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Is Rally healthy for PvP ?

hotte in space.2158

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There's one place where conditions exceeds and that would be cleaving downed that can potentially get rally to instant down.


Personally I feel like rally removes a lot of value from the skills that can revive, but if we were to not have rally then people would still not bother to res anyone after a kill because that other person surviving in the 1v2 can easily stop that res or cleave out for an easy two kills.


All it takes is a stack of poison to make everything bad.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Uncle Dalty.8327" said:

>An entire team shouldn't rally cause one idiot ran in and got insta killed.


>one of your teammates runs into a sea of downed people and manages to die before any one of them


Yeah who doesnt know that^^ Whole opponent team is in downstate while team-moron runs in to get insta killed by them and they all come up again.

A convincing example of uncompromising realism !


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  • 2 weeks later...

I like rally, it implements some kind of riskines and strategy.

Even when you fight in a 1vs2 and get one of them down while you are low life, with a good timed downstatt you can rally up in 1 second and kill the guy that's left.

It brings some intense and pressure, if you don't want that 3 of your enemy's do rally up, cleave or stomp them before or rez you mates.

Rally should stay.

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The issue is the dev's have enough problems dealing with upstate balance let alone the downstate and everything it brings with it. Take necro for example, it is not only extremely tanky, has a broken elite but its downstate is insane compared to most classes. That seem balanced to anyone? Look at rangers or the near instant rez traits, absolute definition of carry mechanics. If u die in pvp mode u should bleed out for a timed period with no downed attacks and rez should only be possible by a teamates at far more reduced rate than it is now especially since damage has been hard nerfed. Pve who cares if it's broken or op there?

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Rally has nothing to with skillful playing. It hasnt anything got to do with playing at all, as its more like a lottery winning that favours the team that is already in advantage, as its got the first stomp. That actually doesnt even fit to anets philosophy, as for years now, devs nerfed passives to make PvP more skillful, but lucky-punch-rally remains untouched. Its a lack of consequence here because : more skillful = no rally

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Its completely realistic. Back in the war times, if soldiers were seconds before death, but still manage to grab and shoot their gun &kill someone, they will feel like New-born too!


or lets see that in wvw: If everyone throws a sesame seed at someone and +50ppl are in downstead, but someone else manages to kill this sesame bun-player everyone(+50) will be just like respawned. Isnt that great gameplay?

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I dont think Rally itself is problematic.

If anything it adds another layer of complexity that challenges the players decision making when there is 2 downstates.


What I personally dislike, is insta-rezz skills like Signet of Undeath / Mercy, Illusion of Life or Glyph of Renewal.

Those are simply annoying and devalue good-positioning or general awareness (since mistakes in those departments are "less fatal" so to speak).

An argument can also be made for rezz-speed increases....but those at least can be tuned via numbers.

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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> I dont think Rally itself is problematic.

> If anything it adds another layer of complexity that challenges the players decision making when there is 2 downstates.


> What I personally dislike, is insta-rezz skills like Signet of Undeath / Mercy, Illusion of Life or Glyph of Renewal.

> Those are simply annoying and devalue good-positioning or general awareness (since mistakes in those departments are "less fatal" so to speak).

> An argument can also be made for rezz-speed increases....but those at least can be tuned via numbers.


This, minus illusion of life.

Rally is fine. being able to bot to heal someone to full without committing to it in terms of positioning and rotation could use a look.



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Rally is fine. Can you imagine how miserable it would be if you and an opponent downed each other and flailed at each other until one is dead, only for the other to then have to wait ~20s to get back up. In some locations, it would be better to die. That would be completely miserable.


I would agree that downstate mechanics should be balanced. I don't mind each class having unique effects, but necro and ranger are inordinately strong.


Signet rally is fine. People complain about it only in 2v2. Signet of undeath takes like 1/3 of your hp to use and ppl still complain.




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> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> What I personally dislike, is insta-rezz skills

Rally is an insta-rezz, but without skill and you dont even have to push a button.

Rezzed or insta-rezzed is at least a result of players action, but coming up just because someone else gets killed has nothing to do with skillful playing.

Rally is a 100% passive action that decides estimated 10 - 20% of all matches !


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