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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"AnodicShadow.3647" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > The games changed, its thee worst it's been in 7 yrs imo of course. Got thru half a match tonight, we were winning by 150 but was just garbage condi spamming on the nodes all match, gw2 was never a high skill game but its literally zero skill brainless play these days so I apologized to my team as the games not worth the frustration nor my time so logged out and sparked up ff14. I felt bad but only get a hr a night to game these days and felt like I was wasting time which is bad thing when ur winning and doing well yet having zero fun cuz how bad the devs has sank the game. I don't even think the expac will bring me back for longer than 2 weeks. Props to all the vets still here dealing and good luck to all the new players lol enjoy the ride.

    > > >

    > > > I hope you don't PvP in FFXIV because in my experience, PvP in that game is several times worse than PvP in GW2.

    > >

    > > I do here and there and don't mind it but it defenitly isnt great lol. Thing is it's not as good mechanically as gw2 but with gw2 current state of pvp I find more frustration than I do enjoyment and feel like the game mode lacks any skillful plays as it's been completely dumbed down into carry wars2.

    > > Initially I found ff14 combat animations amazing but slow but once I got to lv 60 the combat speed way up. Gw2 has more potential than almost all mmos cuz its combat mechanics as far as pvp goes but that doesn't go far if every other match frustrates u and I am definitely not alone In that as u can see in seconds from these forums others are to. With how great the pvp could be in gw2 and with how awsome its mechanics are for pvp it still drives people off, cant deny its abysmal population. That and atleast when wanting to do any OW or pve content ff14 is on a different level than what this game calls pve lol.

    > > In short in gw2 pvp is mostly all I did over 6 yrs cuz pve blew, in ff14 I mostly pve,dungeons,trials with some pvp here and there lol but best of all dont have to listen to my gf yell at me why do u play a game that just pisses u off lol.

    > > Strange for a game with such great pvp potential for it to be losing players as it is/has no? I mean its mach making cant even function as intended due to such a low population.


    > i would also like to add, Producer/Director: Naoki Yoshida's Emotional Closing Speech at #FFXIV Launch Event


    > youtube>settings>subtitle/cc>English




    Honestly u can tell the love that went into the job skills, lol u can definitely tell especially with samurai that the devs are japanese and I love it and their work, the passion they have for their game shows through their work especially the 3 the incredible expacs.

  2. > @"AnodicShadow.3647" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > The games changed, its thee worst it's been in 7 yrs imo of course. Got thru half a match tonight, we were winning by 150 but was just garbage condi spamming on the nodes all match, gw2 was never a high skill game but its literally zero skill brainless play these days so I apologized to my team as the games not worth the frustration nor my time so logged out and sparked up ff14. I felt bad but only get a hr a night to game these days and felt like I was wasting time which is bad thing when ur winning and doing well yet having zero fun cuz how bad the devs has sank the game. I don't even think the expac will bring me back for longer than 2 weeks. Props to all the vets still here dealing and good luck to all the new players lol enjoy the ride.


    > I hope you don't PvP in FFXIV because in my experience, PvP in that game is several times worse than PvP in GW2.


    I do here and there and don't mind it but it defenitly isnt great lol. Thing is it's not as good mechanically as gw2 but with gw2 current state of pvp I find more frustration than I do enjoyment and feel like the game mode lacks any skillful plays as it's been completely dumbed down into carry wars2.

    Initially I found ff14 combat animations amazing but slow but once I got to lv 60 the combat speed way up. Gw2 has more potential than almost all mmos cuz its combat mechanics as far as pvp goes but that doesn't go far if every other match frustrates u and I am definitely not alone In that as u can see in seconds from these forums others are to. With how great the pvp could be in gw2 and with how awsome its mechanics are for pvp it still drives people off, cant deny its abysmal population. That and atleast when wanting to do any OW or pve content ff14 is on a different level than what this game calls pve lol.

    In short in gw2 pvp is mostly all I did over 6 yrs cuz pve blew, in ff14 I mostly pve,dungeons,trials with some pvp here and there lol but best of all dont have to listen to my gf yell at me why do u play a game that just pisses u off lol.

    Strange for a game with such great pvp potential for it to be losing players as it is/has no? I mean its mach making cant even function as intended due to such a low population.

  3. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > The games changed, its thee worst it's been in 7 yrs imo of course. Got thru half a match tonight, we were winning by 150 but was just garbage condi spamming on the nodes all match, gw2 was never a high skill game but its literally zero skill brainless play these days so I apologized to my team as the games not worth the frustration nor my time so logged out and sparked up ff14. I felt bad but only get a hr a night to game these days and felt like I was wasting time which is bad thing when ur winning and doing well yet having zero fun cuz how bad the devs has sank the game. I don't even think the expac will bring me back for longer than 2 weeks. Props to all the vets still here dealing and good luck to all the new players lol enjoy the ride.


    > No offence intended, but how long do you spend on the boards boasting about "not playing gw2 anymore and just launching ff144 instead"? Pretty sure I've seen multiple of your posts just like this. What is the point of typing that "every other day"?

    > Even moreso that after claiming you don't play the game, now you go on about how you've "started pvp game and dropped out halfway through". I don't understand that behavior at all.


    No worries no offense taken. I've posted a ton on these threads and regularly even recently while theres been basically only like 15 different posters posting in pvp section in last while lol but I maybe post 3 posts one day, non for like 5 days than maybe few on some threads here and there. It's not hard to be seen a lot in these forums considering 10 people are left posting on the regular lol. My job requires me to sit and wait most of the day so I have a lot off free time getting paid to surf forums :) so I surf gw2 still cuz I played it for so long and am still interested in some threads and games direction even though it's no longer the main mmo I play. Hopefully that answers the question for ya. I can't currently load or play any game cuz I'm working so I jump between ff14 reddit and here to pass the time with the occasional ign or so gander.

  4. Gw2 community complains constantly about all the carry mechanics in the game but at same time doesn't want to lose the carry mechanics they themselves use.

    Gw2 will always be carrywars 2 cuz in the end it's what the community really wants.

  5. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > The games changed, its thee worst it's been in 7 yrs imo of course. Got thru half a match tonight, we were winning by 150 but was just garbage condi spamming on the nodes all match, gw2 was never a high skill game but its literally zero skill brainless play these days so I apologized to my team as the games not worth the frustration nor my time so logged out and sparked up ff14. I felt bad but only get a hr a night to game these days and felt like I was wasting time which is bad thing when ur winning and doing well yet having zero fun cuz how bad the devs has sank the game. I don't even think the expac will bring me back for longer than 2 weeks. Props to all the vets still here dealing and good luck to all the new players lol enjoy the ride.


    > That wasn't very nice of you. If you like FFXIV better, why not go play that and stop wasting so much time ranting about condi on the forums and throwing matches in PvP?


    I kno it wasnt very nice which is why I apologized and felt bad. It was unranked atleast but no excuse. Just figured I'd pop in for a mach or two but just couldn't do it, sucks cuz been a gw2 fan boy for almost 7 yrs now so hard to let go but been trying off and on for this last year and guess it's just time to move on. I still come to the forum to see what changes may have come, reading comments on the game state helps one to feel better about leaving sadly lol. Maybe it's not entirely the games issue maybe it's just run its course for me. I did stop wasting the other players time as I logged off so didn't throw any further matches :) I'm glad u all all are still enjoying it though :). GLHF.

  6. > @"Roche.7491" said:

    > Gw2 feels like an rpg not an mmo. You can practically solo the entire storyline to end.


    > It’s pvp feels like a SEPARATE game. You can pvp at level 1 and yield the same competitiveness.


    > It’s mmo or endgame content is specifically for farming tier equipment from dungeons (strike/frac/dung/raid) dumbnessly and ENDLESSLY. Increases monster DAMAGE every stage and your counter is to increase DEFENSE through agony res. In the end it just balances everything out and you won’t notice you like grinded a thousand stages of the SAME thing. As a REWARD it has ZERO effect in pvp.


    True, but it feels like a rpg with the absolute worst and most boring/shallow story arch/writing ever produced for a rpg.

  7. The games changed, its thee worst it's been in 7 yrs imo of course. Got thru half a match tonight, we were winning by 150 but was just garbage condi spamming on the nodes all match, gw2 was never a high skill game but its literally zero skill brainless play these days so I apologized to my team as the games not worth the frustration nor my time so logged out and sparked up ff14. I felt bad but only get a hr a night to game these days and felt like I was wasting time which is bad thing when ur winning and doing well yet having zero fun cuz how bad the devs has sank the game. I don't even think the expac will bring me back for longer than 2 weeks. Props to all the vets still here dealing and good luck to all the new players lol enjoy the ride.

  8. > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > My list:


    > Ele UP

    > Tempest OP

    > Weaver OP


    > Necro OK

    > Reaper OK

    > Scourge UP


    > Mesmer OK

    > Chrono UP

    > Mirage OK


    > Warrior UP

    > Berserker UP

    > Spellbreaker UP


    > Guardian OP

    > Dragonhunter OK

    > Firebrand OP


    > Revenant OK

    > Herold OP

    > Renegade OP


    > Engineer OK

    > Scrapper OP

    > Holosmith OP


    > Ranger OP

    > Druid UP

    > Soulbeast OP


    > Thief OP

    > Daredevil OK

    > Deadeye OK



    Most accurate so far

  9. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"Arkantos.7460" said:

    > > i think sb needs a serious nerf, so you can learn to love berserker more


    > Sadly that is the most likely scenario...


    Yup that's the lazy anet way, just like with traits. One trait is used most often cuz the other two are useless so let's make the one decent trait useless so the other useless traits are of equal value lol. Teams awesome here at gw2.

  10. > @"ZeteCommander.4937" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"ZeteCommander.4937" said:

    > > > Dev don't understand that balance and destruction are different concepts. They would rather destroy the popular and useful builds than optimize the outdated ones

    > >

    > > This^ majority think games direction is going in the more positive direction which if were talking JUST balance of MOST of the roster I'd agree but as a whole putting all other factors aside for this one goal will ruin the game and decrease its population faster than balance ever would. If games fun but balance isn't great the game will still have far more active players than if its better balanced but not fun to play.


    > Keep this trend. This fake Carnival will expose problems. You just don't realize how many players are leaving the game.Those who are still playing don't think it's bad now. Most players who leave don't even bother to say goodbye


    I dont doubt it, I left it 3 weeks ago after 6 years of playing it, just couldn't take the lazy balancing anymore. The devs take far to long to fix anything and ignore far to many things in this game. Hell the all but deleted passive traits that were staples in builds and it's been over 6 months and their still placeholders. Skills have been bugged for yrs even tho the players give feedback continually on them ie revs hammer and wars gs skills. I only frequent the forums cuz at this point its enjoyable to watch the game die slowly, devs are doing a good job at it lol, makes me glad I havent logged in everytime I come to the forums lol.

  11. > @"snoow.1694" said:

    > Something is broken in a game when conditions, which are supposed to do damage over time end up doing more damage per tick than actual power skills. Last balance patch didn‘t only hit conditions so little, but nerfed group condition removals on classes like Firebrand


    This^ but its gw2 and the usual not just bad balance but lazyness from its devs. Seriously how is this game still holding on?

  12. > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > we still need many more nerfs happening before even considering buff anything.


    > core ele, engi, chrono druid and berserker are clearly underpowered


    Yeah and for the majority of the community that doesn't play those classes or specs that's right where they want them to be so...think about the last thread u were in where the topic was the class is underperforming, dropped out of high lv play etc. Players that don't play the class will say no no buffs aren't needed the class is balanced and others just need nerfed. 9/10 times the nerfing to a approximate state never comes or takes years. When other post pops up on the classes that those players play asking for nerfs the defend the class stating the nerfs will make their favorite classes underperform and cause them to drop out of high lv play so pls don't, its actually funny.

  13. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > > @"melody.2601" said:

    > > > if a Thief +1's you, you obviously going to die and you should die, cause you are outnumbered, you shouldnt be able to hold a kitten position for 20+ seconds until help arrives, thats just plain kitten.

    > >

    > > People should at least be able to kite/run away (depending on the build) when a thief +1s against them.

    > >

    > > That's currently almost impossible, a thief can easily follow every build rn.


    > Run away should be your only chance when you get +1/ outnumbered, especially by a thief.


    > If this is not the case, thief is too weak or your class has too much sustain.


    > Really is that simple.




    Pretty much, given some what equal skill lvs obviously as a very skilled holo should be able to live thru a 2v1 vs two bot like players but that's besides the point

  14. > @"melody.2601" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"melody.2601" said:

    > > > Laughable crybaby thread,

    > > > oh a build is actually decent but can still be countered? QQ NERF

    > > > but it does so many conditions in such a short period! Laughs in Necro, Condi Rev, Condi Ranger etc

    > > >

    > > > Seriously get a grip and git gud, Condi Thief is not the problem, its your inability to dodge at the right time. if a Thief +1's you, you obviously going to die and you should die, cause you are outnumbered, you shouldnt be able to hold a kitten position for 20+ seconds until help arrives, thats just plain kitten.

    > > >

    > > > Buff other Classes instead of crying for Nerfs.

    > >

    > > me tif, me +1, me shud instantly kil you cuz 2v1, you bad, you no guess my insta atak from stleth, you shud die

    > > lp2


    > Yes, Learn 2 Play, if a Thief +1's you what does that mean? It means you have 2 Enemies on you, that means your team should be able to win somewhere else, cause its technically a 4v3 situation on the Map, if you die to a +1 its fine as long as your team doesnt kitten up.


    Wrong! Were talking about this community and its mentality here. If a thief +1's for a teamate making a 2v1 situation the thief should be so weak and close to useless that even though the opponent is now in a 2v1 they should still be able to successfully win the 2v1 as if thief made little difference or just say nope and disengage at will all while being balanced for being able to sustain itself for extended times under pressure. Are u new to the community?

  15. > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > @"melody.2601" said:

    > > if a Thief +1's you, you obviously going to die and you should die, cause you are outnumbered, you shouldnt be able to hold a kitten position for 20+ seconds until help arrives, thats just plain kitten.


    > People should at least be able to kite/run away (depending on the build) when a thief +1s against them.


    > That's currently almost impossible, a thief can easily follow every build rn.


    So u want other classes to balanced how they are but have the disengage potential of thief. Guess u want massive nerfs to those classes for "compensation" and the following nerf its mobility threads that will follow also lol

  16. > @"ZeteCommander.4937" said:

    > Dev don't understand that balance and destruction are different concepts. They would rather destroy the popular and useful builds than optimize the outdated ones


    This^ majority think games direction is going in the more positive direction which if were talking JUST balance of MOST of the roster I'd agree but as a whole putting all other factors aside for this one goal will ruin the game and decrease its population faster than balance ever would. If games fun but balance isn't great the game will still have far more active players than if its better balanced but not fun to play.

  17. > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > Nah they haven't nerfed even close to enough, though they need to nerf mechanics and not just damage and numbers.


    This^ need to further dumb the game down, make classes less enjoyable to use and take away all the class mechanics that give classes their identities or nerf them till they they feel useless and unrewarding to play. At least this way we can decrease the already very low pvp population all while making pve even more boring. The game would be going in the proper direction if we did these things.

  18. Kinda of agree to a point. I find were at a point that everyone or most of the community got so used to dealing with powercreep and wanting it rightly nerfed down that they've some how came to the conclusion no matter what buffs are bad and to be avoided and that's wrong. If a build is fun,effective and has counter play and is seeing a lot of play because so that does not mean that its OP. Also if a build is less effective and not very enjoyable that does not mean that the viable and effective build should automatically be nerfed to the lv of the less effective/less fun build but that seems to be the new mentality and it's not as simple as that. What u end up with is a bunch of un fun,dumbed down classes/builds that see little play lowering class and build diversities. As much as I don't want the game to be in a state of powercreep there are some classes that do rightfully deserve some buffs to make them viable,effective and fun.

  19. Warrior design and playstyle was build around the idea that the hard cc be a big part of the classes burst damage rotation. Stripping the damage from hard cc hit war harder than other classes. Also its sustain via might gain was nerfed thru so many avenues the heal signet and mmr pairing synergy is now useless dumbing down the class even further. It doesn't even take much to see these thing and it was predicted by many war players. This team isnt the saviors people praised them to be so good luck. I get blanket dropping problem areas and admitting that will cause some issues, but anet u gotta follow thru with those issues instead of leaving the problems to exist for yrs before fixing. Uve deleted passive traits due to not likening the passive idea and thsts fine but they were staples in a lot of builds in a game that already suffers build deversity issues and how long has it been, 6 months now and their still useless place holders? So u gonna work on em in a yr, or 2 yrs from now?

  20. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

    > > > > > > > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Well, it's not so black and white as you try to paint it. A new player sees a treb, which he never used before (if he even knew about its existance in the game), so obviously he feels the need to run to it and try using it. It doesn't mean "he's not interested in pvp so he'll sit there whole game", it means it's something new to him that caught his interest, so he wants to play with it. For, you know, fun.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

    > > > > > > > > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?

    > > > > > > To be honest, in the past, i've met more new players who were drawn by 'word of mouth' by other players than through social media outlets and by media commercials.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > they were told directly and indirectly of Guild Wars 2

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I'm interested to know how exactly you're gathering this data. Please share your way of doing that as well as the exact data you've collected, because that seems useful.

    > > > >

    > > > > It's not about black and white. No one was talking about a new player trying out treb for a min I was referring to the players that sit on treb all match regardless of team asking for some help.

    > > >

    > > > ...no one needed to talk about new players, you just don't know if they're new, so assuming they're just sitting on treb because they don't like pvp isn't the correct way to go about it. Which is why I said it's not black and white as you've tried to paint it.

    > >

    > > So why would someone sit on a treb for entirety of the match? Just wondering the reasoning behind such a action.


    > I've literally never seen anyone sitting on treb whole game. And the post you've answered to just mentioned that they had 150 point lead, someone went to treb so "2 veterans afked for the rest of the game". People sitting on treb whole game just seems like a fictional scenario.


    Yeah and? My comment was based off my experiences not urs, I'm glad u haven't experienced it yet cuz it is indeed frustrating to say the least. I've had multiple matches where a player goes to treb right at match start and stays there all match unless forced off.

  21. > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

    > Can you fix Warrior please? Half the traits and skills are laughable, if not downright broken (stance traits, many traits too weak like MMR and brave stride, too many to even name really). Leaving stuff like dmg bonus on CC isn’t helping.


    What, u don't like 5 minute CD's on traits that were staple in many builds? It's ok though their just place holders right, prob is this is anet so their place holders for years. How longs it been since the changes to passive traits, hasn't it been a half a year already?


  22. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

    > > > > > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.

    > > > >

    > > > > Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?

    > > >

    > > > Well, it's not so black and white as you try to paint it. A new player sees a treb, which he never used before (if he even knew about its existance in the game), so obviously he feels the need to run to it and try using it. It doesn't mean "he's not interested in pvp so he'll sit there whole game", it means it's something new to him that caught his interest, so he wants to play with it. For, you know, fun.

    > > >

    > > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

    > > > > > > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?

    > > > > To be honest, in the past, i've met more new players who were drawn by 'word of mouth' by other players than through social media outlets and by media commercials.

    > > > >

    > > > > they were told directly and indirectly of Guild Wars 2

    > > >

    > > > I'm interested to know how exactly you're gathering this data. Please share your way of doing that as well as the exact data you've collected, because that seems useful.

    > >

    > > It's not about black and white. No one was talking about a new player trying out treb for a min I was referring to the players that sit on treb all match regardless of team asking for some help.


    > ...no one needed to talk about new players, you just don't know if they're new, so assuming they're just sitting on treb because they don't like pvp isn't the correct way to go about it. Which is why I said it's not black and white as you've tried to paint it.


    So why would someone sit on a treb for entirety of the match? Just wondering the reasoning behind such a action.

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