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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"ferbz.6987" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Well although I'm sure balance plays a large part in the current sad population of pvp I believe the other culprits are lack of any new game modes or new mechanics in current game modes pvp/wvw. U can only play the same conquest and wvw blob/jump a solo pug for so long before it gets boring asf, add horrendous balancing and u get a low population even during a time most people are stuck at home. I got about 2 rounds of pvp tonight and one blob fight in wvw before I jumped into ff14 for the rest of the night ya know to experience some content lol.


    > For real? FFXIV is your sad excuse of content. You do realize that raids are the same kitten but different color? You do realize that ffxiv combat mechanics are probably one of the most boring out there. This game was released in 2012.. I'm sure you have over 1000 hrs played, please tell me what other game has brought up this much value to you. Anyway go take a break, it is good to take breaks sometimes, after all burnout is an actual thing.


    Lol wow chill gw2 fanboy. Dont get all mad at the mention of another game lmao gw2 isnt ur gf/bf im insulting here. The pve and ow in ff14 stomps gw2 hard imo and that's subjective so relax. I've played gw2 6 yrs now and haven't bothered to do all the living worlds stories and only finished personal story on one of 12 toons cuz I personally cant stand this games pve where as I get completely drawn in and addicted to ff14 story and open world. I've only played gw2 all these years for the pvp and those are reasons I feel the population is so low so... .

    And further gw2 pve isnt winning any gaming awards for its expacs unlike the aforementioned.

  2. Well although I'm sure balance plays a large part in the current sad population of pvp I believe the other culprits are lack of any new game modes or new mechanics in current game modes pvp/wvw. U can only play the same conquest and wvw blob/jump a solo pug for so long before it gets boring asf, add horrendous balancing and u get a low population even during a time most people are stuck at home. I got about 2 rounds of pvp tonight and one blob fight in wvw before I jumped into ff14 for the rest of the night ya know to experience some content lol.

  3. > @"ArlAlt.1630" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Hopefully they don't, it's annoying but not anywhere near op. Imagine we nerfed builds cuz their annoying lmao oh that's right that's what 90% of this games pvp community does instead of trying to get gud lol.

    > > Man I really hope this team starts ignoring these forums or pvp just gonna keep bleeding players and be totally dead by 2021.


    > _Cries in Mesmer:_ Hold my beer.


    Yeah another good example is mesmer, look at it now lol how long has chrono been underperforming now?

  4. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > For the pvp, if I wanted pve I'd roll ff14.


    > played that in the past, loved the boss mechanics :P here in gw2 is gimmciks stack in a place where mob wont hit... LMAO basicly how to 111111111 for idiots.


    Yeah if it weren't for gw2 pvp and how its combat mechanics lend to that pvp I wouldn't be playing it. There's other mmo's who's pve and stories dummy gw2's lol but unfortunately non can compete with gw2 combat, aside from bdo but u have to love grinding mobs u one shot for yrs to reach competitive lv's.

  5. > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > @"Alyster.9470" said:

    > > I feel like it doesnt kill fast enough, it usually takes 3 seconds to kill which feels like forever.

    > > Also amount of condis are too low, 15 stack of poison, confusion, torment and bleeding using 1 skill is just useless and underperforming.

    > > Please buff. ty


    > 1 skill?


    > To get something close to what you are describing is precasting choking gas(1), using venom(2), stealing into cnd(3,4), using sneak attack for the combo field(5), shadow strike followed up by repeater (6,7).


    > That is a 7 skill combo that will accomplish a somewhat close scenario of what you described, if the player is sitting there like a ?



    > I want to be able to do it with 1 skill, yes please buff.


    I'm assuming they dont play thief nor no what's really involved in the burst. I'm sure they kno their over exaggerating.

  6. > @"Topher.5631" said:

    > Countered by condi herald / necro and a little rough vs ranger, same as the one on metabattle


    Yeah I figured malyx f2 prob hurt bad throwing the condis back in the thief's face lol

  7. > @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

    > > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > > > What they should really do is make 15 initiative baseline and remove the trait that increase it so Thief can finally have build diversity instead.

    > > > >

    > > > > Look at Revenant not having Empty Vessel now, picking other traitlines don't feel like wasted potential anymore.

    > > >

    > > > Or keep 12 initiative baseline and remove the trait that increase it ![](https://imgur.com/MWoZHPl)

    > >

    > > U sound like the bias hater that is just sore cuz he dislikes thief and is so self centered could care less others enjoy playing this class. Its unfortunate that people as selfish and self righteous as u exist and at the numbers they do. Why I always say people as a whole a pieces of ......

    > > That said I wish u further enjoyment on the classes u play.

    > There were supposed to be a gif attached with my post but it didn t get displayed. Here it is:

    > ![](https://imgur.com/MWoZHPl.gif)



    In that case I apologize and still think what I said rings true even if doesn't include u lol

  8. > @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

    > > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > What they should really do is make 15 initiative baseline and remove the trait that increase it so Thief can finally have build diversity instead.

    > >

    > > Look at Revenant not having Empty Vessel now, picking other traitlines don't feel like wasted potential anymore.


    > Or keep 12 initiative baseline and remove the trait that increase it ![](https://imgur.com/MWoZHPl)


    U sound like the bias hater that is just sore cuz he dislikes thief and is so self centered could care less others enjoy playing this class. Its unfortunate that people as selfish and self righteous as u exist and at the numbers they do. Why I always say people as a whole a pieces of ......

    That said I wish u further enjoyment on the classes u play.

  9. > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > What exactly do we gain by nerfing Rev? We remove what is, for the most part, a healthy class from the meta. Something far more degenerate takes its place. Symbolbrand for example. People will complain that everything was nerfed and now Symbolbrand is able to spam AoE's on point with impunity. People will bash Anet for their incompetence for allowing it to happen, while conveneintly ignoring the fact that they spurred it on in the first place.


    > Why not focus on fixing classes that have been destroyed by nerfs. Quite a few of them could give Rev a run for its money if buffed back into relevance.


    This about covers it^

  10. > @"SPESHAL.9106" said:

    > It may be too harsh to call it a failed balance patch, but it was disappointing because ANET took 2 shortcuts that almost ALWAYS tick off the playerbase and show laziness.


    > 1. They only nerfed and didn't buff anything. Minor nerfing of some things was needed, but not only did they leave stuff out to nerf...they forgot to BUFF the specs and things that were underperforming. That's no way to INCREASE interest in the game...nerfs and no buffs is lazy and short-sighted.


    > 2. They just REMOVED stuff from the game versus taking the time to balance it. There is nothing about those amulets that are inherently unfair UNLESS you have screwed up something in the core design of the game. On top of that, they clearly didn't use much foresight either. Just recently, they spent a huge amount of resources reducing damage in the game that INCLUDED the previous amulets in the game that increased survivability. Now, they are sabotaging their own work a month ago by removing amulets that were inevitably included in their balance equation. Thus, fixing one issue lazily will likely lead to even bigger problems than they solved.


    > Again, even if deleting the amulets solves a problem, it's just like doing nerfs with no buffs...it's a terrible way to try and increase interest in the game.


    > The same thing happened with underwater combat in pvp. Instead of FIXING the core problems (or even living with the imbalance), they just DELETE programming which is ALWAYS disappointing to the existing playerbase and does ZERO to attract new people.


    This ^

  11. > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > its just dumb. They wanted revs to be like thiefs

    > low cooldown + energy cost


    > now we have high cooldowns and high energy costs. Why not play other classes which have the same CDs but no energy


    > People just dont know how to nerf revs ,if 2-3 players are permanently whining about them being op


    Yeah that's just cuz the team isnt knowledgeable enough to properly balance the classes not just rev so they go the easiest laziest route. Look at thief, every patch increase ini on any problem skills and done lol. The teams not as good as people praise them for.

  12. Hopefully they don't, it's annoying but not anywhere near op. Imagine we nerfed builds cuz their annoying lmao oh that's right that's what 90% of this games pvp community does instead of trying to get gud lol.

    Man I really hope this team starts ignoring these forums or pvp just gonna keep bleeding players and be totally dead by 2021.

  13. > @"pninak.1069" said:

    > @Psycoprophet.8107 if see it this way then reducing dmg on one skill should force more use of other skills of the same kit. Most classes use most of their skills. Only other class that somehow wouldn't use all is renegade with renegade stance, because rev like to keep the stunbreak as a backup. If you simply use a number of skills for dmg and don't use the others a shift of dmg to the other skills should enforce using the others, don't you think? It is an argument in a sense that thief didn't really lose damage past the patches, because people ignore the skills instead of using them.


    Yeah but just reducing the one effective skills dps to match less effective skills dps just makes all weak asf and ineffective,its not as simple as that. Imagine changing great traits that arnt OP but are better than other options to make it on lv of other options basically making all options subpar instead of bringing the other up. There has to be a balance where all skills have a effective use OFTEN or at least 4/5 anyway and one for niche which would be fine.

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