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Do you like the new balance patch?


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Yes and no, I am excited but have bunker meta fear.

But I think i can try a new druid build


And this stun things.


> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:



> But the 0 damage on hard CCs needs to be omitted before it is implemented. That or change this .001 coefficient stuff to more like .25 as a bare minimum.





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> @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

> Yes and no.


> Trevor Boyer sums my thoughts on the matter fairly well. I also fear thief will benefit too much, due to initiative and SA.


Thief uses less skills per minute due to initiative, and will still be in that position after the patch.


All the utilities core dp uses got cooldown increases, so how does shadow arts boost a thief again?



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I like that it's not half assed made. The aim and objective were clear to begin with, and they did it fully without compromises, without really favoring anyone or looking at excuses "yes but this class can't do this or that".

Not saying no class won't come out better off or less worse due to mechanical and gameplay reasons intrinsical to each spec, but that can't be valued with just numbers, so we'll just have to play it out and Hope future balance patches will give new flavors to each spec.

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Mostly Yes its going in the right direction its far from perfect but in the right direction.

I just hope they follow up with the clean up on some things like how if all cc skills are nerfed reworking them to have different bonus especially for the ones called out like

Reaper 5

Warrior Headbutt

Revenge Counter



The ones that before had hand damage modifiers on landing them which now have no reason to exists with the direction this game is moving. Its minor stuff like that that will need some reworking after the patch that i hope is already planned but just wont make it into this release

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i HATE the damage nerfs.


if these damage nerfs are going live then they may aswell remove hammers from the game.

this is beyond stupid.


i was psyched when i heard they were gonna be touching every skill in the game, now i'm just MAD,

because they are NERFING everything, even underused weapons.


i use hammer in PVP and have never seen another warrior using it, and now even i will be throwing my hammer in the trash,

bravo Anet...

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I'm at odds with some choices of changes but in favor of others.


I don't understand why the class is pretty glassy such as ele has control taken away with its invuln forced into being locked out of using the stuff. I'm worried about ele and these changes. A class like ele is pretty squishy and it has to go into melee range in some instances.


I'm kinda worried too about rangers with the changes to druid and viability, but i'l have to test out the heals and the finishers.

On some stuff for necro I like. enemies dealing less dmg means we can survive more, and having more life force generation could be good for scourge, but i worry about adding such long CDs to already limited stab.


I did have some folks actually comment on possible things with healing spring and others that make up in heals and it looks like condi cleanses are pretty nice for druid, so here is to hoping they don't mess up on that. PS what s up with the pet changes? there are tons of pets tha t probably could be improved in how useful they can be for rangers.

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This is needed. I don't expect it to be perfect out right but they already said they plan on quick iteration to fix things. I assume there will be glaring issues but as long as they fix them in a timely fashion I'm fine with it. There needs to be a shake up and overall power reduction. Yes, this is probably an over-nerf to a lot of stuff but I expect that's whats needed so they can establish a new baseline to build balance from.

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However, I do wish a bit more thought was put into some of these changes. There are some general rules they applied to all skills, that should've instead been applied to almost all skills. It just looks like there were no clued in developers that did a full pass over the notes and made small adjustments. But overall, this is a big improvement from current balance. I can't wait to play at this reduced cadence!


Ex: Headbutt deals double damage if you have stability! From 4 to 8 dmg...

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Yea, I like the big shake-up. There are some classes/builds that are still looking to remain pretty strong (Firebrand, core Thief, Herald), but it's a step in the right direction.


There will definitely need to be a good bit of polishing to smooth out the edges after the patch drops though.

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