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Core Necro Post Patch Will Have Broken Sustain - Told You

Trevor Boyer.6524

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > Core necro shroud functionality was nerfed. They put a cast time and 660ms reaction on Doom. That's 100% a functionality nerf.

> >

> > Life Blast and Life Transfer got the blanket coefficient nerfs, however I wouldn't be against Tainted Shackles and Dark Path receiving the same treatment as every other skill, then I think everything would be fine.


> I mean the LF total pool in conjunction with how much LF they can generate in very short durations of time. That stuff is directly tied to the idea of "sustain factor" just as much as healing stat is.


Can you elaborate on "Life force generated in a short amount of time?"

How much is too much in a short amount of time and what amount of time to you qualifies as a short amount of time?


I dont agree on the healing stat part though sorry.

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> @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Jobe.8290" said:

> > > > > > > > Bunker Core Necro is going to be unkillable :)

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I already see 1 guy that plays menders + wells core necro and he is already labeled a bot due to the fact that he will undoubtedly push far at start of match and just sit on node. I’m surprised this isn’t meta already

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Because if your team actually focuses him properly he will still die. if one person goes to kill him in a 1v1 it might take a while sure but in a 1 v any number of people it should still die like immediately. Thats why its not meta.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > > > * Negative 33% damage game wide

> > > > > > This has a impact on everyone not just necro this is not relevant to the title

> > > > > > > * Hard CCs going to 0 damage output

> > > > > > This has a impact on everyone not just necro this is not relevant to the title

> > > > > > > * Quickness access/uptime being massively reduced, leading into far less DPS potential upon even the above nerfs

> > > > > > This has a impact on everyone not just necro this is not relevant to the title

> > > > > > > * Healing game wide -33%

> > > > > > This has a impact on everyone not just necro this is not relevant to the title

> > > > > > > * **Core Necro Shroud mechanics untouched**

> > > > > > Pets largely remained largely untouched (any pet dps nerfs can be equal to things like shatter dps nerfs and shroud skills that were nerfed mechanically pets didnt change though.)

> > > > > > Stealth was untouched

> > > > > > Revs Energy gain/loss is untouched

> > > > > > Clones / Phantoms at base are untouched

> > > > > > Tool belt functionality is untouched

> > > > > > Adrenaline is untouched

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Do you see the pattern here?

> > > > > > If they touch shroud expect pets and everything above to be touched too for the record.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If you thought Core Necro was tanky now, put your seatbelt on and prepare yourselves for nearly invulnerable Fear Decapping Core Necro Bunkers.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Many people dont think necro is tanky especially when its focused first but i would rather be tanky if that keeps me viable over depending purely boon corruption which is what the current meta is and its disgusting. I would say get use to necros being ping pong balls but also not being inherently free kills cause you looked at them or one touched them.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > We can remain squishy if you are ok with giving necromancers, blocks, evades, and a invuln that prevents one or both types of incoming damage completely to both their hp an their shroud bar oh also we will need stability again too.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Either make damage soaking for necro near equivalent to damage avoidance which is how necromancer is designed (necro does not have this options for damage blocking or damage avoidance) or give necro the same tools as every other profession. Pick one!

> > > > > > - Free as everyone else but has damage block/ evasion like everyone else.

> > > > > > - Soaks everything and can take more hits than everyone else but cant avoid the damage.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > You clearly missed the point. Just remember how busted menders Druid was with 1 pet running around, now multiply that by 5 that’s how busted side node necro is

> > > >

> > > > You clearly missed how minions are not as effective as pets though? Have you tried using aoe to kill the pets? Have you tried focusing the necormancer with a friend or as your team should?

> > > > You do realize that unlike druid necromancer does not have a button that will stealth them upon exiting a certain mode giving time for disengage or repositioning. At best the might have wurm hidden some place which removes that minion count from 5 down to 4 depending on where they placed it.

> > > >

> > > > Like i said there is a reason this is not meta yet because it can be shut down easily if a necro does this on your home point your team should be able to force it out or kill it with proper focusing as you would any necro. Unlike menders druid it lacks blocks, evades, and stealth.

> > > > If this happens on the mid point same thing

> > > > If this happens on far and you own home and mid why are you going to far to fight a mender bunker in a 1v1 where you dont have the tools or dps to win

> > > > Thats not making the most of your role especially if you own 2/3 points (this is an example of course)

> > > >

> > > > Now if the necromancer has a firebrand or something support them then you cant only fault the necro in those instances. If the necormancer has some one peeling for them you cant only fault the necromancer in those instances

> > >

> > > You obviously didn’t read Trevor guide. Just kite if your sitting on node ur gonna get 1 shot

> >

> > lmao so whats the problem with necro sustain again if you can just one shot it on a node with minions around it?

> It’s just u didn’t seem to understand from the start you even claim it would be really good 1v1 but not at holding node 1vx. Ur not really supposed to hold node 1vx, necro also has some of the best skills in the game for kiting. If it’s possible for a bunker necro to dominate 1v1s it might end up really strong and if they cannot kite away with spectral walk and a new health bar that might just be a l2p issue. Again who knows what’ll be meta but with patch notes necro is clearly making a come back and it’s just kind of silly to say o wait a necro shouldn’t be able to 1vx on a node, when I don’t think there are any classes rn that can anyways...

> U get it yet?



Well i dont think any profession should be able to 1vx on a node for any long period of time to be honest with you thats should not be feasible no matter what you are playing which is why i said that. Before or after the patch that simply should not happen so i think its not silly to say that much.

Necro is also known for being focused first and that will never change until either it becomes strong enough to make a team question if they really need to focus it first or it gains the evasiveness or hard defenses that everyone else has that keeps them from wanting to be targeted first.


If necro reaches a point where its not always the "default" first target in a fight simply because it cant run away then in my opinion this is a good thing. You should question if you really need to focus the necro first or if the support or damage dealers on the other team are more important to focus on. IF a necro can stall long enough (even if it dies) that its teammates killed your team in the end for focusing on it when you should have played a different angle then thats a good thing.


Lastly I didnt claim it would be good or "really good" those are you words not mine. Necro in general is known to be one of the worst 1v1 professions in the game which is why in 1v1 situations most other professions can easily shut it down with ease. I just think after the patch it wont be as "free" in a lot of 1v1 situations as it is now because overall damage has dropped and the nature of how its designed will shine a bit better and be more on par with damage avoidance vs right now where the shroud can be nuked by 1 skill (in some cases a cc skill)


In terms of kiting tools i dont agree there are better kiting tools on other professions but thats my personal opinion and im entitled to it but it does not make it true but that also means your statement about them having some of the best kiting tools is also not a true statement but you certainly have the right to claim such if you consider that. I think their tools are "good" but not "the best" If chill and cripple still effected movement abilities i might consider things like "spectral walk" the best


I dont think a true bunker necro can dominate anything in 1v1 unless the aggressor over extends purposely or makes lots of mistakes.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> They are losing the instant fear in shroud AND the stability proc.


> A CC chain will destroy them in shroud as long as there's a followup from a second player, and since necro is not a 1v1 spec, there will be.




If their design aim is to let them soak a lot of damage in shroud, __so be it__ .

They even got their cds for stunbreaks increased.

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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > can we also mention that core necro has 0 source of stability unless using an Elite ?


> Tanky, no stability, but CC does no damage...


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/OXRNBfV.gif "")


I get the joke but there's people that think that.

Why are people pretending like anything other than knockback wont be a near-guaranteed setup for shroud-deleting attacks?


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CC chain and ranged dmg burst will annihilate it. It will not even be comparable to sword weaver we've right now, since necro won't be able to evade that much nor breakstun as fast. Infact it would become a subpar bunker with less dmg, no block, no evades nor stability. Pick ranger or deadeye, don't spam boons, pack cc, watch the necro cry. With any skilled player +1 on the necro, it will be insta dead.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Jobe.8290" said:

> > > > > > > > > Bunker Core Necro is going to be unkillable :)

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I already see 1 guy that plays menders + wells core necro and he is already labeled a bot due to the fact that he will undoubtedly push far at start of match and just sit on node. I’m surprised this isn’t meta already

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Because if your team actually focuses him properly he will still die. if one person goes to kill him in a 1v1 it might take a while sure but in a 1 v any number of people it should still die like immediately. Thats why its not meta.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > > > > * Negative 33% damage game wide

> > > > > > > This has a impact on everyone not just necro this is not relevant to the title

> > > > > > > > * Hard CCs going to 0 damage output

> > > > > > > This has a impact on everyone not just necro this is not relevant to the title

> > > > > > > > * Quickness access/uptime being massively reduced, leading into far less DPS potential upon even the above nerfs

> > > > > > > This has a impact on everyone not just necro this is not relevant to the title

> > > > > > > > * Healing game wide -33%

> > > > > > > This has a impact on everyone not just necro this is not relevant to the title

> > > > > > > > * **Core Necro Shroud mechanics untouched**

> > > > > > > Pets largely remained largely untouched (any pet dps nerfs can be equal to things like shatter dps nerfs and shroud skills that were nerfed mechanically pets didnt change though.)

> > > > > > > Stealth was untouched

> > > > > > > Revs Energy gain/loss is untouched

> > > > > > > Clones / Phantoms at base are untouched

> > > > > > > Tool belt functionality is untouched

> > > > > > > Adrenaline is untouched

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Do you see the pattern here?

> > > > > > > If they touch shroud expect pets and everything above to be touched too for the record.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > If you thought Core Necro was tanky now, put your seatbelt on and prepare yourselves for nearly invulnerable Fear Decapping Core Necro Bunkers.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Many people dont think necro is tanky especially when its focused first but i would rather be tanky if that keeps me viable over depending purely boon corruption which is what the current meta is and its disgusting. I would say get use to necros being ping pong balls but also not being inherently free kills cause you looked at them or one touched them.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > We can remain squishy if you are ok with giving necromancers, blocks, evades, and a invuln that prevents one or both types of incoming damage completely to both their hp an their shroud bar oh also we will need stability again too.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Either make damage soaking for necro near equivalent to damage avoidance which is how necromancer is designed (necro does not have this options for damage blocking or damage avoidance) or give necro the same tools as every other profession. Pick one!

> > > > > > > - Free as everyone else but has damage block/ evasion like everyone else.

> > > > > > > - Soaks everything and can take more hits than everyone else but cant avoid the damage.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You clearly missed the point. Just remember how busted menders Druid was with 1 pet running around, now multiply that by 5 that’s how busted side node necro is

> > > > >

> > > > > You clearly missed how minions are not as effective as pets though? Have you tried using aoe to kill the pets? Have you tried focusing the necormancer with a friend or as your team should?

> > > > > You do realize that unlike druid necromancer does not have a button that will stealth them upon exiting a certain mode giving time for disengage or repositioning. At best the might have wurm hidden some place which removes that minion count from 5 down to 4 depending on where they placed it.

> > > > >

> > > > > Like i said there is a reason this is not meta yet because it can be shut down easily if a necro does this on your home point your team should be able to force it out or kill it with proper focusing as you would any necro. Unlike menders druid it lacks blocks, evades, and stealth.

> > > > > If this happens on the mid point same thing

> > > > > If this happens on far and you own home and mid why are you going to far to fight a mender bunker in a 1v1 where you dont have the tools or dps to win

> > > > > Thats not making the most of your role especially if you own 2/3 points (this is an example of course)

> > > > >

> > > > > Now if the necromancer has a firebrand or something support them then you cant only fault the necro in those instances. If the necormancer has some one peeling for them you cant only fault the necromancer in those instances

> > > >

> > > > You obviously didn’t read Trevor guide. Just kite if your sitting on node ur gonna get 1 shot

> > >

> > > lmao so whats the problem with necro sustain again if you can just one shot it on a node with minions around it?

> > It’s just u didn’t seem to understand from the start you even claim it would be really good 1v1 but not at holding node 1vx. Ur not really supposed to hold node 1vx, necro also has some of the best skills in the game for kiting. If it’s possible for a bunker necro to dominate 1v1s it might end up really strong and if they cannot kite away with spectral walk and a new health bar that might just be a l2p issue. Again who knows what’ll be meta but with patch notes necro is clearly making a come back and it’s just kind of silly to say o wait a necro shouldn’t be able to 1vx on a node, when I don’t think there are any classes rn that can anyways...

> > U get it yet?

> >


> Well i dont think any profession should be able to 1vx on a node for any long period of time to be honest with you thats should not be feasible no matter what you are playing which is why i said that. Before or after the patch that simply should not happen so i think its not silly to say that much.

> Necro is also known for being focused first and that will never change until either it becomes strong enough to make a team question if they really need to focus it first or it gains the evasiveness or hard defenses that everyone else has that keeps them from wanting to be targeted first.


> If necro reaches a point where its not always the "default" first target in a fight simply because it cant run away then in my opinion this is a good thing. You should question if you really need to focus the necro first or if the support or damage dealers on the other team are more important to focus on. IF a necro can stall long enough (even if it dies) that its teammates killed your team in the end for focusing on it when you should have played a different angle then thats a good thing.


> Lastly I didnt claim it would be good or "really good" those are you words not mine. Necro in general is known to be one of the worst 1v1 professions in the game which is why in 1v1 situations most other professions can easily shut it down with ease. I just think after the patch it wont be as "free" in a lot of 1v1 situations as it is now because overall damage has dropped and the nature of how its designed will shine a bit better and be more on par with damage avoidance vs right now where the shroud can be nuked by 1 skill (in some cases a cc skill)


> In terms of kiting tools i dont agree there are better kiting tools on other professions but thats my personal opinion and im entitled to it but it does not make it true but that also means your statement about them having some of the best kiting tools is also not a true statement but you certainly have the right to claim such if you consider that. I think their tools are "good" but not "the best" If chill and cripple still effected movement abilities i might consider things like "spectral walk" the best


> I dont think a true bunker necro can dominate anything in 1v1 unless the aggressor over extends purposely or makes lots of mistakes.


Well I don’t think it’s actually the best kiting spec, but it definitely does have some of the strongest kiting tools like spectral walk. Also you pointed out how it might take forever to even get a kill, which is the definition of a side node bunker but pointed out how a team can get the kill quickly which is talking 1vx. Also your probably wrong about how ez it is to get a kill on necro- ppl would focus necro a first because they soak damage, but they are not exactly ez to kill and in this meta that is definitely the case. You probably have no seen all the builds but blood magic and death magic builds are already very hard to down and for awhile support firebrand has probably been the best on to focus, most likely since ppl started playing s/d thief which was the start of pof.

So anyways the point being that in a power creep meta necro is hard to kill and it’s about to get way way harder- to the point where it’s fair to say that it’s likely to actually have a necro sit on say home, which it can already do well against quiet a few match ups. No one knows what the meta is yet, but it’s likely that necro will be strong and I agree that it might be able to side node much much more than it does now

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > Core necro shroud functionality was nerfed. They put a cast time and 660ms reaction on Doom. That's 100% a functionality nerf.

> > >

> > > Life Blast and Life Transfer got the blanket coefficient nerfs, however I wouldn't be against Tainted Shackles and Dark Path receiving the same treatment as every other skill, then I think everything would be fine.

> >

> > I mean the LF total pool in conjunction with how much LF they can generate in very short durations of time. That stuff is directly tied to the idea of "sustain factor" just as much as healing stat is.


> Can you elaborate on "Life force generated in a short amount of time?"

> How much is too much in a short amount of time and what amount of time to you qualifies as a short amount of time?


> I dont agree on the healing stat part though sorry.


Do you not pay attention when you are against good Core Necros? You can bottom out a LF bar and then 9s later the Necro pops shroud at 100% again. there literally isn't anything that could qualify as "faster or in a shorter amount of time" than that.


I guess the problem that I was trying to point out in this thread is that the LF % gains that Necros get for generation, are completely separate from the actual damage they deal. So even if a Necro attack deals barely any damage at all, if the tooltip says "This skill grants 15% LF" it will refill that LF bar by 15% of its total, when that low damage attack is used. <- This is insane to allow to stay this way in an upcoming patch that is supposed to address overbuffed sustain tools game wide. The LF bar is health. I see people posting in here who seem to be wanting to work around that fact, but the LF is a health bar, and it is able to be regenerated to full in 9s over and over again. <- And this is something that is STRONGER while wearing things like Carrion/Rune of Speed, that grant a ton of vitality. Heal stat isn't advantageous for Core Necro, Vitality it is.


Guys, this is already tanky in 1v1s NOW with very high DPS. When the DPS literally "drops through the floor to half of what it is now" it will be impossible to kill a good Necro 1v1. Even if you can do it over the course of time, it won't be worth the time wasted during a conquest match. And INB4 this "but CCs but CCs" that's the most hopeful apathetic thing I've heard in a very long time in this forum. What good is CC training a friggin 28k health death shroud with protection & carapace stacks on it, when you aren't dealing damage while doing it? At that point the Necro doesn't NEED stability because even if he gets Bull's Charged for 0 damage, he'll only eat 1 follow up attack and then be on his feet to move again. By the time 1 or 2 people are actually able to deal enough damage to a 28k protection/carapace Death Shroud to bottom it out, or by the time they wait it out, it will have been long enough to where all of those Shroud regeneration skills are ALL off CD again. It's going to be a situation where if a player or players cannot kill the Necro during his 9s vulnerability phase in between Shroud cycles, welp gg. Because that's going to be the only kill opportunity you'll get on it at all. Trying to pummel at & bottom out the Death Shroud is going to become a great way to find yourself losing to attrition.


And I love this "But it doesn't have stability" as if it didn't have triple stun break utility bar, an elite that grants it stability, and a bunch of boon rips to remove opponent stability & convert it into Fear, in conjunction with a roster of heavy AoE Fear CC that keeps people away from it to begin with.


I'm just saying, it might not be able beat you up and kill you real easily, but you won't be able to get a Core Necro off a node 1v1 after this patch. You'd need something built for it like a Decap Engi abusing the hell out of Throw Land Mine or a Ventari Rev. I'm telling you, this Core Necro side node will drive the meta in the same way Fire Weaver drove meta. People will have to resort to other methods outside of DPS to be able to deal with impending Core Necro Side Node. That or ignore it and only ever engage it if 2v1.


Maybe a good idea to lower the LF regen from these skills in a pvp/wvw split, or reduce the total LF health bar in pvp/wvw on Core Necro. Mind you I am only speaking of Core Necro. I feel that Reaper/Scourge will find a good balance point post patch. Core Necro Shroud's fuel tank is just way way way to deep at this point though, and it's going to show post patch.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > > Core necro shroud functionality was nerfed. They put a cast time and 660ms reaction on Doom. That's 100% a functionality nerf.

> > > >

> > > > Life Blast and Life Transfer got the blanket coefficient nerfs, however I wouldn't be against Tainted Shackles and Dark Path receiving the same treatment as every other skill, then I think everything would be fine.

> > >

> > > I mean the LF total pool in conjunction with how much LF they can generate in very short durations of time. That stuff is directly tied to the idea of "sustain factor" just as much as healing stat is.

> >

> > Can you elaborate on "Life force generated in a short amount of time?"

> > How much is too much in a short amount of time and what amount of time to you qualifies as a short amount of time?

> >

> > I dont agree on the healing stat part though sorry.


> Do you not pay attention when you are against good Core Necros? You can bottom out a LF bar and then 9s later the Necro pops shroud at 100% again. there literally isn't anything that could qualify as "faster or in a shorter amount of time" than that.


> I guess the problem that I was trying to point out in this thread is that the LF % gains that Necros get for generation, are completely separate from the actual damage they deal. So even if a Necro attack deals barely any damage at all, if the tooltip says "This skill grants 15% LF" it will refill that LF bar by 15% of its total, when that low damage attack is used. <- This is insane to allow to stay this way in an upcoming patch that is supposed to address overbuffed sustain tools game wide. The LF bar is health. I see people posting in here who seem to be wanting to work around that fact, but the LF is a health bar, and it is able to be regenerated to full in 9s over and over again. <- And this is something that is STRONGER while wearing things like Carrion/Rune of Speed, that grant a ton of vitality. Heal stat isn't advantageous for Core Necro, Vitality it is.


> Guys, this is already tanky in 1v1s NOW with very high DPS. When the DPS literally "drops through the floor to half of what it is now" it will be impossible to kill a good Necro 1v1. Even if you can do it over the course of time, it won't be worth the time wasted during a conquest match. And INB4 this "but CCs but CCs" that's the most hopeful apathetic thing I've heard in a very long time in this forum. What good is CC training a friggin 28k health death shroud with protection & carapace stacks on it, when you aren't dealing damage while doing it? At that point the Necro doesn't NEED stability because even if he gets Bull's Charged for 0 damage, he'll only eat 1 follow up attack and then be on his feet to move again. By the 1 or 2 people are actually able to deal enough damage to a 28k protection/carapace Death Shroud to bottom it out, or by the time they wait it out, it will have been long enough to where all of those Shroud regeneration skills are ALL off CD again. It's going to be a situation where if a player or players cannot kill the Necro during his 9s vulnerability phase in between Shroud cycles, welp gg. Because that's going to be the only kill opportunity you'll get on it at all. Trying to pummel at & bottom out the Death Shroud is going to become a great way to find yourself losing to attrition.


> And I love this "But it doesn't have stability" as if it didn't have triple stun break utility bar, an elite that grants it stability, and a bunch of boon rips to remove opponent stability & convert it into Fear, in conjunction with a roster of heavy AoE Fear CC that keeps people away from it to begin with.


> I'm just saying, it might not be able beat you up and kill you real easily, but you won't be able to get a Core Necro off a node 1v1 after this patch. You'd need something built for it like a Decap Engi abusing the hell out of Throw Land Mine or a Ventari Rev. I'm telling you, this Core Necro side node will drive the meta in the same way Fire Weaver drove meta. People will have to resort to other methods outside of DPS to be able to deal with impending Core Necro Side Node. That or ignore it and only ever engage it if 2v1.


> Maybe a good idea to lower the LF regen from these skills in a pvp/wvw split, or reduce the total LF health bar in pvp/wvw on Core Necro. Mind you I am only speaking of Core Necro. I feel that Reaper/Scourge will find a good balance point post patch. Core Necro Shroud's fuel tank is just way way way to deep at this point though, and it's going to show post patch.


This is true example if u take signet traited u can 1.) get full shroud super fast 2.) regenerate shroud faster than u lose it(like what) 3.) u have an instant Rez that btw is bugged so that after 5 secs in shroud it comes back fully recharged. Necro is starting to look nutty with all the reworks and patches

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> @"verskore.4312" said:

> guess ill have to go full meme zerker soulbeast to compensate for my DPS loss, oh well, anything for the oneshot




First of all, there never was any "1HKOing" going on last couple patches at all. that went away after 40% Sic Em to 25%. At the best you could still land 2HKOs with a clean combo against something like a Thief with Maul into WI. Outside of that, at best in this seasons or the last, you're looking at 3HKO-4HKO with Berserker Soulbeast setups, and that's if the guy is flat-footed and doesn't react.


After this patch, there will be no more "one-bursting" regardless of one hit - two hit - three four hit, it won't be possible anymore unless you're against wood tier opponents who don't know how to dodge roll/use blocks/heal/apply counter offense. The timers & CDs on Soulbeast skills won't allow for anymore one-bursting, after -33% damage, 0 dmg hard CCs, and ill quickness uptime.


**Oh and might I mention that you've all been playing against quickness enhanced Maul/WI for so long that people have grown acclimated to reacting to it. When quickness access/uptime bottoms out, Rangers won't be able to brawl much longer than about 4s at a time with Quickness, which means they won't have many opportunities to land Maul/Wi. And the frequency of this 4s Quickness will be once about every 15s to 20s. When Rangers are forced to stay in brawling situation and have to slap around ultra slow Mauls/Wis, they aren't going to be able to land that stuff. It's time for people to stop complaining about Ranger now.**

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> can we also mention that core necro has 0 source of stability unless using an Elite ?


> Core necro going to be Good not "busted" and might become Meta again depending on How Condi Rev, Thief, Holo, Ranger ends up working out. I can't imagine playing necro with 0 Stability as a stun break but we'll see how it plays out. Patch hasn't even came out yet any everyone crying about certain specs going to be "busted".


> Imo theirs a fair amount of Spec that might actually shine and actually put work in conquest again, For Example Core Ranger, Scrapper, Power Core Mesmer, Core Necro and maybe even Condi Rev.


> We should just chill out and see how things play out AFTER the patch.


Yeah I hear ya.


But I'd like to figure it out now, before I have to wait 6 months or something for it to be fixed.

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I just tried a build that would be minimally affected by the nerfs and it simply will not die unless you have multiple people target you with CC's or you already burned everything up in a fight before and you get ambushed. If you take Death Magic you are basically immune to condition damage while you stack up tons of toughness, which will be even more effective after nerfs. Take Blood Magic and you'll still heal a ton because it was barely touched. Trevor is right, it's too tanky and it gains its life force back too easily with some traits and skills (Fear of Death (15% - 5 sec cd); Spectral Armor (8% per hit per sec with 64% max - 45 sec cd after patch)) while healing for set amounts with minions, Vampiric, Vampiric Presence, and wells _during_ Shroud. The removal of Foot in the Grave also didn't change anything because you already get spammed with CC's anyways, so it's nearly worthless _now_. I'm seriously struggling to come up with a way to kill this after the patch without four glass cannons on one person while one person perma stuns and that's just awful for both sides. It really needs to be looked at.

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To be a point decapper/bunker you not only need good cc to get them off the point, but also very solid anti-cc game to stay on said point and not be cc'd off it yourself. That already deletes core necro off the "point decapper/bunker" list.


Also necro has very limited access to fears, and his best one (shroud #3) is getting nerfed (cast time added, where before it was instant). The legend of monstrous fear cc chains stems from corruption builds that get a lot of extra fears from corrupting enemy stab. But that works in teamfights where necro is but one of the dangers, and often enemies pop stab to defend from other teammates cc, completely forgetting there's a necro waiting to corrupt it.


In 1v1 fight to contest a point your enemy is far more focused on fighting you -the necro, and far more aware that any boons he uses (especially stab) can become your weapon. Don't expect happy fear cc chains in this situation.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > can we also mention that core necro has 0 source of stability unless using an Elite ?

> >

> > Tanky, no stability, but CC does no damage...

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/OXRNBfV.gif "")


> I get the joke but there's people that think that.

> Why are people pretending like anything other than knockback wont be a near-guaranteed setup for shroud-deleting attacks?



True but does reaper have no stunbreak to get up after hard cc before burst? 90%when I knockdown on warrior it's pointless cuz stunbreaks are so rampant

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > Do you not pay attention when you are against good Core Necros? You can bottom out a LF bar and then 9s later the Necro pops shroud at 100% again.


> what lol? build pls



> @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > > > Core necro shroud functionality was nerfed. They put a cast time and 660ms reaction on Doom. That's 100% a functionality nerf.

> > > > >

> > > > > Life Blast and Life Transfer got the blanket coefficient nerfs, however I wouldn't be against Tainted Shackles and Dark Path receiving the same treatment as every other skill, then I think everything would be fine.

> > > >

> > > > I mean the LF total pool in conjunction with how much LF they can generate in very short durations of time. That stuff is directly tied to the idea of "sustain factor" just as much as healing stat is.

> > >

> > > Can you elaborate on "Life force generated in a short amount of time?"

> > > How much is too much in a short amount of time and what amount of time to you qualifies as a short amount of time?

> > >

> > > I dont agree on the healing stat part though sorry.

> >

> > Do you not pay attention when you are against good Core Necros? You can bottom out a LF bar and then 9s later the Necro pops shroud at 100% again. there literally isn't anything that could qualify as "faster or in a shorter amount of time" than that.

> >

> > I guess the problem that I was trying to point out in this thread is that the LF % gains that Necros get for generation, are completely separate from the actual damage they deal. So even if a Necro attack deals barely any damage at all, if the tooltip says "This skill grants 15% LF" it will refill that LF bar by 15% of its total, when that low damage attack is used. <- This is insane to allow to stay this way in an upcoming patch that is supposed to address overbuffed sustain tools game wide. The LF bar is health. I see people posting in here who seem to be wanting to work around that fact, but the LF is a health bar, and it is able to be regenerated to full in 9s over and over again. <- And this is something that is STRONGER while wearing things like Carrion/Rune of Speed, that grant a ton of vitality. Heal stat isn't advantageous for Core Necro, Vitality it is.

> >

> > Guys, this is already tanky in 1v1s NOW with very high DPS. When the DPS literally "drops through the floor to half of what it is now" it will be impossible to kill a good Necro 1v1. Even if you can do it over the course of time, it won't be worth the time wasted during a conquest match. And INB4 this "but CCs but CCs" that's the most hopeful apathetic thing I've heard in a very long time in this forum. What good is CC training a friggin 28k health death shroud with protection & carapace stacks on it, when you aren't dealing damage while doing it? At that point the Necro doesn't NEED stability because even if he gets Bull's Charged for 0 damage, he'll only eat 1 follow up attack and then be on his feet to move again. By the 1 or 2 people are actually able to deal enough damage to a 28k protection/carapace Death Shroud to bottom it out, or by the time they wait it out, it will have been long enough to where all of those Shroud regeneration skills are ALL off CD again. It's going to be a situation where if a player or players cannot kill the Necro during his 9s vulnerability phase in between Shroud cycles, welp gg. Because that's going to be the only kill opportunity you'll get on it at all. Trying to pummel at & bottom out the Death Shroud is going to become a great way to find yourself losing to attrition.

> >

> > And I love this "But it doesn't have stability" as if it didn't have triple stun break utility bar, an elite that grants it stability, and a bunch of boon rips to remove opponent stability & convert it into Fear, in conjunction with a roster of heavy AoE Fear CC that keeps people away from it to begin with.

> >

> > I'm just saying, it might not be able beat you up and kill you real easily, but you won't be able to get a Core Necro off a node 1v1 after this patch. You'd need something built for it like a Decap Engi abusing the hell out of Throw Land Mine or a Ventari Rev. I'm telling you, this Core Necro side node will drive the meta in the same way Fire Weaver drove meta. People will have to resort to other methods outside of DPS to be able to deal with impending Core Necro Side Node. That or ignore it and only ever engage it if 2v1.

> >

> > Maybe a good idea to lower the LF regen from these skills in a pvp/wvw split, or reduce the total LF health bar in pvp/wvw on Core Necro. Mind you I am only speaking of Core Necro. I feel that Reaper/Scourge will find a good balance point post patch. Core Necro Shroud's fuel tank is just way way way to deep at this point though, and it's going to show post patch.


> This is true example if u take signet traited u can 1.) get full shroud super fast 2.) regenerate shroud faster than u lose it(like what) 3.) u have an instant Rez that btw is bugged so that after 5 secs in shroud it comes back fully recharged. Necro is starting to look nutty with all the reworks and patches


Signet and possibly some attacks that generate lf can get you full shroud in about 9 secs.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> It saddens me that no ones even talking about being threatened by warriors post patch, not even jokes about it :(

> Godd damnn no damage on cc changes lol.

> If they weren't designed so much around hard cc ud all be scared, so very scared lol


I think we will be just fine. Shield bash already hits low, FC already hits low, only losing damage from bulls charge and tbh it's whatever. Where the real hurt is coming from is the sustain hits.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> > > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > > can we also mention that core necro has 0 source of stability unless using an Elite ?

> > >

> > > Tanky, no stability, but CC does no damage...

> > >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/OXRNBfV.gif "")

> >

> > I get the joke but there's people that think that.

> > Why are people pretending like anything other than knockback wont be a near-guaranteed setup for shroud-deleting attacks?

> >


> True but does reaper have no stunbreak to get up after hard cc before burst? 90%when I knockdown on warrior it's pointless cuz stunbreaks are so rampant


It... It doesnt.


it has a skill that grants them **stability**. It wont work if they use it after they get cced.

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Suddenly core necro might not become an ez free kill, and everybody cries even before even seeing the full scope of a patch. Some of you talk about magic builds that have everything, deathmagic, blood magic, signet traited(spite), awesome fear(soul reaping), terror(curse). Calm down.


You will have probably just 3 of those lines, and considering necro power damage and corruption got nerfed. I mean all corruption cut in half, will have single corruption per skill, except boon corrupt which got nerfed with cd increase.

So if the undieing build you are talking about is wells, blood magic, death magic(carapace stacks), soul reaping, that build is a bruiser with trash damage that relies heavily on landing axe 2 and dagger 2 in one after another to even have a burst, after that nothing, wet noodle level of damage with axe autos or dagger.

You can't even go condi with that setup because guess what? they nerfed that too and without curses and fear that does dmg no condi core is viable.

You will go with power dmg, but axe damage is nerfed, dagger auto is nerfed, soul siphon heal is nerfed. Yes that build is design to be attrition fighting, so what? Classes like weaver can have that with god level of burn dmg with 25 might stacks for months, and you haven't even see the full patch scope and already complain about it.

When we all know now things like fresh air ele, deadeye, rangers, rifle warriors and anything that can range burst has laughed in the face of a tanky necro.


Now let's go for the unkillable fear machine aoe, with triple stun break someone suggested.

If it's a terror build curses will be picked, which implies since every condi duration rune will be cut that you will have to pick soul reaping too(with new patch even more). So now you're left with 1 traitline, you won't be able to have death magic and blood magic and signets build, you must pick of those. Based on what you pick with deathmagic or blood you become more tanky with spite you get the signet of vampirism life regen. And no you won't be able to have good corruption on this builds because guess what all cutted in half. Let's all remember now doom has a cast time, so no cries for instant fear. Want fear aoe pick staff, you want more get spectral ring, but oof now no triple stun breaks, you have only 2 left. So you are playing condi, you will pick scepter, but oof that got corrupt nerfed too and the scepter has now 1 corrupt, and grasping death got now only 2 bleed stacks. So on a condi build like with with scepter/dagger and staff you will have 2 corrupts, if you want triple stun break no corrupt boon otherwise you will go up on corruption with it(only 2 stun breaks), but since you are playing condi you will be taking plaguelands no Lichform elite for stab because it will be useless.


So it's condi fear build will have a lot less corruption with only 1 tanky line to choose, if it's power core will not have and fear dmg and it will be a power bruiser with the entire dmg on axe 2 and dagger 2 with more corrupts, and I've been playing this build for a long time and I can tell you the damage is all there. Sure you could go for well of suffering or corruption for more dmg but again no triple stun break there. And for Lich Form no necro in his right mind if there's another necro in enemy team will pick it because it will just end up in a fear chain.

You are crafting magical all doing builds without giving an exact value to what viable builds will bring.


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Well if I knew that one day I'd finally see a plea to nerf DS...


Anyway, I don't want to be mean but the fact is, while the shroud is not nerfed, a lot of weapon skills/utility skills and traits that movement skills, block, give aegis, simply evade or even increase endurance generation (one way or another) aren't either. And fact is that blocks, dodge and evade happen to negate hard CC.


It's a given that the necromancer will be seen as a pain to take down and it's gameplay won't be thrilling (to the point that it will most likely increase the PvP player's scorn toward the necromancer and it's "newby friendly" gameplay). But other professions will still have most of their owns tools to rival the necromancer in survivability.


NB.: I don't say that the necromancer won't take the nerf bat to it's sustain after the patch hit (his sustain will most likely be targeted by the sPvP community's hate).

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> @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:

> Suddenly core necro might not become an ez free kill, and everybody cries even before even seeing the full scope of a patch. Some of you talk about magic builds that have everything, deathmagic, blood magic, signet traited(spite), awesome fear(soul reaping), terror(curse). Calm down.


> You will have probably just 3 of those lines, and considering necro power damage and corruption got nerfed. I mean all corruption cut in half, will have single corruption per skill, except boon corrupt which got nerfed with cd increase.

> So if the undieing build you are talking about is wells, blood magic, death magic(carapace stacks), soul reaping, that build is a bruiser with trash damage that relies heavily on landing axe 2 and dagger 2 in one after another to even have a burst, after that nothing, wet noodle level of damage with axe autos or dagger.

> You can't even go condi with that setup because guess what? they nerfed that too and without curses and fear that does dmg no condi core is viable.

> You will go with power dmg, but axe damage is nerfed, dagger auto is nerfed, soul siphon heal is nerfed. Yes that build is design to be attrition fighting, so what? Classes like weaver can have that with god level of burn dmg with 25 might stacks for months, and you haven't even see the full patch scope and already complain about it.

> When we all know now things like fresh air ele, deadeye, rangers, rifle warriors and anything that can range burst has laughed in the face of a tanky necro.


> Now let's go for the unkillable fear machine aoe, with triple stun break someone suggested.

> If it's a terror build curses will be picked, which implies since every condi duration rune will be cut that you will have to pick soul reaping too(with new patch even more). So now you're left with 1 traitline, you won't be able to have death magic and blood magic and signets build, you must pick of those. Based on what you pick with deathmagic or blood you become more tanky with spite you get the signet of vampirism life regen. And no you won't be able to have good corruption on this builds because guess what all cutted in half. Let's all remember now doom has a cast time, so no cries for instant fear. Want fear aoe pick staff, you want more get spectral ring, but oof now no triple stun breaks, you have only 2 left. So you are playing condi, you will pick scepter, but oof that got corrupt nerfed too and the scepter has now 1 corrupt, and grasping death got now only 2 bleed stacks. So on a condi build like with with scepter/dagger and staff you will have 2 corrupts, if you want triple stun break no corrupt boon otherwise you will go up on corruption with it(only 2 stun breaks), but since you are playing condi you will be taking plaguelands no Lichform elite for stab because it will be useless.


> So it's condi fear build will have a lot less corruption with only 1 tanky line to choose, if it's power core will not have and fear dmg and it will be a power bruiser with the entire dmg on axe 2 and dagger 2 with more corrupts, and I've been playing this build for a long time and I can tell you the damage is all there. Sure you could go for well of suffering or corruption for more dmg but again no triple stun break there. And for Lich Form no necro in his right mind if there's another necro in enemy team will pick it because it will just end up in a fear chain.

> You are crafting magical all doing builds without giving an exact value to what viable builds will bring.



That’s the most apocalyptic necro balance analysis I’ve seen yet.

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