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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Broady.2358" said:

    > > Thief's top priority is not decap....


    > To my understanding the whole point of de-capping a node is to force the opposing team to send 1 player back to re-capture the point allowing you to rejoin your team to create a numbers advantage.

    > I know de-capping is one of the many roles a Thief must perform but please elaborate for me what else I should be doing. I'm always keen to learn more!


    No ur good, decap and +1ing is ur role, make outnumbered fights. More decap cuz as it stands +1ing can take to long on thief, ur better +1ing with rev or ranger, something with actual bursts.

  2. Rangers- that thief is OP just backstabbed me for 10k nerf it.

    Ranger- it's fine that my ai gazelle pet does a 11k charge at the same time I'm applying my own damage on top, or those 5k bird hits are fine to lol. It fine just kill the pet, dodge it and ultimately just get gud lol. This community is funny.

  3. Honestly I dont think giving back more stunbreaks and stab is the answer as there's just to many hard cc skills on to many classes. Each class should have a few high impact hard cc skills and that's it. Hard cc is effective enough that a build only having one that's on a 45 sec cd would be enough and would have lead to a far healthier state of the game. When a class has easy access to 2 hard cc's or more in some cases their just to easy to chain. Especially when multiple classes get in the mix.

    Reducing the amount of hard cc access a class has or a diminishing return on stun chains would help the game a lot. Make 1 or 2 classes more cc oriented on some weapons and that it,make it a big part of those classes and balance the other aspects of the class around it while the rest of the classes have limited hard cc that way u give up something if u want a hard cc class on ur team cuz they wouldn't do great damage. Also in a team fight it be easier to know a hard cc is coming if one of the few classes are joining the mix.

  4. > @"Quadox.7834" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.


    > eh no



  5. Lmao this thread, funny as I figured what this thread was from beginning. A thief is fine and I'm gonna prove it by building a useless build that no one would use in a pvp setting that can sometimes get a ok burst off, so it's fine emiright? Good thing in ur short time "proving to ur bf" u found secrets to the class vets like sindrener etc haven't, good for ya lol.

  6. It's to give counter play to opponents by allowing them to punish the thief during aftercast. Unfortunately people cant learn on their own to deal with things so the just whine for nerfs, even when their told the counterplay.

  7. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > > > > people always forget about shortbow, when in team fight, apply poison field constantly, that's 33% of enemy sustain gone(u don't even need to do damage) and also apply CC.

    > > > > > > and that's how your team will out perform your enemy team in terms of dps. and you can go in with dp to finish running low HP enemy often your team will take too much effort to catch

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > or if your team losing, or the fight is too long, decap.

    > > > > > > rev outperforms in +1 and brawling, but decap/shut down thief is still king, that's why it's still played in top.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Hate to break it to u all decent thieves kno the sit back in team fight and use poison and clusters, issue is it's not as effective as u make it out to be as most times that scenario ends with the thief outnumbered due to ur teammates still dying and thief is now forced to disengage. That IS the most effective team fight strategy for thief but it's not great. Thief still played at top cuz the players haven't gotten good enough on rev, if nothing changes in time players like sind prob be maining rev wrecking face and few thiefs will be left.

    > > > >

    > > > > you are literally making no sense,

    > > > > when a class is truely bad, it will not be played at top level at all, no excuses, with 0 presence in the mAT last month in the finals. like some classes.

    > > > >

    > > > > it's still played in top because people are not good at rev? the problem is with rev, not thief. without rev, thief will still be top, this game doesnt just play with 2 classes.

    > > > > what happens when anet nerf rev, like it's already guaranteed, thief will remain top.

    > > > > what happen to for example war when anet nerf rev? war is still trash, because there's still ranger, ele, fb, holo, necro etc.

    > > > >

    > > > > meh, i never said any word when warrior are competing at mAT even tho it's 1/2 of the number of thieves, of mesmers. of fb.

    > > > > because i know, it's competing in the finals for a reason.

    > > > >

    > > > > you've remained best and meta for so long, you failed to see how being second place in top level doesn't make you all the way trash.

    > > > > as long as people competing with thief in top levels, it is meta.

    > > >

    > > > U actually are not making sense. Thief is played still at high level because sb5 allows it to rotate to decap, that is literally thief's only strength now and if conquest didn't operate as it does thief would be a completely dead class. Ur a warrior main forgive me if I value my opinion playing a class 6 yrs vs u who doesn't play the class lol. I love this community where players who don't play a class or don't have much experience on it try and tell mains of the class the state the class is in, its priceless.

    > >

    > > i'm used to be war main pre HoT, but i'm plat 2 soloq thief as well, so i know my stuff

    > >

    > > You are not making sense tho, you are just having the "what if talk", have you ever heard warrior say what if warrior doesnt have greatsword? or rev without sword? you never. what if conquest didnt operate this way?

    > >

    > > but conquest will be forever the competitive pvp mode for gw2 pvp.

    > > and that means thief will be forever one of the top picks for top plays, like it has been since 2012, you should be grateful, there isnt a class that comes close to it.

    > >

    > > 6 years of thief you say?

    > > https://i.imgur.com/9RvT54D.png![](https://i.imgur.com/9RvT54D.png "")

    > >

    > >


    > I've got 5 6yr old maxed toons but I know very little about 2 if em and I can say I'm a plat 3 solo warrior but doesn't make it true.

    Stating thief has been meta forever just iterates my point about sb5/mobility always allowing thief to be viable in conquest due to conquests mechanics. What I said made perfect sense if uve played so long don't know how u are unaware that that if thief couldnt decap as it can due to sb5 it would be useless as other classes especially now can +1 better due to being able to burst and down classes wat faster ie ranger lb, rev to name a few. But think as u will matters little to me cuz if u haven't figured that stuff out by now u prob never will.

  8. > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > > > people always forget about shortbow, when in team fight, apply poison field constantly, that's 33% of enemy sustain gone(u don't even need to do damage) and also apply CC.

    > > > > > and that's how your team will out perform your enemy team in terms of dps. and you can go in with dp to finish running low HP enemy often your team will take too much effort to catch

    > > > > >

    > > > > > or if your team losing, or the fight is too long, decap.

    > > > > > rev outperforms in +1 and brawling, but decap/shut down thief is still king, that's why it's still played in top.

    > > > >

    > > > > Hate to break it to u all decent thieves kno the sit back in team fight and use poison and clusters, issue is it's not as effective as u make it out to be as most times that scenario ends with the thief outnumbered due to ur teammates still dying and thief is now forced to disengage. That IS the most effective team fight strategy for thief but it's not great. Thief still played at top cuz the players haven't gotten good enough on rev, if nothing changes in time players like sind prob be maining rev wrecking face and few thiefs will be left.

    > > >

    > > > you are literally making no sense,

    > > > when a class is truely bad, it will not be played at top level at all, no excuses, with 0 presence in the mAT last month in the finals. like some classes.

    > > >

    > > > it's still played in top because people are not good at rev? the problem is with rev, not thief. without rev, thief will still be top, this game doesnt just play with 2 classes.

    > > > what happens when anet nerf rev, like it's already guaranteed, thief will remain top.

    > > > what happen to for example war when anet nerf rev? war is still trash, because there's still ranger, ele, fb, holo, necro etc.

    > > >

    > > > meh, i never said any word when warrior are competing at mAT even tho it's 1/2 of the number of thieves, of mesmers. of fb.

    > > > because i know, it's competing in the finals for a reason.

    > > >

    > > > you've remained best and meta for so long, you failed to see how being second place in top level doesn't make you all the way trash.

    > > > as long as people competing with thief in top levels, it is meta.

    > >

    > > U actually are not making sense. Thief is played still at high level because sb5 allows it to rotate to decap, that is literally thief's only strength now and if conquest didn't operate as it does thief would be a completely dead class. Ur a warrior main forgive me if I value my opinion playing a class 6 yrs vs u who doesn't play the class lol. I love this community where players who don't play a class or don't have much experience on it try and tell mains of the class the state the class is in, its priceless.


    > i'm used to be war main pre HoT, but i'm plat 2 soloq thief as well, so i know my stuff


    > You are not making sense tho, you are just having the "what if talk", have you ever heard warrior say what if warrior doesnt have greatsword? or rev without sword? you never. what if conquest didnt operate this way?


    > but conquest will be forever the competitive pvp mode for gw2 pvp.

    > and that means thief will be forever one of the top picks for top plays, like it has been since 2012, you should be grateful, there isnt a class that comes close to it.


    > 6 years of thief you say?

    > https://i.imgur.com/9RvT54D.png![](https://i.imgur.com/9RvT54D.png "")




    I've got 5 6yr old maxed toons but I know very little about 2 if em and I can say I'm a plat 3 solo warrior but doesn't make it true

  9. > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > i dont agree i think some nerfs will solve some of the main problems.

    > > They have already said that this initial nerf patch was mainly to get everything on a quick standard and that things will be evaluated more going forward. Meaning that somethings will be buffed on a case by case and some more things will still be nerfed on a case by case. base healing on pressing f on a downed player is a prime example where more nerfs are needed. Some cc skills getting their damage back if they have big tells or getting the cc removed entirely for big raw damage instead is a prime example where more buffs are needed

    > >

    > > One cannot simply say more nerfs wont solve anything because in many cases it actually makes more sense to nerf.

    > > Your examples of scourge, chorno, etc require reworks and thats more work than making small nerfs. Simply buffing those things is also not a solution because we already know what those professions were strong and it was unhealthy.

    > >

    > > The nerfs actually brought renegade into a spot where its doing really well so imo some times nerfs do solve problems.

    > >

    > > Mirage is kind of a rough one because it in all honestly needed a nerf that said.... im sure there were better ways to handle it that said players are still making it work unlike things like scourge and chrono so it cant be as bad as what many people are making it out to be. Again i still dont think the nerfs were applied in the best way but it cant go back to what it was before for obvious reasons much like scourge cant go back to how it was for obvious reasons.

    > >

    > > Overcharge shot imo is not that big of a deal it needs the cast time but the self knock back should prob be removed,

    > > Rev staff 5 needs the cast time there is no point to argue this instant cc with no tell/ cast time is not coming back,

    > > Pulmonary Impact is imo still decent cause ive seen it pop for decent chunks of damage even without critting,

    > > Hammer warrior might need some reworks but i still dont think most of the cc in that weapon kit should get heavy damage back.

    > >

    > > Late edit: I will be the first to tell you scourge is not in a healthy place

    > > Its just as busted mechanically as chrono is.


    > PI is not "decent", its completely unplayable. For one, it *cant* crit. Thats its gimmick. As for the damage? Its pathetic. Youre looking at an average 200-400 damage per PI. Its so bad, no build runs it. At all. It was already bad pre-patch (only one build ran it, and Im pretty sure even on that build it was the wrong choice), but then it got nerfed by **66%**, more than twice as much as the average damaging skill. Its just unplayable. Its so bad its an outright troll pick.


    It's in a fine spot tho if u don't play thief and are the one getting hit by it, in that case skills perfect.

  10. > @"babazhook.6805" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > First put out of ur head the bias bs the forum poster had u thinking about thief still being a burst spec lol anet neutered thiefs burst so bad it gets out burst by tanks. 2nd is as a dp power thief u literally have to outplay most specs while avoiding being hit by more than a few hits all while hitting them 30 or so times within the minute or 2 long fight, its gonna be that long against most specs except mesmer and a bad ele.

    > > Dp is great for decap running, good at +1 if ur teamate can burst well(lol) while u 1000 cut along with them.

    > > Just keep practicing and eventually ull be able to outplay a core necro for 2 mins, hit it 50 times all while it continually shrouds whenever it's close to death and after couple mins u may down it lol.

    > > Anet teams so great at balance....

    > > I'm also trying to learn rev/war better lol


    > The people that complained the loudest about thief complained about the disengage, evades and stealth the most or that "they just run away and reset the fight". With power damage slashed as it has been the thief must still rely on those three and even more so. The damage out just not translate to "sticking in a fight" so it has to be all hit and run.


    True but in a hit and run playstyle the hit has to be impactful enough that when u run u accomplished something when u hit, right now u may as well just run cuz if u hit u gotta hit 20 times before running to make a impact on the opponents hp.

    Hit run is a common rogue playstyle for sure but the opponent is supposed to feel ur hit before u run.

  11. Anet wont ever buff thief tho, to threatened by community backlash from non thief players so itl remain a decap bot, best to move on. Long ago if anet balance team had a clue they wouldn't have nerfed thief's autos and bursts and instead thought of ways to lessen thief's impact in conquest like for example making sb5 8 ini so if u use it once ud have to wait a couple secs to do a second one slowing thief's ability to rotate slightly but also leaving thief with the option to be highly mobile at a cost. I'm sure most thief players would rather have slightly less mobility, rotating prowess but actually have killing power more so than just being a decap runner.

  12. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Inguz.6493" said:

    > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Inguz.6493" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"DinesenDK.5067" said:

    > > > > > > > > > My experience is that Warrior, is in a fairly good place when it comes to spvp and pve (don't play WwW enough to know). However, it is far best at 1vs1, as it should be - Only problem these days is, that other classes, and builds does this better than Warrior, which makes it a real struggle to succeed at. Warrior in teamfights bigger than 2v2, is an absolutely no go. It simply gets melted due too too much boon corruption/removal.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > I am not sure Warrior needs to hit harder, as I feel it is more a question about getting other classes/build into line with Warrior.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Rush needs to be looked at, as it is very random at connecting - An idea could be to leave it as it is, and maybe even reduce the dps on it, but then give it a couple of secs Evade - It is used mostly for mobility afterall.

    > > > > > > > > > Then I look forward to reworks of a few traits, or hope so. :)

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Lastly, I would love better build in stability, because as it is, it often feels like I'm more on the ground then actually fighting. Not sure that's the idea with Warrior.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > On other notes...:

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Something neeeds to be done about these things, which is already mention elsewhere

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Ranger pets needs a nerf or an overall rework - too much dps and too many random CC

    > > > > > > > > > Burning is out whack one more then on build - Guard especially - Hits waaaaay too hard

    > > > > > > > > > Spamming slow/poison/Weakening/CC to the point where you can't use your abilities is a quick way to make Spvp unfun very fast

    > > > > > > > > > And then we have Shroud on Necro.... - Something needs to be done here as well, as they are godly tanks as it is, and that wins them the duel no matter how hard I am able to hit them

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > :)

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > You can have resistance for days on warrior while playing spellbreaker! At the same time you can pack enough punch to rip a hole through everything if you know what to dodge ofc and not just randomly use that **rush**.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > -Full counter gives back 3 condis every 12s CD plus an evade and 100% "block"

    > > > > > > > > -Berseker stance

    > > > > > > > > -Feather grace

    > > > > > > > > -Shake it off

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > And you still have "Signet of stamina" and "Mending"/ "Natural Healing" or go crazy with "Defiant Stance", if everything fail ( dunno how ) you can learn to CC/lock necros and & with hammer-mace/shield....**what more do you want?**

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > And...better stability?..Are you kidding me? Warrior is the only class with pulsing stability as utility **Balanced Stance**, then you have "Dolyak signet", "Stomp" and then you have the best transform in the game : "rampage" and you want more?....maybe you want to play ele and have a single utility to have stability.....

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > And yes..I do play warrior among other things; don't just try to facetank everything simply because you play a warrior....dodge sometimes

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Ah yes, the warrior with 10 utility slots and 4 weapon swaps, I should have played that class instead. How did you unlock it?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > You unlock it when you finally realize that you can't have a single build to rule them all, simply because the class is called "Warrior" does not mean that you can rush face down everything, learn to change utilities/traits based on the encounter, less time spent assuming you can faceroll the whole world with a single build

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Yeah, I'm not sure which specs you are referring to. There's pretty much only two viable specs for PvP if you want to deal any damage and not be a glass cannon, core with greatsword and axe+shield or spellbreaker with greatsword and dagger+shield. Bunker specs are laughable compared to other classes.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > In regards to utilities there's not much one can do with the slots. Bull's Charge is something warrior mobility is balanced around and it would be impossible to catch up to people kiting you without it. Shake it Off is a very good condition clear and stunbreak, something that is needed every team fight. The last non-elite utility slot could be up in the air, but one slot means you can't take every stance. Hammer and mace is not doing any meaningful damage, you'd not contribute much to killing enemies running that.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > The conundrum of playing a warrior is that you **have** to go face to deal damage (rifle and bow is laughable) but at the same time can't stay in melee range for long. I'm not joking, guides to and for warrior PvP tells you to dodge into melee and _minimize physical contact_. It's a strange playstyle to dodge, chain defensive/evasive abilities, and move out of range for a class with the class fantasy of someone sticking to the face, up close to the enemy, and more fitting for class fantasies of nimble classes like thief or ranger. Chaining stuns with hammer/mace or taking more defensive abilities doesn't change the playstyle if you want to survive.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Either way, warriors having issues with the actual playstyle vs class fantasy doesn't negate that pets are overtuned, CC isn't fun, and that condition spam is frustrating.

    > > > >

    > > > > I state that warrior doesnt feel like a warrior anymore for the exact reasons u state. Being a melee centric spec as warrior is they cant take much pressure from the current classes in close combat and are forced to dodge,kite and try for a predictive cc-burst rotation. Only the team at anet could make a warrior balanced to having to resort to that type of playstyle.

    > > >

    > > > I don't understand really....I play against wars when using other classes and I use warrior against all other classes and the only specs I can't outmelee are top revs and wars..but again I don't full understand what exactly you mean , do you like expect warrior to be some sort of tank with mobility doing burst dmg at melee range?.......

    > >

    > > Yeah yet it's rare I'm out melee'd by a war these days unless I make some pretty serious mistakes. Usually it's by a zerk axe axe war doing his spin to win while I'm cc'd cuz I messed up otherwise wars are so easy to predict their usually food. I've fought some very high sustain wars since patch but unlike other high sustain builds it actually doesn't do enough dps to have kill potential


    > The lack of burst dmg in return for sustain is something "almost" all professions pay, all the outliers like : prot holo, core ranger pets , core necro and some FB variant will be brought in line soon. For the rest it's 50/50 based on personal skill and I call that balanced.


    > Some extreme like condi mirage or any other condi bunker, I can outlast/kill using **some high resistance uptime spellbreaker** but mostly it's not worth your time because these builds lacks chasing potential and you can leave them behind at your leisure (in wvw) or just stall/kill them on point in pvp where you hope/ask for a +1.


    > As all other classes, warrior got some useless traits and weapons but for me the class remains quite balanced at equal skill level where the fight can end both ways


    Keep doin u man I'm not argue further, games poor balance isn't worth the time to do so. U and i obviously view $hit very differently.

  13. > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > people always forget about shortbow, when in team fight, apply poison field constantly, that's 33% of enemy sustain gone(u don't even need to do damage) and also apply CC.

    > > > and that's how your team will out perform your enemy team in terms of dps. and you can go in with dp to finish running low HP enemy often your team will take too much effort to catch

    > > >

    > > > or if your team losing, or the fight is too long, decap.

    > > > rev outperforms in +1 and brawling, but decap/shut down thief is still king, that's why it's still played in top.

    > >

    > > Hate to break it to u all decent thieves kno the sit back in team fight and use poison and clusters, issue is it's not as effective as u make it out to be as most times that scenario ends with the thief outnumbered due to ur teammates still dying and thief is now forced to disengage. That IS the most effective team fight strategy for thief but it's not great. Thief still played at top cuz the players haven't gotten good enough on rev, if nothing changes in time players like sind prob be maining rev wrecking face and few thiefs will be left.


    > you are literally making no sense,

    > when a class is truely bad, it will not be played at top level at all, no excuses, with 0 presence in the mAT last month in the finals. like some classes.


    > it's still played in top because people are not good at rev? the problem is with rev, not thief. without rev, thief will still be top, this game doesnt just play with 2 classes.

    > what happens when anet nerf rev, like it's already guaranteed, thief will remain top.

    > what happen to for example war when anet nerf rev? war is still trash, because there's still ranger, ele, fb, holo, necro etc.


    > meh, i never said any word when warrior are competing at mAT even tho it's 1/2 of the number of thieves, of mesmers. of fb.

    > because i know, it's competing in the finals for a reason.


    > you've remained best and meta for so long, you failed to see how being second place in top level doesn't make you all the way trash.

    > as long as people competing with thief in top levels, it is meta.


    U actually are not making sense. Thief is played still at high level because sb5 allows it to rotate to decap, that is literally thief's only strength now and if conquest didn't operate as it does thief would be a completely dead class. Ur a warrior main forgive me if I value my opinion playing a class 6 yrs vs u who doesn't play the class lol. I love this community where players who don't play a class or don't have much experience on it try and tell mains of the class the state the class is in, its priceless.

  14. > @"ArcanistSeven.8720" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"kash.9213" said:

    > > > We have to put our builds together to be in service of our game modes mechanics, our team composition, and whatever time limits there are but then Thief is often "balanced" based on non thief players frustrations in what is largely 1v1 encounters even in team fights. The problem there is, what are their real frustrations fighting a thief? Do they not want to have to deal with creative stealth positioning, is it the perceived evade rate, is it our expensive disengage potential in lieu of passive mitigation, or is it the Stealth Attack itself? So, all of those things tend to be flattened together gradually instead of precisely regulating the one thing because they don't know what the one thing is that those players want "balanced".

    > > >

    > > > The player base and the devs have to decide what exactly it is that they can't handle about the Thief or what build and precisely what can be adjusted, not balanced, without leaving thieves out of team compositions. I can put together a pretty effective gimmick build in WvW that can pack some other stuff into and around those blinds but other game modes like spvp, raids, or whatever have all aspects of the match or encounter funneling to a point and time and the thief needs to be able to get to where they need to be, have to potential to survive a fight, but still be effective in their builds role. I do like some of the changes recently but there definitely has been collateral damage to even our basic stuff over time that seem aimless, like any time our auto attacks get nerfed after we've gotten used to using them a lot more because our big hitters got flattened before.

    > >

    > > Due to the nature of thiefs design any aspect be it mechanics or skills that are effective with be in turn annoying to fight for the opponent leading to nerfs cries. It's up to the development and balance team to know this and also expect this and not let the majority of nerf cries steer their balance on a class like thief but unfortunately they are not following that creed and are just killing the class and as a whole well we know how good the population is in the game right now. I wouldn't expect to see thief in a better spot any time soon or ever with the current team in place and I doubt the longevity of this game will be long enough to see another team.


    > which is why its just better to reroll to a rev they pretty much can do a thieves job but better


    Already have, just need week or more unranked to learn it well enough to go ranked. I dont want to lower people's ranks as I try to learn.

  15. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

    > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

    > > > I mean it seems that a good core ranger can erase a necro, maybe that's just my perspective.

    > >

    > > 95% sure that's it's mainly mesmer main trying to drag all professions into the same state as theirs. ANet did a terrible job on mesmer these last years to the point that you could say it's ruined.


    > Eh I dunno.


    > Honestly the usual Mesmer/Mirage mains spotted have as of late... have almost completely vanished from this forum.


    > The implication of what that means, is not a good sign.




    This community will slowly kill the game if anet listens to it.

  16. > @"Novuake.2691" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Decrease in power damage and basically no change in condi made classes that have barriers or shroud in necros case incredibly tanky to a broken level ad the fact necro has strong condi builds it can't surprise anyone it,guards and revs became the fotm classes that are getting spammed every match.


    > Hardly see any revenants to be honest. Are you seeing condis


    U see less revanant cuz its probobly the hardest class to play to its potential even more so than thief. A great rev can make the builds broken but there's very few great revs and even fewer willing to put time in to become great at it especially power rev when there's the handful of carry classes easily accessible lol. I guess due to that putting them in my list isn't entirely appropriate.

  17. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Inguz.6493" said:

    > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > @"Inguz.6493" said:

    > > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > > @"DinesenDK.5067" said:

    > > > > > > > My experience is that Warrior, is in a fairly good place when it comes to spvp and pve (don't play WwW enough to know). However, it is far best at 1vs1, as it should be - Only problem these days is, that other classes, and builds does this better than Warrior, which makes it a real struggle to succeed at. Warrior in teamfights bigger than 2v2, is an absolutely no go. It simply gets melted due too too much boon corruption/removal.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I am not sure Warrior needs to hit harder, as I feel it is more a question about getting other classes/build into line with Warrior.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Rush needs to be looked at, as it is very random at connecting - An idea could be to leave it as it is, and maybe even reduce the dps on it, but then give it a couple of secs Evade - It is used mostly for mobility afterall.

    > > > > > > > Then I look forward to reworks of a few traits, or hope so. :)

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Lastly, I would love better build in stability, because as it is, it often feels like I'm more on the ground then actually fighting. Not sure that's the idea with Warrior.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > On other notes...:

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Something neeeds to be done about these things, which is already mention elsewhere

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Ranger pets needs a nerf or an overall rework - too much dps and too many random CC

    > > > > > > > Burning is out whack one more then on build - Guard especially - Hits waaaaay too hard

    > > > > > > > Spamming slow/poison/Weakening/CC to the point where you can't use your abilities is a quick way to make Spvp unfun very fast

    > > > > > > > And then we have Shroud on Necro.... - Something needs to be done here as well, as they are godly tanks as it is, and that wins them the duel no matter how hard I am able to hit them

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > :)

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > You can have resistance for days on warrior while playing spellbreaker! At the same time you can pack enough punch to rip a hole through everything if you know what to dodge ofc and not just randomly use that **rush**.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > -Full counter gives back 3 condis every 12s CD plus an evade and 100% "block"

    > > > > > > -Berseker stance

    > > > > > > -Feather grace

    > > > > > > -Shake it off

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > And you still have "Signet of stamina" and "Mending"/ "Natural Healing" or go crazy with "Defiant Stance", if everything fail ( dunno how ) you can learn to CC/lock necros and & with hammer-mace/shield....**what more do you want?**

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > And...better stability?..Are you kidding me? Warrior is the only class with pulsing stability as utility **Balanced Stance**, then you have "Dolyak signet", "Stomp" and then you have the best transform in the game : "rampage" and you want more?....maybe you want to play ele and have a single utility to have stability.....

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > And yes..I do play warrior among other things; don't just try to facetank everything simply because you play a warrior....dodge sometimes

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Ah yes, the warrior with 10 utility slots and 4 weapon swaps, I should have played that class instead. How did you unlock it?

    > > > >

    > > > > You unlock it when you finally realize that you can't have a single build to rule them all, simply because the class is called "Warrior" does not mean that you can rush face down everything, learn to change utilities/traits based on the encounter, less time spent assuming you can faceroll the whole world with a single build

    > > >

    > > > Yeah, I'm not sure which specs you are referring to. There's pretty much only two viable specs for PvP if you want to deal any damage and not be a glass cannon, core with greatsword and axe+shield or spellbreaker with greatsword and dagger+shield. Bunker specs are laughable compared to other classes.

    > > >

    > > > In regards to utilities there's not much one can do with the slots. Bull's Charge is something warrior mobility is balanced around and it would be impossible to catch up to people kiting you without it. Shake it Off is a very good condition clear and stunbreak, something that is needed every team fight. The last non-elite utility slot could be up in the air, but one slot means you can't take every stance. Hammer and mace is not doing any meaningful damage, you'd not contribute much to killing enemies running that.

    > > >

    > > > The conundrum of playing a warrior is that you **have** to go face to deal damage (rifle and bow is laughable) but at the same time can't stay in melee range for long. I'm not joking, guides to and for warrior PvP tells you to dodge into melee and _minimize physical contact_. It's a strange playstyle to dodge, chain defensive/evasive abilities, and move out of range for a class with the class fantasy of someone sticking to the face, up close to the enemy, and more fitting for class fantasies of nimble classes like thief or ranger. Chaining stuns with hammer/mace or taking more defensive abilities doesn't change the playstyle if you want to survive.

    > > >

    > > > Either way, warriors having issues with the actual playstyle vs class fantasy doesn't negate that pets are overtuned, CC isn't fun, and that condition spam is frustrating.

    > >

    > > I state that warrior doesnt feel like a warrior anymore for the exact reasons u state. Being a melee centric spec as warrior is they cant take much pressure from the current classes in close combat and are forced to dodge,kite and try for a predictive cc-burst rotation. Only the team at anet could make a warrior balanced to having to resort to that type of playstyle.


    > I don't understand really....I play against wars when using other classes and I use warrior against all other classes and the only specs I can't outmelee are top revs and wars..but again I don't full understand what exactly you mean , do you like expect warrior to be some sort of tank with mobility doing burst dmg at melee range?.......


    Yeah yet it's rare I'm out melee'd by a war these days unless I make some pretty serious mistakes. Usually it's by a zerk axe axe war doing his spin to win while I'm cc'd cuz I messed up otherwise wars are so easy to predict their usually food. I've fought some very high sustain wars since patch but unlike other high sustain builds it actually doesn't do enough dps to have kill potential.

  18. > @"kash.9213" said:

    > We have to put our builds together to be in service of our game modes mechanics, our team composition, and whatever time limits there are but then Thief is often "balanced" based on non thief players frustrations in what is largely 1v1 encounters even in team fights. The problem there is, what are their real frustrations fighting a thief? Do they not want to have to deal with creative stealth positioning, is it the perceived evade rate, is it our expensive disengage potential in lieu of passive mitigation, or is it the Stealth Attack itself? So, all of those things tend to be flattened together gradually instead of precisely regulating the one thing because they don't know what the one thing is that those players want "balanced".


    > The player base and the devs have to decide what exactly it is that they can't handle about the Thief or what build and precisely what can be adjusted, not balanced, without leaving thieves out of team compositions. I can put together a pretty effective gimmick build in WvW that can pack some other stuff into and around those blinds but other game modes like spvp, raids, or whatever have all aspects of the match or encounter funneling to a point and time and the thief needs to be able to get to where they need to be, have to potential to survive a fight, but still be effective in their builds role. I do like some of the changes recently but there definitely has been collateral damage to even our basic stuff over time that seem aimless, like any time our auto attacks get nerfed after we've gotten used to using them a lot more because our big hitters got flattened before.


    Due to the nature of thiefs design any aspect be it mechanics or skills that are effective with be in turn annoying to fight for the opponent leading to nerfs cries. It's up to the development and balance team to know this and also expect this and not let the majority of nerf cries steer their balance on a class like thief but unfortunately they are not following that creed and are just killing the class and as a whole well we know how good the population is in the game right now. I wouldn't expect to see thief in a better spot any time soon or ever with the current team in place and I doubt the longevity of this game will be long enough to see another team.

  19. > @"Inguz.6493" said:

    > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > @"Inguz.6493" said:

    > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > @"DinesenDK.5067" said:

    > > > > > My experience is that Warrior, is in a fairly good place when it comes to spvp and pve (don't play WwW enough to know). However, it is far best at 1vs1, as it should be - Only problem these days is, that other classes, and builds does this better than Warrior, which makes it a real struggle to succeed at. Warrior in teamfights bigger than 2v2, is an absolutely no go. It simply gets melted due too too much boon corruption/removal.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I am not sure Warrior needs to hit harder, as I feel it is more a question about getting other classes/build into line with Warrior.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Rush needs to be looked at, as it is very random at connecting - An idea could be to leave it as it is, and maybe even reduce the dps on it, but then give it a couple of secs Evade - It is used mostly for mobility afterall.

    > > > > > Then I look forward to reworks of a few traits, or hope so. :)

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Lastly, I would love better build in stability, because as it is, it often feels like I'm more on the ground then actually fighting. Not sure that's the idea with Warrior.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > On other notes...:

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Something neeeds to be done about these things, which is already mention elsewhere

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Ranger pets needs a nerf or an overall rework - too much dps and too many random CC

    > > > > > Burning is out whack one more then on build - Guard especially - Hits waaaaay too hard

    > > > > > Spamming slow/poison/Weakening/CC to the point where you can't use your abilities is a quick way to make Spvp unfun very fast

    > > > > > And then we have Shroud on Necro.... - Something needs to be done here as well, as they are godly tanks as it is, and that wins them the duel no matter how hard I am able to hit them

    > > > > >

    > > > > > :)

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > You can have resistance for days on warrior while playing spellbreaker! At the same time you can pack enough punch to rip a hole through everything if you know what to dodge ofc and not just randomly use that **rush**.

    > > > >

    > > > > -Full counter gives back 3 condis every 12s CD plus an evade and 100% "block"

    > > > > -Berseker stance

    > > > > -Feather grace

    > > > > -Shake it off

    > > > >

    > > > > And you still have "Signet of stamina" and "Mending"/ "Natural Healing" or go crazy with "Defiant Stance", if everything fail ( dunno how ) you can learn to CC/lock necros and & with hammer-mace/shield....**what more do you want?**

    > > > >

    > > > > And...better stability?..Are you kidding me? Warrior is the only class with pulsing stability as utility **Balanced Stance**, then you have "Dolyak signet", "Stomp" and then you have the best transform in the game : "rampage" and you want more?....maybe you want to play ele and have a single utility to have stability.....

    > > > >

    > > > > And yes..I do play warrior among other things; don't just try to facetank everything simply because you play a warrior....dodge sometimes

    > > >

    > > > Ah yes, the warrior with 10 utility slots and 4 weapon swaps, I should have played that class instead. How did you unlock it?

    > >

    > > You unlock it when you finally realize that you can't have a single build to rule them all, simply because the class is called "Warrior" does not mean that you can rush face down everything, learn to change utilities/traits based on the encounter, less time spent assuming you can faceroll the whole world with a single build


    > Yeah, I'm not sure which specs you are referring to. There's pretty much only two viable specs for PvP if you want to deal any damage and not be a glass cannon, core with greatsword and axe+shield or spellbreaker with greatsword and dagger+shield. Bunker specs are laughable compared to other classes.


    > In regards to utilities there's not much one can do with the slots. Bull's Charge is something warrior mobility is balanced around and it would be impossible to catch up to people kiting you without it. Shake it Off is a very good condition clear and stunbreak, something that is needed every team fight. The last non-elite utility slot could be up in the air, but one slot means you can't take every stance. Hammer and mace is not doing any meaningful damage, you'd not contribute much to killing enemies running that.


    > The conundrum of playing a warrior is that you **have** to go face to deal damage (rifle and bow is laughable) but at the same time can't stay in melee range for long. I'm not joking, guides to and for warrior PvP tells you to dodge into melee and _minimize physical contact_. It's a strange playstyle to dodge, chain defensive/evasive abilities, and move out of range for a class with the class fantasy of someone sticking to the face, up close to the enemy, and more fitting for class fantasies of nimble classes like thief or ranger. Chaining stuns with hammer/mace or taking more defensive abilities doesn't change the playstyle if you want to survive.


    > Either way, warriors having issues with the actual playstyle vs class fantasy doesn't negate that pets are overtuned, CC isn't fun, and that condition spam is frustrating.


    I state that warrior doesnt feel like a warrior anymore for the exact reasons u state. Being a melee centric spec as warrior is they cant take much pressure from the current classes in close combat and are forced to dodge,kite and try for a predictive cc-burst rotation. Only the team at anet could make a warrior balanced to having to resort to that type of playstyle.

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