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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. The fact that players are being so toxic to other players over a class widely viewed these days as a hindering factor on a team should ring some bells to the balance devs but it won't since it's the gw2 team were talking about here. That said it's a competitive mode in a non competitive game, no one should take ranked so serious especially since the ranking system means nothing regarding a players skill. Just ignore them, block them or turn off chat and enjoy the match. If those things don't help play a different game as if ur not enjoying yourself playing anets game then their not deserving of ur time and money anyway.

  2. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

    > > > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.

    > >

    > > Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?


    > Well, it's not so black and white as you try to paint it. A new player sees a treb, which he never used before (if he even knew about its existance in the game), so obviously he feels the need to run to it and try using it. It doesn't mean "he's not interested in pvp so he'll sit there whole game", it means it's something new to him that caught his interest, so he wants to play with it. For, you know, fun.


    > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Drennon.7190" said:

    > > > > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.

    > > >

    > > > Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?

    > > To be honest, in the past, i've met more new players who were drawn by 'word of mouth' by other players than through social media outlets and by media commercials.

    > >

    > > they were told directly and indirectly of Guild Wars 2


    > I'm interested to know how exactly you're gathering this data. Please share your way of doing that as well as the exact data you've collected, because that seems useful.


    It's not about black and white. No one was talking about a new player trying out treb for a min I was referring to the players that sit on treb all match regardless of team asking for some help.

  3. > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

    > > > What can warriors do? They can't kill a condi rev; power rev does their job, but better, and they bring no utility to compete with weavers and tempest.

    > > >

    > > > Solution: nerf condi, nerf power rev (gently, but nerf regardless) and bring down CC (a notch).

    > >

    > > Can anybody kill a condi rev? How do you fight against a constant 10 AoE torment stacks plus burning and poison?


    > my question to Anet is, you specifically gave these Professions specific roles; not decided by the players


    > Revenant is a Soldier Profession-offensive melee

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Revenant

    > Necromancer is a Scholar Profession-condition support

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Necromancer


    > when was it ok for a Soldier Profession to play a Scholar Profession and to excel it?


    > why have tolerate it for so long?


    > why haven't you taken any actions to align Professions to their specific roles?




    All classes are a type of soldier be it a martial or scholar soldier. Rev is a hybrid of the two.

    The devs idea of throwing out the wholly trinity sounds great on paper but is a balance nightmare. The play how u want on any class doesn't work. If every class was great at one role and mediocre at the others the classes would be far easier to balance with in that role in relation to the rest of the roster. Players simply pic the classes of the role they enjoy most, no need to have the option to build for varying degrees of effectiveness for every role, it complicates the balance doing so far more than what these devs are capable of. Having classes for specific roles, queuing for 5 man team where there is 2 spots for dps and tanks and 1 spot for a healer would lead to far less class stacking and far more strategic gameplay, unfortunately gw2 is not that game.

    People will argue that it's better to have complete freedom to play with any team comp any way u like etc but the current state of gw2 is what that looks like and pvp population speaks for itself.

    Good example of why on rare ocassions people need to be saved from themselves or what they think they want when in reality it isn't.

  4. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > This trait is bad. It has a niche use in Power Berserker FotM/Raid builds for an initial stability to fuel Headbutt, but other than that it is lackluster and pales in comparison to Peak Performance.


    > I suggest 2 changes.


    > First change: Have Brave Stride grant 2 stacks of stability for 1s when using a movement skill. No ICD.

    > This change would not affect the above build since Headbutt is itself a movement skill.


    > Reasoning: There is lots of CCs these days, and the Warrior needs to be able to stay on target, but also to get to the target. The duration is short, long enough to get to the target and get a hit in without being CC'd.


    > This by itself is a strong change as it would give certain weapon sets a few sources of very short duration stability stacks that would help in landing key follow up skills. I suggest no ICD since the duration is so short. It would be possible to use several movement skills in succession to maintain stability in the short term, however you would not be able to perma maintain it, and would have to blow your utility slots to do that.


    > Second Change: Have Brave Stride increase the distance traveled by each movement skill by 300 units.


    > Reasoning: I think this should only be put in IF Anet keeps CC's from doing damage. IF their damage is returned even if in part then this should not be added. However, baring that Warrior is typically pigeon holed into double melee, and while we have a decent selection of movement skills, they are not instant. This change would help get to the target and stay on target.


    > I am aware that this would create a few 1500 range and 1300 range movement skills. I'm fine with that. This would make Warrior the only core profession with a 1500 movement skill, which balances out the fact that there is a core profession with 1500 base range on a weapon set.


    > Again I only think the distance increase should be added in if CCs are kept at noodle damage levels since half of the Warrior's movement skills are CCs.


    Although I don't play the game anymore just wanted to say that u and a few others are good for this class, keep it up.

  5. > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

    > > What can warriors do? They can't kill a condi rev; power rev does their job, but better, and they bring no utility to compete with weavers and tempest.

    > >

    > > Solution: nerf condi, nerf power rev (gently, but nerf regardless) and bring down CC (a notch).


    > Can anybody kill a condi rev? How do you fight against a constant 10 AoE torment stacks plus burning and poison?


    This is true as well lol I like rev a lot but condi rev is on lvs of condi thiefs as far as being to effective except condi rev is less one dimensional compared to thief and is more useful in more situations.

  6. > @"Drennon.7190" said:

    > Last match someone went to treb. 2 of our teams "veterans" decided to teach him a lesson by AFK'ing the rest of the game. We HAD a 150 point lead. They intentionally threw just to be kitten.


    Although afking isnt the right thing to do I never understood the players that sit on treble all match, if pvp is that boring or uninteresting to u that ud rather treble then why not play a pvp game u actually like instead?

  7. > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > not destroying builds were their approach for a long time and prolly one of the main reasons the population is so low


    > not too long ago you could play your broken build for at least 6 month, and you still had high chances they nerf random stuff and your build was still broken for more 6 month


    Although true that's also wrong. They would indeed balance classes q's about in ways that left players scratching their heads it's also this approach that led to dead or overly nerfed specs as by the time they finished nerfing around the actual issue what was left was a class with far less viability and build diversity. How many months has it been since passive were given 5 min CD's? The devs of this game are not able to balance and change broken skill designs in anywhere close to a acceptable lv or time frame and usually it's the fastest laziest route that is taken by them because of reasons above, one of the reasons a lot of pvp players said f it and moved on to different games.

  8. > @"TeqkOneStylez.8047" said:

    > Also half the berserker versions of the burst skills are worse than the core counterparts so you are essentially waiting a longer cooldown to do worse skills while taking more incoming damage unless you take the trait to cancel out the penalty in which they made sure to nerf said trait beforehand.


    > But its ok because we still got headbutt which does 6 dmg but will do a 50% dmg bonus if it removes stability.


    50% on 6dmg, that's seriously op and needs nerfed yesterday.

  9. > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > warrior is op needs nerf, why would you want a bruiser with high damage and high sustain like how they did to warrior back in 2013

    > non sense, just delete warrior from the game and play another class


    Exactly this^ a class like warrior that has a very predictable skill set full of large tells especially its bursts which now with cc doing no dps does half the burst spike cant have high sustain and dps especially since it's a melee class among high dps condi aoe spamming classes that can easily out dps and sustain the warrior. Being a bruiser type melee spec it should be outperformed by most classes that are capable of any melee themselves, u asking for war buffs is kinda ridiculous.

  10. Agree with op to be honest. Burns are so weak now building builds around the condition renders them useless, I mean look at burn guards,burn weavers and condi revs, their condi dps is pitiful due to low dps burn tick. I'd actually say burn builds are almost as weak as the pitiful condi p/d thief build going around, takes forever to kill someone on the build cuz how weak the dps from the condis are.

    Here's hoping for a buff in the near future.

  11. > @"Gundahar.2765" said:

    > > @"Timbersword.9014" said:

    > > > @"Gundahar.2765" said:

    > > > Staff wielding warrior? Please just... no. Enough profession political correctness. Warrior's whole point is to be a mauling beefy boi. _**Just imagine a norn charging at you with a staff, in heavy armor.**_ That's either OP looking or plain shocking. Leave warrior alone pls.

    > >

    > > Like Norn Revenants?

    > >

    > >

    > Haha yes. Revenant is what it is, but a pure warrior with staff, just the idea, sounds ridiculous. My opinion tho.



    I think people are meaning spear when they say staff and a spear is one of thee most iconic and fitting weapons a warrior class could ever get.

  12. > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Cmc admitted in teapots stream he plays mostly warrior and rev and teapot made a comment(joke) warrior buffs incoming and cmc responded that's a weird statement to draw lol. So that basically means war will be left underperforming now cuz any buffs warrior would have got now won't due to fear of being called out for favoritism. No dev should admit to classes they've been playing more of especially in this community lol shoulda just said he played em all.


    > Or maybe by "a weird statement to draw", he meant that he is not going to buff warrior profession just because he plays (enjoys) it? Warrior will be great when/if they give back some damage on ccs and tone down currently overperforming stuff on other professions. That's the powercreep reduction balance that Anet is aiming for, right?


    When they give back damage on cc's? There's been two passes since so when are they gonna be doing that, in a yr from now?

    Look at the defense line traits, still 300 sec meaning basically useless and they kno it and how many months have gone by? This teams turn around for needed changes are a joke and unacceptable.

    The players spend their money and time on this game and invest quite a bit yet the team finds it acceptable to basically erase traits, deleting whole traitlines and builds instead of fixing them properly and on top leaves them that way for over half a year or longer. Honestly I don't know how their still employed, imagine being a hire up at ncsoft reading the feedback which yes for all games is very negative but if they actually tracked their actual frequency of changes and the result of them, I'm sure they would be proud.

  13. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > > > > > > lol warrior is fine. It is one of the classes ,maybe even THE class, that got nerfed the least. As soon as it cant facetank 50man zergs anymore people start complaining.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > also Comparing Power rev and Warrior in pvp... this is dumb. those are completely different roles in matches. Also the "no warriors in top100" is wrong too.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Man ur right about war and rev being different roles but as someone that plays both rev is better at wars role than war is so... war is not fine and in time its lack of presence in high tier games or tourny's will show. Unless a round of nerfs are coming for a handful of classes war is probobly getting some buffs sooner or later. Then again this is anet so.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > No bro...it's simply because wars don't want to invest in sustain lines...but still expect to have same sustain as those specs treated for self-support also wars refuse to use **ranged options** when dealing with heavy melee aoe fights . Yes longbow is not greatsword...like sword ele is not staff ele or shield guardian is not focus guardian etc etc....

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Warriors ranged options *suck*. Of course Warrior doesnt use them. Thats like complaining that core necros refuse to use melee options. Also, Warrior already uses Spellbreaker, which is as much survivability as most classes use them.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > You have Defense and tactics and don't want to use them...but still want sustain so make it so I can run fire/air ele and have save sustain as water ele or zeal/radiance/virtue guardian or markmanship/skirmisher ranger etc etc; if war mains think they should not be forced to invest in sustain to have it...then I want the same on other professions too

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Its not "dont want". Its "cant". Do you seriously think that if fixing Warriors issues was as easy as swapping a single traitline, people wouldnt have done that? Turns out that thats wrong. They just cant. Swap to Defense or Tactics, and you do no damage while being as tanky as other builds.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > You have defensive utilities..but you all want to run "Bull's rush" ......you don't want to make any sacrifice in your build and still have demands , people like @"Virdo.1540" are completely right. Every class got 2 sustain lines **but none of the builds wars keep using has a single sustain line in it**.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Warrior already runs more defensive utilities than the standard build does. Your beloved Ranger tends to run 1-ish. If you count Reflexes. Warrior runs *2*. Almost no class builds 2. And again, you seem to be under the mistaken belief that Warrior can afford to switch to Tactics. Its also funny that you dont realise that core warrior already runs Tactics, and its bad.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I would strongly advocate for warrior buffs if traiting defense and tactics would not bring me on the same level as other bruisers **but it's not the case!**, which classes you want to see nerfed?

    > > > > > > > -Ranger? - they use **Wilderness survival and sometimes Nature magic**

    > > > > > > > -Necro? - they use **Death magic and rarely blood magic**

    > > > > > > > -Guardian? - always using **Valor and sometimes Honor**

    > > > > > > > -Thief? - don't you use **Shadow arts**?

    > > > > > > > -Ele? - do you see any meta build without **Water**?

    > > > > > > > -Mesmer? - I see the usage of **Chaos line** at least

    > > > > > > > -Engineer? - ...always **Alchemy**?

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Alchemy is a great traitline, but Id argue its less of a defensive one than Discipline. Shadow Arts is less than Discipline. Most ele builds dont use water.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Rev is a special case, difficult to identify, they have sustain all over the place in small packets, but I have no major concerns about them...which leave us with Warrior..who refuse to use defensive lines but somehow still expect to have the same sustain as others, you either play burst...or bruiser

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Warrior still doesnt "refuse to use them". It *cant* use them.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Stop using this derogatory assumption : "your beloved ranger" , on the contrary of you and many others **I invest time in learning professions** and try not to waste time parroting on the forum trying to win some discussion with others, I play as much warrior as ranger as ele and guardian...I duel on all 4 of them from pvp to wvw so you can keep that "slow burning" to yourself

    > > > > >

    > > > > > About warrior : **Strength is not a sustain line** under no circumstances this traitline can compete with the defensive lines of other professions and war mains **always** use : Strength -Discipline -Stunbreak ...where the hell is the sustain here??

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Do you even know how to use Longbow on warrior which was the main weapon up to HoT when every "pro" decided to copy paste double mele spec because that guy won the tournie with it..so it must be the holy gospel well...did it ever occurred to you or other "pro" on this forum that meta battle are designed for teamplay?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If you want to play huge dmg...then stick to it and don't expect to have the sustain of a ranger or another who actually bloody invest in sustain lines! And.."ele build don't use water"...you simply don't know what you are talking about and now I fully realize that

    > > > >

    > > > > I laugh when I see ur name in any warrior thread. Every single time ur in a warrior thread ur arguing their fine or need nerfs lmao, ur to obvious in ur biased against them. Ur prob a ranger main or such that loves warrior being weak in the side node roll for once. It's clear by ur post u dont play warrior much if at all, sry and all.

    > > >

    > > > I couldn't care less if you laugh or not...what does it change? I multiclass ..where you cannot...I learn where you refuse to do so...I win where you will always lose because I don't limit myself to a single class or two

    > > >

    > > > Buff warrior...Buff thief...that's all you ever do, you basically want something that makes up for your lack of awareness

    > >

    > > Naw u don't multi, u play a couple classes and go around joining threads on classes u dislike or don't want to be in a strong spot to cause u challenge and state that u play the class while stating it's fine etc and the people that actually do play it that are saying it's not fine just need to get good lol.

    > > Literally all ur post are nerf post accept for a couple which I'm sure are the classes u play.


    > ![](https://i.imgur.com/cE0eSEy.jpg "")


    > Sure I don't multiclass.....do you see anything else in your crystal ball?


    Lol I have a 80 of every class,2 of a few and more than 200 hrs on all but through 6 and a bit yrs of play I would say I only main 2 of them and these days have no right to tell a main on any class but thief that it's fine cuz I wouldn't have the experience to say otherwise. Even warrior who I have over 1500 hrs if all the warrior mains told me it's fine these days I'd just think it's me but most if not almost all warrior mains or people that do play it a lot including some streamers are saying core war isnt even viable and if u want to be somewhat viable u gotta go splb and even then there's better bis choice classes so yeah I'd be inclined to think that warrior is in fact not in a good state.

  14. > @"Tycura.1982" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > > > > > > lol warrior is fine. It is one of the classes ,maybe even THE class, that got nerfed the least. As soon as it cant facetank 50man zergs anymore people start complaining.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > also Comparing Power rev and Warrior in pvp... this is dumb. those are completely different roles in matches. Also the "no warriors in top100" is wrong too.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Man ur right about war and rev being different roles but as someone that plays both rev is better at wars role than war is so... war is not fine and in time its lack of presence in high tier games or tourny's will show. Unless a round of nerfs are coming for a handful of classes war is probobly getting some buffs sooner or later. Then again this is anet so.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > No bro...it's simply because wars don't want to invest in sustain lines...but still expect to have same sustain as those specs treated for self-support also wars refuse to use **ranged options** when dealing with heavy melee aoe fights . Yes longbow is not greatsword...like sword ele is not staff ele or shield guardian is not focus guardian etc etc....

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Warriors ranged options *suck*. Of course Warrior doesnt use them. Thats like complaining that core necros refuse to use melee options. Also, Warrior already uses Spellbreaker, which is as much survivability as most classes use them.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > You have Defense and tactics and don't want to use them...but still want sustain so make it so I can run fire/air ele and have save sustain as water ele or zeal/radiance/virtue guardian or markmanship/skirmisher ranger etc etc; if war mains think they should not be forced to invest in sustain to have it...then I want the same on other professions too

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Its not "dont want". Its "cant". Do you seriously think that if fixing Warriors issues was as easy as swapping a single traitline, people wouldnt have done that? Turns out that thats wrong. They just cant. Swap to Defense or Tactics, and you do no damage while being as tanky as other builds.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > You have defensive utilities..but you all want to run "Bull's rush" ......you don't want to make any sacrifice in your build and still have demands , people like @"Virdo.1540" are completely right. Every class got 2 sustain lines **but none of the builds wars keep using has a single sustain line in it**.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Warrior already runs more defensive utilities than the standard build does. Your beloved Ranger tends to run 1-ish. If you count Reflexes. Warrior runs *2*. Almost no class builds 2. And again, you seem to be under the mistaken belief that Warrior can afford to switch to Tactics. Its also funny that you dont realise that core warrior already runs Tactics, and its bad.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I would strongly advocate for warrior buffs if traiting defense and tactics would not bring me on the same level as other bruisers **but it's not the case!**, which classes you want to see nerfed?

    > > > > > > > -Ranger? - they use **Wilderness survival and sometimes Nature magic**

    > > > > > > > -Necro? - they use **Death magic and rarely blood magic**

    > > > > > > > -Guardian? - always using **Valor and sometimes Honor**

    > > > > > > > -Thief? - don't you use **Shadow arts**?

    > > > > > > > -Ele? - do you see any meta build without **Water**?

    > > > > > > > -Mesmer? - I see the usage of **Chaos line** at least

    > > > > > > > -Engineer? - ...always **Alchemy**?

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Alchemy is a great traitline, but Id argue its less of a defensive one than Discipline. Shadow Arts is less than Discipline. Most ele builds dont use water.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Rev is a special case, difficult to identify, they have sustain all over the place in small packets, but I have no major concerns about them...which leave us with Warrior..who refuse to use defensive lines but somehow still expect to have the same sustain as others, you either play burst...or bruiser

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Warrior still doesnt "refuse to use them". It *cant* use them.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Stop using this derogatory assumption : "your beloved ranger" , on the contrary of you and many others **I invest time in learning professions** and try not to waste time parroting on the forum trying to win some discussion with others, I play as much warrior as ranger as ele and guardian...I duel on all 4 of them from pvp to wvw so you can keep that "slow burning" to yourself

    > > > > >

    > > > > > About warrior : **Strength is not a sustain line** under no circumstances this traitline can compete with the defensive lines of other professions and war mains **always** use : Strength -Discipline -Stunbreak ...where the hell is the sustain here??

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Do you even know how to use Longbow on warrior which was the main weapon up to HoT when every "pro" decided to copy paste double mele spec because that guy won the tournie with it..so it must be the holy gospel well...did it ever occurred to you or other "pro" on this forum that meta battle are designed for teamplay?

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If you want to play huge dmg...then stick to it and don't expect to have the sustain of a ranger or another who actually bloody invest in sustain lines! And.."ele build don't use water"...you simply don't know what you are talking about and now I fully realize that

    > > > >

    > > > > I laugh when I see ur name in any warrior thread. Every single time ur in a warrior thread ur arguing their fine or need nerfs lmao, ur to obvious in ur biased against them. Ur prob a ranger main or such that loves warrior being weak in the side node roll for once. It's clear by ur post u dont play warrior much if at all, sry and all.

    > > >

    > > > I couldn't care less if you laugh or not...what does it change? I multiclass ..where you cannot...I learn where you refuse to do so...I win where you will always lose because I don't limit myself to a single class or two

    > > >

    > > > Buff warrior...Buff thief...that's all you ever do, you basically want something that makes up for your lack of awareness

    > >

    > > Naw u don't multi, u play a couple classes and go around joining threads on classes u dislike or don't want to be in a strong spot to cause u challenge and state that u play the class while stating it's fine etc and the people that actually do play it that are saying it's not fine just need to get good lol.

    > > Literally all ur post are nerf post accept for a couple including mostly ranger who u defended post patch even tho it was in a far stronger state than warrior, even stating slb wasnt worth the price tag even though it was actually overperforming, that's bias right there my friend.


    > Glad someone pointed it out lol


    It's a common behavior in these forums and i mean it's not hard to spot lol.


  15. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > > > > lol warrior is fine. It is one of the classes ,maybe even THE class, that got nerfed the least. As soon as it cant facetank 50man zergs anymore people start complaining.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > also Comparing Power rev and Warrior in pvp... this is dumb. those are completely different roles in matches. Also the "no warriors in top100" is wrong too.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Man ur right about war and rev being different roles but as someone that plays both rev is better at wars role than war is so... war is not fine and in time its lack of presence in high tier games or tourny's will show. Unless a round of nerfs are coming for a handful of classes war is probobly getting some buffs sooner or later. Then again this is anet so.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > No bro...it's simply because wars don't want to invest in sustain lines...but still expect to have same sustain as those specs treated for self-support also wars refuse to use **ranged options** when dealing with heavy melee aoe fights . Yes longbow is not greatsword...like sword ele is not staff ele or shield guardian is not focus guardian etc etc....

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Warriors ranged options *suck*. Of course Warrior doesnt use them. Thats like complaining that core necros refuse to use melee options. Also, Warrior already uses Spellbreaker, which is as much survivability as most classes use them.

    > > > >

    > > > > > You have Defense and tactics and don't want to use them...but still want sustain so make it so I can run fire/air ele and have save sustain as water ele or zeal/radiance/virtue guardian or markmanship/skirmisher ranger etc etc; if war mains think they should not be forced to invest in sustain to have it...then I want the same on other professions too

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Its not "dont want". Its "cant". Do you seriously think that if fixing Warriors issues was as easy as swapping a single traitline, people wouldnt have done that? Turns out that thats wrong. They just cant. Swap to Defense or Tactics, and you do no damage while being as tanky as other builds.

    > > > >

    > > > > > You have defensive utilities..but you all want to run "Bull's rush" ......you don't want to make any sacrifice in your build and still have demands , people like @"Virdo.1540" are completely right. Every class got 2 sustain lines **but none of the builds wars keep using has a single sustain line in it**.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Warrior already runs more defensive utilities than the standard build does. Your beloved Ranger tends to run 1-ish. If you count Reflexes. Warrior runs *2*. Almost no class builds 2. And again, you seem to be under the mistaken belief that Warrior can afford to switch to Tactics. Its also funny that you dont realise that core warrior already runs Tactics, and its bad.

    > > > >

    > > > > > I would strongly advocate for warrior buffs if traiting defense and tactics would not bring me on the same level as other bruisers **but it's not the case!**, which classes you want to see nerfed?

    > > > > > -Ranger? - they use **Wilderness survival and sometimes Nature magic**

    > > > > > -Necro? - they use **Death magic and rarely blood magic**

    > > > > > -Guardian? - always using **Valor and sometimes Honor**

    > > > > > -Thief? - don't you use **Shadow arts**?

    > > > > > -Ele? - do you see any meta build without **Water**?

    > > > > > -Mesmer? - I see the usage of **Chaos line** at least

    > > > > > -Engineer? - ...always **Alchemy**?

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Alchemy is a great traitline, but Id argue its less of a defensive one than Discipline. Shadow Arts is less than Discipline. Most ele builds dont use water.

    > > > >

    > > > > > Rev is a special case, difficult to identify, they have sustain all over the place in small packets, but I have no major concerns about them...which leave us with Warrior..who refuse to use defensive lines but somehow still expect to have the same sustain as others, you either play burst...or bruiser

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Warrior still doesnt "refuse to use them". It *cant* use them.

    > > >

    > > > Stop using this derogatory assumption : "your beloved ranger" , on the contrary of you and many others **I invest time in learning professions** and try not to waste time parroting on the forum trying to win some discussion with others, I play as much warrior as ranger as ele and guardian...I duel on all 4 of them from pvp to wvw so you can keep that "slow burning" to yourself

    > > >

    > > > About warrior : **Strength is not a sustain line** under no circumstances this traitline can compete with the defensive lines of other professions and war mains **always** use : Strength -Discipline -Stunbreak ...where the hell is the sustain here??

    > > >

    > > > Do you even know how to use Longbow on warrior which was the main weapon up to HoT when every "pro" decided to copy paste double mele spec because that guy won the tournie with it..so it must be the holy gospel well...did it ever occurred to you or other "pro" on this forum that meta battle are designed for teamplay?

    > > >

    > > > If you want to play huge dmg...then stick to it and don't expect to have the sustain of a ranger or another who actually bloody invest in sustain lines! And.."ele build don't use water"...you simply don't know what you are talking about and now I fully realize that

    > >

    > > I laugh when I see ur name in any warrior thread. Every single time ur in a warrior thread ur arguing their fine or need nerfs lmao, ur to obvious in ur biased against them. Ur prob a ranger main or such that loves warrior being weak in the side node roll for once. It's clear by ur post u dont play warrior much if at all, sry and all.


    > I couldn't care less if you laugh or not...what does it change? I multiclass ..where you cannot...I learn where you refuse to do so...I win where you will always lose because I don't limit myself to a single class or two


    > Buff warrior...Buff thief...that's all you ever do, you basically want something that makes up for your lack of awareness


    Naw u don't multi, u play a couple classes and go around joining threads on classes u dislike or don't want to be in a strong spot to cause u challenge and state that u play the class while stating it's fine etc and the people that actually do play it that are saying it's not fine just need to get good lol.

    Literally all ur post are nerf post accept for a couple including mostly ranger who u defended post patch even tho it was in a far stronger state than warrior, even stating slb wasnt worth the price tag even though it was actually overperforming, that's bias right there my friend.

  16. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > > > > > lol warrior is fine. It is one of the classes ,maybe even THE class, that got nerfed the least. As soon as it cant facetank 50man zergs anymore people start complaining.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > also Comparing Power rev and Warrior in pvp... this is dumb. those are completely different roles in matches. Also the "no warriors in top100" is wrong too.

    > > > >

    > > > > Man ur right about war and rev being different roles but as someone that plays both rev is better at wars role than war is so... war is not fine and in time its lack of presence in high tier games or tourny's will show. Unless a round of nerfs are coming for a handful of classes war is probobly getting some buffs sooner or later. Then again this is anet so.

    > > >

    > > > No bro...it's simply because wars don't want to invest in sustain lines...but still expect to have same sustain as those specs treated for self-support also wars refuse to use **ranged options** when dealing with heavy melee aoe fights . Yes longbow is not greatsword...like sword ele is not staff ele or shield guardian is not focus guardian etc etc....

    > > >

    > >

    > > Warriors ranged options *suck*. Of course Warrior doesnt use them. Thats like complaining that core necros refuse to use melee options. Also, Warrior already uses Spellbreaker, which is as much survivability as most classes use them.

    > >

    > > > You have Defense and tactics and don't want to use them...but still want sustain so make it so I can run fire/air ele and have save sustain as water ele or zeal/radiance/virtue guardian or markmanship/skirmisher ranger etc etc; if war mains think they should not be forced to invest in sustain to have it...then I want the same on other professions too

    > > >

    > >

    > > Its not "dont want". Its "cant". Do you seriously think that if fixing Warriors issues was as easy as swapping a single traitline, people wouldnt have done that? Turns out that thats wrong. They just cant. Swap to Defense or Tactics, and you do no damage while being as tanky as other builds.

    > >

    > > > You have defensive utilities..but you all want to run "Bull's rush" ......you don't want to make any sacrifice in your build and still have demands , people like @"Virdo.1540" are completely right. Every class got 2 sustain lines **but none of the builds wars keep using has a single sustain line in it**.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Warrior already runs more defensive utilities than the standard build does. Your beloved Ranger tends to run 1-ish. If you count Reflexes. Warrior runs *2*. Almost no class builds 2. And again, you seem to be under the mistaken belief that Warrior can afford to switch to Tactics. Its also funny that you dont realise that core warrior already runs Tactics, and its bad.

    > >

    > > > I would strongly advocate for warrior buffs if traiting defense and tactics would not bring me on the same level as other bruisers **but it's not the case!**, which classes you want to see nerfed?

    > > > -Ranger? - they use **Wilderness survival and sometimes Nature magic**

    > > > -Necro? - they use **Death magic and rarely blood magic**

    > > > -Guardian? - always using **Valor and sometimes Honor**

    > > > -Thief? - don't you use **Shadow arts**?

    > > > -Ele? - do you see any meta build without **Water**?

    > > > -Mesmer? - I see the usage of **Chaos line** at least

    > > > -Engineer? - ...always **Alchemy**?

    > > >

    > >

    > > Alchemy is a great traitline, but Id argue its less of a defensive one than Discipline. Shadow Arts is less than Discipline. Most ele builds dont use water.

    > >

    > > > Rev is a special case, difficult to identify, they have sustain all over the place in small packets, but I have no major concerns about them...which leave us with Warrior..who refuse to use defensive lines but somehow still expect to have the same sustain as others, you either play burst...or bruiser

    > > >

    > >

    > > Warrior still doesnt "refuse to use them". It *cant* use them.


    > Stop using this derogatory assumption : "your beloved ranger" , on the contrary of you and many others **I invest time in learning professions** and try not to waste time parroting on the forum trying to win some discussion with others, I play as much warrior as ranger as ele and guardian...I duel on all 4 of them from pvp to wvw so you can keep that "slow burning" to yourself


    > About warrior : **Strength is not a sustain line** under no circumstances this traitline can compete with the defensive lines of other professions and war mains **always** use : Strength -Discipline -Stunbreak ...where the hell is the sustain here??


    > Do you even know how to use Longbow on warrior which was the main weapon up to HoT when every "pro" decided to copy paste double mele spec because that guy won the tournie with it..so it must be the holy gospel well...did it ever occurred to you or other "pro" on this forum that meta battle are designed for teamplay?


    > If you want to play huge dmg...then stick to it and don't expect to have the sustain of a ranger or another who actually bloody invest in sustain lines! And.."ele build don't use water"...you simply don't know what you are talking about and now I fully realize that


    I laugh when I see ur name in any warrior thread. Every single time ur in a warrior thread ur arguing their fine or need nerfs lmao, ur to obvious in ur biased against them. Ur prob a ranger main or such that loves warrior being weak in the side node roll for once. It's clear by ur post u dont play warrior much if at all, sry and all, like did a warrior steal ur woman/man or somthin? Lol

    I love how when players that actually spend their time playing a class and learning it and have investments in it say it doesnt feel good anymore since any big changes theres always a few players that say they "play it" and that it's fine or in fact needs nerfs yet if u look at their history they have no past post to indicate they play the class bit in fact play other rival classes and are only in the class in questions thread to say their fine or op. People are so predictable.

  17. > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > lol warrior is fine. It is one of the classes ,maybe even THE class, that got nerfed the least. As soon as it cant facetank 50man zergs anymore people start complaining.


    > also Comparing Power rev and Warrior in pvp... this is dumb. those are completely different roles in matches. Also the "no warriors in top100" is wrong too.


    Man ur right about war and rev being different roles but as someone that plays both rev is better at wars role than war is so... war is not fine and in time its lack of presence in high tier games or tourny's will show. Unless a round of nerfs are coming for a handful of classes war is probobly getting some buffs sooner or later. Then again this is anet so.

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