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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"ParadoX.3124" said:

    > Revs dodging the nerf like Neo


    Well to be honest I'm glad they ignore the community on some things cuz if the didn't all classes would be nerfed into uselessness with how they nerf lol population would tank even more.

    Not that they shouldn't ignore themselves either lol.

    I mean there's even a recent nerf DE its OP thread ffs lol. Next they'll be a nerf dual dagger ele thread lol.

  2. > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

    > > > Oh look core engineer got hit because apes on here couldn't decide what exactly to discuss via nerfs for proto Holo. I am so surprised, truly /s

    > >

    > > To busy hsting on thieves to do much else, and ranger.


    > It's amazing how it takes a few people to literally ruin the flow of a class and I guranteed those same individuals are SO proud of themselves. Smh. I feel bad for thief and even ranger, because again, like engineer, THEY KEEP HITTING THE WRONG SKILLS/TRAITS


    Yup lol this teams gonna tank this game fast. I'm glad I canned thief, every patch they up the ini cost on skills and if that's the the best anet can think of to nerf thief than by 2021 thief won't be able to use 2 skills in a row on baseline ini lol. Now it u use choking gas and any skill that's 6 ini is no go, imagine 2 skills using ur whole global weapon skill resource lol. Class is already to reliant on preparedness.

  3. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"Darkk.3018" said:

    > > A good patch for the most part. The absence of any changes to rev is just jarring though. Please fix this obvious bug.


    > rev is not OP, just good players chose to play rev over other specs :)


    Well as far as power rev u do have to be a good player to do well on it, out of every class ive spent time learning learning rev,cor engi and ele rotations were the hardest to do well on. That's my experience anyway, others could be different obviously.

  4. This team is gonna delete this games population so fast lol thief already relies to heavily on the trickery traitline hindering build deversity. Hint to the team.....that's bad. Every patch ur fixes increase that reliance lol. Good job team ur employers gonna be proud come 2021.

  5. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > Well, what were your expectations before the Covid outbreak, and are you seriously expecting things to have 'improved' under the current circumstances?


    This^ this thread would still exist if the covid had not happened minus the mention of covid obviously. They promised changes on a more reasonable timeline every year, people praise them as they proceed to follow cadence for a month or so before going back to same ol same ol. We fall for it every time lol.

  6. Let's be real next update is prob just coefficient changes again. Ur telling me working from home makes it so hard to play the game, watch competitive play and decide on further changes in coefficients to maybe lessen this mess? Implemented coefficient changes I'd imagine cant be to difficult when u got things like SNL and other talk shows continuing to provide skits and shows all while working from home etc.

  7. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > If they returned damage to some of the CCs then warrior will be in a better place. That and they need to overhaul some of the weapons. The rifle rework was nice, but they cut the damage numbers too low for it to do any good.


    This so much^ war seemed like a class so heavily invested in hard cc that when its overall damage was first considered the damage on cc's played a huge part in the classes over all damage. Seems of all the classes I've played the 0 dps on cc's hit the war far far harder.

  8. > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Honestly what I find rev lacks is a mele weapon that feels like a true melee weapon. A greatsword with stylistic martial sword strikes that all need to be in melee range to hit would drastically change the feel of rev. Look at every "melee" weapon rev has the all are more of a ranged magic attack than a actual strait up melee except for a few skills here and there. Even revs skill animations that look like they'd be strait up attacks end up ending with some ranged even if short ranged magic attack.

    > > Look at half of the duel sword,staff,mace, axe etc etc.


    > Eh I think that’s fine. It’s a magic warrior, not a warrior or ranger, so naturally should be different and more magic infused in terms of how it uses melee weapons. Guardian, mesmer, and Necromancer all do the same thing with most of their melee weapons as well. I don’t think a future GS would need to be all 130 distance and I don’t think it should be


    I agree but to have one weapon being a giant gs that feels more martial and bit less magic would add something different to rev that non of other weapons add. Plus be sweet asf imo. All subjective tho for sure.

  9. Yeah I watched the vid where he said that,noody did to in his last live stream but but could be just talk. If it's not I'd still understand why they'd still run thief as it's still able to make some decent plays and decap especially if it's the class ur best on so makes sense why they'd stick with it, plus sind name is synonymous with thief be prob hard to drop.

  10. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > @"Psycoprophet.8107" didnt like almost all the teams have thief in the tournament? I didnt actually watch it but the preview of the teams that I have seen was like 60-70% had a thief in it.

    > Lots of thiefs and lots of revs.


    I'm guessing they prob all had thief for decapping and alot had revs for +1ing etc.

    I dont think the top thief players a comfortable enough to switch even if the wanted to, couple said they did want to but could be just talk.

  11. > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > @"Armen.1483" said:

    > > Warrior is the class that has access to MOST weapons in the game. No other class has access to so many weapons. If you ever played other classes you'd notice that others have less weapns, and even less viable (if available) choices among less weapons in PVP.


    > oh boi, you really arent thinking when you typed this,


    > Thief in 6 month switched from s/d to s/p to d/p now there's p/d, 4 weapon sets 4 meta builds

    > guardian had staff for support pre nerf, and now there's scepter/focus for condi build and sword/focus for power

    > ele has sword/focus, dagger/focus

    > engi had rifle and now there's sword/shield

    > rev has sword/sword staff for power and sword/shield mace/axe for condi

    > mesmer had staff/secpter pistol and gs sword/torch one shot and now they play axe/pistol sword torch

    > necro has staff/scepter warhorn and has gs/axe/focus for reaper

    > ranger is one exception but they have 5 pets for different builds, core is more brawling and soulbeast is for one shot.


    > everything above happened in 5 months


    > what warrior had in these 5 months? gs/dagger shield, you can count axe if you wanted, but it's just a worse version of dagger build that serve the same thing

    > I seriously doubt you have any pvp experience, but warrior is the one class with the most weapons and the least viable weapon,


    > and do you even know what Counterblow is? here is a hint, it's not Full counter.


    Lol I believe they probably meant war has the highest variety of weapons it can equip not how many are actually viable. War as I've said since the big patch does not even feel like a warrior class anymore, good job team.

  12. > @"Burnfall.9573" said:



    > 'Some of these clips are quite old, but I like that it pretty much touches on every thief build for the past 6 months or so.'




    Do ur self a favor and watch his most recent stream where he rages about thief's state multiple times thru the stream and after falling out of plat and finding match frustrating then switches to mesmer before hed rage quit and had a lot better time on mesmer. He also stated just like sindrener that if he was good enough on other classes he'd reroll lol. Hmmm good state thief's in lol. Again it had to do with the ridiculous amount of dust class have this meta and thieves inability to put much of a dent into them.

    Good vid the donotd is a great vid editor.

  13. So let me just understand the thought process here. So u guys want to play in a wvw open world pvp environment and if a group of players see a roamer of the opposition or a zergling heading back to their zerg that's probably currently fighting ur teams blob u guys think either should just be able to freely travel without risk? Wtf am I missing here?

    When is this moral code of ethics ever applied in any type of combat?

  14. > @"darren.1064" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > @"Luthan.5236" said:

    > > > > > I find them to be the least annoying thief spec and core and daredevil more annoying. Most of the time (I play in lower skill tier though) they are only ranged and not switching to melee that often. Pulling them or moving quickly into melee makes them run away or stealth (if not they die easily).

    > > > > >

    > > > > > When they run away or go stealth you can recover from damage taken. Then trying to outsmart them. People above suggested things. Using line of sight against them and trying to avoid the ranged damage.

    > > > >

    > > > > TECHNICALLY deadeye can permanently stealth and permanently keep removing and avoiding reveal debuff, with shadowmeld, waiting it out or waiting for stealth to run out before attacking, and this pisses people off. But in practice its conquest so nobody gives a kitten as long as you dont impact the map or steal nodes from people.

    > > > > Deadeye is just annoying, but when you look at that spec why do people play it? to win? hell nah, just to kitten people off.

    > > >

    > > > This^ I'd bet its few few times anyone's said man sure glad we had that DE on our team lol usually it's more like man if that DE played anything but DE we may have won.

    > >

    > > DE in my team = this sucks.

    > > DE in enemy team = this suck but i propably win


    > and weren't you a main person claiming that thief didn't need a buff?


    He was talking about thief in general I'd assume. DE is in a weird spot as it can ruin someone's day and make them want to uninstall the game yet as a whole it's close to useless.

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