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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Rednaxela.6018" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > LR was OP and it still is OP. the fact that you can make a build that relies entirely on 1 trait should tell you about how good it is


    > What kind of reasoning is that? Just because a skill defines the playing style, it is not too strong! Or do you want to nerf/delete Fresh Air because it also defines the build. Another example:

    > Deadeye: Silent Scope

    > Tornado in combination with LR was the problem, not LR as such. There are maybe 5 LR Weaver players in the top 250. There are almost no LR Weaver in the tournaments but the experts here in the forum know what op is. So please stop talking that kind of kitten. You got your nerf, be happy and still die against better players...


    As far as DE maybe not silent scopes precision but it would be smart to remove stealth on dodge, along with kneel lol.

  2. > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > > Dude, why not just go and play FF?

    > >

    > > I for one would never play a game that requires of me monthly payment, tfu.

    > > OP is salty, let him unwind, holding it in is unhealthy.


    > If only FFXIV was F2P. I imagine itd be a nice game to unwind in, its certainly a pretty one.


    Yeah just gotta stomach the gcd unti higher lvs which is when combat becomes somewhat bearable, so slow at the start.

  3. > @"NorthernRedStar.3054" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Pw dps is fine for what it does, more damage would lead to a nerf in other aspects of the skill. A better example of thief skills that need a damage buff are pulmonary impact and dagger autos as they are pathetic lol.


    > I'd be fine with a Pulmonary Impact -buff, too. Just *anything* that rewards outplaying, interrupting and timing your attacks with added damage.


    PI definitely needs buffed, it was already so nerfed had the skipped it during the blanket patch it may have just made it to worth using state but this is anet so nope...

    I mean even if skill hit for 1k and procc'd one extra 1k hit if interrupting a skill it would actually be worth using, right now it's a useless trait.

    Have it live up to its name, skill hits for 1k and if interrupts deals no further damage but every 1.5 sec causes a 1/4 daze on target for 6 secs. Daze effect has 10 sec icd.

  4. > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > choke gas right now is so good to prevent stomp/rez, if you remove daze w/e with low initiative cost, you will be less effective that's for sure even if you are able to spam more for example 1 or 2 more cluster bomb


    > > I'd rather lower ini on gas and remove daze if necessary or put a 5 sec icd on the daze.


    > Agreed. I'd rather drop a choking gas and know I decreased the rez speed then have ammo for cluster bombing/kiting without daze, than have a choking gas with daze, drop it on someone rezzing who has stability and then basically be useless while I watch them rez because I needed to port someplace safe to clusterbomb.



    Exactly! Slowing a rez thru poison is strong enough imo and drop gas to 4-5 ini so u can actually benefit from the ini design as intended.

    Have no clue what this new team is doing.

  5. > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > > > i like it right now, big skill big cost, why do u want to spam skills.

    > > > >

    > > > > It's not about spamming skills

    > > >

    > > > i know that's why I changed my post

    > >

    > > Again not about using gas twice but the impact 7 ini cost on flexibility of using a different skill afterwards, how u like if a war skill put half ur weapon skills on CD for 2 secs not allowing u to use any skills? Sure ud think that's fine.


    > choke gas right now is so good to prevent stomp/rez, if you remove daze w/e with low initiative cost, you will be less effective that's for sure even if you are able to spam more for example 1 or 2 more cluster bomb


    I'd rather lower ini on gas and remove daze if necessary or put a 5 sec icd on the daze.

  6. > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > > > i like it right now, big skill big cost, why do u want to spam skills.

    > >

    > > It's not about spamming skills


    > i know that's why I changed my post


    Again not about using gas twice but the impact 7 ini cost on flexibility of using a different skill afterwards, how u like if a war skill put half ur weapon skills on CD for 2 secs not allowing u to use any skills? Sure ud think that's fine.

  7. > @"Lighter.5631" said:

    > i like it right now, big skill big cost, why do u want to spam skills.


    It's not about spamming skills it's about using so much of a global resource in one skill without preparedness from trickery that one skill can deny u of any skill that costs 6 ini. Imagine not even being able to cast 2 consecutive skills cuz costs for skills are to high, that's reality in some scenarios currently which is absurd to say the least. As a warrior main I'm sure u think its fine lol.

  8. > @"anjo.6143" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Luthan.5236" said:

    > > > PvP is group content. If you make interesting mapes where group play is encouraged instead of people only running around trying 1 vs. 1 and ignoring objectives. :D

    > >

    > > On the other hand if team fights were more than just braindead condi spam on nodes more people would probably go for team fighting.


    > EXACTLY! Condi aoe is such a weird stuff, why this exists anyways? In all the games that I played before, an aoe skill do a way less damage than a single target one, here is the opposity, if your class do aoe, go for it, cause you will do more individual damage and hits everybody, LOL


    Imagine being a player new to pvp, learning about conquest and when they go near a node it's like a mini zerg fight where whole node is constantly covered with floor is lava death lol. Must be fun for em.

  9. > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > Kind of feels like it's their shortcut to make particular skills have cooldown without actually having one. Which in this case sucks, because due to ini it's pretty much a global skill cooldown. I'd rather have them just add an actual cooldown on SOME skills reventant-style, so they won't be spammable (like they apparently don't want them to be), while at the same time not crippling the usage of the rest of thief's kit. Leave the previous ini cost, but add a cooldown on the skills they don't want to be spammed.


    Or put a icd on some effects that are two strong like a 5 sec icd on gas daze and keep the cost reasonable.

  10. Well blanket nerfing only works if u commit more than talk to fine tuning and adjusting things continually at a decent pace which rarely happens so most times doing so is a disaster. They should fixed and reworked the classes that were causing the most significant issues but that takes more time and resources to accomplish than just decreasing numbers in a blanket approach so..

  11. > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Because lower ranks a okish rev can destroy on condi rev but will get destroyed on power rev, higher lvs like plat the may be opposite but more players are gold/silver so u hear a lot about condi builds, especially with burning as part of their stacks cuz its tic dos is overperforming.


    > Not like I'm in high ranks D:


    Just stating why u see so much condi rev hate compared to power, it's easier to play, more frustrating to die to and prob seems oppressive in lower ranks. Wasn't a knock on u personally as I'd have been knocking myself as I'm usually only g3 solo q so im no great player.

  12. > @"Rix.8510" said:

    > As someone who didn't like ranger mechanics from the start and how absurd the position of the class in the meta game was, I must say that the current situation is quite worrying with the nerfs ranger has already gotten. If you want to rework pets overall DPS then the ranger itself needs to be upgraded. GS4 was clearly overpowered and instead of tackling that issue the answer was to increase the CD on all GS skills. Why? LOL.


    So what needs upgraded if pet dps is nerfed? I love ranger so I'm interested in what can be buffed. Taking pet out of the equation rangers gs does very good dps as does lb. Rangers can be built squishy or very tanky. They have very potent condi options. I'd say if pet damage on bird was brought down with tiger the class should be pretty in line and would have been in a position where it may not get so much heat from players. Then maybe druid and its spirits could maybe see some love, specs such a waste of a good theme.

    Honestly ranger was fine other than few pets hitting to hard, why they didn't leave ranger itself alone and just deal with pets is beyond me. Hopefully we won't see anymore nerfs anytime soon.

  13. > @"Tayga.3192" said:

    > > @"Shao.7236" said:

    > > That's thing the thing though, people try to duel me as Herald and 95% of the time lose badly since Core Rev is simply a superior duelist because of it's utility. They cannot be controlled easily and can tank way more punishment. Heralds are far from broken, Condition at best only has the radius of the transfer for itself, the rest is decent at best.


    > Condi herald is bad idk why everybody is complaining about them. If anything is too strong on revenant, it's power herald on a decent player's hands.


    Because lower ranks a okish rev can destroy on condi rev but will get destroyed on power rev, higher lvs like plat the may be opposite but more players are gold/silver so u hear a lot about condi builds, especially with burning as part of their stacks cuz its tic dos is overperforming.

  14. That's the issue with thiefs design as said above all of the classes weapon kits are designed around having 1 or 2 damage skills and 2 or 3 utility skills so to do damage ur forced to use the same 1 or 2 skills over and over. No ones gonna use d4,d5,HS or BP for damage so with s/d uve got sw2 and sw3 with some autos. Dp u got d2 and if enemies low on health HrtS with backstabs. All thiefs kits are like this unfortunately, bad design at best.

  15. > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > @"ZeteCommander.4937" said:

    > > I don't think this team is incompetent


    > I don't know if this was a typo, in case it wasn't I disagree with you.

    > Any team that balance according to the forum qq is incompetent and will kill its own game.

    > Heck even MO or Colin said it on the early days of gw2, you have to filter the feedback you get because most of the suggestions are pretty trash, and if you go by the ones from certain people on these specific forums then the "most suggestions" becomes "all suggestions".



    This^ this is why by 2021 pvp wont even have the population it has now. As much as the players praise this new team thier not very good imo, subjective of course but if ur balancing around the bias gbage posted in most post ur games gonna be dumpstered fast. Doing so shows they dont play the game or understand it enough to have the confidence to make their own informed decisions, were the players not the professionals who are supposed to balance the game and get paid doing as such.

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