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Shocking Aura Share - Lightning Hammer 5 Spam - How Does Everyone Feel About This?

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They had to buff conjure to keep up with the power creep from other specs. That was a bad decision. They should have nerfed other outliers instead.


Now many of the conjures are OP. Unlockable CC, low cool down invul/daze, CC everywhere.


Please nerf them ANet, and don't buff until another 3 months or so. There are so many broken things being put in by your previous balance team it's insane.

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Well you can:

- Attack from further than 240 units.

- Use blinds.

- Stab.

- Stow weapon for 4 seconds.

- Counter CC.

- Chill for 66% recharge increase

- Bait them

- Interrupt air overload

- Pressure when they not in air attunement


As for the hammer 5:

- Are they autoattacking? Fine.

- Are they leaping at you? Fine.

- Are they doing big swing? Fine.

- Raising hammer? Fine.

- Sideways swing? Walk 2 steps away.


I get it is an issue if one tries to spam everything melee on a comp that uses all of it, but just a little stab/distance/cc completely shuts the mechanic down. I know we all don't want to look for animations - it's hard work, but that isn't cause for nerfing anything with perfectly good counterplay.


Is the spam excessive? Let's assume it's 2 eles, both aurashare. Every aura last 4 secs (else they do way less dmg):

- Dagger 3 (4/20 secs ×2)

- Rebound (4/75 secs ×2)

Only Air Overload can do more, which not only is a PbAoE (can be ranged), at most give them 1 stack of stab and leave them **vulnerable to counterpressure for 4 full seconds every 10** .


Imo we need more mechanics that actually feels punishing if you allow enemies to freely spam their skills without any return pressure whatsoever.

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The main culprits of aura share are tempests, and tempests die if the team focuses them. Wha? Yes, shocking.


Even with all the lightning auras and other annoying defenses, nothing can save a low armor, low health, melee class.


The only successful tempests I've seen are the kitey ones. So bring range and wait for the small amount of stability that tempests have to go away. They'll die faster than any other support class you've seen

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> @"Stallic.2397" said:

> The main culprits of aura share are tempests, and tempests die if the team focuses them. Wha? Yes, shocking.


> Even with all the lightning auras and other annoying defenses, nothing can save a low armor, low health, melee class.


> The only successful tempests I've seen are the kitey ones. So bring range and wait for the small amount of stability that tempests have to go away. They'll die faster than any other support class you've seen


> The only successful tempests I've seen are the kitey ones. So bring range and wait for the small amount of stability that tempests have to go away. They'll die faster than any other support class you've seen


I don't know what to say, if you don't kite even necros will die. in 2v2 tempest is very strong.


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> @"rng.1024" said:

> Well you can:

> - Attack from further than 240 units.

> - Use blinds.

> - Stab.

> - Stow weapon for 4 seconds.

> - Counter CC.

> - Chill for 66% recharge increase

> - Bait them

> - Interrupt air overload

> - Pressure when they not in air attunement



This is not helpful at all.

> - Attack from further than 240 units.

may melee classes.

> - Use blinds.

How does this work with shocking aura?

> - Stab.

Many classes have stun break, but not many has stab. Also, if you use too many stun break/stab for the shocking aura. then might be CCed to death later.

> - Stow weapon for 4 seconds.

Yes, can also not playing this game. Please note that its 2v2, they are 2 not 1, with that 4 seconds they either heal up, or do shit dmg to you. also, if you stow 4 seconds for every shocking aura, then cannot kill them.


I mean, every OP class has its weakness. For bunker Necro, you can kill the other. Or you can argue that since they don't do much dmg, just slowly kill them. And about resin signet and ressing power, you can argue that you can interrupt the signet or put more poisson on the downed. This does not mean it is not OP.




Is the spam excessive? Let's assume it's 2 eles, both aurashare. Every aura last 4 secs (else they do way less dmg):


Dagger 3 (4/20 secs ×2)

Rebound (4/75 secs ×2)

Only Air Overload can do more, which not only is a PbAoE (can be ranged), at most give them 1 stack of stab and leave them vulnerable to counterpressure for 4 full seconds every 10 .


You are assuming that all they have... But they have other abilities....

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* Every weapon **set** has atleast 1 skill that operates at a range further than 240 units, even the "full" melee ones - use that while the aura is up.

* Using a blind on a tempest means you get a free hit where the aura stun will miss you. A **pulsing blind field** (like Black Powder) will allow you to keep pressuring even more.

* Never use a stunbreak if you get hit by shocking aura - this means the ele has abysmal counter pressure atm, and you're better off waiting it out since it's a really short stun.

* Did you know you can only get stunned 2 times with every shocking aura? This means 2 stacks of stab, or terribly 2 stunbreaks is enough to just ignore it. A good ele will transmute it after the 1st hit anyways, leaving you ample time to dodge/walk away.

* Full Counter is a similar mechanic, the Glint heal for revs, Primordial stance for weavers. You know how PoF bounties sometimes have that ring with arrows? This is like that. You don't need to stop playing, just shake it up - an ele can't heal during overload.

* Yes they have other abilities, but they have to pick tempest and air traitlines, leaving them very squishy while also being the squishiest base profession. Are you fighting 2? Split them up so that they can't share to eachother. I can already tell you if you dodge the overloads, any dagger pressure they can do is abysmal atm unless on berserker amulet (which leaves them on 11,6k health)

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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> I mean... aura share ele doesn't share stab right?


> Shocking aura IS its defense which is countered by guardian sharing stab...


> I feel like a lot of the complaints people have right now can be dealt with through simple "try-harding"


Yes, but this once again encourages & promotes Guardian play dominance.


Now in 2v2s and still in Conquest.


Mechanics that are so strong that it requires one class to spray it all over its team to get serious for a win, is too strong.


I shouldn't have to have a Guardian in my team at all times to be able to compete against tempests and other Guardians.

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> @"JETWING.2759" said:

> * Attack from safe range.

Why would the ele pop shock aura unless you're already attacking them melee range?

> * Bring Stability.

Stability is not as common as it use to be

> * If do not have Stability...

> * Do not attack while the aura is active.

Once again, why would the ele pop aura unless you're already attacking them?

> * Use Breaks Stun and attack again while aura stun is on cd.

Its not like its their/teams only CC and stun breaks are not infiite

> * CC the tempest while he is casting the aura.

Easier said than done

> * ...



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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > I mean... aura share ele doesn't share stab right?

> >

> > Shocking aura IS its defense which is countered by guardian sharing stab...

> >

> > I feel like a lot of the complaints people have right now can be dealt with through simple "try-harding"


> Yes, but this once again encourages & promotes Guardian play dominance.


> Now in 2v2s and still in Conquest.


> Mechanics that are so strong that it requires one class to spray it all over its team to get serious for a win, is too strong.


> I shouldn't have to have a Guardian in my team at all times to be able to compete against tempests and other Guardians.


Well then stab share with soulbeast? Take a support scourge and corrupt their stab? Use a heal shout war? Use your own tempest?


I feel like once upon a time we had some options for meta... and there were times the meta changed multiple times without balance changes.


To me it seems people have forgotten these times. People have forgotten how to theory craft and adapt and instead just complain on the forums.


Is tempest too good? Could be. But Its kinda neat to see something besides firebrand.

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