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Noob friendly dungeon paths?


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What would be some noob friendly dungeon paths? Have my own guild now and the new peeps tend to be somewhat curious about dungeons.

I'm in no way a dungeon frequenter myself but we could still go for fun and nub around together.

Knowing what the easiest paths are would help a lot. If I should go heals in a certain path or if there's anything else to look out for please let me know.

No need to go into details, I don't expect a full on dungeon guide =)

Can copy the dung list to make it easier for yourself ;o


Ascalonian Catacombs:

Caudecus's Manor:

Twilight Arbor:

Sorrow's Embrace:

Citadel of Flame Story:

Honor of the Waves:

Crucible of Eternity:

The Ruined City of Arah:


After experiencing the Aether path I don't want to do something so horrible ever again if everyone in my party doesn't know exactly what to do.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> I would recommend to start with AC, in my opinion it is the easiest dungeon.


Yeah, we did that already, story, p1 and p3 mostly, but it would be boring to spam the same dungeon over and over again.

There's achievements to be had and the Dungeon frequenter reward for 8 unique paths too :)

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The level of the dungeon gives you a pretty good idea of how easy they are. The power creep since they have been introduced makes them all 'easy' today compared to when they were released. It sounds like maybe what you might really want to know is which dungeons can be tanked, ignoring mechanics? I'd say on AC avoid Detha's path. CM and the rest of TA should be fine really. They maybe have a couple of little parts where you have to stop and figure out what to do, but nothing like Aetherpath . . .

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > I would recommend to start with AC, in my opinion it is the easiest dungeon.


> Yeah, we did that already, story, p1 and p3 mostly, but it would be boring to spam the same dungeon over and over again.

> There's achievements to be had and the Dungeon frequenter reward for 8 unique paths too :)


Sorry, I didn’t know that you already did AC. I would then say to continue with Caudecus and do the dungeons in their level order. This is how I did them the first time during level phase.



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I'll sort them in my personal opinion from 1 to 5 (1 being easiest)

1: All story mode dungeons

2: AC P1 and P3, CoF P1, SE P1,

3: AC P2, CM P1,P2 and P3, TA P1 and P2 (Up and FW). SE P2 and P3, CoF P2 nd P3, HotW P1, P2 and P3

4: CoE P1, P2 and P3 (if enough people in your team know the project Alpha fight, this is a lot more doable), Arah P1, P2 and P3

5: Arah P4 and TA Aetherblade.

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Dungeon paths that don't require players to split, do something at the same time, work together.

Ascalonian Catacumbs: p1 and p3

Caudecus Manor: p1, p3

Twilight Arbor: p1, p2

Sorrow Embrace: p1, p3

Citadel of Flame: –

Honor of the Waves: p1

Crucible of Eternity: –

The Ruined City of Arah: –

AC is easy. P2 require some cooperation between players.

CM: The problem is always in running to the boss through bandit, because most players just skip them. Common mistakes: players leaving thief's Shadow Refuge too early so they get revealed. Quick death.

TA: easy.

SE: at p2, you have to kill two bosses at the same time.

CoF: every path needs some cooperation. P1 needs all 5 players, 4 of them must stand under the domes. P2 has that annoying part with magma field, and P3 needs a split so players must activate 3 torches at the same time while being attacked by army of oozes.

HotW: first path is easy, other paths includes underwater encounters at the end.

CoE: Consoles. 4 players must disable them at the same time. There's also a split, boss that need to be lured.

Arah: pure hell for everyone. Long paths, mostly skipping. If you die, then run suffer more. It's easier if you play thief and can stay invisible.

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Personally, to complete the 200 dungeon runs, I spammed: Ascalonian Catacombs, Caudecus's Manor, Twilight Arbor and Honor of the Waves. Among these, Caudecus p2 is probably the most difficult (if you don't want to explain the bombs at the gate) and sometimes Twilight Arbor if there are both people who skip everything and others who doesn't know well if skipping or not. But if you go with your group/guild is one of the easiest.


The others... I didn't choose them because they are too long (Arah) or because they have lasers/traps, while the previous ones can be ran even after months, when you don't remember them at all.

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i would suggest to avoid the word "noob" when talking about newbies, in today's language they are two different things.

a newbie is someone new to the game, learning the robes and unfamiliar to allot of mechanics.

a noob is someone unwilling to learn while trolling and grieving others by their own shortcomings.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> i would suggest to avoid the word "noob" when talking about newbies, in today's language they are two different things.

> a newbie is someone new to the game, learning the robes and unfamiliar to allot of mechanics.

> a noob is someone unwilling to learn while trolling and grieving others by their own shortcomings.


Dictionary says otherwise o.o



Will bookmark this thread for future reference btw, so if anyone has something to pitch in please do. Thx everyone

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Well, i'll go over some of the things i think are important, though i can't remember all of the paths so apologies.


AC - detha's path.

the best way to get through this, first hard part at the cathedreal and waves of skelk go to assault detha - stand off the to the side and have a healer babysit detha, mostly they should aggro to side ppl. Theres a rock u can stand on where the skelk cant hit u but u can hit them, and u can just grind the skelks to pieces there.

On the boss, the best way is honestly just have high dps - like, 1 single person with a raid build does enough damage that he shouldn't take more than one vulnerable phase to kill. Helps if other players bring CC too. For getting it vulnerable, have eveyrone pick up a gun, target 1 ooze, tell half ur party to press the 1 skill and half ur party to press the 2 skill - it's a little slower than perfeclty coordinated teams, but even with voice chat it's so hard to coordinate. Itll go much quicker like that because even if one person presses at the wrong time at least 1 pair of "lift" and "pull" works. Once the trap is ready go all out on the big skelk.


CM - forgot what path, maybe seraph, but there's a part where u have to acitavte a switch in a room with traps, and the only way to not die is to throw cushions and jump acorss them...well...there's another way. Mesmer blink, elementalist lightning flash, i know theif has at least 1 skill - basically any ground targetted teleport - go UNDER the switch from the large room on the ground floor, use that ground targeted skill under the switch and aim for the ceiling. It'll port you onto the second floor and you can press the switch without having to cross the room.

FYI it's more fun to commit gendocide than stealth past the large rooms unless u really prefer speedrunning.


CoF - forget the path, but theres one where you have to have to go through a corridoor full of instant kill fires. It's fairly harsh to get through, but u can cheese it with any class with a ground targetted teleport, i like mesmer portal + blink to port everyone through. At the end is a fight, so u can lock everyone out of being able to wp to try again if u engage them.

oh, and for getting acorss the ooze/fire hell on the path which has an asura sounding name with an M in it, what usually works for me is isolating who the asura is following, have everyone else get to the other end of the room, then have the person the asura follows die, and so long as he's still alive he should switch to following another ally, and since all the options of people to follow is on the other end of the room he just runs over. he might still die when running to a new person though if was low health.


arah is complicated to tackle and i'd essentially be writing a guide for it lol. basically, if u wanna do arah i'd suggest reading a guide urself on how to deal with lupi, alphard serpent of the waves, jotun path boss, dwayna fight on their various paths.


i wouldn't ever suggest shying away froma dungeon cus it's hard, most of them just have tricks to em and once you learn the tricks ur in. u never learn if u don't try.

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suggest you have regular team players and multiple characters can switch. dungeon some time require thief to stealth and mesmer's portal to skip. also guardian to support / heal / tank and warrior for high dps etc.

also its better have someone in the team had experience to lead. lots of dungeon require enemy skipping.

mayb you can try fractal T1 (lvl 1~19) to start with. there are lots of mini dungeon you can practice

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The dungeons are actually quite easy for the most part.

I find that the biggest problem is: people want to simply crash through, bashing anything they encounter. In fact most fights can be mitigated or avoided with better tactics.

I often lead beginners through Cad's Manor and they are shocked at how quickly and easily even path 2 can be done if one will only stop and think.

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Gonna sort them by easiest to hardest on my own opinion, probably not accurate due to forgetting some specific mechanic that makes that path extremely difficult.

And i'm also considering a comp of at least one healer (not necesarly quickness+alacrity). And no cheese methods, just skipping unnecessary fights (without stealth) and killing everything else.


HotW p1

AC p1

AC p2

SE p1

AC p3

CoF p1

CoE p1

CM p1

TA up

HotW p2

SE p2

HotW p3

CoE p2

SE p3

CoF p2

CoF p3

CoE p3

TA down

CM p3

TA Aetherblade

CM p2

Literally any Arah path, hardest dungeon

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > i would suggest to avoid the word "noob" when talking about newbies, in today's language they are two different things.

> > a newbie is someone new to the game, learning the robes and unfamiliar to allot of mechanics.

> > a noob is someone unwilling to learn while trolling and grieving others by their own shortcomings.


> Dictionary says otherwise o.o

> https://www.wordwebonline.com/search.pl?w=noob


> Will bookmark this thread for future reference btw, so if anyone has something to pitch in please do. Thx everyone


the dictionary is taking things literal without thinking about cultural language, in game culture noob is a really unfriendly thing to say. ;)

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I give you a tip: Make a Minstrel healbrand (Mercy runes fine for an immortal party) and have your party ploughing through all the trash mobs on your way straight to the end goal. Dungeon scaling has not been fixed since HoT, meaning mobs have very little HP and they don't hit hard enough to make a dent on a healbrand. If your party can survive the damage, you'll wipe clean the mobs in no time.


So the only paths you should avoid for now are those with split mechanics and sync puzzles, unless your noobies can and are willing to pay attention.

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The vast majority of all dungeon paths are soloable. Experience with the path and your class is what makes a dungeon easy.


Someone else already left a few explanations for the less popular/"noob unfriendly" paths, but I'll add my solo tips here. And yes, I understand that OP was not asking about solo dungeoneering, but learning how to pull things off alone should help OP in feeling confident in leading his groups into less noob-friendly dungeons that group members nonetheless want for achievements. I recently re-ran Arah for a couple weeks because I joined a guild that had members who still needed those. I also remembered that was the sort of thing that makes me dislike joining guilds in the first place, but I digress.


**AC p2 (Detha's path)**

This is actually easier to do alone than with 4 other people who can't follow directions. Using ability 2 on the anti spectral ordnance, aggro the boss toward a trap. Get him to spit oozes inside or very close to the trap. Switch to just lifting oozes that walk themselves into the trap, no lift & pull coordination necessary. The challenge is to not get hit by the boss' attacks, which can be fairly easily sidestepped. Also, when fighting the boss, note that 100% of his attacks are projectile based. Literally every single one of them. A mesmer running mimic and feedback should be able to spend the entire fight throwing all that mess right back in his face. Other classes with reflects have the same strategy available, but perhaps with less reflect uptime. Projectile-destroying blocks stop the projectiles but of course don't reflect them back at the boss, such as the necromancer's corrosive poison cloud.


**CM p2 (Seraph path)**

@"Lexi.1398" already covered one of the most helpful ones (blinking through the floor of the spike room), so no need to rehash that. The other solo tip I have is to learn the best decoy barrel drop spots for the gate. If you grab a bomb, use the starting waypoint, and drop one inside the house, you can then drop the second decoy in the usual spot (I'll specify further if asked) as well. Having both of those down tends to keep them occupied long enough that even one person running back and forth to place bombs in all 5 circles is enough to blow the gate. Also, the final boss is pretty easy to solo if you can root him on the small rocky hillside below his initial starting spot.

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> @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> I give you a tip: Make a Minstrel healbrand (Mercy runes fine for an immortal party) and have your party ploughing through all the trash mobs on your way straight to the end goal. Dungeon scaling has not been fixed since HoT, meaning mobs have very little HP and they don't hit hard enough to make a dent on a healbrand. If your party can survive the damage, you'll wipe clean the mobs in no time.


> So the only paths you should avoid for now are those with split mechanics and sync puzzles, unless your noobies can and are willing to pay attention.


Minstrel healbrand works btw. Keeps even the 200AP people alive :)

Now if only they wouldn't try to kill absolutely everything that moves in the dungeon lol

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> > @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> > I give you a tip: Make a Minstrel healbrand (Mercy runes fine for an immortal party) and have your party ploughing through all the trash mobs on your way straight to the end goal. Dungeon scaling has not been fixed since HoT, meaning mobs have very little HP and they don't hit hard enough to make a dent on a healbrand. If your party can survive the damage, you'll wipe clean the mobs in no time.

> >

> > So the only paths you should avoid for now are those with split mechanics and sync puzzles, unless your noobies can and are willing to pay attention.


> Minstrel healbrand works btw. Keeps even the 200AP people alive :)

> Now if only they wouldn't try to kill absolutely everything that moves in the dungeon lol

People who could afford full minstrel probably wouldn't be asking in this thread.

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> @"Vilin.8056" said:

> > @"Friday.7864" said:

> > > @"Iris Ng.9845" said:

> > > I give you a tip: Make a Minstrel healbrand (Mercy runes fine for an immortal party) and have your party ploughing through all the trash mobs on your way straight to the end goal. Dungeon scaling has not been fixed since HoT, meaning mobs have very little HP and they don't hit hard enough to make a dent on a healbrand. If your party can survive the damage, you'll wipe clean the mobs in no time.

> > >

> > > So the only paths you should avoid for now are those with split mechanics and sync puzzles, unless your noobies can and are willing to pay attention.

> >

> > Minstrel healbrand works btw. Keeps even the 200AP people alive :)

> > Now if only they wouldn't try to kill absolutely everything that moves in the dungeon lol

> People who could afford full minstrel probably wouldn't be asking in this thread.


Uhm, a bit of context: I'm the one who asked/opened this thread and what I wanted is an easier way of introducing completely new people to dungeons.

So yeah, that advice is on point (to me). If someone just wants to run the paths normally with their own character, yay, you've got a list of the easier paths.

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