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Smokescreen might be the single most broken ability in the game


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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > If I (as the thief player here) see that my freaking smokefield is getting blasted by cleave....I, well, just get out.


> And you lose stealth duration. which means you either will pop back up or you will be going back to the stealth field to stack more.

> Both of those actions are predictable.


> > Why are you people pretending that the thief has to commit to stack stealth for a good 5 seconds in the field and just ignore the incoming nukes?


> You have to commit to stack stealth. You will not auto reveal if you exit the field, yes, but dropping it at least guarantees you will be close by for 7 seconds, whether you are at the edge or not. All damage applied by the aoe will hurt you, and if you do not interact with the field in the next 7 seconds you will waste it.

> Nobody says that a thief is going to mindlessly stack stealth in the field while you nuke them. The action they __will__ likely take in response to that nuke, though, shaves seconds off their stacking.


And thats exactly my point.

You DON'T have to commit to stack stealth.

For the freaking 3rd time. 25s CD, 7s duration, 18s Downtime.

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > If I (as the thief player here) see that my freaking smokefield is getting blasted by cleave....I, well, just get out.

> >

> > And you lose stealth duration. which means you either will pop back up or you will be going back to the stealth field to stack more.

> > Both of those actions are predictable.

> >

> > > Why are you people pretending that the thief has to commit to stack stealth for a good 5 seconds in the field and just ignore the incoming nukes?

> >

> > You have to commit to stack stealth. You will not auto reveal if you exit the field, yes, but dropping it at least guarantees you will be close by for 7 seconds, whether you are at the edge or not. All damage applied by the aoe will hurt you, and if you do not interact with the field in the next 7 seconds you will waste it.

> > Nobody says that a thief is going to mindlessly stack stealth in the field while you nuke them. The action they __will__ likely take in response to that nuke, though, shaves seconds off their stacking.


> And thats exactly my point.

> You DON'T have to commit to stack stealth.

> For the freaking 3rd time. 25s CD, 7s duration, 18s Downtime.


Incorrect! Commit in this case refers to spending initiative and being near/in the field to stack.


For the first, and hopefully last time, I didn’t see any complaints when the cooldown was adjusted to 35 seconds in the first round of proposed patch notes. 35 second CD, 7 second duration, 28 second downtime.


What people aren’t happy about is 45 CD, 7 duration, 38 second downtime.

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> For the freaking 3rd time. 25s CD, 7s duration, 18s Downtime.


It's not that anymore.


> And thats exactly my point.

> You DON'T have to commit to stack stealth.


That's not what I said. What you see as noncommittal I see as deferred commitment. If a thief doesnt interact with the field in 7 seconds, they waste it.

If I put them in a position where they have to wait to interact with the field, and that wait lasts 4 seconds, I know they will:


* Be where my aoe can't reach them, interacting with the field

* Be in a hurry to interact with the field after

* Be successful in interacting with the field and lose the point


If I have an unblockable I can just ignore all of the above and use it after they perform a leap, because projectiles track.


Why is that not counterplay?


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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> People were like "omg it's so bad there's no room to fit it on your bar."


That's because a good portion of people don't think about anything that Metabattle/a streamer doesn't spoonfeed them.

It's definitely not a bad skill.


> lol even with the longer cooldown the blind interval should by 3 seconds to account for the size of the ring and the projectile destruction.


No. That just lets people walk into the field, tap you, then use a reveal skill. It takes all of the defensive aspect out of it and subjects it to anyone with a reveal on demand.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > People were like "omg it's so bad there's no room to fit it on your bar."


> That's because a good portion of people don't think about anything that Metabattle/a streamer doesn't spoonfeed them.

> It's definitely not a bad skill.


> > lol even with the longer cooldown the blind interval should by 3 seconds to account for the size of the ring and the projectile destruction.


> No. That just lets people walk into the field, tap you, then use a reveal skill. It takes all of the defensive aspect out of it and subjects it to anyone with a reveal on demand.


I say the same about CPC on necro. Perma poison, weakness, and projectile destruction for 8 seconds every 20 seconds while traited is NUTS.


Also, the blind interval needs to be increased on Smokescreen. Black Powder is 2s interval but it has a much smaller radius and doesn't destroy projectiles. The current iteration let me basically facetank on point as anything that wasn't a melee-multi hit wouldn't be able to hit me. Interval should go up to 3s imo.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> The current iteration let me basically facetank on point as anything that wasn't a melee-multi hit wouldn't be able to hit me. Interval should go up to 3s imo.


What isn't a melee multi hit in this game that:


* is on a class that doesn't have resistance

* is on a class that doesn't have an instant condi cleanse they can use while they cast the skill (but before it hits) to ensure the skill lands if not evaded? (Headbutt + shake it off before contact in a smoke field will stun a thief.)

* cannot be empowered with unblockable

* Is so important that it can't wait 7 seconds despite not having any of the above options




> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> I say the same about CPC on necro. Perma poison, weakness, and projectile destruction for 8 seconds every 20 seconds while traited is NUTS.


I can see where you're coming from but unless I'm planning to eat that weakness or put it on you I absolutely hate CPC.

I'm power necro though so-


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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" I get a predictable 2 seconds of Resistance every 5 seconds, I'm not really concerned by the loss if I can stop the stealth to just toss a Thief around in a chain of CC and AoE damage.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > good for you, what about 98% of playarbase that doesnt get pulsing resistance?

> > > > > > waht about any projectal class? should the just leave the game, whoopsie thief using smoke, time to do the laundry see you next?

> > > > >

> > > > > You can toss him out with GS5, track with GS4, dab with GS3, even GS2 is unblockable and GS1 doesn't care about barriers??

> > > > >

> > > > > Seriously, that's just GS alone and even Chronomancer could laugh with /any/ AoE it has. What about ANYTHING that's AoE anyway??

> > > >

> > > > GS 4 is pro so it dissapears, and berserke would get blinded in the field to miss.

> > > > gs 2 lands true. gs 1 lands true.

> > > > gs 3 lands, gs5 doesnt land, it has shorter range then the field 480 vs 450.

> > > > even using wells ( assuming anyone would take chrono ) you can leave the field, its still blocking projectiles :D

> > > > you can walk away from the smoke and still blast for stealth next to it.

> > > > thats what I ment that those are counters for bad thiefs, If I were to play chrono and If I were to drop the well to damage stealthed thief, they can just stand 10 pixels next to it, take no damage and continue stealthing.

> > > > If im proj based class, and drop pulsing field on top of it, thief moves to the other end I still cant touch him, it still blocks projectiles.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Your berserkers are multi-hits. They will only get blinded once as they shred through, as for GS5 is more likely to hit than not, you've stated the odds and numbers yourself, they are leaping for stealth or blasting, one is more likely to hit than the other but the latter remains they cannot always be evading when you aren't seeing them.

> > >

> > > Don't deny your tools, the cooldown feels somewhat bloated yes but the skill itself is nothing short of what it always was until it just became a circle.

> >

> > I dont want the skill to become once a year use kitten to everyone button. dagger storm is for that.

> > they could much lower the duration for example, 7s is a bloody long time to deny projectiles

> > and Im not denying counters. Im being relistic. and realistically, I will knock bad thief out of the field with gs5, but the good one will be at the edge, our even out of the field while blasting, and I wont do a thing to him, thats the point.

> > gs4 is a multihit indeed, but half of its damage is the projectile ( blade ) and other half phantasm, realistically never hits 4 ticks. its 2-3 so even if 1 tick of daamge gets blinded its propably about 75% damage blocked.


> Ur words "a good thief will" so a good thief shouldn't be able to avoid ur counters? Sounds like if hes good and employing said tactics then its deserved as if it didn't matter than what would the difference be between good and bad thieves be? That applies to all classes or should no? Being good at the class should and will result in players doing things that not good players would not to ensure more potential success


you are missing the point.

counterplay to smoke screen is thief using it poorly.

smoke screen is amazing when used poorly, and has no counter when used properly.

he can avoid my counters, sure. How do I avoid his? do I have to use blink to get to the other side to land any projectiles? and hope he is slow and does react.

Do I ran into the field, and hope my GS5 hits before I get blind applied? all the while hoping that thief also doesnt dodge?

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > People were like "omg it's so bad there's no room to fit it on your bar."

> >

> > That's because a good portion of people don't think about anything that Metabattle/a streamer doesn't spoonfeed them.

> > It's definitely not a bad skill.

> >

> > > lol even with the longer cooldown the blind interval should by 3 seconds to account for the size of the ring and the projectile destruction.

> >

> > No. That just lets people walk into the field, tap you, then use a reveal skill. It takes all of the defensive aspect out of it and subjects it to anyone with a reveal on demand.


> I say the same about CPC on necro. Perma poison, weakness, and projectile destruction for 8 seconds every 20 seconds while traited is NUTS.


> Also, the blind interval needs to be increased on Smokescreen. Black Powder is 2s interval but it has a much smaller radius and doesn't destroy projectiles. The current iteration let me basically facetank on point as anything that wasn't a melee-multi hit wouldn't be able to hit me. Interval should go up to 3s imo.


But you are talking about the Staff acro build that also had super evade uptime. It’s easy to see how that would be busted to add in any duration area blind.


How about this...if we are talking about making a bigger change.


Smoke Screen:

* Duration: 10

* Cooldown: 40

* Blind: 2 second intervals

* Absorbs projectiles

* Unblockable


Longer cooldown but longer duration (more chance to use it to stack stealth) but longer blind interval (more subject to cleave than before).


CD 40, 10 duration, 30 second downtime.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > It definitely good but like I had a match against a perma stealth dp thief with this and he obviously had less 1v1 potential outside of backstab so I would just make him stealth decap node while he perma stealthed(about 15ish secs) which he cannot drop like a de can but just DJing. Guess what I just rotated to mid 1 shot their ele, without stealth btw and rotated back. That 15 secs of useless because he thought he was invincible becuz of this. It has counter play and lets be honest it’s not true invulnerability it’s just kind of a really huge area since the rework, possibly over worked with too much blind but can it get kills for u? No, but it can be super good in down state battles other than that it’s just a super op blind field for thiefs

> >

> > Please do enlighten me, what counterplay does a skill that perma blinds when in melee and destroys projectiles when not have?

> > Other than "just leave lul"?


> Smoke Screen


> You can do evasive attacks into the field and they will hit,


Not to pour gas on this pathetic little garbage fire...but I am pretty sure evading attacks will still get hit with blind fields. If a person is landing attacks evading into a blind field its because it happened in between a blind pulse.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > It definitely good but like I had a match against a perma stealth dp thief with this and he obviously had less 1v1 potential outside of backstab so I would just make him stealth decap node while he perma stealthed(about 15ish secs) which he cannot drop like a de can but just DJing. Guess what I just rotated to mid 1 shot their ele, without stealth btw and rotated back. That 15 secs of useless because he thought he was invincible becuz of this. It has counter play and lets be honest it’s not true invulnerability it’s just kind of a really huge area since the rework, possibly over worked with too much blind but can it get kills for u? No, but it can be super good in down state battles other than that it’s just a super op blind field for thiefs

> > >

> > > Please do enlighten me, what counterplay does a skill that perma blinds when in melee and destroys projectiles when not have?

> > > Other than "just leave lul"?

> >

> > Smoke Screen

> >

> > You can do evasive attacks into the field and they will hit,


> Not to pour gas on this pathetic little garbage fire...but I am pretty sure evading attacks will still get hit with blind fields. If a person is landing attacks evading into a blind field its because it happened in between a blind pulse.


inb4 "tracking pulse ICD = counterplay"

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > People were like "omg it's so bad there's no room to fit it on your bar."

> > >

> > > That's because a good portion of people don't think about anything that Metabattle/a streamer doesn't spoonfeed them.

> > > It's definitely not a bad skill.

> > >

> > > > lol even with the longer cooldown the blind interval should by 3 seconds to account for the size of the ring and the projectile destruction.

> > >

> > > No. That just lets people walk into the field, tap you, then use a reveal skill. It takes all of the defensive aspect out of it and subjects it to anyone with a reveal on demand.

> >

> > I say the same about CPC on necro. Perma poison, weakness, and projectile destruction for 8 seconds every 20 seconds while traited is NUTS.

> >

> > Also, the blind interval needs to be increased on Smokescreen. Black Powder is 2s interval but it has a much smaller radius and doesn't destroy projectiles. The current iteration let me basically facetank on point as anything that wasn't a melee-multi hit wouldn't be able to hit me. Interval should go up to 3s imo.


> But you are talking about the Staff acro build that also had super evade uptime. It’s easy to see how that would be busted to add in any duration area blind.


> How about this...if we are talking about making a bigger change.


> Smoke Screen:

> * Duration: 10

> * Cooldown: 40

> * Blind: 2 second intervals

> * Absorbs projectiles

> * Unblockable


> Longer cooldown but longer duration (more chance to use it to stack stealth) but longer blind interval (more subject to cleave than before).


> CD 40, 10 duration, 30 second downtime.


god please no, play projectile heavy build and you will realise how miserable smoke field is to play against.

10s of fuck you to any proj is too much

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > The current iteration let me basically facetank on point as anything that wasn't a melee-multi hit wouldn't be able to hit me. Interval should go up to 3s imo.


> What isn't a melee multi hit in this game that:


> * is on a class that doesn't have resistance

> * is on a class that doesn't have an instant condi cleanse they can use while they cast the skill (but before it hits) to ensure the skill lands if not evaded? (Headbutt + shake it off before contact in a smoke field will stun a thief.)

> * cannot be empowered with unblockable

> * Is so important that it can't wait 7 seconds despite not having any of the above options


> Though?


> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > I say the same about CPC on necro. Perma poison, weakness, and projectile destruction for 8 seconds every 20 seconds while traited is NUTS.


> I can see where you're coming from but unless I'm planning to eat that weakness or put it on you I absolutely hate CPC.

> I'm power necro though so-



Most melee abilities are single hit. I'd say around 90% of them. Also, 7 seconds is a RIDICULOUSLY long time to go without landing any attacks. Most invulns last for maybe 3 seconds max. 7 seconds of near-immunity is more than double.

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> @"saerni.2584" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > People were like "omg it's so bad there's no room to fit it on your bar."

> > >

> > > That's because a good portion of people don't think about anything that Metabattle/a streamer doesn't spoonfeed them.

> > > It's definitely not a bad skill.

> > >

> > > > lol even with the longer cooldown the blind interval should by 3 seconds to account for the size of the ring and the projectile destruction.

> > >

> > > No. That just lets people walk into the field, tap you, then use a reveal skill. It takes all of the defensive aspect out of it and subjects it to anyone with a reveal on demand.

> >

> > I say the same about CPC on necro. Perma poison, weakness, and projectile destruction for 8 seconds every 20 seconds while traited is NUTS.

> >

> > Also, the blind interval needs to be increased on Smokescreen. Black Powder is 2s interval but it has a much smaller radius and doesn't destroy projectiles. The current iteration let me basically facetank on point as anything that wasn't a melee-multi hit wouldn't be able to hit me. Interval should go up to 3s imo.


> But you are talking about the Staff acro build that also had super evade uptime. It’s easy to see how that would be busted to add in any duration area blind.


> How about this...if we are talking about making a bigger change.


> Smoke Screen:

> * Duration: 10

> * Cooldown: 40

> * Blind: 2 second intervals

> * Absorbs projectiles

> * Unblockable


> Longer cooldown but longer duration (more chance to use it to stack stealth) but longer blind interval (more subject to cleave than before).


> CD 40, 10 duration, 30 second downtime.


That's still insane. 10 second blind field? 1/4th uptime?


On a 45 second cooldown Smokescreen should last 5 seconds MAX.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"saerni.2584" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > > People were like "omg it's so bad there's no room to fit it on your bar."

> > > >

> > > > That's because a good portion of people don't think about anything that Metabattle/a streamer doesn't spoonfeed them.

> > > > It's definitely not a bad skill.

> > > >

> > > > > lol even with the longer cooldown the blind interval should by 3 seconds to account for the size of the ring and the projectile destruction.

> > > >

> > > > No. That just lets people walk into the field, tap you, then use a reveal skill. It takes all of the defensive aspect out of it and subjects it to anyone with a reveal on demand.

> > >

> > > I say the same about CPC on necro. Perma poison, weakness, and projectile destruction for 8 seconds every 20 seconds while traited is NUTS.

> > >

> > > Also, the blind interval needs to be increased on Smokescreen. Black Powder is 2s interval but it has a much smaller radius and doesn't destroy projectiles. The current iteration let me basically facetank on point as anything that wasn't a melee-multi hit wouldn't be able to hit me. Interval should go up to 3s imo.

> >

> > But you are talking about the Staff acro build that also had super evade uptime. It’s easy to see how that would be busted to add in any duration area blind.

> >

> > How about this...if we are talking about making a bigger change.

> >

> > Smoke Screen:

> > * Duration: 10

> > * Cooldown: 40

> > * Blind: 2 second intervals

> > * Absorbs projectiles

> > * Unblockable

> >

> > Longer cooldown but longer duration (more chance to use it to stack stealth) but longer blind interval (more subject to cleave than before).

> >

> > CD 40, 10 duration, 30 second downtime.


> god please no, play projectile heavy build and you will realise how miserable smoke field is to play against.

> 10s of kitten you to any proj is too much


I do play a projectile build. But I’m also a thief. :-p

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > It definitely good but like I had a match against a perma stealth dp thief with this and he obviously had less 1v1 potential outside of backstab so I would just make him stealth decap node while he perma stealthed(about 15ish secs) which he cannot drop like a de can but just DJing. Guess what I just rotated to mid 1 shot their ele, without stealth btw and rotated back. That 15 secs of useless because he thought he was invincible becuz of this. It has counter play and lets be honest it’s not true invulnerability it’s just kind of a really huge area since the rework, possibly over worked with too much blind but can it get kills for u? No, but it can be super good in down state battles other than that it’s just a super op blind field for thiefs

> > >

> > > Please do enlighten me, what counterplay does a skill that perma blinds when in melee and destroys projectiles when not have?

> > > Other than "just leave lul"?

> >

> > Smoke Screen

> >

> > You can do evasive attacks into the field and they will hit,


> Not to pour gas on this pathetic little garbage fire...but I am pretty sure evading attacks will still get hit with blind fields. If a person is landing attacks evading into a blind field its because it happened in between a blind pulse.


Nah whirlwind attack for example lands damage

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > The current iteration let me basically facetank on point as anything that wasn't a melee-multi hit wouldn't be able to hit me. Interval should go up to 3s imo.

> >

> > What isn't a melee multi hit in this game that:

> >

> > * is on a class that doesn't have resistance

> > * is on a class that doesn't have an instant condi cleanse they can use while they cast the skill (but before it hits) to ensure the skill lands if not evaded? (Headbutt + shake it off before contact in a smoke field will stun a thief.)

> > * cannot be empowered with unblockable

> > * Is so important that it can't wait 7 seconds despite not having any of the above options

> >

> > Though?

> >

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > I say the same about CPC on necro. Perma poison, weakness, and projectile destruction for 8 seconds every 20 seconds while traited is NUTS.

> >

> > I can see where you're coming from but unless I'm planning to eat that weakness or put it on you I absolutely hate CPC.

> > I'm power necro though so-

> >


> Most melee abilities are single hit. I'd say around 90% of them. Also, 7 seconds is a RIDICULOUSLY long time to go without landing any attacks. Most invulns last for maybe 3 seconds max. 7 seconds of near-immunity is more than double.


Near immunity but barrage still hits through it.


Axe 4 from rev


Scepter air autos from ele


Great sword 1,2.3 mesmer


Whirlwind attack


All focus skills


Any attack cast with resistance while in the circle


Necro Mark's


Shadow orb


Necro axe


Sword 3 rev, even if one misses the rest of the hits land


Aoe ground target skills


Aoe with range to hit from the outer ring


Ranger projectiles cast under signet of the hunt


Mallyx leap outside of circle will pull them out of it









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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > > It definitely good but like I had a match against a perma stealth dp thief with this and he obviously had less 1v1 potential outside of backstab so I would just make him stealth decap node while he perma stealthed(about 15ish secs) which he cannot drop like a de can but just DJing. Guess what I just rotated to mid 1 shot their ele, without stealth btw and rotated back. That 15 secs of useless because he thought he was invincible becuz of this. It has counter play and lets be honest it’s not true invulnerability it’s just kind of a really huge area since the rework, possibly over worked with too much blind but can it get kills for u? No, but it can be super good in down state battles other than that it’s just a super op blind field for thiefs

> > > >

> > > > Please do enlighten me, what counterplay does a skill that perma blinds when in melee and destroys projectiles when not have?

> > > > Other than "just leave lul"?

> > >

> > > Smoke Screen

> > >

> > > You can do evasive attacks into the field and they will hit,

> >

> > Not to pour gas on this pathetic little garbage fire...but I am pretty sure evading attacks will still get hit with blind fields. If a person is landing attacks evading into a blind field its because it happened in between a blind pulse.


> Nah whirlwind attack for example lands damage


yes because it hits multiple times in a 1 second window...it can still eat blind.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > The current iteration let me basically facetank on point as anything that wasn't a melee-multi hit wouldn't be able to hit me. Interval should go up to 3s imo.

> > >

> > > What isn't a melee multi hit in this game that:

> > >

> > > * is on a class that doesn't have resistance

> > > * is on a class that doesn't have an instant condi cleanse they can use while they cast the skill (but before it hits) to ensure the skill lands if not evaded? (Headbutt + shake it off before contact in a smoke field will stun a thief.)

> > > * cannot be empowered with unblockable

> > > * Is so important that it can't wait 7 seconds despite not having any of the above options

> > >

> > > Though?

> > >

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > I say the same about CPC on necro. Perma poison, weakness, and projectile destruction for 8 seconds every 20 seconds while traited is NUTS.

> > >

> > > I can see where you're coming from but unless I'm planning to eat that weakness or put it on you I absolutely hate CPC.

> > > I'm power necro though so-

> > >

> >

> > Most melee abilities are single hit. I'd say around 90% of them. Also, 7 seconds is a RIDICULOUSLY long time to go without landing any attacks. Most invulns last for maybe 3 seconds max. 7 seconds of near-immunity is more than double.


> Near immunity but barrage still hits through it.


> Axe 4 from rev


> Scepter air autos from ele


> Great sword 1,2.3 mesmer


> Whirlwind attack


> All focus skills


> Any attack cast with resistance while in the circle


> Necro Mark's


> Shadow orb


> Necro axe


> Sword 3 rev, even if one misses the rest of the hits land


> Aoe ground target skills


> Aoe with range to hit from the outer ring


> Ranger projectiles cast under signet of the hunt


> Mallyx leap outside of circle will pull them out of it










But but those require thought and equally the require some form of tactics and thats BS.

I wanna just spam my skills and bursts and be 100% effective without having to think so all ur solutions and obvious counter play are no good. Pls need skill more ty-- mesmer player. ;)

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > > > > It definitely good but like I had a match against a perma stealth dp thief with this and he obviously had less 1v1 potential outside of backstab so I would just make him stealth decap node while he perma stealthed(about 15ish secs) which he cannot drop like a de can but just DJing. Guess what I just rotated to mid 1 shot their ele, without stealth btw and rotated back. That 15 secs of useless because he thought he was invincible becuz of this. It has counter play and lets be honest it’s not true invulnerability it’s just kind of a really huge area since the rework, possibly over worked with too much blind but can it get kills for u? No, but it can be super good in down state battles other than that it’s just a super op blind field for thiefs

> > > > >

> > > > > Please do enlighten me, what counterplay does a skill that perma blinds when in melee and destroys projectiles when not have?

> > > > > Other than "just leave lul"?

> > > >

> > > > Smoke Screen

> > > >

> > > > You can do evasive attacks into the field and they will hit,

> > >

> > > Not to pour gas on this pathetic little garbage fire...but I am pretty sure evading attacks will still get hit with blind fields. If a person is landing attacks evading into a blind field its because it happened in between a blind pulse.

> >

> > Nah whirlwind attack for example lands damage


> yes because it hits multiple times in a 1 second window...it can still eat blind.


And? When I'm on warrior cleaving inside feilds I'm ok my hits aren't 100% guaranteed as what would even be the point of the feilds? I'm just glad there multiple counter play options as is and that my hits have basically a 50/50 chance to hit. Miss once ur sec will probably connect,big deal. Man what's wrong with u people,no wonder games where it is u all want ur fights given to u added by specs designed to carry players lol.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Zenix.6198" said:

> > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

> > > It definitely good but like I had a match against a perma stealth dp thief with this and he obviously had less 1v1 potential outside of backstab so I would just make him stealth decap node while he perma stealthed(about 15ish secs) which he cannot drop like a de can but just DJing. Guess what I just rotated to mid 1 shot their ele, without stealth btw and rotated back. That 15 secs of useless because he thought he was invincible becuz of this. It has counter play and lets be honest it’s not true invulnerability it’s just kind of a really huge area since the rework, possibly over worked with too much blind but can it get kills for u? No, but it can be super good in down state battles other than that it’s just a super op blind field for thiefs

> >

> > Please do enlighten me, what counterplay does a skill that perma blinds when in melee and destroys projectiles when not have?

> > Other than "just leave lul"?


> Smoke Screen


> You can do evasive attacks into the field and they will hit, you can do resistance, you can use the radius of your aoe to hit them within the field. non projectile attacks such as mesmer gs1 will hit them from the outside. Ranger can barrage, any necro mark or focus skill. Any range non projectile attack, and target aoe (chaos storm) can hit them inside this field. Illusionary Wave can push them out of the field. NO damage comes from the field, the cd will be increased.


> Also, if the air is pulse damage and not considered projectile, it will not be blocked.


> There is more, let me go get my other quote.



> evading attacks are not affected by it, mesmer gs attacks, necro axe and focus attacks, staff attacks (Necro, druid lol), bull charge, gs 3 war, sword 3 rev, rev axe 5, reve mace 2,3, all unblockable attacks, and aoe cast from outside, barrage is not affected (ranger skill).



> Channeled beams, like scepter air ele for example also hit



> Yeah if you stand in the circle and cast without resist....lol



> But it seems there are some ways to deal with it.


> Also, isn't the cooldown getting even more increased with the update?


I’m more bothered with the sheer size of the field and its duration. The only thing I can effectively compare it to is pre nerf Chaos Storm or Winds of Disenchantment.

One being already nerfed for enabling precisely the same sketchy mechanics, the other being an elite skill on a much higher CD.

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