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Everything posted by Cuks.8241

  1. I've been finishing old collections lately and haven't had any issues finding people for any group events, EU. Put on (mentor) tag, ask in map chat and people come.
  2. You should be able to use the waypoints in an instance to ress.
  3. It is to some extent show of experience and probably the best we have. You can see if someone is a fresh lvl 80 somewhere in between or have seen everything including raids. AP is similar but unless someone has really high numbers you don't really know if majority comes from dailies or actually something worth calling achievement. Neither is a show of skill. I wouldn't care if it got removed, don't put much on it.
  4. It's actually the end game in gw2 if you are not into fashion. There is not much else there to spend your gold on. And it is really only an issue with higher tier fractals and testing specific encounters there. Everywhere else you can and should test with exotics which are a non issue. Runes can be a bit expensive. What I do is not use the BIS rune if its just for testing or some fun because there is usualy a much cheaper alternative which is not far off. I wouldnt mind a more accesible rune extractor, could only work on ascended. I just salvage exotics with BL kit to get the expensive runes. It is really not unusual for a rpg to link stats to equipment which is usualy much harder to get.
  5. > @"Mauzi.5892" said: > I don't know man... HP trains are not really the answer. My first experience was horrible. > Hot maps were new to me. I had no waypoints, no mounts and only basic gliding. I couldn't keep up and it was just stressful. > Of course now with full map completion and skyscale and the knowledge I aquired, it's no problem at all. Sadly I don't even bother doing them anymore and when I do map completion, I can usually solo all HPs. > > What I'm saying is, yes, HP trains ARE an option, but considering his current level in the game maybe not the best one. > As others have said, WvW is very good. Especially if you are still low ranked, since you get the first few ranks very fast. > > What I did, when I needed Hero Points for my elite spec was going around all Hot and PoF maps and just doing the ones you have to channel. You only need 25 of them, since every HP gives you 10 points. > > For what it's worth: I just did HoT map completion and almost all HPs solo with my scrapper. Not underpowered and you certainly don't die very fast, at all. The HP trains I joined usually required basic mastery in gliding and basic mastery in mushrooms. Often also raptor. That is all. They don't require any waypoints and unlock them as they go. Often they will also do some hard vistas and mastery points so I would recommend them to all beginners, especially the Tangled depths map as it will help you get familiar with the map. Anyway ask what is required but on EU HP trains are usually for complete Hot begginers. A sidenote: Skyscale made HP trains worse. All those flapping wings made it hard to see where the comm is going and are just ugly. Gliders are much better looking than all those ugly Skyscales.
  6. Yes, you can easily recover. There are more than enough HPs in the world to unlock both elite specs and have many many leftover. Also maybe Scrapper elite spec is not the problem but the way you are playing it.
  7. If you have masteries to complete the experience will go towards masteries. If you haven't started a mastery track or you have it full and you don't have mastery points to finish it, the experience is wasted. Once you complete all the masteries in a certain area (core, Hot, Pof or IS) your exp gain will go towards spirit shards. Nothing hidden about it. The bar on the bottom of the screen will fill with exp gains and once full, you see a lvl up animation and you gain a spirit shard. The same bar you see during lvl up or during mastery completion. The mechanic is the same for all the areas (core, Hot, Pof or IS) but they are separate. For example, if you finish all the masteries for Pof area you will start gaining spirit shards in Pof area, but not other areas where you haven't finished masteries.
  8. The portal to Fractals of the mists is in the centre of Fort Marriner in Lion's Arch. This is the lobby, but you will want to use LFG and check under Fractals. Join parties and if you are in Lion's Arch you will get a prompt to join an instance with your party. LFG in general is your best friend to finding and joining pug groups. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractals_of_the_Mists I recommend watching a fractal beginner guide on youtube. There are plenty of good guides there that will explain the basics and there are some mechanics you should get familiar with. Since you are calling yourself a new player. Have you levelled up your characters and played the story and other open-world activities? Open world stuff, meta events, collections are a great and easy source of materials, equipment, gold and other handy resources.
  9. Just having the skin and not having the account bound sword on you might be proof enough. I guess you can't get the skin before the sword is bound.
  10. Hmmm I don't know about this glider thing. I never noticed anything buggy about it, like keys not registering. Mastering your keypresses, feeling for your keyboard is a part of platforming though. So if there is no bug it is all part of the game. Maybe it is just a bad keyboard. I have a bad keyboard lately and it is like night and day. Never again do I buy Razer keyboard and mouse. Expensive crap that has worse key registering and feeling than the cheapest Logitech stuff.
  11. This is a hidden bragging video. But you defnitely have the right to it. Nice ride.
  12. You shouldn't be eating full rapid fire. It's a 2.5 sec cast time, we are talking seconds here. You are dying a lot in any pvp game if your response time is measured in seconds. They are very potent when they jump you unaware, already in combat and without CDs but that is then not a 1v1 situation. That same ranger dies to anything if the situation is turned.
  13. Also, Dragon stand map has very easy 70 HPs, no need to fight any monsters but at least for the three at the blighting towers, you will need to finish the meta (maybe they can be cheesed with skyscale, don't know). Anyway if you finish the meta make sure you collect them all and might as well do a map complete which is also very easy.
  14. We need a tutorial for everything. How dare they expect a player to figure something out by themself? And that freaking Hydra, it's aggro range can overlap with a djinn HP monster. Insanity, who designed that kitten?! Poor new players just how much abuse can they take.
  15. The biggest issue with PoF and LS4 maps is lag. At least on EU servers. There are days when half of these maps are unplayable for me. If there would be less lag, more people would play on them. Regarding the djinn, hydra hp point. That's actually the first HP in crystal desert. I always found it a fun HP, never had problems with it.
  16. No UI addons, please. Don't want what happened to WoW where certain addons became mandatory for raiding (deadly boss mod) and raids were actually balanced with dbm in mind. It completely destroyed the immersion of raiding where people should respond to visual and sound queues, not mod messages. It was one of the reasons I quit Wow raiding soon after woltk because raiding stopped being a RPG game and became a screen full of stats and queues and sheets. The "game" part, the graphics were almost redundant. Healing was the worst (didn't help woltk was an era of full spam healing all raid long). Also, some pvp or arena mods were on the limit of cheats. Luckily no mods were allowed for arena tournaments. Every time I installed the game the first day was only dedicated to setting up the mods. And I was probably on the minimum of what most of the community use. Just the ability to move and resize specific elements of UI would be more than enough.
  17. > @"Linken.6345" said: > > @"Fleabite.7528" said: > > DRMs are looking like dead content right now, despite being the current 'episode'. Zero in looking for groups in either Tyria or Champions after 30 mins of waiting. Other maps and LS episodes still busy. > > > > This needs an urgent fix. Because if the next instalment is as poor, I fear people will start drifting off - myself included. > > Do know that alot of people are doing wintersday stuff now since its time limited content Yeah but all other stuff is running normally. You don't notice much difference with fracs and metas. Strikes are slow but strikes have been slow for a while and there just ain't enough of them. DRMs you can hardly see a group in lfg at all. I don't really care about rewards. They are just boring. Rehashed maps, annoying grouping system and just boredom, there's nothing interesting with them. No interesting mechanic, boring bosses with old designs, plenty of waiting. They put us in instance with mounts, they could do something fun with them. Like a mount chase segment or mounted charging attack. But no we get to whack destroyers and a bigger destroyer hp sponge. The only mechanic is "jump the wave". Oh but wait we did this million times already, oh we will just put in 5 times more waves, great everybody loves to jump the wave all the time.
  18. > @"Hesione.9412" said: > When those of us with disabilities write about accessibility, we are talking about accessibility from our perspective. For example, a business may be open from 8am to 4pm and so it is accessible during those hours. But there are only stairs outside, so the business is not accessible for people who cannot use stairs (e.g. those who are in a wheelchair). You have moved away from our definition of the word "accessible", which has the meaning specific to disabilities, and are using the word in a trivial way. This is shifting the goalposts. This is a game, not an essential commodity. Games in their nature should have goals that are hard to reach and can require specific abnormal physical characteristics. Yeah it sucks if a disability limits your abilities in the game and it is not fair to those players. But that is the nature of games, they are not meant to be fair and accessible to everyone, a certain physical prowess is required to be able to compete and that is why games are interesting. Luckily this game offers a variety of goals you can set to yourself with various difficulty so anyone can find something for themselves.
  19. > @"battledrone.8315" said: > yea, because players love to pay for the pleasure of being annoyed. just suck it up, and open the wallet again...or not > many people (not me) have a very limited time for their hobby. i am sure they appreciate being trolled in that very short time It has been pretty clear from your posts that you don't like this game and are annoyed by pretty much all the aspects of it. From posts in this thread, you don't even want to play the game, you would like everything taught and handed to you and even something as trivial as changing your traits to suit the occasion is way beyond you and your expectations for this game. So why the kitten are you playing this game with your limited time?
  20. I don't think they are worth it if you plan to make gold with them or at least not worth farming for them. I don't have the data to really back it up, it's just my small sample size experience. The trophies took a dip in price in the last 6-7 months. Maybe leather is still OK. Keep in mind you are also losing the TP fee if you are selling them. So I would say OK for hoarding mats. I checked and this site still values trophies and leather quite high. Not sure if it's up to date. https://gw2lunchbox.com/IstanShipments.html Doesn't take into account you need volatile magic also.
  21. I don't even know if I understand the problem. It's such an easy mechanic and a fast frac. Never heard of anyone skipping it or having issues with it.
  22. Zerker is fine, it is story or OW so anything is fine really. You will need to be a bit more active with dodging but nothing hard. If you really have problems with low health pool go for some more tanky accessory which is easy to get in the living story. I never go with tanky stuff for story or OW because it just takes longer to kill and nothing is that hard that can't be solved with a defensive utility slot or trait or just dodge.
  23. There is no answer. There is just too much variety in possible builds and different game modes that you just can't generalize. And with a new patch things can turn around. PVE and PVP are too general terms. You will have to play the game and see what actually interest you and then you can start min-maxing your characters. At some point in the game it becomes really easy to make additional characters. There is a ceiling to gear progression and once you're decked out on 1 build, you are decked forever. The game starts to shower you with additional means to lvl up additional characters and exotic gear which is just a tiny step from best in game ascended and legendary. So don't worry about making the wrong choice. Best advice is play what feels best, get one char to 80, explore the world and story and then start to look more into min-maxing.
  24. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > But whoever is buying those, is likely not interested in "just" 2.990g profit. > Funny how i can say "just 2.990g" when i'll probably never see that amount of gold ever, and some people are throwing 3800g around like it's peanuts. So here you are very much wrong. 2990 g profit for a 3800g investment is a super huge profit. In a fairly stable economy, such fluctuations in prices are rare. People that are rich are interested in any profit. There is no "just" x gold profit". You maximise all your gold incomes, trades and crafts. You don't get rich by putting all your gold in one thing. Hey you might get it once but it's just too risky and you won't get far. You want to disperse investments so you are able to cover for the failed ones. There will always be some failed investments.
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