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@ANet: If you want financial success to improve, give the players what they have been asking for

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-Cantha expansion


-Playable Tengu race


-New elite specs


-Demonetize build templates


-Overhaul core dungeon explorable paths with strike mission mechanics and add incentives for vets to help new players learn how to play properly with achievements and rewards

Dungeons are the first group content that the game encourages players to check out. Right now, the dungeon system in this game is a liability. It scares more people away from the game with a dead LFG when these instances could be used to teach new players how to play correctly and create a pipeline to fractals and raids. When you get a mail as you're leveling to check out these dungeons, make an automatic group finder for them. Get these new players learning break bars, cc, and dodging instead of roaming an empty overworld for 80 levels. New players won't stay for the current experience. You need to think about how your game should be designed to bring players into the fold, not alienate them because the first group content they touch is atrocious and no longer supported development. You need to fix this system. It's absolutely dire.


-Allow LWS1 to be playable so new players can actually orient themselves in the world and feel attached to the story instead of just watching a cinematic with 0 information.




-Refocus on guild content and guild cohesion. We need more types of guild missions, more rewards, GvG, bonuses for clearing daily fractals or raids with guilds, come on.


-Stop putting all the flashiest rewards in the gemstore. Monetize your expansion. Reward players for playing the game first, then try to milk them on cosmetics and QoL second.



Any other ideas, feel free to add to the post.


-GW player since 2005

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> /shrug ... makes sense. Where does the money come in?


When players see investment into systems that create longevity and meaningful group experiences, they're more likely to spend on the gemstore. Plus, lock elite specs behind a $60 expansion and market it well, they'll easily have players banging down their door to give them money.

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There are so many players that want different things and have different opinions that it isn't such an easy task.


Some want Tengu as a race, others think a new race would be wasted dev effort.

Some want Cantha, others want completely new locations.

Some want more instanced content, others don't care about that content.

Some want open world content, others don't care about that content.

Some only play PvP and WvW, others don't touch those gamemodes.


And dev resources are limited, they can't do everything at the same time. I also would prefer an expansion instead of the current saga, with new elitespeccs, but some fear those might throw the balance into chaos and it would definately make it harder to balance the game.

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To be fair a number of those would not help bring them more money.


Pretty much a new expansion with new specs is the only one that will.


Living world 1 needs to be remade.. has been needed for years but Anet could not monitize this for players who've been around as long as we have.

It would be expected to be released as free content for those of us who were there to play it.. though admittedly a number of us would probably be fine with paying for it, I would personally but not all of us would feel the same.


Refreshing old content like dungeons, vanilla maps etc would also again be something Anet could not monitize.. it would be expected as part of the usual free updates.


New playable race could be monitized but unlikely to go over well, many would just ask why even bother doing this.. could have been a tonic or it would serve no real purpose.

I'd like to play a Tengu myself but not at the expense of story continuity or my bank card, definitely not something i'd be willing to pay for.


I don't like that all the flashy stuff is in the gem store either but it is how they make money so it's just something we have to accept for this anti-subfee model to work.

At least you have the option to earn gems with gold so that's one way around the credit card if you want something badly enough.



One thing I think that might go over well in the gem store would be if you could buy a Mount role swap for the Griffon and Skyscale..

Basically Griffon Flies, Skyscale Glides.. I think a good number of players who are more partial to the Griffon would love to be able to fly around on it like a Skyscale while their Skyscales shoot through the sky like a Griffon instead.

And I think they would definitely pay for something like that.


I also think that Gw1 weapon and armour packs would do quite well as well.

There were a lot of cool skins in Gw1 and only a handful made it to Gw2.

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> @"Lambent.6375" said:

> Only thing I have to say is I don't think tengus are desired that much by the masses.


They always come out on top of the "Which new race do you want?" polls. But, even those who want it realize it's not going to happen because of the required investment, but to catch up and permanent cost to continue.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> Why don't you explain how to achieve each of your ideas. Most your wants are very subjective. You basically get people to spend money on an expansion but want them to sacrifice money from gem store so I don't see how this isn't break even. I'm all for some of this but just don't know how you think what you want is what the majority wants and if it would help overall. When you add extra rewards everywhere those rewards eventually become stale and not enough too.


I'm not a developer, that's not my job. These are things that most people who play GW2 have told me they want or posted about constantly on Reddit, this forum, etc. Expansions sell incredibly well for GW2. We're long overdue for one.

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Even if they don't want to annoy themselves with hard coding etc, I said it for a long time now, you can't add races? Add combat tonics! I have so much fun with kodan tonic, just add largos and tengu tonic. Woot you did it! Just adding those two to start would be awesome and will allow us to play them like we picked them as race.


Secondly, I consider strikes to be a failure, it's just boss fight, could have been called boss rumble, more seriously, dungeon should have continued; fractals are a different thing, it's a story telling thing about unfinished subplots. Visions of the past can be added as fractal. Dungeons, are meant to represent current events, sadly we got none with hot and pof. Mallyck story could have been a dungeon, the end of joko could have been a dungeon. Welp anyway. Don't want to rant again, it's just bad decisions at wrong moments. Even some of the devs said they aren't pleased with joko end... will not search the quote, long time ago, seek it.


Anet is sitting on a pile of money, just do especs after the rebalancing, do expac, more customization, bring back old lion arch, make marionette/battle on la to show how ls1 was, just add in the story journal "ls1= go play the fractals" with small video showing big events in order/ kind of pilgrimage.

More faces and hairs for other races than human. Racial skins for turrets and necro minions. More guild halls! In the mountains, rata novan like city, pirate island, anything possible!



Anet I know you can be limited in ressources and money and this is the easiest way to make it: (races and ls1 can be done fast)


**Races**= Combat tonics (largos, tengu, skritt, grawl mainly)

**LS1**= Battle of LA, marionette, eventually breachmaker fractals. Cinematic showing key moments, asking player to revisit places like pilgrimage.

**Customization**= new hairs and faces, racial skins for necro minions, turrets, maybe pet skin for ranger?

**Guild**= new gh, guild missions

**WvW**= new map, underground? Archipelago?


But that's only my opinion, many players see the game differently.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> I bet this is the new Visions of the Past thing they're making is. Either that or it's something to do with Fracdulls.

Good money says neither. They have already said its story content(so not fractals), and I am going to guess we are going to see things from like Ryland, or Bangar, or maybe even Asgeir's point of view.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"BlackBullWings.2734" said:

> > - lws1 episodes please. Missed out on most of them, I'd gladly pay gems to play them


> I bet this is the new Visions of the Past thing they're making is. Either that or it's something to do with Fracdulls.



I sure hope that you are right and they figured out a way to bring key moments of LS1 back to life via Visions of the Past. They said that LS1 was impossible to recreate because each patch wrote over the previous one and having been there and seen how LS1 unfolded I can see how that would be. For over a year they story played out through the open world and was integrated in all the seasonal festivals. Witnessing the destruction of old LA and helping with the evacuation of it's citizens, it was a pretty amazing experience. I complained about it not being replayable at the time cause I was on the road a lot and missed out on a few weeks here and there but it not being repayable really gave you the feeling that you were part of this ever evolving world. I mean, we even held an election to determine who was going to lead the efforts against Scarlet. Some of that feeling was lost when they went to repayable instances .


I think most of us would be happy just replaying some of key events from LS1 and have cinematic cut-scenes fill in the gaps in between.



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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > I bet this is the new Visions of the Past thing they're making is. Either that or it's something to do with Fracdulls.

> Good money says neither. They have already said its story content(so not fractals), and I am going to guess we are going to see things from like Ryland, or Bangar, or maybe even Asgeir's point of view.


But that's present and future, not, "Past".

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> @"lothefallen.7081" said:

> -Cantha expansion

No, thank you.

> -Playable Tengu race

No, thank you.

> -New elite specs

Ok, if balance can be achieved

> -Demonetize build templates

>No, thank you.

> -Overhaul core dungeon explorable paths with strike mission mechanics and add incentives for vets to help new players learn how to play properly with achievements and rewards

How will overhauling these things incentivize any of the results given here?

> Dungeons are the first group content that the game encourages players to check out. Right now, the dungeon system in this game is a liability. It scares more people away from the game with a dead LFG when these instances could be used to teach new players how to play correctly and create a pipeline to fractals and raids. When you get a mail as you're leveling to check out these dungeons, make an automatic group finder for them. Get these new players learning break bars, cc, and dodging instead of roaming an empty overworld for 80 levels. New players won't stay for the current experience. You need to think about how your game should be designed to bring players into the fold, not alienate them because the first group content they touch is atrocious and no longer supported development. You need to fix this system. It's absolutely dire.

Better tutorial, sure.

> -Allow LWS1 to be playable so new players can actually orient themselves in the world and feel attached to the story instead of just watching a cinematic with 0 information.

No, thank you.


No, thank you.

> -Refocus on guild content and guild cohesion. We need more types of guild missions, more rewards, GvG, bonuses for clearing daily fractals or raids with guilds, come on.

Need to focus on guild content before they can re-focus on it.

> -Stop putting all the flashiest rewards in the gemstore. Monetize your expansion. Reward players for playing the game first, then try to milk them on cosmetics and QoL second.

No, thank you. Game needs to make money somehow and items in gemstore can easily be purchased with gold -> gem conversion.



> -GW player since 2005

Is this supposed to provide some legitimacy?


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The only things you list that make sense are a new expansion (doesn't need to be Cantha) and new elite specs. Everything else would be a resource sink and cost more to make and implement than it would bring in.


Playable tengu or other race:

* would require new voice actors, new models, new animations, new starting area, and all existing armour would need to be modified to fit them. That is *a lot* and there's no way to monetize it without pissing people off, so likely a net loss.


Demonetizing build templates:

* ignoring the fact that the number of people who quit (and didn't come back in 1-4 weeks) because they couldn't have unlimited templates probably didn't even cause a blip in Arenanet's fincances, they can't demonetize them without spitting in the face of everyone who bought more. They don't hand out free gems so there would be a massive influx of people contacting support demanding a refund. It's similar reasoning to why the original mount contract does not and likely will not have a mount select license.


Overhauling dungeons:

* dungeons are old, extremely buggy code and would need to be rebuilt from the ground up, and how are they going to monetize it to recoup the upfront cost of it when they could have worked on other content that would bring in money and new people? I would like to see dungeons be relevant again but it's been over 7 years and they were barely touched the first couple years and that's it. Fractals exist to replace dungeons.



* They've said that's one of the things they're going to use Visions of the Past for. LWS1 was coded in such a way it's impossible to bring back in its original form, so they're going to bring back parts of it.


Story speed:

* So you want to bring back players and make people play together, but you want Arenanet to stop updating story content entirely until they have X amount and release it at once? Small updates are vastly preferable to no updates with a single content update once or twice a year. People still play together, both on the new maps and old ones. There's also several years worth of content for new players to do.


Guild update:

* Sure, but like dungeons I doubt it will happen and it won't bring money in. New content gets people playing. Someone isn't going to start playing a brand new game because they changed guild missions.


Gem store:

* They have been putting new skins into the game that you can get by playing. The general pace is 1-3 brand new gem store skin a week. Shadow in the Ice introduced 34+ new skins, minis, and emotes, as well as three new guild decorations. And this is where subjectivity comes in because I find the "free" skins nicer than the "premium" ones that have come out. Plus there's the gold-gem conversion so everyone has access to gem store skins. (Also how can you demand that Arenanet change things up to bring in more money then demand they cut their primary income in the same post?)


The only thing that will bring in a huge influx of money/players at this point is an expansion. Everything else needs to be assessed on how much it will cost to do (time, money, people) and how much benefit (retaining players, gaining players, bringing in money, making future development easier) it will bring in. Much of what you listed is high cost with little benefit to Arenanet and at the end of the day Arenanet is a company (beholden to yet a different company) that doesn't have the resources to throw at everything players want changed. Especially now that so many people who have been with the company for years—some even since GW1—have left, meaning the number of people familiar with the code and its various iterations is dwindling.


A lot of long-standing games and programs become limited in what can be done with them not because of money but because after a certain point, no one knows the original code anymore and any change can result in a seemingly unrelated area being broken. And the Guild Wars engine is rather infamous at this point for being old and not being written to account for future changes to the game or available tech.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"BlackBullWings.2734" said:

> > - lws1 episodes please. Missed out on most of them, I'd gladly pay gems to play them


> I bet this is the new Visions of the Past thing they're making is. Either that or it's something to do with Fracdulls.




I think you'd lose that bet.




_Scry into the past and witness what life is like as a member of Ryland's elite Steel Warband. Armed with the finest charr technology, the group will head into deadly snowstorms, dwarven ruins, and even explore the Darkrime Delves._


_As a recruit, you are expected to assist the warband in a variety of tasks. Take up sniper rifles to fend off threats, gather components to bolster allies, and partake in friendly competitions to see who can defeat the most enemies._


_Of course, there are additional perks to being in the Steel Warband—the troop is equipped with the latest armored vehicle. Recruits are expected to maintain the vehicle, but if you gather some ammo, you will be more than welcome to hop into one of the gunner seats and rain fiery death down upon any foe foolish enough to oppose the warband._


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I agree with LWS1. Back as a new player coming in at the beginning of Season 4, I was thrown off when LWS1 only had a summary and I when I started Season 2 I was thrown off by expected to care about these characters I did not know. I found the story to be confusing and honestly if I didn't already had friends in the game, I may not have continued playing it. Thankfully I did continue and now love the story. However, LWS1 needs to be a factual or dungeon you can do once you complete your personal story just so new players can get orienated. Something else to add to this list, make the previous seasons free. GW2 is story focused. The paywall for new players to get caught up on the story is a bit overwhelming. Having to buy PoF/HoT should be enough, don't make them spend a bunch of cash on all the previous seasons too that are no longer current.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > > @"BlackBullWings.2734" said:

> > > - lws1 episodes please. Missed out on most of them, I'd gladly pay gems to play them

> >

> > I bet this is the new Visions of the Past thing they're making is. Either that or it's something to do with Fracdulls.

> >

> >


> I think you'd lose that bet.




> _Scry into the past and witness what life is like as a member of Ryland's elite Steel Warband. Armed with the finest charr technology, the group will head into deadly snowstorms, dwarven ruins, and even explore the Darkrime Delves._


> _As a recruit, you are expected to assist the warband in a variety of tasks. Take up sniper rifles to fend off threats, gather components to bolster allies, and partake in friendly competitions to see who can defeat the most enemies._


> _Of course, there are additional perks to being in the Steel Warband—the troop is equipped with the latest armored vehicle. Recruits are expected to maintain the vehicle, but if you gather some ammo, you will be more than welcome to hop into one of the gunner seats and rain fiery death down upon any foe foolish enough to oppose the warband._



Ah well that makes sense, yes. I am clearly wrong.

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It's kind of funny.

We gamer regularly lament about how big companies only seem to be worries about their short term earnings, even if has a negative effect on a game.

We always talk about how these short term focused decisions end up killing games rather then improving them.


If GW2 wants to improve financially it needs to improve the new player experience which is currently garbage.

Then they need to figure out how to *keep* people playing the game.

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