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Your -realistic- wishlist/expectations for Expansion 3?

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Do consider that budgets and workforce are limited. Anet isnt going to work on redundant things at this point.


I wouldnt recommend expecting unrealistic and unfitting things like new playable races or personal ports.

Imagine a Tengu commander doing the first 3 stories...How unfitting and weird that would be?... a Tengu leading the Pact consisting of the 5 actual main races.


More likely:

-New elite specs, canthan inspired

-New mount, most likely underwater.

-Underwater combat 2.0, due to Bubbles? This could be the new "it" thing for this expansion

-New fractals/raids (obviously.)

-Possible updates to WvW


Uncertain but possible:

-Faction system

-Guild vs guild pvp


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New Elite Specs

Underwater combat revamp

Tengu playable race- Maybe starting in the expansion areas, skipping all prior content, and getting a recap to avoid the mentioned issues



Luxon/Kurzick PvP maps with territory shifts (similar to FA and JQ in GW1 and/or the new open world territory system of the next Icebrood Saga episode)


Player housing system

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- **Monk** profession

- Ritualist elite spec for Necromancer

- **gothic Kurzick cathedrals and Luxon settlements**

- underwater areas with story content

- a **horse mount** (then they could sell a Kirin skin for it ;) )

- Tengu as a playable race

- housing perhaps?

- **more character creation options** (faces, hair,... perhaps body too?)


Well, it's unlikely I could get all of the above, but I would already be content with the ones I marked in bold. :)

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The original trade post system when GW2 launched mimicked how the stock market works, indicating some of the developers understood finance, with the recent return of veteran staff(s), hopefully more investments were allocated & the finance department was able to carry out due diligence, especially when interest rates now hit bottom due to the virus, if the game mechanics (blending of PvE and certain PvP elements) being iterated is well received, and expansion sales returns are high, additional wishlists shouldn't be an issue :)


There's also clues of iterative beta testing from the previous double PvP WvW reward events, likely devs crunching the raw numbers and testing certain mechanics, especially this paragraph from their latest expansion reveal post:


_"The episode’s **environment will focus on capturing and defending territories in a PvE map, using objectives similar to WvW to drive enemies back**, defeat familiar foes, and maximize the potential for rewards. You’ll also tackle a new Strike Mission with a different spin on gameplay mechanics."_


Guess we'll see in the next episode, *fingers crossed :)

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> @"Woop S.7851" said:

> The original trade post system when GW2 launched mimicked how the stock market works, indicating some of the developers understood finance, with the recent return of veteran staff(s), hopefully more investments were allocated & the finance department was able to carry out due diligence, especially when interest rates now hit bottom due to the virus, if the game mechanics (blending of PvE and certain PvP elements) being iterated is well received, and expansion sales returns are high, additional wishlists shouldn't be an issue :)


> There's also clues of iterative beta testing from the previous double PvP WvW reward events, likely devs crunching the raw numbers and testing certain mechanics, especially this paragraph from their latest expansion reveal post:


> _"The episode’s **environment will focus on capturing and defending territories in a PvE map, using objectives similar to WvW to drive enemies back**, defeat familiar foes, and maximize the potential for rewards. You’ll also tackle a new Strike Mission with a different spin on gameplay mechanics."_


> Guess we'll see in the next episode, *fingers crossed :)


Erm... this thread is discussing wishlists for the 3rd expansion that is in the works. It's not about the next _episode_ of The Icebrood Saga.

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>Elite Specs




>New Mounts


Will probably happen anyway but I'd rather they continue with this system rather than make a new one that only ends up having less appeal. I mean, how do you realistically outdo griffon/skyscale?


>Bringing back the dungeons system (story/map relevant content with unique rewards for each area, not just more time bubble fractals we farm for TP fodder)


Not really expecting this but it still seems more likely than something outrageous like a whole new class or a new race


To be totally honest, my perfect scenario wish for pack 3 is just for Anet to take what they've already done well and just give us a lot more of it with a coat of polish. Familiarity with a new hat instead of more novelty.


You don't have to reinvent the wheel, just give me a new scenic area to roll it around in

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My _current_ expectations are pretty simple:


- Shing-Jea/Isle of Meditation based guild hall with a large central building with smaller connected structures and less wasted space

- Armors and weapon skins that take at least **SOME** design elements from Factions' armors and weapons and don't look like trash

- Jade Sea is still at least partially still jade, same goes for Echovald Forest

- New E-specs, obviously, including either GS or offhand sword for Thief, and maybe GS for Revs

- Three or four more pets for rangers

- New Type of masteries, we've had enough mounts

- Improved writing? Guess that might be expecting too much.....

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1. It will be playable

2. It will be nothing like cantha from the original game and be more like some anime or some such thing

3. The E-specs will be entirely human themes

4. It will ignore anything not human within the context of the story

5. It will undoubtedly add nothing to WvW, PvP, Raids or fractals. And will have story, strikes, visions and so on.

6. It will either set up or be the end of the game, or potentially a jumping point for something else

7. It may or may not be a mess of a story in the same vein as HoT and PoF

8. The environments will be beautiful

9. Players will complain about it,and hate it like everything or anything else

10. We will go back to living world after its all said and done.

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Ritualist as a profession


Having spent thousands of hours on my ritualist from GW1, I would hate to see it broken up into various elite specs. It would be rather lack-luster and mediocre at best.


The ritualist brought so many new mechanisms to the game that could be expanded upon as a stand-alone profession in GW2. Distribution of the ritualist attributes and mechanics to various elite specs would be an unfortunate loss of opportunity to add life into GW2. The ritualist as a profession in GW2 expansion 3 would be the a wonderful addition to see.

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* New maps combine the best of POF and HOT maps (big event chains that keep you occupied, with huge, gorgeous design elements)

* New cosmetic options for all races, the game is called Fashion Wars for a reason, and character looks is an important part in that

* New Elite specs, variety is always good, even if they are not completely balanced at first, people want to look cool and do cool stuff with their characters with updated animations

* Faction system from "Factions", applied to WvW

* Lots of new armor sets in the core expansion (POF only really had a few extra armors such as Bounty Hunter and Funerary, that were a bit lackluster) that we can start hunting. Cantha gives us a lot of opportunities to spice up our armor sets

* More legendaries?

* More Fractals?

* Incentive to do old dungeon content


I am confident that the story is going to be fine, I already like GW2 story arc a lot, so whatever they decide to do, I personally will be entertained. Underwater content is really tricky, cause either people love it or hate it. Maybe create a system where there is underwater content, but you are not forced to use underwater weapons? Like create land-zones underwater? (Gungam city from SW).


New class and race is probably really difficult at this point, and I would not want to devs to waste time on something, when it gives so little to the game. I do not see how playable Tengu will shake things up. Most people will still stick to human/norn female as that is where fashion really lies. The hardcore Asuras and Charrs will probably not change either.


(But whatever happens, Revenant needs a GS)


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The most important thing: _the game changing feature_.


**Housing**. People may ask how this would be game changing since most housing in MMO's seems like a gimmicky afterthought but I think Housing could have a huge impact on the Loot economy in the game(which it needs badly). One of my peeves in GW2 is the fact that there can not be really interesting loot other then fugly Infusions or overpriced stuff for some silly and pretty useless Achievement (Sam). There even isn't a real Rare Crafting economy, the most expensive crafting ingredients are like a few gold on the TP. All due to the no item-progression/powercurve mantra of GW2 (which is fine).


With housing, you can introduce a huge amount of items that are sought after and could be Crafted, Traded, Achieved or directly looted, like Sam. Anet can tweak this by making some stuff accountbound on pickup, and some stuff tradable. If Sam would be an (accountbound) real rabbit that you could display in your house (alive or stuffed) that would be awesome. Hey, make the Blue Sam a stuffed animal and the Exotic Sam a live animal!

How about being able to loot a rare piece of Furniture from some Boss, or a crucial ingredient of that piece of furniture if it was craftable? The good thing about this is, that you can have rare and ultra-rare loot without it being part of some character powercurve, or being just another pile of gold. Finally interesting loot in Gw2! And farming/monopolizing certain Bosses and content was never a problem in GW2 anyway due to how looting, xp and events work.



For Dungeons, personal instances and Fractals only. But probably never going to happen since this content is being abandoned anyway.


Fishing. This would be game-changing because there is just nothing like Fishing in a MMO. :) And I would expect Anet to make this into the best Fishing Feature ever seen in a mmo. Fishing would go well with usable Ships. :)


Also, ships as houses. And Turtle Land-wagons.



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I actually think a new race could be added realistically. Just not in the way most imagine it: Just as an option to play existing things. It wouldn't fit and would be way to much work for Anet. If they would add for example the tengu they would have no access to any previous story lines (no new voice acting for this, a huge burden) but instead have their own new storyline. Not a full blown 4 season 2 expansion spanning storyline, more like the other races (lvl 1-30 story line) and than lead up to becoming a trusted partner of the commander (they would have to make "the commander", but that is doable). Going forward the commander would get his close tengu ally (as npc) and as a tengu you would get the commander as an npc so that you don't get the problem with "not the commander is doing stuff" lorewise. No need to change voicelines whatsoever, no voicing old stories, players would just have to accept that they are not the commander. Playing tengu would be more of a bit of a perspective change. Animation and armors remain but could actually be doable and aren't as huge of a financial burden as paying voice actors for basically doing the whole story again I imagine.

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> @"Andovar Edoras.2143" said:

> Ya'll still hoping for Tengu.. its so not gonna happen lol


I am more amazed that people still hope they will get a new profession.

Anet finally made it that we have 3 classes for every armor class, why would they want to break that symmetry again?

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-New skins (weapons/armor) matching Cantha style:-)

New Weapon's type :-)

Great axe, crossbow, shuriken-like, halberd, (land) spear, land trident with nest (gladiator style:-))...

-New e-spec linked to that

-Boats (come one that would be cool:-), Com at the wheel, others at canons against other ships or a Kraken/Bubble champ)

-HOT meta event style with more map story like on POF (talking NPCs, deep History, lots of small infos that make the world real, full of and ancient stuff). I liked HOT settings but to me as it was a large jungle, the History/cultural life on map was limited. For Instance Tarir is cool looking, love the design, but the exalted are not very talkative:-), you can run the corridors but it misses life. In Amnoon or other villages/location in POF in the contrary it seems ancient and full of life you can get this sense thanks to info from npcs, side quests, cemetary, markets, outpost...

-Underwater mount/content (combat rework) ?(yet, if Cantha, we expect a lot on land so filling under water content could be risky...or they rather have to go big in terms on maps/content production!! like 5 maps POF size+1-2 "bonus" maps with underwater)


-a faction system





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Wish list:

Playable Tengu, New weapon types, Ritualist elite spec, Deep sea dragon

What i expect will be in expansion:

New elite specs, playable tengu or new weapon types(they need to bring something new), upgrade to underwater combat, underwater mount, Bubbles.



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* no more elite spec / its not good for balancing or only for PVE !

* no more 1000d maps ( i like flat maps more ) i still can't play in hot maps.

* Tengu

* Tengu Map at the left side of lions arch. + portal to cantha




* underwater combat REWORKED

* underwater mounts

* new weapons under water

* better WvW Servers




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**Only Guarantees:**

1. New Maps. Probably 4 large ones, maybe with 1 or 2 more small maps.

2. Elite specs

3. New Masteries and Mastery Points

4. Regional Armor sets (1 per weight class)



1. New Movement Masteries with new Movement Type (maybe sailing/water based)

2. New Weapon types (maybe land spear/trident, but not betting on it, might be whole new land types)

3. More than 1 per weight class armor sets.

4. Underwater combat updates.

5. Open up Dominion of Winds as way to get story moving to Cantha.


**Not gonna happen but here and reddit is going to overhype themselves and then be sad when it doesn't happen:**

1. Tengu as playable race (they still can't address all clipping with Charr and Asura feet, and you think new race with required 1-80 backstory?).

2. Largo as playable race.

3. Any real WvW updates or Factions themed WvW modes.

4. Any real PvP updates or Factions themed PvP modes.

5. Real engine updates.


With a week or so to digest, I guess I'm happy for the people looking forward to Cantha, but **as a Mesmer main and player since GW1 Prophecies, all I see and feel like is they gutted my class eSpecs to try and sell me a new OP eSpec as a reason to play slightly different maps I saw 12 years ago.** And Factions was my least favorite of the original game. People still got nostaliga glasses, but forget how much we all hated fighting afflicted while navigating that city. And some of the grind was just dumb.


Might be the first xpac for this game I just skip. Maybe the 4th one will finally _be somewhere new and not another place we got sold 12 years ago._


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