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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"darren.1064" said:

    > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > Thief players wants their insta kill...I have another suggestion :

    > >

    > > ##Teleports and movement skills need to be balanced##

    > >

    > > The balance of upfront sustain should include reduction in teleports/movement skills , all teleports should be reduced to 600 range, people started to add toughness to their builds to avoid insta teleport/ko from 1200 range and often through walls, this is something that should be looked at also


    > nobody even said anything about thief in this thread. you're just obsessed


    Him and burny are in a club lol

  2. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Look up projectiles in gw2 wiki, states will fire increased distances when fired from heights. So what causes this to happen will also happen from flat ground to way lesser degree of course.


    > its bull excuse not a feature, most other projectiles fizzle out, they just made it and forgot about it and are too lazy to fix it.


    Ok ??? Makes sense arrows would arc no?

  3. > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > @"Miellyn.6847" said:

    > > But the range is not bugged... It's a bow feature comfirmed from the devs.


    > Really? I want the source on that.

    > It's pretty dumb to be honest, then fix the tooltip range to 1800-1900 on flat ground.


    It's the arching mechanic that is giving the lb projectiles the boost in range, it's a feature. Think of it as the documented range is when the arrow starts to drop.

  4. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > > There is a simple answer to all this.

    > > >

    > > > Remove Downstate.

    > >

    > > This ^ 0 hp means 0 hp. Or at least remove teamates ability to revive others in pvp modes. Necro revive assist could be changed to increase downed players self revive rate by 15% if in range. Teammates can still try and protect their aly while their self razing if they want.

    > > Pve keep it who cares.


    > I mean sure, but we can't ignore the fact that there are several abilities that exist in this game for no other purpose than their interaction with downed state.


    > As an example, what do we do with Function Gyro if they remove downed state? Ask them to redesign it for WvW / PvP? I still can't copy/paste a discord address from the chat box, but I'm to believe ANET has the resources for this?


    > Also, how much compensation should players receive for all the finishers they can no longer use? Should that be in gold, gems, or should ANET cut a cheque and mail it directly to the player?


    > This isn't a discussion about whether or not downed state should be in the game - it IS in the game, and the amount of work it would take to surgically remove it from WvW/PvP just seems silly. So debating the merits of its existence is just a waste of time and energy.


    > Talking about reducing the heal rate, etc etc etc, all good to do. But people need to abandon the notion that downed state will be perma removed in competitive play: while it is of course possible, it would be highly unlikely, to the point where I would say there exists just as much a chance for ANET to remove downed state from competitive play as there is of them removing stealth. It's just not going to happen.


    > My advice is simply this: if downed state offends someone so strongly, they should just play a different game. I tell the same thing to people wishing GW2 had aggro tables in PvE, with true Tanks and Healers. This isn't the right game for them.


    If u actually read my post ull see I said to change all revive skills and traits to allow players to increase their aly's self rez speed which would still be useful but not at carry lv like al lot of downstate machanics are these days.

    I'm sry I proposed a small nerf to ur carry wars 2 mechanic lmao

  5. > @"Vallun.2071" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > I love how brain dead biased these players are and how they twist what they see to fit their bias. They argue with thief players that state thier bursts are to low saying thief has to be low damage class cuz its mobility. Then a thief streamer states thief dps is fine and it's the overperforming sustain some classes have that make thief's bursts and dps feel weak which is the same as saying that thief's burst/dps is weak right now but instead of buffing thief nerfing the other classes is what's needed and these deluded fools see thief fine full stop lmao. Not surprising. In case u guys aren't able to figure this out nerfing other classes sustain is a net buff to thieves burst and dps lol.

    > > Thank u burnfall and arthurandrall for basically admitting necro, rangers,holes and the like need sustain nerfs :)

    > > Hmmmm warriors thought of weak yet arthurandrall weren't u in that warrior thread in pvp section telling warrior mains to get good that warrior is fine? Lmao seems no class is weak in ur head but ur own, no surprise there tho right.


    > You're not wrong that there are a bunch of people biased against thief agreeing with me, but there are plenty of thief players who are telling me they think thief is still very good because they get results on it. Warrior is only seen as weak because there are more broken builds. Thats all. No one here is really wrong when they say thief is weaker than other classes. They are wrong when they prescribe a change like buffing it.


    I agree and I've said in many posts that nerfing the sustain of the outliers is the better solution but thsts not guarentee'd to happen and also doesn't negate the fact currently thiefs burst feel to low comparative to the current sustain levels of some classes. I mean thief is a burst heavy spec being out bursted by tanks, that just seems off to me.

    Vallun do u feel that the time thief takes to +1 half the current rosters is a acceptable amount for a burst spec in the games current state?

  6. > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > @"Threather.9354" said:

    > > They should have their own HP bar but share endurance and not be able to stomp downstates.


    > I want it removed. However, I would be fine with this as a trade off.


    This ^

  7. I love how biased these players are and how they twist what they see to fit their bias. They argue with thief players that state thier bursts are to low saying thief has to be low damage class cuz its mobility. Then a thief streamer states thief dps is fine and it's the overperforming sustain some classes have that make thief's bursts and dps feel weak which is the same as saying that thief's burst/dps is weak right now but instead of buffing thief nerfing the other classes is what's needed and these deluded fools see thief fine full stop lmao. Not surprising. In case u guys aren't able to figure this out nerfing other classes sustain is a net buff to thieves burst and dps lol.

    Thank u burnfall and arthurandrall for basically admitting necro, rangers,holes and the like need sustain nerfs :)

    Hmmmm warriors thought of weak yet arthurandrall weren't u in that warrior thread in pvp section telling warrior mains to get good that warrior is fine? Lmao seems no class is weak in ur head but ur own, no surprise there tho right.

  8. > @"Vallun.2071" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Sry man respect as I watch all ur vids as the come out but just the fact u said thiefs roll as a +1 got harder speaks volumes to a classes poor state as were not talking about it being harder to 1v1 were talking it's harder while outnumbering the opponent lol.. If it's hard or hard-ish for a class to do its job of 2v1 with its teammate that should ring some bells. If thief allowed for quick +1's by dropping bunkers somewhat quickly while helping a teammate but was at a disadvantage vs same bunker in 1v1 I'd say that's more balanced. Right now +1 with thief takes to long imo vs the sustain of half the roster.


    > Remember, the idea is that thief is only weak if there are classes that are too overpowered. Look at any other class besides thief and they also look weak. We want to balance by bringing the top down not the bottom up, or as I said already, we return to power creep.


    I agree dropping sustain on the current bunker is the best fix but knowing this company do u think that's gonna happen anytime soon. If by some miracle it does a nerf to thiefs burst probobly won't be far behind lol. I use sig of agility since assassin sig fix and 2.5-3k backstabs feelsbadman and that's with zerk amu lol

  9. Sry man respect as I watch all ur vids as the come out but just the fact u said thiefs roll as a +1 got harder speaks volumes to a classes poor state as were not talking about it being harder to 1v1 were talking it's harder while outnumbering the opponent lol.. If it's hard or hard-ish for a class to do its job of 2v1 with its teammate that should ring some bells. If thief allowed for quick +1's by dropping bunkers somewhat quickly while helping a teammate but was at a disadvantage vs same bunker in 1v1 I'd say that's more balanced. Right now +1 with thief takes to long imo vs the sustain of half the roster.

  10. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > Ok ok ok hold on, let me sum up the claims that we have so far from all of these threads within the past month:


    > 1. Everything a Ranger Pet does deals anywhere between 6k and 12k damage. In rare events, autos only hit for 2k and 3k.

    > 2. Ranger Pets have raid boss like sustain values.

    > 3. Ranger Pets are impossible to kite and they are impossible to chase.

    > 4. Apparently Core Rangers have no CD for dead pet swapping.

    > 5. Apparently Core Ranger has mobility & disengage that is equal to a D/P Shadow Arts Daredevil.

    > 6. The Core Ranger Greatsword is by far the superior weapon kit in the game because it has a block skill.

    > 7. A dozen Core Ranger complaint threads have been made within the past month, but not a single thread has been written about Protection Holosmith, despite almost an entirely unanimous agreement from all players that Protection Holosmith is equal to or greater in strength than the Core Ranger in all categories. Weird eh? Something to think about in the way of biased expectations.


    Ur last point is true and the reason is people find rangers more annoying to fight than holo regardless whether its more OP or not so they want it nerfed to uselessness. Happens to all classes with annoying mechanics. Thief cuz stealth and tele, mirage cuz obvious reasons and ranger cuz pets and lb range.

  11. > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > > > > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > I miss the days before warclaw. There was a feeling of dread when stepping out of ur camp that made it exciting in a way. Now just mount up and dodge odd spear and I'm good for dailies hunting with little worry, said the pve player.

    > > > >

    > > > > I find that there are plenty of players willing to have a go at a lone roamer and don't feel I'm being robbed of fights as a result of the warclaw. In my opinion, the time I save by not running around on foot is well worth the few fights I miss out on because I fail to dismount an opponent. Honestly, I am not that interested in fighting opponents who aren't interested in fighting anyway. More often than not I don't even use the spear. I just dismount and let the enemy choose. I find a lot of people are down to fight!

    > > > >

    > > > > Having said that, I would be fine with the spear simply becoming an automatic dismount for both players with no chance of evade. For that matter, get rid of downstate! Pretty please?

    > > >

    > > > Having read a lot of your comments, I like your attitude and share a lot of your opinions.

    > > >

    > > > It's okay to make suggestions and to be upset because you're passionate about something, which is what many do here on the forums. The majority however prefer to whine, be negative and unreasonable, and blatantly lie.

    > > >

    > > > I get it, I've been playing for well over 6 years, not since beta, but I've been around to experience every major era in WvW. It's getting stagnant and people are getting frustrated. But all it takes is looking at things as they are and understanding it's just a freaking game - it provides relief for people who have an immense amount of stress in their lives so it can be very important to some ( I'm one of those ), but the sooner people start accepting things as they are and adapting to changes as they come, the sooner those same people will stop being so angry all the time.

    > > >

    > > > I like to float around and be a pest. I still roam the same way today I did years ago. I PvE stuff taking upgraded camps, killing siege in objectives, tapping Waypoints, trying to solo open towers, etc. I love a good fight when I find it but if I don't 99% of the time it puts me in a bad mood because I went looking. If people want to fight, they will. I'm not interested in people who have the mechanical skill of an ambient creature and I'm not going to chase a roamer I'd have beaten if they committed to me - I just let them know I'm not going to play the who can OOC the most game and I'll run the other direction as soon as they drop combat.

    > > >

    > > > I see it like this; roaming has worsened for a variety of reasons but GW2 combat is still the best on the market and I'm willing to change my game play to keep enjoying that.

    > > >

    > > > Kudos to the people who are reasonable enough to keep having fun and not acting like they're always the victims like the both of you, @"AliamRationem.5172" and @"Psycoprophet.8107" among others.

    > >

    > > Awww so people not sharing the same views on warclaw are wrong and playing the victims lmao grow up.


    > I don't know if you misunderstood but I was saying you _weren't_ one of those.


    > And no, I'm saying too many are being narrow minded and not welcoming change.


    Ahh yeah I did miss understand, sry bout that.

  12. > @"Raider.4283" said:

    > Thief doesnt do damage anymore, at all. You can try to plus one, you will be tickling the opponent though. If your are backstab thief you can hope you dont whiff your backstab - is it worth it though when it hits like a wet noodle?


    > Your job is to strategically pick the largest map possible in PVP simply to outrun your opponents to cap/decap rinse and repeat.


    > The cost of initiative is too high to "spam" anything useful so you're best off saving it to traverse the map. Ignore anyone saying spam choking gas, you will drop 2 before your initiative is gone.


    > Pick large maps, outrotate enemy and be pesky. Pick fights wisely cos you arent useful at +1 against decent players.




    Just how it is. Unfortunately some non thief players/forum posters have made a new balance law stating that cuz thief has mobility its burst must suck, cuz thats their opinion so now it's a hard rule anet must follow, makes sense right. At least theres not a lot of other classes with great mobility, burst,high sustained dps,tons of defensive abilities, higher hp, higher armored etc etc lol oh wait....

    But low and behold thief has high mobility so its burst must suck emiright?

  13. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > @"darren.1064" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > > > > @"darren.1064" said:

    > > > > > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > > > > > > @"darren.1064" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"darren.1064" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > This is really funny cause every thief main is being melodramatic, OU NOWS, thief can't oneshot people anymore like the last kitten patch and get all points. It is not even benched like most professions when they get the nerf bat, it is still meta. It is not like the previous season thieves were forcing people deeper in the bunker role since you couldn't catch up to them and they did hyper damage, thieves had their fun but now "ou my the turntables", everyone is on some type of bunker build, it is not like it wasn't expected.Thief meta just sucks for everyone else.

    > > > > > > > > > > I don't see much whining from warriors since they are kinda meh this patch, not bad, not good but still kinda there doing their thing , but then again rolling core necro or fb would probably be better.

    > > > > > > > > > > Calm your mammaries the current bunker builds would get a shave and thief will be able to stab them to death again, it is not like there aren't viable builds for thief.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > name a viable non-cheese build for thief.

    > > > > > > > > Well i can't cause the class is kinda cheese by default. Maybe they will make the next elite non cheese.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Okay, now name a viable build for thief that uses cheese. I'll make it easier for you.

    > > > > > > Here you go https://metabattle.com/wiki/Thief, https://www.godsofpvp.net/builds/thief. It is really funny cause there are allot of builds for thief on metabatlle and then looked at warrior having 2 which are kinda the same, lol. I think only engi had more builds listed then thief.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I looked at those for 30 seconds and I can tell you right now that none of those builds are doing anything but showcasing my point further. They're simple +1 and decapping builds. None of them are winning a single 1v1.

    > > > > Well i ain't seeing warriors winning teamfights or reapers winning 1v1 welcome to the pigeonholed club your class is bad at something by design.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > The more you talk with thieves or mesmers..the more you realize how much they are affected by a **god complex**, it's like they're out of touch with reality..they're asking for a build that snip-snap around the map at will, engage/disengage equally at will and ofc be able to 1v1 and win against anybody.....really

    > >

    > > no. i'm asking to do damage. With every comment i'm bringing yall legit points. You guys are bringing opinions. I want a build that doesn't feel like tickles to a clown. Instead I do 500 damage an autoattack or 5k a Backstab. All while being the easiest profession to kill. I'm not asking for more than other professions. I'm asking for the bare minimum.


    > if you want to do damage, give up your mobility and stealth. simple.


    No it's simple that THAT isnt a rule at all any further than some forum posters opinions on such. They indeed can have high burst, mobility and stealth while being squishy so...

  14. > @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > I miss the days before warclaw. There was a feeling of dread when stepping out of ur camp that made it exciting in a way. Now just mount up and dodge odd spear and I'm good for dailies hunting with little worry, said the pve player.


    > I find that there are plenty of players willing to have a go at a lone roamer and don't feel I'm being robbed of fights as a result of the warclaw. In my opinion, the time I save by not running around on foot is well worth the few fights I miss out on because I fail to dismount an opponent. Honestly, I am not that interested in fighting opponents who aren't interested in fighting anyway. More often than not I don't even use the spear. I just dismount and let the enemy choose. I find a lot of people are down to fight!


    > Having said that, I would be fine with the spear simply becoming an automatic dismount for both players with no chance of evade. For that matter, get rid of downstate! Pretty please?


    I get what ur saying, still the feeling was different when u stepped out into the wild before warclaw.

  15. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Dantheman.3589" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > Name one class in any mmo that is baseline glassy archetype that doesn't do or isn't design with high burst along side its mobility?

    > > >

    > > > Archer in bdo?

    > >

    > > Ninja far closer to the thiefs archetype design, hows it designed? Oh top single target burst, extremely good mobility and bad support and team fighting, invisibility and teleports etc, sound familiar except top single target burst of course :)


    > wrong, ninja is good in large scale AND small scale, its universally broken.

    > in bdo its all about landing cc first, ninja is the fastest so its the strongest, its bad in initiating large scale but its best at following up on the engage due to speed, its broken and hated and constantly nerfed.


    Wow u are so wrong lol. Ninja is gbage in group fights. U are literally the only person in existence who's ever said ninja in bdo is a good team fighter. Ninja wrecks in 1v1 that's it. Its known to all people that actually play bdo that ninja is mediocre at pve and team battles. U cant just make up claims that fit ur agenda and think there true buddy lmao. Go to bdo main forum and find one person that states they think ninja is food team fighter and for that one 300 people will be telling them their wrong. Good try tho. What u said about it all being about landing first cc and grab usually wins but that does little to $hit in large team fights with a ton of classes throwing massive aoe skills around and ranged skills that ninja doesnt even compare to. Like I said a ninja can pick of stragglers, hardly food team fight role. U know ur really trying to twist the narrative to fit ur biased views when u state ninja is a good team fighter to help prove ur point lol.

    I honestly can't think of a worse class in for large scale fight fights that are as bad as ninja, some may come close.

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