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I have an interesting suggestion (Change stealth)


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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> I've always thought that a player that is using a stealth skill should be able to see everyone else that is stealthing at the same time. Once a player comes out of stealth then they lose the ability to view stealthed players. This would make it more of a tactical piece. It would be a game changer for zergs that's for sure. The Mesmer veils and engineer stealth gyro blasting would become way more interesting in my opinion.


What I don't need is the ability to stealth across vast distances from point A to point Backstab on one or two players helping out a camp. What I do need is the ability to start dismantling a squad by masking my direction for a few seconds or to cut across a chokepoint opening but if every blob would have a dedicated stealther always hanging around to detect then that's just an extra mechanic to negate an existing mechanic except for that poor runner back at the camp.


Let me stack long duration stealth out of combat, but around the area of 4 seconds my Stealth Attacks (or all attacks) would be deactivated until coming out of stealth and going back into combat stealth. Long duration stealth that's been de-aggro'd after those few seconds could start dissipating within a proximity range of other players or npcs while in combat activated capped stealth would hold full stealth for the duration. I'm sure there would be something to exploit but it would cut down on a lot of the resetting people claim to see all the time (unless I'm missing something which I likely am) but I could still burn a cooldown like Shadowstep to land that opportune hit on someone deep in a squad who's holding them together. It would also keep the gameplay mostly the same except for those dumb builds that get other builds or skills nerfed.

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Stealth was nearly tolerable prier to PoF . Shadow Meld put it way over the top . Remove the counter to reveal and it's fixed . Simple. . Add a half second reveal between each stealth skill and 1 second reveal after an attack that hits . The player can no longer use it as a crutch but has to use it skilfully . Then trim the evades a little bit ,specifically on the Daredevil and the Thief class will be fine.


The idea of only being able to stealth in shadows ,tall grass on in bushes is a great idea providing those systems are dynamic. If they are static, people will just be able to remember where the thieves may be hiding and completely avoid those areas. It would also require a fair bit of programming to create that kind of dynamic environment .

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Don't bother, stealth won't be touched.


> Other games have audio and visual tells and stricter rules on use in and out of combat, in this game they hand out perma use and the burden is placed on the defender to have two eyes on every side of their head, to blindly lob aoes, preplan detection, predict using dodge to avoid one shot combos, and that's before combat even actually starts... or walk into a tower and grab a coffee until malice goes away, either way, it's not getting nerfed.



True. And by now we should all already know that in this game Stealth is not Stealth. In this game it is Invincibility but Anet calls it Stealth. Two words with different spellings & different meanings altogether but Anet blend it into the same mechanics. With perma invisibility + superb mobility. Lolz Anet. But i thank them at times cause i never had so much fun downing lone players in WvW without them even knowing what hit them lolz

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> @"Jabronee.9465" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Don't bother, stealth won't be touched.

> >

> > Other games have audio and visual tells and stricter rules on use in and out of combat, in this game they hand out perma use and the burden is placed on the defender to have two eyes on every side of their head, to blindly lob aoes, preplan detection, predict using dodge to avoid one shot combos, and that's before combat even actually starts... or walk into a tower and grab a coffee until malice goes away, either way, it's not getting nerfed.

> >


> True. And by now we should all already know that in this game Stealth is not Stealth. In this game it is **Invincibility** but Anet calls it Stealth. Two words with different spellings & different meanings altogether but Anet blend it into the same mechanics. With perma invisibility + superb mobility. Lolz Anet. But i thank them at times cause i never had so much fun downing lone players in WvW without them even knowing what hit them lolz


Except that you can still be damaged and as often happens, killed in stealth. So, you're flat out wrong but this thread has all the usual nonsense anyway so have it.


> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> either:

> remove stealth entirely

> or

> lock all skills in stealth, cut movement speed in half, lock dodges&evades.


> Either is fine by me.


> Everything else is just doctoring around the symptoms of a severe, life threating infection. Instead of trying to lessen the symptoms, cure the infection.


Keep in combat stealth to a reasonable cap and that's it. If you're asking for any more than that than like I mentioned above, we need to start talking about other classes being rooted during casting and other measures to even things out. Or you can keep asking for handicaps and for other classes to be nerfed to make things easier for you.

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As I've said in another thread, the problem with stealth is there is far too little counter and it's far too easy to abuse.


My solution would be to allow thieves the ability to remain stealthed for more or less as long as they please.

But if a thief chooses to engage in combat FROM! stealth then they'll get an Ambush damage bonus as well as a short stun but they will also suffer a decent reveal debuff that will prevent them from using stealth again for a set period of time.


Basically it means thieves have to choose their battles carefully.

They can still invisi scout, still stealth ambush and still jump about with great mobility.. but they can't go vanishing into thin air anymore if the fight doesn't go their way.

Risk vs reward plain and simple and like all classes they should get punished for poor use of a skill/mechanic.




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I think hitting an opponent that is stealthed should at least pop the damage floaters (maybe not for condi ticks though). My reasoning for that is even if an opponent is invisible, you'd know if you hit it physically even if they are not 'revealed.' Would this be a massive nerf to stealth? Sure. Is it as massive as automatically being 'Revealed' upon hit? No.


Stealth as is has issues. It is a very strong mechanic, so strong in fact that you can reasonably say that it carries the classes that have access to it and rewards poor gameplay too much, particularly when paired with teleports and shadow steps. If this change were implemented you would still be in stealth when hit, and could reposition prior to getting hit again, but at least your opponent has more of a chance.

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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Don't bother, stealth won't be touched.


> Other games have audio and visual tells and stricter rules on use in and out of combat, in this game they hand out perma use and the burden is placed on the defender to have two eyes on every side of their head, to blindly lob aoes, preplan detection, predict using dodge to avoid one shot combos, and that's before combat even actually starts... or walk into a tower and grab a coffee until malice goes away, either way, it's not getting nerfed.



Basicly this, the only issue i have with stealth is when servers start choking "gag data" to clients, while thief is out of stealth for the thief player he is still w8 to apear on the other players, wich leads to thiefs performing some combos while being stealthed.

IF 2 blobs keep resusing stealth + quickenss after some time, some players will get culled and wont render... we all know Anet is in favour of AOE spam gameplay :\ rather than less targets more team work effect.

IMO there it is a issue with stealth, and balance itself m8 the least of the problems(maybe in sopme specific case), sometimes skill that unstealth targets wont really reveal even if they are meleeing you, theres some sorta desync between players lilke a packet lost and some stuff like that m8 be making issue to the stealth mechanic.


I remember a thief that was trying to KoS me(since i was runing heavy heal with rev they wanted me downÇ_Ç.. i could reach 12k aoe heals every 3sec) and he could perform full stealth from the 1st hit to starting apear on my cliente (while some players were still looking for the thief to aoe,)the time arround the 1st hit and the last one were arround 5sec sometimes a bit more of full stealth bashing, every time i had a health drop i would call help and request a bomb on me and we could kill the thief once in a while but we all knew we were hitting a players atacking several seconds w/o appear, sometimes even a warrior would show in downstate after some time but that warrior is a strange thing(i assume warrior cought stealth from thief and used thief portal) but since its autos were whirling axes, i had arorund 16+ of them one straight after the other...but thats another subject....


Q: Deadeye's Mark and malice boost all weapons atacks skills or only specific malice skills?

I havent yet played deadeye dedicated, so i havent understanted wich weapons eadeye modifiers can boost.


Sorry any bad english: :<


> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Remove access to dodge while in stealth.

> >


> Again, terrible idea. I dont know why people when trying to fix the legitimate issues stealth has, try to hit everything *except the actual issue stealth has*. This nerf would only nerf the already severely underperforming in-combat stealth while keeping out of combat stealth completely intact.


I would bet more on hardcoded stealth and reveal values, no more stack stealth, maybe deadeye needs a better ICD on how often they can remove revealed... is shadow meld to problematic on removing reveal, as in to much easy acces to iit?


i wouldnt even bother for how much thief could stealth if the 1st hit would reveal the thief.. game performance does the otherwise...so theres need to be added some hardcoded restrains if stealth data isnt working properly.

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