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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Buran.3796" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Wow all revs unanimously stated negative thoughts about cor, not cuz its weak but because of the skills poor function. Anet don't u think if all ur paying customers on a class are telling u every patch that a skill on a commonly used weapon is performing poorly an a mechanical level basically every patch that maybe it's time to actually fix it or change it so it functions properly?

    > > I mean uve got the feedback.


    > I politely asked at the beginning of 2018 why they don't minimize the size of the PvP logging screen when we are on queue so doesn't interfere with fights when we are on WvW, Ben answered that they were valoring it, 25 months passed and the still did nothing (I keep refloating the topic once a year).


    > I also asked for a fix in the template system for the Revenant class, because doesn't keep the order of the utilities and randomly reorders them while entering/exiting gameplay modes, mounts, after being caught in a crystal shard, etc. ...Or a refund of the money for those of us who payed for a feature (extra template slots) which doesn't work as intended. Still not a fix neither a single answer apologizing for.


    > The PR politics of ANet is in the mud in which is due their own merits; I can't feel sympathy towards them when their anouncements get a cold shoulder because is what they have earned.


    I agree. The match queue screen is far to intrusive. The moment they decided to add in things like arena, ai classes to practice on while waiting the first thing to come to mind or one of them shoulda been making the queue box small, off to the side and interactive while not locking the player out of play.


    With rev I just left utilities as is and made a comfortable keybined for them as them switching was annoying especially if not noticed till after match start lol.

    Staff 5 was already clunky and prone to miss and in the design teams infinite wisdom they thought hmmm let's take the issues the skill already has and compound them further by adding a delay, seems like a smart way to make a skill useless. Did they even try the skill before making the change. All thses complaints about rev skills not even functioning properly are constantly being shoved in the teams faces yet fixes either never come, take forever or the fix comes but doesnt even fix the issue as if the fix wasn't even tested before release. Its unreal, not surprising their games population is tanking.

  2. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"Dayra.7405" said:

    > > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > atleast 2 necro 2 burn guard 2 ranger every match

    > > > because these three are the most effective with least effort.

    > >

    > > But this are at least 6, always thought that PvP has mostly 5 ;)


    > I thought it was 10, didnt know 3v3 was out already :)

    > but in all seriousness at plat 1 I usually see 2-4 necros, about 1-2 guards, 1-2 rangers, 1-2 engis. 1-2 elementalists.

    > the rest is made of dying breed of mesmers, thiefs that cant play rev, revs that used to play thief and that 1 stubborn warrior in the back of the room


    This is my experience as well.

  3. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > > Healing on downed allies should be increased, I agree, but only if at the same time they also nerf Thief.

    > > >

    > > > Well ok ok, you got me, I'm kidding ofc...they should just nerf Thief.

    > >

    > > Better yet do to thief's superb mobility the thiefs downstate skills should be removed and any time the thief's teamates try's and revive him he poisons himself slowing down the revive heal further.


    > And reviving downed allies should apply 30 seconds of ~~marked~~ revealed on the player.


    Umm u should suffer dearly as a dirty filthy thief for dying and ur teammate as well for even considering reviving such a vile entity. I say reveal on thief for 400 secs and weakness same duration on teammate seems about right.

  4. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > Thief needs a rework of how access stealth in combination with the high mobility and absurd spike burst. As i pointed out in other thread we don't need to destroy the thief mechanics, just tune up a little bit some aspects.

    > >

    > > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

    > > > Still i think we don't need to go such extremes, as i said [Camouflaje](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Camouflage) would sufice to balance DE stealth, then even the elite would make sense. That was an stealth effect for the ranger which was active for short duration as long as the ranger didn't move or used any skills or actions.

    > > >

    > > > As trade off to the Deadeye this is also good and fit the original thematic on the idea of an static ranged glass cannon. Just make any stealth applied to the DE becomes [Camouflaje](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Camouflage) and extend it's duration. So it gets more stealth at the cost of not being able to perform any actions.

    > > > With that we already balanced the permastealth DE without destroying core or DD

    > > >

    > > > And to address the Malice stacks: Malice should go back to build over time instead by hits (with the exception of the trait) . This is to avoid insta 2 malice stacks from stealth. And be reset as soon as the DE lose target (stealth, out of range, change target).

    > > > Malice needs also an adjustment in the percentage: 15% by stack is simply too much. I would reduce the damage to a 10% by stack.

    > > > Add a cantrip which allows the DE to stay in stealth (applies more Camouflage than CD it has or very close) so allows the DE to camp in safety. The DE would be revealed for a second when the cantrip is casted so it couldn't be used effectively if there is enemies looking for him.

    > > >

    > > > And assassin signet make it so it gives 1 attack with that buff, similar to rangers [Attack of Oportunity](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attack_of_Opportunity_(effect)). Core thief is okeish, spike damage is not that bad (Backstabs around 7-9K in 2.5K armor) just need a bit of adjustment in my opinion. Makes the use of the signet actually meaningful keeping the design of a bursty spike.

    > > >

    > > > After this no other trait may need to be touched. Maybe the Quickness GM, but i would leave it as it is until later as it may be not needed.

    > > >

    > > With those small changes Deadeye would stop being so oppressive while still keeping the actual gameplay style.

    > >

    > > If after all this perma-stealth is a problem Anet can extend the revealed in all the skills.


    > Your idea solves nothing and pretty much destroys the idea behind the class (stealth attacks). It also makes in-combat stealth useless/unusable, so despite your claims that "we don't need to go such extremes", that's pretty much what you're doing.


    > How exactly is this "balancing permastealth DE"? By what logic exactly? By making it unusable skill for afking in the middle of wvw? That's insane.



    > Your malice change proposal is also simply bad, a step back that encourages passive gameplay.


    Hes of the mindset that thief can't have a good burst due to it having mobility as well, now stealth should be almost useless due to thiefs high mobility. Quite the the toll thief has to pay for its mobility in his mind, kinda seems like he just dislikes the classes and wishes it usuable.

  5. > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > Healing on downed allies should be increased, I agree, but only if at the same time they also nerf Thief.


    > Well ok ok, you got me, I'm kidding ofc...they should just nerf Thief.


    Better yet do to thief's superb mobility the thiefs downstate skills should be removed and any time the thief's teamates try's and revive him he poisons himself slowing down the revive heal further.

  6. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > soo, this guy wants to be the fastest while stealthing, while bursting, from stealth mind you, all the while being good at 1v1? you are playing the wrong game friend, try dishonored, it should really fulfill your fantasy.

    > oh and ps, thiefs can still obliterate 50%+ of my mesmers hp from stealth 0 counterplay, its just all other classes run bunker kitten with endless sustain prot, toughness, your time would be better spent whining about necros 100k+ hp or holo absurd damage with survival, maybe people would take you seriously then.

    > The closest thing you can get is power rev, its like thief but less OOC mobility and no stealth, in turn more sustain and burst, but hey, its harder to play so most thiefs give up and go back to the " bad thief" :D


    Yeah ur right I guess it's better that a high mobile squishy class shouldn't have burst nor sustained dps lmao so the can jump in burst, apply little to no offensive pressure than have to disengage. Thats a awesome class playstyle right there. That sounds like awesome balance right there..... genius.

    Wow I couldn't imagine this game left up to these geniuses.

  7. I believe thief players are just wanting their burst back, a burst that is significant enough to make an impact on the higher sustain that classes have since post patch. They are fully ok with having to out play their opponent avoiding almost all damage all while still hitting the opponent with their rotations and bursts,they just want it to reward them with more than the opponent just shrugging it off. Thief players are not asking for sustain damage nor to be able to duel it out blow for blow in a duel. U say think can have burst or duel but not both, while thief has neither as of now and they are asking for their burst back, that's it. Thief can deal with being not a great dueler if they have a good burst to work with cuz most times burst is all u need to deal with bad players on their carry god sustain builds in a 1v1 if u out play them,just not for 3 minutes like now. Most those potatoe players are the frequent players that want thief nerfed cuz as it stood before thief was never a great 1v1 fuel class, atleast not for last 5 yrs and yet a lot people lose to em and cry cuz their egos hurt lol they must be OP cuz reason can't be just I'm not that good lol no never...

  8. > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > @"Poledra Val.1490" said:

    > > The problem with core necro is that its obviously one the most braindead specs in pvp and of course has the capicity for the player to make hundreds of mistakes in a match and still live through it, it is simply not punished enough when a player makes mistakes in a team fight/duel.

    > >

    > > That in itself is the biggest issue, its insane amount of health coupled with its sustain makes this a busted class along with one or two other professions.

    > >

    > > Its literally a meat bag that you can roll in a team fight and mash your keyboard by dropping a piece of meat on it and the spec just works.


    > you are describing Elementalist Profession, not Necromancer Profession




    He described both.

  9. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > Lol every thread regarding mesmer turns into a thief hate thread, every thread on thief gets joined by mesmers to hate on thief lol. Never changes. Best thing is that mesmer talk about how toxic and broken thief or rogue archetypes are yet they have chosen thee only class in history that rivals thiefs so called unfair,broken toxic mechanics with their own lmao. Makes sense for a class like warrior to hate on thieves but mesmers? Only reason is cuz thief is the only class that can keep up and compare to to the cheap mechanics mesmer has lol so they hate on it. Both classes are doing what their designed for if they feel annoying or unfair to fight.

    > > >

    > > > calm down satan, nobody is hating on thief, I like thief. Doesnt change the fact that thief design wise has no counterplay and is unfun to fight.

    > >

    > > U just described mesmer as well tho.


    > its almost as if im capable of admiting my main class is stupid too, how odd


    But do u? Lol.

    I admit both leave the opponent feeling like they fought a dirty, unfair class, and I do not blame them for it but players need to admit to themselves that those archetypes are meant to perform as such and those qualities are what give them the rogue or rogue'ish identity. If the mesmer or thief didn't leave their opponent feeling as such than they wouldn't be playing true to the archetype and would not feel rogue like to play as such. The rogue archetype is a long time staple in every mmo and sparks the same hate in every mmo. Just how it is, life's not always fair.

    If rogue or mesmer players wanted to leave their opponent feeling like they had a fair fight they'd have chosen a different class.

  10. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Lol every thread regarding mesmer turns into a thief hate thread, every thread on thief gets joined by mesmers to hate on thief lol. Never changes. Best thing is that mesmer talk about how toxic and broken thief or rogue archetypes are yet they have chosen thee only class in history that rivals thiefs so called unfair,broken toxic mechanics with their own lmao. Makes sense for a class like warrior to hate on thieves but mesmers? Only reason is cuz thief is the only class that can keep up and compare to to the cheap mechanics mesmer has lol so they hate on it. Both classes are doing what their designed for if they feel annoying or unfair to fight.


    > calm down satan, nobody is hating on thief, I like thief. Doesnt change the fact that thief design wise has no counterplay and is unfun to fight.


    U just described mesmer as well tho. That's the point of both class types.

    Why u think mesmer gets equal hate and continually eats hard nerfs?

  11. Lol every thread regarding mesmer turns into a thief hate thread, every thread on thief gets joined by mesmers to hate on thief lol. Never changes. Best thing is that mesmer talk about how toxic and broken thief or rogue archetypes are yet they have chosen thee only class in history that rivals thiefs so called unfair,broken toxic mechanics with their own lmao. Makes sense for a class like warrior to hate on thieves but mesmers? Only reason is cuz thief is the only class that can keep up and compare to to the cheap mechanics mesmer has lol so they hate on it. Both classes are doing what their designed for if they feel annoying or unfair to fight.

  12. A lot of mat thief players arent comfortable with their abilities at that level on other classes so they continue to play their and do best they can within match. Some have stated they'd have left the class by now if they were good enough on others. In time I bet we see less thieves as long time thief players get comfortable on other classes that provide more help to a team then just decapping.

  13. > @"Einar.1482" said:

    > @"knite.1542" yes the dmg reduction on staff 5 is fine. it still shouldnt be a 9x knockback consecutively mind you while evading. and fantastic about the stability on holo. Obviously there are other factors accounting for such as heat accumulation and what not to be considered but generally speaking the cd increase on forge mode and on forge mode skills would reduce spam.

    > Engineer if im not mistaken can run a utility sKILL though that acts as a second weapon. and holosmith is effectively a weapon swap which is why i stated that it should have increased cds. similarly reaper/necro shroud skills have cds that are similar to weapon skills. *even though they do have access to a secondary weapon*


    Remove the clunky delay on staff 5 and leave the hits cuz it's harder to hit than most cc's as gl ever hitting someone thru full animation. Lol u sure uve tried the ability? I'd even take removing delay and make it hit once and it just be a knockdown , keep the animation though for mobility and bonus I'd land more often lol.

  14. > @"Kuma.1503" said:

    > Our PvP community will be the death of this game.


    Yup, been saying that a while now. Anet should literally listen to no one in this community and go off their own experiences playing even if they the team doesn't even play much, be better than listening to forum posters lol.

  15. > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > > > > > Maybe next elite speck will be 1v1 duelist with one weapon slot, so it would have to be less mobile but have better damage. Maybe a GS would fit.

    > > > > > > But till then being mobile and doing kitten ton of damage doesn't fit.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Why doesn't it, cuz u dont think it fits? Who made the rule high mobility= low burst?

    > > > > > U know high sustained damage and high burst damage are both a thing and in most mmos high mobility archetypes like rogues get high burst as well so they can get in quick and do the damage the need to do before gtfo cuz their usually also squishy, hense high mobility and evades. Higher sustain classes usually have lower bursts but higher sustained damage because the can stay in the fight long enough to deal it.

    > > > > > I love the community lmao let's make up our own rules to coincide with our bias against thief and call it the rule even though goes against the actual tropes made by all past mmo's.

    > > > >

    > > > > also in those MMS tanks are tanky to the point of immortality or mages have aoe that covers entire screens in 1shot pulsing fields, gw2 is no other MMO.

    > > > > balance it properly not in a stupid way othe MMOs are balanced.

    > > >

    > > > Yeah but what's properly? Properly in 75% of the community minds would see the rogue spec no longer resembling anything rogue like. If it somehow was still rogue like it be useless cuz umm look at almost all non thief players post about balancing thief aka delete it or make it useless.

    > >

    > > it is not relevant what average person thinks, average person is kitten.

    > >

    > > edit, IF and its a big IF with the current devs, IF they nerf necro/holo/ranger/rev/fb/whatever , thief will be fine.

    > > peeps land 3-6k stabs and feel useless but lemme tell you, when im on wizard ammy on mesmer and get chunked for 10k with a combo it REALLY screws me over, its just other classes having insane HP pools ( 50k+ necro ) or kinghts amulet/demo prot holo with pulsing heals etc etc


    > Its not 3-6k stabs unfortunately. Its closer to 3-4.5k. And the followup is not much better. If it was a 10k combo, thatd be a different story. Its not. But most of the time? Its like 8k tops. Lower than that normally. Thats the problem. Assassins Signet was already mandatory if you wanted to do damage prior to the patch. And then it got nerfed.


    No point in arguing. I stated multiple times clearly what I expected and in no way shape or form said anything about one shot yet his arguement keeps using that as his main point of arguement, stating I just want to run around one shotting people lol as if he just ignore what the other persons saying and just spouts his nonsense to fit his arguement as if I said things i didn't even say lol. Hes proved himself in his statements that hes nothing more than a biased I want thief deleted cuz they kill me and their unfair player that can't take being out played lol.

  16. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > > > > > > Maybe next elite speck will be 1v1 duelist with one weapon slot, so it would have to be less mobile but have better damage. Maybe a GS would fit.

    > > > > > > > But till then being mobile and doing kitten ton of damage doesn't fit.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Why doesn't it, cuz u dont think it fits? Who made the rule high mobility= low burst?

    > > > > > > U know high sustained damage and high burst damage are both a thing and in most mmos high mobility archetypes like rogues get high burst as well so they can get in quick and do the damage the need to do before gtfo cuz their usually also squishy, hense high mobility and evades. Higher sustain classes usually have lower bursts but higher sustained damage because the can stay in the fight long enough to deal it.

    > > > > > > I love the community lmao let's make up our own rules to coincide with our bias against thief and call it the rule even though goes against the actual tropes made by all past mmo's.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I believe so far you have been asking for an opener with crippling dmg so high that not even a high sustain spec could survive it but then again...you first ask for dmg, then duelling abilities and then both in the same instance.....you seem to be wanting both.

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Nope! Not even close. I want a burst that does more than tickle most of the high sustain classes, autos that do more than 300-500 which is like a mosquito buzzing around most classes. I do not want one hit ko backstabs at all but I want a class to at least be at 30% hp if I set up a backstab, land it,land few autos and a heart seeker which is pretty balanced sounding to me from a squishy burst class. As it stands right now in ur so called fine state of thief the thief cant even +1 a enemy and down it quick even if its burst and follow ups land lol yeah balanced if u are biased and dislike the class maybe. I never stated I want one shots on any class but as it is now not only do tanks out burst thief thee burst class but some ranger pets as well lmao..... balanced.

    > > >

    > > > So you want a spec dealing 70% of any target health with the ability to try again if you fail?....how exactly am I considered biased and you not?

    > >

    > > The fact that they'd have to try again means breathing room for the opponent as well, now knowing thiefs there allows for the many counterplay available. Why do u think it's ok for thief to be squishy and take little damage before being downed if misplayed is ok but thief should be required to land far more hits to down his opponent. A thief can be downed in 3 or four and sometimes less decent hits. Why shouldn't it have the damage to quickly deal damage comparable to high hp/armor classes? U sound like a player who crys and gets mad everytime ur out played lol like it's the classes design fault every time. U want thief to be free kill? If a thief can be downed quickly cuz low hp/armor why should it take a long time to down its opponent?


    > You're not outplaying anybody here buddy...you're just teleporting from 1200 range while being completely invisible and expect to deal 70% of a target health regardless of their armor rating.....wth are you even outplaying here?


    > You're not a warrior baiting dodges or somebody landing a nice combo after avoiding the enemy burst......**you're just a stealth gimmick kitten oneshot**...you're not outplaying anybody..you never did


    See ur talking biased nonsense and are assuming what I'm doing in fight even,so we should take ur balance suggestions based on what? Ur lack of thief knowledge and ur fantasy scenarios? Lmao this is why anet needs to ignore players like u.

    I play dp only. I tele once SOMETIMES to steal and set up backstab or a lot of the times I save my steal. I time my blinds and use evades and smart use of blackpoweders in combo with HS to reposition to set up another backstab, lots of counter play vs BS at this point then I continue to use good timing blinds and evades with HS here and there to eventually down the enemy. This takes forever and I need to land about 30 hits by end of fight while avoiding what like 4 hits from the opponent lmao I call that grossly out playing hard especially since it takes well over a minute and a half. Somtimes u get the down and sometimes ur dps just won't keep up with their sustain and they will just keep out sustaining u while applying equal burst dps with sustained dps on top lol.

    I am fine having to avoid almost all hits and being downed if 3 or so connect on my but what I'm not fine with is while avoiding them taking over a minute to down the opponent cuz my bursts are so weak as $hit.

  17. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > > > > > > Maybe next elite speck will be 1v1 duelist with one weapon slot, so it would have to be less mobile but have better damage. Maybe a GS would fit.

    > > > > > > > But till then being mobile and doing kitten ton of damage doesn't fit.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Why doesn't it, cuz u dont think it fits? Who made the rule high mobility= low burst?

    > > > > > > U know high sustained damage and high burst damage are both a thing and in most mmos high mobility archetypes like rogues get high burst as well so they can get in quick and do the damage the need to do before gtfo cuz their usually also squishy, hense high mobility and evades. Higher sustain classes usually have lower bursts but higher sustained damage because the can stay in the fight long enough to deal it.

    > > > > > > I love the community lmao let's make up our own rules to coincide with our bias against thief and call it the rule even though goes against the actual tropes made by all past mmo's.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I believe so far you have been asking for an opener with crippling dmg so high that not even a high sustain spec could survive it but then again...you first ask for dmg, then duelling abilities and then both in the same instance.....you seem to be wanting both.

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Nope! Not even close. I want a burst that does more than tickle most of the high sustain classes, autos that do more than 300-500 which is like a mosquito buzzing around most classes. I do not want one hit ko backstabs at all but I want a class to at least be at 30% hp if I set up a backstab, land it,land few autos and a heart seeker which is pretty balanced sounding to me from a squishy burst class. As it stands right now in ur so called fine state of thief the thief cant even +1 a enemy and down it quick even if its burst and follow ups land lol yeah balanced if u are biased and dislike the class maybe. I never stated I want one shots on any class but as it is now not only do tanks out burst thief thee burst class but some ranger pets as well lmao..... balanced.

    > > >

    > > > So you want a spec dealing 70% of any target health with the ability to try again if you fail?....how exactly am I considered biased and you not?

    > >

    > > The fact that they'd have to try again means breathing room for the opponent as well, now knowing thiefs there allows for the many counterplay available. Why do u think it's ok for thief to be squishy and take little damage before being downed if misplayed is ok but thief should be required to land far more hits to down his opponent. A thief can be downed in 3 or four and sometimes less decent hits. Why shouldn't it have the damage to quickly deal damage comparable to high hp/armor classes? U sound like a player who crys and gets mad everytime ur out played lol like it's the classes design fault every time. U want thief to be free kill? If a thief can be downed quickly cuz low hp/armor why should it take a long time to down its opponent?


    > becouse its FAR easier for a thief to land a hit then almost any other class, play warrior and tell me how easy it is to touch a thief, and then tell me they should deal somewhat same damage. you hitting your enemies several times more is BASE RESOULT, you are NOT outplaying necro by hitting them twice as often, if anything they are outplaying you if that happens. When I fight a necro as mesmer and i trade blow for blow I will die before they lose 20% hp, 4-5 hits for one is more in line with going even, if I want to "outplay" them I have to roll them with propably 10 hits for every one I take.


    I'm not asking for thief to do 70% of a classes hp on a single backstab I'm asking for a small general blanket buff to thiefs skills and slight general decrease in the sustain of classes in the game. I'm saying if a thief sets up and lands a backstab bursts and gets off some autos and a heart seeker they should be doing enough dps given how squishy they are for that handful of attacks to pressure a class enough to put thief on even ground considering its squishyness cuz as of now the bs, auto and hs will take like 15% or 20% and the opponent will shrug that off and with classes defensive abilities the thief has to grossly out play the opponent which is fine but as it stands u have to grossly outplay them three times longer than u should have to given the little pressure u can take as a thief before disengaging.

  18. > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

    > > > > > Maybe next elite speck will be 1v1 duelist with one weapon slot, so it would have to be less mobile but have better damage. Maybe a GS would fit.

    > > > > > But till then being mobile and doing kitten ton of damage doesn't fit.

    > > > >

    > > > > Why doesn't it, cuz u dont think it fits? Who made the rule high mobility= low burst?

    > > > > U know high sustained damage and high burst damage are both a thing and in most mmos high mobility archetypes like rogues get high burst as well so they can get in quick and do the damage the need to do before gtfo cuz their usually also squishy, hense high mobility and evades. Higher sustain classes usually have lower bursts but higher sustained damage because the can stay in the fight long enough to deal it.

    > > > > I love the community lmao let's make up our own rules to coincide with our bias against thief and call it the rule even though goes against the actual tropes made by all past mmo's.

    > > >

    > > > I believe so far you have been asking for an opener with crippling dmg so high that not even a high sustain spec could survive it but then again...you first ask for dmg, then duelling abilities and then both in the same instance.....you seem to be wanting both.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Nope! Not even close. I want a burst that does more than tickle most of the high sustain classes, autos that do more than 300-500 which is like a mosquito buzzing around most classes. I do not want one hit ko backstabs at all but I want a class to at least be at 30% hp if I set up a backstab, land it,land few autos and a heart seeker which is pretty balanced sounding to me from a squishy burst class. As it stands right now in ur so called fine state of thief the thief cant even +1 a enemy and down it quick even if its burst and follow ups land lol yeah balanced if u are biased and dislike the class maybe. I never stated I want one shots on any class but as it is now not only do tanks out burst thief thee burst class but some ranger pets as well lmao..... balanced.


    > So you want a spec dealing 70% of any target health with the ability to try again if you fail?....how exactly am I considered biased and you not?


    The fact that they'd have to try again means breathing room for the opponent as well, now knowing thiefs there allows for the many counterplay available. Why do u think it's ok for thief to be squishy and take little damage before being downed if misplayed is ok but thief should be required to land far more hits to down his opponent. A thief can be downed in 3 or four and sometimes less decent hits. Why shouldn't it have the damage to quickly deal damage comparable to high hp/armor classes? U sound like a player who crys and gets mad everytime ur out played lol like it's the classes design fault every time. U want thief to be free kill? If a thief can be downed quickly cuz low hp/armor why should it take a long time to down its opponent?

    Lol ur saying it's fine as a non thief player, best known thief player now with damage nerfs on thief cant in high level play even effectively down half the classes in a decent time in a +1 lmao that's 2v1.... states should ring some bells about thiefs dps but ok I'm sure u know thiefs state better than a long time top lv thief player being u dont play thief or atleast anywhere to the level sind does. Just be honest u like thief being weak as $hit at u dont want it buffed to point fighting them may be a challenge again, and to ur frail ego.

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