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Guild Wars 2 "Classic"


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Hello everyone, I would like to discuss about a potential GW2 "classic".

I would like to know if you're interested, and if you share my thought.

I'm sorry for my english, i hope you can understand what you read =) .


## What does "CLASSIC" mean in my opinion :


_Classic GW2 mean a stack of 3 NEW servers (to mantain WvW) without day one bugs, where skills and traits are back to the value they had at day one. I'd also like to have only one channel per server (to improve collaboration between players )._


**But there are some more change in my mind :**


- The **MOUNTS** should be added to the game and the WAYPOINTS should be disabled (i would like max 1 waypoint for each map) , this change looks silly, but i think that mount, will allow players to explore Tyra as they never did before. Since moving with our feet was a very slow option, we used to travel by waypoints for most of the time and as result, we didn't actually enjoy the world of Tyra at his true potential. (For istance : first mount could be given when you reach the second map, and should be a very basic one)



* The **RESISTANCE OF MOBS** should be quite (or slightly) INCREASED ;


* The **DAMAGE OF MOBS** should be slightly DECREASED (from1 to 80) ; quite decreased (at lv 80) ;


_I think that these changes could make PVE quite challenging and funny, compared to what is now (especially from lv 1 to 80, but also at lv 80).

The PvE is a strong part of GW2, but i can say that killing mobs is quite boring (or frustating), because they are very easy to kill, but they deal a lot of damage when in groups. Things get

worse when you play events : you cant even feel like you are giving your contribution to it, because mobs die too fast._



* GW2 **COMBAT SYSTEM** is very good but i think that mobs needs more aoe skills, and moveset, since the **DODGE SYSTEM** is not meant to be used to dodge basic attacks. (TERA

is a good example of mobs moveset and AoE that give satisfaction when you dodge them)



* **WvW** could be revisited, (to makes things more balanced during zerg fights) I think devs know better than me how to do that (or they can come up with a better solution).



* **PvP** would be GREAT like it was at day one (with some minor balance changes)




**Adding dx12 / Graphic rework with a NEW graphic engine / something else that improve optimization** - this is obviously the most unreal change (because we know it wont happen, but is something I've always wish since optimization has always been a big problem in GW2)


When I play GW2 the first thing I think is that this game's optimization is quite bad . The main reason because I bought my first gaming PC , was to play GW2 and after spending about 1000€ the game ran only decetly. I recently bought a new PC and yet, GW2 can't stay at 60fps (costantly) when in max settings. When you play WvW you NEED a good pc even to run at 30-40 FPS at lowest settings.


I would like to know your thoughts/ideas about it.


_Use simple english pelase =)._


Regards, the former best Thief in Tyra (maybe not) .

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It would be unsustainable. You wouldn't get enough players to do just classic content and Anet would never split it's playerbase up like this and risk existing populations not being able to complete content. A true "GW2 classic" couldn't have mounts, so you can't just make that exception. You also have to go back and have;


- no wardrobe

- no champ boxes

- no fractals

- no currency wallet

- conditions maxed at 25 stacks

- nerfed world bosses - ie old style Tequatl

- no elite specs


Plus a whole other load of changes.


You can't decide to do classic GW2 and then only have the bits you want. It would be original or nothing

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> @"TheThief.8475" said:

> The **RESISTANCE OF MOBS** should be quite (or slightly) INCREASED ;

> The **DAMAGE OF MOBS** should be slightly DECREASED (from1 to 80) ; quite decreased (at lv 80) ;


Please no. That would be boring. Mobs that do not hurt and that just take longer to kill.


> The PvE is a strong part of GW2, but i can say that killing mobs is quite boring (or frustating), because they are very easy to kill, but they deal a lot of damage when in groups.


If you can not kill a group, try to position yourself better, so you do not pull too much aggro, seperate mobs from the group and kill them one-by-one. Or simply walk around the group and don't engage. If you believe, you die too often, put more defensive stats in your gear until you feel comfortable.



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> @"TheThief.8475" said:

> Hello everyone, I would like to discuss about a potential GW2 "classic".

> I would like to know if you're interested, and if you share my thought.

> I'm sorry for my english, i hope you can understand what you read =) .


> ## What does "CLASSIC" mean in my opinion :


> _Classic GW2 mean a stack of 3 NEW servers (to mantain WvW) without day one bugs, where skills and traits are back to the value they had at day one. I'd also like to have only one channel per server (to improve collaboration between players )._


> **But there are some more change in my mind :**


> - The **MOUNTS** should be added to the game and the WAYPOINTS should be disabled (i would like max 1 waypoint for each map) , this change looks silly, but i think that mount, will allow players to explore Tyra as they never did before. Since moving with our feet was a very slow option, we used to travel by waypoints for most of the time and as result, we didn't actually enjoy the world of Tyra at his true potential. (For istance : first mount could be given when you reach the second map, and should be a very basic one)



> * The **RESISTANCE OF MOBS** should be quite (or slightly) INCREASED ;


> * The **DAMAGE OF MOBS** should be slightly DECREASED (from1 to 80) ; quite decreased (at lv 80) ;


> _I think that these changes could make PVE quite challenging and funny, compared to what is now (especially from lv 1 to 80, but also at lv 80).

> The PvE is a strong part of GW2, but i can say that killing mobs is quite boring (or frustating), because they are very easy to kill, but they deal a lot of damage when in groups. Things get

> worse when you play events : you cant even feel like you are giving your contribution to it, because mobs die too fast._



> * GW2 **COMBAT SYSTEM** is very good but i think that mobs needs more aoe skills, and moveset, since the **DODGE SYSTEM** is not meant to be used to dodge basic attacks. (TERA

> is a good example of mobs moveset and AoE that give satisfaction when you dodge them)



> * **WvW** could be revisited, (to makes things more balanced during zerg fights) I think devs know better than me how to do that (or they can come up with a better solution).



> * **PvP** would be GREAT like it was at day one (with some minor balance changes)




> **Adding dx12 / Graphic rework with a NEW graphic engine / something else that improve optimization** - this is obviously the most unreal change (because we know it wont happen, but is something I've always wish since optimization has always been a big problem in GW2)


> When I play GW2 the first thing I think is that this game's optimization is quite bad . The main reason because I bought my first gaming PC , was to play GW2 and after spending about 1000€ the game ran only decetly. I recently bought a new PC and yet, GW2 can't stay at 60fps (costantly) when in max settings. When you play WvW you NEED a good pc even to run at 30-40 FPS at lowest settings.


> I would like to know your thoughts/ideas about it.


> _Use simple english pelase =)._


> Regards, the former best Thief in Tyra (maybe not) .


WoW has the player base to support it and Blizzard Activision has the resources to do it, but Anet doesn't. Not gonna happen.


You should try to come up with ways to improve what we have instead.

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I actually think that most of what you're asking for is achievable currently, but it has to be self-imposed (Choosing not to use WPs, purposefully undergearing in order to increase mob challenge, etc). You might try starting a guild specifically for this kind of play style and do a write-up for your members to follow whenever they're repping the guild/actively participating in the "classic" play you're talking about.


It's possible that there are other players who might enjoy the adjusted/limited experience you describe, but I think it's more realistic to try and create it within the servers we currently have than to hope for new ones to be added. The other benefits to doing it this way are that there will be no additional payment necessary for you or anyone who chooses to join you and you won't have to wait - you'll be able to jump right in.


It's also important to note that some of what you're asking for isn't in line with what Guild Wars 2 is or was, especially if you want significant changes made to the combat system. Calling it classic probably isn't the right word, but adjustable playstyles are a good way rekindle your enjoyment of a game you've been playing for a long time.

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I realise I'm probably not the right audience for it but IMO if Anet ever did do GW2 Classic it should be similar to the way Blizzard did it - literally bring back the game as it was shortly after release, not picking and choosing changes to include or making new changes. Otherwise it gets to be a mess and you'll never get everyone to agree on what should and should not be included or changed. Which is also why I think it's unlikely to happen, most the topics I've seen asking for "GW2 Classic" are like this, with a long list of things that should be changed and those are always different. At the moment it looks like Anet could spend a lot of time and money making what players say they want only to find that no one's actually happy with it because they all imagined something different.


Some of these changes could be good for the current game (like increasing the resistance of some enemies) but in that case why not add them to the game we've already got instead of creating an alternate version?


Also your English overall is excellent, but I wanted to point out one thing just because it bothers me. Fun and funny aren't the same. Fun means you enjoy doing it, funny means it makes you laugh. So saying something like "I think that these changes could make PVE quite challenging and funny," makes it sound like you don't necessarily think it's a _good_ idea but you would be laughing at the result, which I don't think you meant. (There's also a second use of funny to mean weird or confusing but not amusing, someone might say "there's a funny smell in here" and they won't be laughing, but they don't mean they're enjoying it either, it's just strange. As is using the same word to mean two totally different things, but that's English for you.)

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I'm a player of this game since stress testing. I know how this game used to be.


Most of your PvE section is _not_ an accurate representation of how Guild Wars 2 used to be or, to use your term, "classic". Same goes for your WvWvW statement. The only accurate part of this post was sPvP, though sPvP at release was broken. I remember the old Heartseeker Thief. Ah, nostalgia wave.


You've completely misinterpreted the definition of a "classic" version of a game.


Also, my two pence - no. This game does not need, nor will it ever need, a "classic" version.

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It would have to be a stack of 3 servers for WvW times 2, one for NA and one for EU. Unless you want to permanently disadvantage either NA or Eu players (probably EU) with high ping. And you’d have to find enough people who’d want play on the new WvWs, which would decrease the population on both of the old WvWs with no guarantee that the new WvWs would have viable populations.

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Well lets just call il Guild Wars 2 "remake".

Most of your comments are right, the problem is that i started the game about 1 year after release so I thought that things were more or less the same (wasn't actually the case).

For reasons of playerbase everything i thought is non possible.

But i'd actually like to se some of these changes, upcoming balance patch could be a nice start.


I can only say that i can't really enjoy pvp the way it is now. I played this game for about 300+ hours (maybe not a veteran like some of you) and my best pve moments were during my first character level up and with basic GW2 content. After HoT i enjoyed the PVE only for some weeks then i was bored. I just returned and I didn't play PoF yet. And I dont even know if it's the case to buy it (since HoT didn't match my expectations).


Anyway as i said before any idea is appreciated. If we can help devs to bring GW2 at his original glory would be something i'd love.

I remember the days when i could easily say GW2 is the best MMORPG out.

I can't say it now.

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> @"TheThief.8475" said:

> Anyway as i said before any idea is appreciated. If we can help devs to bring GW2 at his original glory would be something i'd love.

So, in order to make money, Anet (and the devs) need to evolve with regards to GW2. The game must change or it would become stale. I don't think that there is enough incentive to return to its "original glory" -- if the game didn't grow, then players would leave. Going backward is not forward thinking.



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All I want back from the classic experience is the need to be mindful of PvE mobs, especially if i go where I am even 2 levels under the suggested level or risk getting owned. I really miss that base difficulty. I've had to go back into GW1 to feel that level of "you will be punished for trying to take on more than you can".


EDIT: Actually I'd also love for there to be proper "fail-able" aspects of the game. Not that event fail stuff, but story step missions that can actually fail if not done right or if you wipe on it.

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From experience, if you want a game back in classic mode it will never meet your expectations and most likely fail as well. The biggest reason for this is because it is based on nostalgia and you simply cannot get back the 1st time you enter the game experience nostalgia (which includes how hard you found the mobs in start) nor all friends you used to play with.


Core tyria is basically "classic" and you could just avoid using either mounts/waypoints etc.

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You might want to consider trying an Iron Man challenge. I recently started one, and so far it has been a fun experience (the rough rules I have been following: fresh F2P account, no waypoints, no repair, no chat (event call outs), no player trading, no parties/guilds, avoid using the maps). So far I'm ten hours in and at level 27. I have spent a fair amount of time just travelling, mostly to do Jumping Puzzles. Gendarran Fields was fun, running from fort to fort, praying to Dwayna no mob manages to land a hit (I ran from the Caledon Forest to Plains of Ashford. Rangers are truly amazing runners.)


Most people doing these have far bigger goals, so far I have mostly focused on JPs, and plan on moving to minidungeons. I'm not trying to be miserable, so I'm just seeing what crosses my path when I'm not taking every possible shortcut. The best part of course is that once I feel I'm done, my achievements don't just go away. I can upgrade the account and extend the challenge, or just transfer the goods off the account. Even if you don't consider a good time good enough investment, the hard work doesn't go to waste any more than with other alts.


The game needs to keep moving forward. Some features supporting these kinds of runs would be nice, but frankly far from feasible. Maybe hiding the minimap and/or filters for it could be something more than just very few players could get some use out of (and even that's a very far fetched, not worth it over any actual QoL update).

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The vanilla class/trait system was trash and they overhauled it for good reasons. I think it could use another overhaul but that's another topic. I find it hilarious when you say that PvP was great in vanilla. It's been terribly from the start in my opinion. Also the vanilla story line is still the worst and most childish of all. Personally I think it's best to forget vanilla and focus on making what the game is now better and more suited to the player base.


Considering that MMOs tend to have downward trends over time with population and all, adding new servers would be a bad thing, especially since it pulls people from the current servers. Also note that the servers are only really there for WvW purposes anymore. Nobody can really tell how many servers are active and full because it just goes by map instances. So chances are separating out servers for this purpose will either be a wasted effort because not enough people care or it will break up the community if it's successful. So it's a lose-lose proposition for the game as far as I'm concerned.

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This whole topic explains to me why I don't want GW3. Starting from 0 (zero) again would be the worst. The game has evolved a lot over the years. Certainly not everything may be perfect, but there are a lot of things you don't want to miss anymore. The quality has also been steadily increased. And how much content there is to discover. How many episodes the entire story contains. There is absolutely no endgame content either. GW2 classic would be extremely boring and with GW3 it would be the same for years.

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> @"Sileeent.5861" said:

> This whole topic explains to me why I don't want GW3. Starting from 0 (zero) again would be the worst. The game has evolved a lot over the years. Certainly not everything may be perfect, but there are a lot of things you don't want to miss anymore. The quality has also been steadily increased. And how much content there is to discover. How many episodes the entire story contains. There is absolutely no endgame content either. GW2 classic would be extremely boring and with GW3 it would be the same for years.


I don't agree that there was no end game content in GW2 at release. Some of the things which 'end game players' still do today were already there at release, like world bosses, big meta-events (mainly the temples in Orr), and running dungeons for the weapon and armour sets was much more popular. But there wasn't a lot.


I think you've highlighted an important point. I don't think the initial release of GW2 was intended to keep players entertained indefinitely, because right from the start Anet were planning on regular releases rather than big expansions with long waits between them (the first new release was October 2012, just over a month after release). So I think the bast game was only supposed to get us started - enough to level up, learn the mechanics and give them a setting for future releases, as well as things to do in between releases.


Going back to just the base game without those additional releases would quickly lead to players running out of things to do. As I remember it we were about 3 weeks in when some people first started complaining that they'd done everything once and were left with only repeating content.

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I only created my account 4 years ago, and played for the last 3 years, so I completely missed the first years. But it's nice to read comments from the people who played in those days. Also, comparing what many players write in other MMOs' forum, I'm happy to see that overall the experience in GW2 (from the comments above) seem improved over the years (at least as QoL, the story is a matter of tastes).


If you followed what happened with the classic versions of other MMOs (both official, like WoW and private servers that I won't mention), you'd see how ppl vehemently asked for a classic version, only to complain afterwards that "omg, the walking speed is so slow", "omg, the classes are so unbalanced", "mobs are not marked on the map, I have to read guides online", "leveling takes ages", "the inventory is too small" and so on. Nostalgia erased these issues.


I think you could suggest some changes to the current version (like the "WvW could be revisited to makes things more balanced during zerg fights", and hopefully it's what will happen with the next big -nerfing- balance patch) rather then say "go classic but keep mounts, change mobs' AoE skills, change WvW...". That's not classic anymore.

(and personally, I enjoyed exploring Tyria much more when I walked on foot than now with mounts, since I had to think how to reach some difficult spot, rather than just flying with my skyscale. So I wouldn't use that statements as general rule)

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> (and personally, I enjoyed exploring Tyria much more when I walked on foot than now with mounts, since I had to think how to reach some difficult spot, rather than just flying with my skyscale. So I wouldn't use that statements as general rule)


This is why I still avoid using mounts in some places I know it would be quicker and easier, because I enjoy figuring out where to go and don't want to get out of practice with doing it, for the times when mounts aren't an option.

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I was looking at a Vista in Divinity's Reach the other day, and wondered: "how would I get there without mounts or gliding?" So I did it the old fashioned way, walk into a building to find stairs, walk up, jump of ledge, jump some more, voila. It was fun and classic enough for me. :)


I think the call for Classic is mostly fueled by the desire of people to go back to the old Trait system. For the rest you can get a pretty accurate Classic experience by going without Mounts, Gliding and Elite specs(i.e. FTP as another person mentioned).

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