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Is this any better?


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Anyone else sick of the CC/Bunker Meta? It's like we're back to HOT. I thought we learned our lesson from those seasons... Whoever gets the nodes first wins! Currently if you're a unkillable Core necro, Condi Rev, scrapper, or various guard build, all you have to do is spam CC's to keep the node.


That's just the cause and effect of damage reduction. Onto Stab, with every class lacking it, PVP is a random pinball fiesta. More and more classes are favoring condi just cause it's easier to land and spam rather than power damage.


Certain classes got their sustain nerfed, but obviously not all of them. Cut the sustain and bring back Stab universally. Without it, every class is gonna keep playing CC machines with the shortest stun break they can find.

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It's much better.


You still die pretty fast to a coordinated 3-4 man spike at first engage on mid as a Nec. But the difference between it taking 0.5 seconds to 5 seconds makes all the difference.


The old garbage oneshot meta where you spent the first minute of a game doing jumping puzzles and trying to LoS every direction at the same time to avoid the stealthed lads who were without fail trying to jump you was just awful and boring

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Nah fam, u rite. Not everyone likes it so much.


Personally I get bored and little bit of carpal tunnel when I sit there smashing away skills into a bunker that just doesn't die. That's with zerker stats too so there's a good chance I usually lose anyway. Either because I don't kill the bunker before I get +1'd, or because it's squishy.


I don't want to play a game to do things like that so I play as little as possible now, only stepping into PvP for dailies and even then I usually I have to play some boring bunker build to get through those quickly.


Not excited about the idea of even more nerfs coming either because nerfs are lame and don't really add anything to the game. Necessary evil sometimes; sure, but there's a point where it stops being necessary. Personally I would have been happy if the game stayed fast-paced while Sustain, TTK, and Boonspam got some shaves where they were the most extreme.

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> @"Stallic.2397" said:

> Anyone else sick of the CC/Bunker Meta? It's like we're back to HOT. **I thought we learned our lesson from those seasons**... Whoever gets the nodes first wins! Currently if you're a unkillable Core necro, Condi Rev, scrapper, or various guard build, all you have to do is spam CC's to keep the node.


> That's just the cause and effect of damage reduction. Onto Stab, with every class lacking it, PVP is a random pinball fiesta. More and more classes are favoring condi just cause it's easier to land and spam rather than power damage.


> Certain classes got their sustain nerfed, but obviously not all of them. Cut the sustain and bring back Stab universally. Without it, every class is gonna keep playing CC machines with the shortest stun break they can find.


it has nothing to do with Necromancer Profession or with other profession. Situations as before are returning and are repeating because lessons were not learned


Is this any better? 'History is meant for learning, not for repeating'


Answer- Absolutely Not!!

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> @"Stallic.2397" said:

> So this meta is good because it's better than previous metas? Not because it isn't a CC, bunker mess... good to know

It's significantly better than anything recent and the start of HoT. That's what you asked. It still has much room for improvement.

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Maybe its time to buff ranged attacks?

Thief Shortbow Cluster@something , has 1 Initiavive cost and his autos cost too 1 Initiavite and dispace/knockback on the sides (not backwards)

Or Disabling Shott becomes a chaneling skill that offer damage + leap back , but if all hits conects you can change potitions between you and the victim ?

Every time he dodge his auto get empowered and ''shread/steals percentage'' of the targets Toughness for 8 sec >switch weapons > go for kill.

If thief has Scorpion Wire on his utilities , his Infiltrator's Arrow has a port back option for 3 sec .

Shortbow auto attacks , reduce the cd and every 5th succeful attack , causing the Prepare Seal Area trap to explede and knockback the targets (or while he is in it , his autos does knockback by a tiny amount).

And Buff the sigil of Doom , 33% for the first 18 sec > 50% for the rest > 66% at 30 sec(poison)



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> @"Stallic.2397" said:

> Anyone else sick of the CC/Bunker Meta? It's like we're back to HOT. I thought we learned our lesson from those seasons... Whoever gets the nodes first wins! Currently if you're a unkillable Core necro, Condi Rev, scrapper, or various guard build, all you have to do is spam CC's to keep the node.


> That's just the cause and effect of damage reduction. Onto Stab, with every class lacking it, PVP is a random pinball fiesta. More and more classes are favoring condi just cause it's easier to land and spam rather than power damage.


> Certain classes got their sustain nerfed, but obviously not all of them. Cut the sustain and bring back Stab universally. Without it, every class is gonna keep playing CC machines with the shortest stun break they can find.


I agree, A very good example is soul beast. The changes to pet swap neutered the class to a one button game play and people have moved on from actively pet swapping merging and unmerging into a one button game play of merge and unmerge, spamming traps and immobilizes on the node. I could care less which is more "op" but I am more critical about the changes being made to the gameplay which I feel is being dumbed down.

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> @"Stallic.2397" said:

> Anyone else sick of the CC/Bunker Meta? It's like we're back to HOT. I thought we learned our lesson from those seasons... Whoever gets the nodes first wins! Currently if you're a unkillable Core necro, Condi Rev, scrapper, or various guard build, all you have to do is spam CC's to keep the node.


> That's just the cause and effect of damage reduction. Onto Stab, with every class lacking it, PVP is a random pinball fiesta. More and more classes are favoring condi just cause it's easier to land and spam rather than power damage.


> Certain classes got their sustain nerfed, but obviously not all of them. Cut the sustain and bring back Stab universally. Without it, every class is gonna keep playing CC machines with the shortest stun break they can find.


Buff teef problem solved ?

... noodle dmg teef cannot kill anything right now ...

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I've played all manner of fun theory-craft builds. It's been a blast so far and it continues to be a good time as I try out more and more builds. Never has the playing field felt so even. Yes, there are outliers, but they're not as egregious as the outliers of the past. Even the almighty condi rev and bunker necro haven't given me too much trouble. One can be kited relatively easily and the other has little mobility or stability to speak of.


Some of my highlights include healing for 890k in single game as druid, and earning every top stat as Menders/Eagle FA tempest.


I don't go about arguing against nerf threads due to any bias towards any particular class. I do so because PvP is in a good state right now. Build diversity is high. Hell, even core ele, core engi, druid, and renegade are in good shape right now (Renegade actually has nerf threads posted about it. What a world we live in). In my opinion, Anet can take their time to make the right changes instead of making quick knee jerk reactions. I'm in no rush to see any classes get the nerf bat.

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> @"Kuma.1503" said:

> I've played all manner of fun theory-craft builds. It's been a blast so far and it continues to be a good time as I try out more and more builds. Never has the playing field felt so even. Yes, there are outliers, but they're not as egregious as the outliers of the past. Even the almighty condi rev and bunker necro haven't given me too much trouble. One can be kited relatively easily and the other has little mobility or stability to speak of.

> [...]

> I don't go about arguing against nerf threads due to any bias towards any particular class. I do so because PvP is in a good state right now. Build diversity is high. Hell, even core ele, core engi, druid, and renegade are in good shape right now (Renegade actually has nerf threads posted about it. What a world we live in). In my opinion, Anet can take their time to make the right changes instead of making quick knee jerk reactions. I'm in no rush to see any classes get the nerf bat.


Quoting for emphasis. I agree on all of this. ?


I just want to add that personally I find Holosmith the most annoying currently. For core Necromancer and condition Reverant the player makes a huge difference (as it should). I don't get that feeling from Holosmith. It seems a bit fire and forget.


Please note that I don't play competitively and that I have unarguably a huge personal bias against Holosmith (?).

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> @"Aktium.9506" said:

> It's much better.


> You still die pretty fast to a coordinated 3-4 man spike at first engage on mid as a Nec. But the difference between it taking 0.5 seconds to 5 seconds makes all the difference.


> The old garbage oneshot meta where you spent the first minute of a game doing jumping puzzles and trying to LoS every direction at the same time to avoid the stealthed lads who were without fail trying to jump you was just awful and boring


Maybe we can find a middle ground? Nobody likes oneshot BS from stealth...not even those using it, at the same time we can't have bunker builds requiring 3-4 people to be downed, what about we cut frontload burst by 50% and make so that bunker specs take max 2 people to down?

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Tell you what's making it boring and it's mostly what dodged the patch.


Guardian Symbols. Last too long. Firebrand still lacks a trade off, page count should share an universal cooldown. Retaliation is rather bloated too.

Engineer Mortar. Especially the Flash Shell.

Thief Blind Spam. Re-worked Black Powder is cancer and just as worst as Flash Shell. Cloaked in Shadows is untouched by the patch. Shortbow 4 is also broken.

Necromancer Unholy Sanctuary ICD is too low and extremely forgiving, Necromantic Corruption should have 3 ICD for all minions because it's absolute cancer to fight on any condition build as if power wasn't easily overwhelmed by them already.

Revenant Mallyx Facet is absolute cancer to deal with and needs the Shiro treatment on True Nature

Warrior Long Bow level 3 Adrenal Health spam on Knights with Axe is absolute bonkers. Axe itself needs to be looked into as well.


And lastly if anything Lighting Rod is also bloated and needs to be looked at as nobody really stand a chance without good stability.


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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> Thief Blind Spam. Re-worked Black Powder is cancer and just as worst as Flash Shell. Cloaked in Shadows is untouched by the patch.

I don't think this is SUCH a big threat.


> Necromancer Unholy Sanctuary ICD is too low and extremely forgiving

This needs to be 300s cooldown.


> And lastly if anything Lighting Rod is also bloated and needs to be looked at as nobody really stand a chance without good stability.

LR was a problem before the patch as well, but nobody took it seriously when people pointed it out.



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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

>what about we cut frontload burst by 50%

Fiddling with burst itself to a larger extent than what has already been done would make trying to finish any build with decent self sustain really awful though. I suppose you could do that if Anet sort of standardized finisher skills and traits that increase damage below a certain health threshhold so every class has a few options in their kit.

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Buff stability for one of them. Combat is so outrageous cause once someone's CC locked, the odd's are in the other's favor. Of course there's stun breaks, there's teleports and invulns. But that's why entire teams are using CC builds. That's why condi is so meta, even with those saves, you'll still get CC'd again. Hit with 8 different condi's and slowly melt as if the stun breaks didn't even happen.


Buff stab on power builds, and you might see these bunkers think twice. Power damage will be easier to land and more reliable.

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