moegalul 1shot damage on 4+5 combo

GS 3 and 5 didnt get CD increases so you are still fast as fuck boi.

F1 on gs/dagger still strong as heck.

arcing still gonna wreck for 50% hp while having 8s cd.

I just wanna know if signet of rage will heal for 1200 due to might makes right or not lol.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> maybe I missed something with warrior but I don't see it being any good. gs3 dmg halved, defensive cds increased, strength kinda kitten now cuz might makes right halved and dodge damage cut by 2/3. maybe berserker? hum maybe tactics actually. nah heal from might nerfed decently there too. maybe simply it counters whats going to be good eh.


Well, as a Ranger main who has half alted Warrior in previous seasons, I definitely saw some serious potential with those Rifle changes in the global patch section. With DPS so largely being dropped through coeffecienet chops, quickness loss, and hard CC 0 output, Berserker spercialization will have viable survivability again. That mixed with the Rifle buffs, I think we'll be seeing some surprisingly viable Berserker Rifle variants. Maybe not MAT worthy, but it'll definitely match the threat level of a Sic Em Soulbeast post patch during solo/duo queues.


I'm excited to test a few ideas actually. Rifle with Core, Berserker, and Spellbreaker post patch. That new ammo system on Rifle and the Rifflebutt 5 instant skill bar recharge? That's like hitting a Mistlock Singularity while in fractals to recharge all your skills, but being able to do it in pvp on a 15s CD.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > maybe I missed something with warrior but I don't see it being any good. gs3 dmg halved, defensive cds increased, strength kinda kitten now cuz might makes right halved and dodge damage cut by 2/3. maybe berserker? hum maybe tactics actually. nah heal from might nerfed decently there too. maybe simply it counters whats going to be good eh.


> Well, as a Ranger main who has half alted Warrior in previous seasons, I definitely saw some serious potential with those Rifle changes in the global patch section. With DPS so largely being dropped through coeffecienet chops, quickness loss, and hard CC 0 output, Berserker spercialization will have viable survivability again. That mixed with the Rifle buffs, I think we'll be seeing some surprisingly viable Berserker Rifle variants. Maybe not MAT worthy, but it'll definitely match the threat level of a Sic Em Soulbeast post patch during solo/duo queues.


> I'm excited to test a few ideas actually. Rifle with Core, Berserker, and Spellbreaker post patch. That new ammo system on Rifle and the Rifflebutt 5 instant skill bar recharge? That's like hitting a Mistlock Singularity while in fractals to recharge all your skills, but being able to do it in pvp on a 15s CD.


that sounds like chronomancer with less steps xd

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All except one of my "pretty sure"s are guessed correctly.

3 of my "not that sure"s are guessed correctly.


I think our current meta builds may stay meta, but we will most likely see more condi rev and renegade in our ranked matches. Other than that, not much will probably change.


Pretty sure:

Condi revenant (with or without any elites)

Kalla X renegade (something tanky)

Guardian (of at least one type)

Necromancer (of at least one type)

Thief (of at least one type)

Spellbreaker (probably the same build as before)


Not that sure:

Lightning rod weaver (will still crit for 3k-4k)

Fire weaver

Bunker scrapper

Power holosmith

Condi mesmer (probably mirage)

Power herald

Power ranger (with or without soulbeast)

Condi ranger (with or without soulbeast)

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I have a feeling it's just going to be core necromancers everywhere. They didn't nerf any of it really and you can switch out blood magic for death magic to take almost no damage or condition damage. You can tank 2-3 people now for a while, so I can only imagine how bad it will be after the patch. They also increased the fear duration on shroud, so 4 second traited DoT CC (~4k dmg).


Past that, I guess: renegades for the ridiculous heal on the elite that wasn't touched and is now technically much stronger, condition ranger because they forgot how much damage the traps, roots, and dagger skills do, maybe conjure spamming elementalists because they forgot to nerf those too and they hit like a tank while stunning and can be shared, firebrands because screw druids and tempests being useful support, and any thief builds in general.

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In order of use, this is my assumption upon what people will prefer playing based on the changes and complains.


* Daredevil

* Thief

* Spellbreaker

* Firebrand

* Weaver

* Tempest

* Elementalist

* Ranger

* Soulbeast

* Reaper

* Holosmith

* Dragonhunter

* Warrior

* Guardian

* Mesmer

* Necromancer

* Berserker

* Mirage

* Deadeye

* Scrapper

* Herald

* Revenant

* Renegade

* Engineer

* Scourge

* Chronomancer

* Druid


It's a clear fact that despite the complexity of the game, people want little to do with combo's or difficulty and just want the most control with easy wins, so those are the order of professions that I think reaches that simplicity in the next patch.


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