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Stealth Mechanics Resource Material For Potential Ideas And Reworks


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From City of Heroes...


**A fully developed stealth system…**

- https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Stealth_and_Perception

- https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits#Stealth_and_Perception


**Your stealthy “thief” class design…**

- https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Stalker


**Had a special stealth skill for every build…**

- https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Hide


**And every class could have stealth skills if chosen…**

- https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Concealment


**So If everyone had access to stealth, what makes the “thief” class so special?**

- You could stack https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Hide and https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Concealment


**So what were the counters to all this stealth stuff?**

- Attacking and being attacked (essentialy being in combat) made you lose stealth AND prevented you from using stealth for a period of time.

- Walking into an AoE effect made you lose stealth and flagged the player for combat.

-See this again… https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Stealth_and_Perception


Pretty cool stealth stuff in this game, and very well implemented. There are definitely some great ideas here to inspire a better stealth system in GW2.


**Edit- And yes, I did try to produce some suggestions that combine elements from both CoH and GW2.**

- https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/60005/stealth-rework-2-0

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> From City of Heroes...


> **A fully developed stealth system…**

> - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Stealth_and_Perception

> - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits#Stealth_and_Perception


> **Your stealthy “thief” class design…**

> - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Stalker


> **Had a special stealth skill for every build…**

> - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Hide


> **And every class could have stealth skills if chosen…**

> - https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Concealment


> **So If everyone had access to stealth, what makes the “thief” class so special?**

> - You could stack https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Hide and https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Concealment


> **So what were the counters to all this stealth stuff?**

> - Attacking and being attacked (essentialy being in combat) made you lose stealth AND prevented you from using stealth for a period of time.

> - Walking into an AoE effect made you lose stealth and flagged the player for combat.

> -See this again… https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Stealth_and_Perception


> Pretty cool stealth stuff in this game, and very well implemented. There are definitely some great ideas here to inspire a better stealth system in GW2.


> **Edit- And yes, I did try to produce some suggestions that combine elements from both CoH and GW2.**

> - https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/60005/stealth-rework-2-0




there is always an alternative to turn something Toxic into healthy. Isn't that what we wanted all along? so why hasn't Anet care to implement them for the health of the game?


- i remember that thread where players were **giving constructive suggestions** in hope Anet would reconsider yet nothing happened. Yes i am criticizing because some make claim that we don't give constructive suggestions yet the writing-on-the-wall has been written all over the wall for years.


Many of us had hoped that Anet would at least make an effort to comfort the community concern with Stealth and they continue to ignore us.


Swagger you and i and others have stressed every of our constructive suggestions with giving hard evidence of problems and i admire your hope that Anet will care while i continue to expose the root cause of the problems.


I look forward to Anet taking a serious look and consideration of the community unhealthy experience dealing with stealth.


Stealth is the number 1 forum topic that been long ignored in all threads combined since the game release....it is time to care


- Swagger, i am not discouraging you but praise you for your passion for a healthy competitive gaming experience for all players including Thief Profession players.


-Afterall, it is the players experience which matters and everything else follows...simple as that!!-

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Swagger and other Thief players has been in the game since the beginning and they all agree that stealth need change, I believe the community including myself would be willing to give Thief Profession a chance if Anet is willing to listen to them as a start. A start to relieve the community extreme exhaustion and our frustration, dealing with our unhealthy experience with Thief Profession.


In other word, sure give Thief Profession including its stealth another chance if only Anet is willing to listen to Thief players who want healthy positive changes


-Thief Profession community and the remaining community can begin a healthy new relationship for the better future-


so yeah!!



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This thread isn’t about thief (Besides, 4 professions make use of stealth...). It’s about stealth mechanics ideas from a game that developed a great stealth system to accompany the tons of stealth abilities and stealth users...


And for anyone who didn’t bother to read my person input, stealth would actually get a utility buff of direct damage and condition damage “protection” while stealth was active or while the player was revealed... Changes like these could possibly mean the devs could create even more personal and team support stealth skills for professions.


Again, the thread isn’t about thief. Keep the thief complaints out of here. This is about a having a better stealth system for the game. And keep in mind some of us have been gamers for a long time and have experienced various implementations of stealth and invisibility mechanics across tons of mmo games, so sharing information and experiences is important.

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This guy who's been playing since the begging doesn't think it would be a problem taking another games system with stealth stacking and putting it in our game so a thief can stack another version of perma stealth. You should pay closer attention before copy pasting your usual bit, I think you trashed all of your own past arguments.


> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> Swagger and other Thief players has been in the game since the beginning and they all agree that stealth need change, I believe the community including myself would be willing to give Thief Profession a chance if Anet is willing to listen to them as a start. A start to relieve the community extreme exhaustion and our frustration, dealing with our unhealthy experience with Thief Profession.


> In other word, sure give Thief Profession including its stealth another chance if only Anet is willing to listen to Thief players who want healthy positive changes


> -Thief Profession community and the remaining community can begin a healthy new relationship for the better future-


> so yeah!!





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> @"kash.9213" said:

> This guy who's been playing since the begging doesn't think it would be a problem taking another games system with stealth stacking and putting it in our game so a thief can stack another version of perma stealth. You should pay closer attention before copy pasting your usual bit, I think you trashed all of your own past arguments.


> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > Swagger and other Thief players has been in the game since the beginning and they all agree that stealth need change, I believe the community including myself would be willing to give Thief Profession a chance if Anet is willing to listen to them as a start. A start to relieve the community extreme exhaustion and our frustration, dealing with our unhealthy experience with Thief Profession.

> >

> > In other word, sure give Thief Profession including its stealth another chance if only Anet is willing to listen to Thief players who want healthy positive changes

> >

> > -Thief Profession community and the remaining community can begin a healthy new relationship for the better future-

> >

> > so yeah!!

> >

> >




You do know that not all Thief Profession players do not play stealth builds right? I'm all for healthy competitive experience and i continue to state (staying on stealth topic) that stealth need to be addressed or to be deleted. I suggested the better solution; remove it completely from the game.


side note- Throughout the years, i had stressed, encouraged and had made many posts supporting Thief Profession players who would like to see healthy positive changes with stealth mechanic. I too would like to see their suggestions to stealth be looked into and to be taken seriously by Anet


Also i always praise Thief Profession players in game who understood stealth making other players feel unfair. Also, i have met many great Thief Profession players who also would want a quick resolution to stealth to ease the community concerns. I find that admirable and comforting, afterall, we are all players who want to see some good in our Profession


that's pretty much it

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"kash.9213" said:

> > This guy who's been playing since the begging doesn't think it would be a problem taking another games system with stealth stacking and putting it in our game so a thief can stack another version of perma stealth. You should pay closer attention before copy pasting your usual bit, I think you trashed all of your own past arguments.

> >

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > Swagger and other Thief players has been in the game since the beginning and they all agree that stealth need change, I believe the community including myself would be willing to give Thief Profession a chance if Anet is willing to listen to them as a start. A start to relieve the community extreme exhaustion and our frustration, dealing with our unhealthy experience with Thief Profession.

> > >

> > > In other word, sure give Thief Profession including its stealth another chance if only Anet is willing to listen to Thief players who want healthy positive changes

> > >

> > > -Thief Profession community and the remaining community can begin a healthy new relationship for the better future-

> > >

> > > so yeah!!

> > >

> > >

> >

> >


> You do know that not all Thief Profession players do not play stealth builds right? I'm all for healthy competitive experience and i continue to state (staying on stealth topic) that stealth need to be addressed or to be deleted. I suggested the better solution; remove it completely from the game.


> side note- Throughout the years, i had stressed, encouraged and had made many posts supporting Thief Profession players who would like to see healthy positive changes with stealth mechanic. I too would like to see their suggestions to stealth be looked into and to be taken seriously by Anet


> Also i always praise Thief Profession players in game who understood stealth making other players feel unfair. Also, i have met many great Thief Profession players who also would want a quick resolution to stealth to ease the community concerns. I find that admirable and comforting, afterall, we are all players who want to see some good in our Profession


> that's pretty much it


Earlier in this thread you supported adding a 2nd system for stealth stacking/perma stealth because you didn't read or pay attention. Thieves are fine and I think it's safe to say no class needs your help and certainly no one is asking.

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> just reduce damage and movement speed to almost nil, if you attack while in stealth or shortly after leaving stealth. Problem solved.


Would you like to be able to damage someone in stealth who can move at normal speed and damage at normal numbers, or would you rather have to eat a sure fast moving, heavy hitting opener from someone who's compensated with blinks, shadowsteps, and distance closers on a cheaper resource pool? There has to be something for the thief to use to counter other classes and if you refuse to learn how to fight stealth, what makes you think you're ready for something stronger?

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no permastealth in the game! it might be fun for the one whos stealthing but its the most annoying thing in the world for everyone else! especially in wvw!! perma stealthed chars are just sitting in the objectives while 1-3 people cant get him out ! u need a whole bunch of people to hunt down one perma stealthed guy !!! THIS IS NOT FUN !!!!

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How about this.

Increase thief's damage across the board as a assassin class in all mmo's are top dog burst specs or are supposed to be.

Thief cant stack invisibility in combat so 3 secs is max which allows for counterplay as I'm sure we can all count to 3.

Alternately thief can't stack invisibility in smoke feild so 3 sec per field is max. This would also be a nerf for smokescreen.

Change blinding powder to a 20 sec invisibility(out of combat) and 6 sec invisibility (in combat) on a 40 sec cd that starts at end of invisibility.

This way thief has more counterplay.

Can still set up ambushes using a utility on a cd and would have damage to make a actual dent through a classes sustain.

Can't stack stealth in combat.

Smoke screen is only 3 sec invisibility with blind and projectile protection.

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