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Legendary Equipment and Templates - [Merged]

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I'll bet all the complaining about fashion is going to cause this feature to be delayed several months.

Plus in the original post it talked about improvements to build templates themselves... why conflate the two?

Armory doesn't have to come at the same time as the build template improvements do they?


With the announcement made that Armory will eventually be a thing, there is no reason for me to bother gearing new characters. I would effectively be paying for a temporary set of armor. Just to use until the armory goes live, so why bother?


I just recently finished my third set of legendary armor, and now knowing that it will be SEVERAL MONTHS before the armory is available makes me wanna quit and just wait until it finally is live.


I guess I am mostly upset because of the ambiguous wording in the original post "our plans for the next update that will affect the suite of templates features" left it open to believe that this could happen soon rather than a long time from now.


Also, if Arenanet is going to put MONTHS of development time into this, are you just gonna tripple monetize the armory also? Right now I am hopeful, but also rather frustrated.

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> @"Dumat.1479" said:

> To all those people, who said to me and other players with 9 legendary sets "why should they give you compensation" I want to say this: why Anet gave every player who bought HoT compensation? A small gift and title. Why Anet gave an outfit to players who bought core game at release when they made core game free? Why Anet gave an achievement with the title to players who crafted two identical weapons in the days we didn't have wardrobe and legendary was soulbound? Why they did all this?

> In my case with 9 legendary armors and 9 legendary backpacks I would like to get something small, like a title, or achievement without points. I am not asking too much. Maybe it shouldn't be called a compensation, lets call it a small reward for dedicated veteran player.


This actually sounds completely reasonable. It is almost exactly the same situation that happened with the Legendary Weapons.

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> @"Dumat.1479" said:

> To all those people, who said to me and other players with 9 legendary sets "why should they give you compensation" I want to say this: why Anet gave every player who bought HoT compensation? A small gift and title. Why Anet gave an outfit to players who bought core game at release when they made core game free? Why Anet gave an achievement with the title to players who crafted two identical weapons in the days we didn't have wardrobe and legendary was soulbound? Why they did all this?

> In my case with 9 legendary armors and 9 legendary backpacks I would like to get something small, like a title, or achievement without points. I am not asking too much. Maybe it shouldn't be called a compensation, lets call it a small reward for dedicated veteran player.


Bit like "Twice-Told Legend"?

That seems fair enough for sure.

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The outfit for those who owned the core game at release and the HoT glider/title wasn't really "compensation". It was more a "thank you" to longstanding players for buying the product, not a refund for choices made in-game.


From an economic standpoint, any kind of refund of the materials could hugely impact the economy depending on what is being refunded. I vaguely recall each armor set was priced at around 1600g. So those with 1-5 extra sets would suddenly have anywhere from 1000g-7000g worth of materials (some account bound) that may suddenly just cascade into the trading post.


It's not really "compensation" we should be requesting but something akin to the Achievement Points rewards--skins, account bonuses, small amount of Gems, etc. That way, it doesn't disrupt the economy too much (Gems is iffy), it gives something valuable (skins, gliders, mounts, home instance nodes), or some people just like having a shiny title.


The percentage of players who have Heavy/Medium/Light sets of Legendary armour is fairly small comparatively, and the percentage with 4-9 sets are even smaller. If it was something like 15-25% of the entire active population had 4+ sets of Legendary Armour I could see this being a heavily requested kickback for the time and effort.


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And why is that?

Because monitizing this makes legendary armour, wich is already challenging enough to go for, have a necessary gem cost to make full use of the concept that makes the leggies useful. The ability to freely swap them to any character that can use them. Forcing me to pay to use my gear beyond 1 character, when one of the reasons we go for the legendaries is to swap them freely, would just be another kick in the face. We lost the ability to easily and freely use our gear across multiple characters, and bringing it back monitized, well then you'd deserve the backlash you'd face for it.

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i dont mind paying for this feature BUT the monetization of build templates was terrible and way over priced. I bought templates because i play the same 2 or 3 toons in all games modes and need wvw zerg/roaming builds plus PVE builds.


If they price it appropriately im sure it will be a big success.,


PLEASE however allow us to use different skins/dyes on each template/toon.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

> > > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> > > First, thanks to all of you for your input. Your strong reaction and feedback showed us that this would be a worthwhile addition to the game and we can’t wait to get it to you. We’re excited to be able to make you a part of development early on for this feature, and in the coming months we’ll be sharing updates as we move through the implementation process.

> >

> > Just a note, if it's gonna be monetized, expect a lot of angry people :) You've already monetized 3 times a core feature of the game which are build templates, if you're going for the 4th hit with the armory a lot will not be happy.


> I assume this will be a free improvement on the system to make it more appealing, so people buy more gear slots with several characters and so legendary gear becomes more appealing. Otherwise it'll be rather pointless and people will mostly ignore both.


It is not unreasonable for Anet to monetize this feature. First, there is the simple, basic cost of the developer(s) building this feature, which as we can see will take enough billable hours for them to say still "months" of development. Secondly, this feature is account wide, meaning that whether you have 5 characters or 69 (what wiki says is max), you will be able to use the same single legendary across all those characters. Each item slot is worth essentially the same as a shared inventory slot, and I know people who do use their shared inventory slots for this very purpose, except without the QoL of already having the legendary configured and ready to go.


There is no subscription to this game. It is these very things that make GW2 profitable enough for Anet to continue developing without forcing us into a subscription model. If you don't like the feature or the price, DON'T BUY IT! It's that simple! Keep using what you have been using, doing what you have been doing with no change and no additional cost to you! But if you want to take advantage of this feature, then you ought to be willing to support the game and developers who put it together and keep it a fun place to be.

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There are a few concerns regarding legendary armory and all have simple solutions.


1. Make a tab that has all your legendaries and each character can retrieve each legendary once. This solves the transmutation problem since u can have as many skins as you want on a legendary for each character + easy to use. If you have 2 1handed swords you ll be able to retrieve 2 per character. If you have 4 runes you will only be able to retrieve 4 runes etc.


2. Give a title to people that crafted a full armor set twice. I am sure everyone will be more than happy to have such a prestigious title especially since we are talking about hardcore veterans to which a title is worth more than a legendary.


3. For the love of god make sure legendary runes and sigils are added to the armory since its the only thing that make spending 5K gold on them make sense.


4. Give legendary runes and sigils a subtle effect since all legendaries have one. Then add an option to disable effect especially on trinkets. I have all 5 of them and I don't want all my characters to be surrounded by massive balls. (Note: Everyone would like to see a unique look for when you have all 5 trinkets. Make them blend together just as it was with aurora+vision+coalescence.


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Yeah there is no doubt that they plan to monetize it. So if they do I will probably just keep my ascended gear on alts as I have been doing and just keep the legendary stuff on main characters. Although these things should have never been monetized in the first place even the builds and equipment tabs I hate to figure out how much gold it would take to make all of my characters setup to use those things anyways. I'll figure it up anyways though I mean they gotta dream of what it would be like if people with alts were to actually buy stuff like this


So lets see if all of my character had the equipment templates it would be 33,000 gems. Build Template slots that looks like around 13,200 gems for that and the build storage looks like its about 198,000 gems for that so altogether to get all of this QoL before this legendary stuff comes into play for whatever it costs its already sitting at 244,200 gems which is why I didn't even touch any of that since its garbage and still broken with rev builds popping off a mount and see everyone of my skills being the same skill. So adding this all up what they thought they would get out of players with tons of alts is 3,052 dollars or internally in the game not far off from 80,000 gold basically for a QoL improvement that shouldn't even cost me anything. So feel free to throw price tags and micro transactions on the legendary vault too and the same reaction will be to not even bother using it or paying for it.

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Months of development? You guys are probably over complicating this. Just allow players to clone account bound legionaries in the same way players can with zenith skins in the achievement panel. There, I saved you guys probably months worth of payroll.

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> @"Klypto.1703" said:

> . . . for a QoL improvement that shouldn't even cost me anything. So feel free to throw price tags and micro transactions on the legendary vault too and the same reaction will be to not even bother using it or paying for it.


Help me understand how you come to the idea that introducing a major QoL should be free to all end users.

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> @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

> > @"Klypto.1703" said:

> > . . . for a QoL improvement that shouldn't even cost me anything. So feel free to throw price tags and micro transactions on the legendary vault too and the same reaction will be to not even bother using it or paying for it.


> Help me understand how you come to the idea that introducing a major QoL should be free to all end users.


Because to make effective use of this you ALREADY have to buy additional Build Equipment Tabs and additional Skill Build Tabs.

Remember, we are used to using ArcTemplates to be able to use 10-40 builds per character. Dealing with just 2 builds per character is too constraining.

Why should I have to buy THREE different things to make use of my very expensive legendary gear?

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> @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

> Help me understand how you come to the idea that introducing a major QoL should be free to all end users.

Normally it makes sense monetizing QoL--mounts, gliders, speed boost in cities, etc. Based on ANet's quotes that they want to "Make it feel more valuable to earn and use legendary equipment, while also making it easier to use legendary items with the Equipment Template feature." and "Remove the need for players to swap account-bound legendary items between characters.", I get the feeling they're recognizing the difference between Legendary vs. Ascended is very small nowadays so they want to make Legendary more appealing rather than a (relatively) minor convenience.


Currently the "hook" for Legendaries is simply that you can:

* Restat for Free (Convenience)

* Socket & Remove Sigils/Runes/Infusions for Free (Convenience).

* Unique Skin


Comparing with Ascended:

* Restat: Asc Restat is fairly low cost. Also, you can get multiple sets of Ascended for the same price as the Legendary, so most people if they want to "swap stats" just put on the equipment set they want (condi, power, heal, etc). Compare how Zojja's Asc Breastplate is 52g while the Perfected Envoy Legendary Breastplate costs 346g. You could craft 6 Asc Chestplates for the same cost as 1 Legendary Chestplate, and most professions only make use of 3-4 stat combinations in any one mode anyways.

* Socket & Remove: Similar to the above depending on Rune, as well most people will have Power Runes + Zerker Armor, Condi Runes + Viper's Armour, etc, so they don't "need" to swap the runes since they already have the rune they need for that equipment stat. Infusions really only matter when going from Fractals to WvW, but same logic applies.

* Unique Skin: People often customize their character's look anyways, so this is a small drop in the wardrobe ocean.


ANet sounds like they're trying to reinvigorate the "hook" of Legendaries. By making them insanely more valuable by essentially "freeing" an entire weight class or weapon type from every having to hunt for an ascended piece of it again, it makes it very very valuable to dump all the time and effort into Legendary rather than "making do" with multiple ascended, in addition to freeing up bag space and being able to freely swap stats/runes.

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> @"Geoff Fey.1035" said:

> ANet sounds like they're trying to reinvigorate the "hook" of Legendaries. By making them insanely more valuable by essentially "freeing" an entire weight class or weapon type from every having to hunt for an ascended piece of it again, it makes it very very valuable to dump all the time and effort into Legendary rather than "making do" with multiple ascended, in addition to freeing up bag space and being able to freely swap stats/runes.

It sounds like you recognize the immense value that this update will make available to users.


> @"Kami.8342" said:

> Because to make effective use of this you ALREADY have to buy additional Build Equipment Tabs and additional Skill Build Tabs.

> Remember, we are used to using ArcTemplates to be able to use 10-40 builds per character. Dealing with just 2 builds per character is too constraining.

> Why should I have to buy THREE different things to make use of my very expensive legendary gear?

This is an entirely false premise. It uses bad logic. You ALREADY make use of your very expensive legendary gear. What the armory brings to the table is ADDITIONAL use of your very expensive legendary gear, and a crazy amount at that.


Lets put a price tag on that. Taking mace as a main hand weapon usable by the least number of classes, assuming a player has one of each class. As of this moment, buy orders are 1510.50G for a single legendary. Multiply that across 4 classes, and there is a total of 6042G expense to equip four characters. Again, at the moment of writing this, the cost of converting gold to gems makes a shared inventory slot at full price 258G. For the sake of argument I am going to assume that the new slots will have the same cost in gems. A player would be able to buy 5 legendary slots at that price for the cost of a single legendary mace. Conversely, buying a single slot at 258G is worth 3021G, the cost of three additional maces, which means that there is a net savings of 2765G after taking off the cost of the slot itself. Depending on the weapon/armor, the prices which will fluctuate, and the number of characters a player has, that value will change, but for the most part it will be better than that.


While you my have let ArcTemplates be a guide for your expectations, it was always a work around, one that was permitted by Anet, but it was created by a highly skilled fan, not the studio itself. Now we have the official version of templates and whether you like them or hate them they are the present state that we have available. Whether or not you believe that you have "lost" functionality, that does not entitle you to other related content (Legendary armory) at no additional charge. You are demanding that Anet produce something new, and in this case a new thing that no one ever even anticipated, and soak up all that development cost without passing any of that on to us as consumers of their product.


**Edited for corrections

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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> First, thanks to all of you for your input. Your strong reaction and feedback showed us that this would be a worthwhile addition to the game and we can’t wait to get it to you. We’re excited to be able to make you a part of development early on for this feature, and in the coming months we’ll be sharing updates as we move through the implementation process.


That's awesome :D thanks for the communication!

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Are people forgetting that we were already able to easily swap our legendary gear to other character BEFORE we got Anet's build templates. Now, if I want to make full use of my legendary gear, I have to destroy all templates bound with that piece of gear to use it like I could before, on multiple characters. Monitizing this feature will add an additional gem cost to legendary equipment that simply shouldn't be there.

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> @"Moira Shalaar.5620" said:

> > @"Geoff Fey.1035" said:

> > ANet sounds like they're trying to reinvigorate the "hook" of Legendaries. By making them insanely more valuable by essentially "freeing" an entire weight class or weapon type from every having to hunt for an ascended piece of it again, it makes it very very valuable to dump all the time and effort into Legendary rather than "making do" with multiple ascended, in addition to freeing up bag space and being able to freely swap stats/runes.

> It sounds like you recognize the immense value that this update will make available to users.


> > @"Kami.8342" said:

> > Because to make effective use of this you ALREADY have to buy additional Build Equipment Tabs and additional Skill Build Tabs.

> > Remember, we are used to using ArcTemplates to be able to use 10-40 builds per character. Dealing with just 2 builds per character is too constraining.

> > Why should I have to buy THREE different things to make use of my very expensive legendary gear?

> This is an entirely false premise. It uses bad logic. You ALREADY make use of your very expensive legendary gear. What the armory brings to the table is ADDITIONAL use of your very expensive legendary gear, and a crazy amount at that.


> Lets put a price tag on that. Taking mace as a main hand weapon usable by the least number of classes, assuming a player has one of each class. As of this moment, buy orders are 1510.50G for a single legendary. Multiply that across 4 classes, and there is a total of 6042G expense to equip four characters. Again, at the moment of writing this, the cost of converting gold to gems makes a shared inventory slot at full price 258G. For the sake of argument I am going to assume that the new slots will have the same cost in gems. A player would be able to buy 5 legendary slots at that price for the cost of a single legendary mace. Conversely, buying a single slot at 258G is worth 4531.5G, the cost of three additional maces, which means that there is a net savings of 4273.5G after taking off the cost of the slot itself. Depending on the weapon/armor, the prices which will fluctuate, and the number of characters a player has, that value will change, but for the most part it will be better than that.


> While you my have let ArcTemplates be a guide for your expectations, it was always a work around, one that was permitted by Anet, but it was created by a highly skilled fan, not the studio itself. Now we have the official version of templates and whether you like them or hate them they are the present state that we have available. Whether or not you believe that you have "lost" functionality, that does not entitle you to other related content (Legendary armory) at no additional charge. You are demanding that Anet produce something new, and in this case a new thing that no one ever even anticipated, and soak up all that development cost without passing any of that on to us as consumers of their product.



Only 3 classes can use mace: revenant (mainhand), guardian (mainhand), and warrior. Realistically only the guardian would be able to make use of a legendary mace (harrier/minstrel/etc), unless you run condi rev in WvW (so viper in PvE and trailblazer in WvW). It's even worse for rifle which is only used in power stat (engineer/warrior/deadeye).

Anyway, I can't see the armory being more expensive per slot than shared inventory slots, that would be a disaster however you want to calculate it.


Templates make sense for armor+trinkets+back, but unless it's a legendary weapon used in different stat combinations then you're better off with ascended on other characters rather than a 2nd copy.



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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> Only 3 classes can use mace: revenant (mainhand), guardian (mainhand), and warrior. Realistically only the guardian would be able to make use of a legendary mace (harrier/minstrel/etc), unless you run condi rev in WvW (so viper in PvE and trailblazer in WvW). It's even worse for rifle which is only used in power stat (engineer/warrior/deadeye).

> Anyway, I can't see the armory being more expensive per slot than shared inventory slots, that would be a disaster however you want to calculate it.


> Templates make sense for armor+trinkets+back, but unless it's a legendary weapon used in different stat combinations then you're better off with ascended on other characters rather than a 2nd copy.


You are entirely correct, and I have edited my post to update my math to reflect your correction on the number of classes that can use mace.


I am not advocating buying multiple maces, I was using the mace as a lower (albeit not lowest) use weapon to demonstrate that even on the low end there is a lot of value in these new slots. Whether or not multiple legendary maces would be useful is a different question. It may end up being that players do a cost analysis per weapon, armor or accessory. For weapons they would only ever use on one character, probably not worth the price. But for something used across several, then that value rises dramatically with each additional character. In this way of measuring things accessory slots would have the highest value because they would be usable across 100% of a player's characters whereas legendary armor's usability is limited by the number of characters in a given weight class and each weapon is limited by how many characters & builds in an account might use that weapon.


I agree that the slots shouldn't cost more gems than shared inventory slots and am hoping for a bit lower price point than that, but of course the pricing is entirely out of my control.



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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> We’re excited to be able to make you a part of development early on for this feature, and in the coming months we’ll be sharing updates as we move through the implementation process.

Can we hold you to that :wink: Without giving anything away how far along are you?



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> @"Dumat.1479" said:

> To all those people, who said to me and other players with 9 legendary sets "why should they give you compensation" I want to say this: why Anet gave every player who bought HoT compensation? A small gift and title. Why Anet gave an outfit to players who bought core game at release when they made core game free? Why Anet gave an achievement with the title to players who crafted two identical weapons in the days we didn't have wardrobe and legendary was soulbound? Why they did all this?

> In my case with 9 legendary armors and 9 legendary backpacks I would like to get something small, like a title, or achievement without points. I am not asking too much. Maybe it shouldn't be called a compensation, lets call it a small reward for dedicated veteran player.


It's "why did Anet give" not "why Anet gave". I wouldn't have bothered for a single grammatical error, but you plastered that line all over your comment.

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:


> Can we hold you to that :wink: Without giving anything away how far along are you?


We can hold them to that about as strongly as we held them to increasing the cadence of balance patches after they ripped WvW/Spvp a new kitten hole.




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> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> First, thanks to all of you for your input. Your strong reaction and feedback showed us that this would be a worthwhile addition to the game and we can’t wait to get it to you. We’re excited to be able to make you a part of development early on for this feature, and in the coming months we’ll be sharing updates as we move through the implementation process.


You're saying this as if it wasn't already being worked on this whole time despite what was said in the initial post.


How legendary armory is expected to work:

* When put in the armory, it becomes available to all characters and their equipment templates separately.

* Each character can adjust the stats, upgrade and look as they please without effecting other templates and characters.

* Legendary trinkets will all be able to be transmuted unless you give EVERY slot a visibility checkbox.

* It is fine if weapons don't follow the cosmetic rules because weapons share the same slots.


The legendary armory isn't going to work unless you separate the transmuted look from armor. That will only happen if you make transmutation effect the equipment slot itself, so any armor we put into it adopts the look. Otherwise race specific looks will interfere with it all.


It is an inevitable update to Fashion Wars, regardless.


Good luck.

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