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Everything posted by Moradorin.6217

  1. > @"Guilan.5760" said: > I say give back the 2nd dodge but put a small cooldown on ambush skills. > > Then to make the clones more usable in WvW, have a trait or a rune maybe, that can give them something like aegis or some evasion when they go shatter themsleves on a target. Thats what IH and 2 dodges basically gave us. IH lets the clones get an evade frame from picking up MC . IH has no cool-down which allowed for people to attack after being CCed and with energy sigil swap weapons and chain a few "dodges" to get a burst with IH+ambush+3 clones. People bitched to high heaven about it till we lose the dodge. Most people agree a short cool-down on IH would have solved the issue while still allowing 2 dodges and proper function on Mirage in pvp/wvw
  2. > @"Cuks.8241" said: > Dailies are not AP worthy and should never award them in the first place. then everyones daily ap should be removed and the rewards from ap should be moved given based on number of days logged in or somthing that is not ap. They have been part of the game since like always. We are used to looking at ap and dailies. You are basically suggesting to make a different reward system and therefore a different game.
  3. I have never been one to buy ap with items/gold nor do I repeat grind things JUST for more AP. I have done many non-repeatable things for AP. I like doing content, Dailies give a variety of tasks people end up doing which ever mode and they get used to the reward progress from dailies then it stops at the cap all of a sudden and its noticeable and removes some of the fun for no good reason. Which is why I think its bad.
  4. > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said: > > Along with removing daily AP, all of the AP tied to unavailable achievements should be removed as well. This way those who actually care to compete are on even ground as every AP is obtainable. It'll be an actual achievement system. > > Given how they never removed achievement points even when they replaced an achievement with another one (remember Drakkar?) it's quite likely that they do not want to mess with achievement point totals in any way. Probably due to the problems it would create with rewards. The better option for unavailable achievements is to provide a new way of acquiring them. An increase of the daily AP limit up to the amount of unavailable AP is one such proposal that appears often on the forums. Im pretty sure I recall various things having the repeatability of AP giving activies caped from patches after release more than once. As far as I know they never rolled back the AP some people got from repeat grinding before those patches.
  5. > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > @"Moradorin.6217" said: > > I don't think it makes any sense to remove a large motive for people doing daily content to please people who dont actually login daily and like play... > > What's stopping those who login daily to finish the other achievements available in the game? Why give a motive for players that login once a day for 5 minutes (all it needs to get the 10 daily AP nowadays) and demotivate the players that play for hours in a day to earn the other, much harder to acquire achievements? > Daily content is 5 minutes a day. Collections, legendary weapons, story achievements take much more time every day. That sounds backwards from how people play. Everyone who spends hours playing thinks nothing of doing dailies. I still end up doing my dailies most days in the course of playing. You seem to get defensive about people pointing out what I did, which is that as far as some competition goes the extra ap having its cap removed would just keep it competitive. IMO youre view only makes an excuse for no longer active players to continue to feel as though they are somehow better players than those who actually play, which I dont even understand the point of really. IMO the point remains that the 15k ap cap just takes some fun out of playing each day. Sure its not like you dont gain any ap ever it just removes something that gives a regular progression for well, many years then just stops, apparently so people who no longer play daily can feel accomplished still.
  6. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said: > > @"Moradorin.6217" said: > > I think it should be simple and shouldnt be capped. I think fair for all sounds like everyone getting the same access to the same AP. People who grinded AP when it was easier to get dont deserve a special spot at all. Also everyone should have to continue to compete to stay on top of things like ap because its a game. That is the nature of games. I would love some rewards to motivate me to do dailies. > > They compete by doing all of the achievements in the game and not by who can get ported to the end of a JP every day. I don't think it makes any sense to remove a large motive for people doing daily content to please people who dont actually login daily and like play... Anyone who actually does everything as you say would also to the daily 10 ap. Sothat seems like a bullshit reason. It seeems more like that just lets people do less to _compete_ which, at that point, sounds allot like cheating. In other words, people you speak of would still be ahead in what ever competition for ap they feel they are in if they actually play and do everything and are active. If they only login once in a while when things like festivals are around they will fall behind as they should. I dont care who has the most ap, but I like getting progression from the dailies to get new chests and stuff once in a while. It gives me things to look forward to. It seems to remove a good motivation to cap ap at 15k. Furthermore, it seems to encourage some unhealthy ways of looking at ap.
  7. > @"Linken.6345" said: > I thought stacking was when you used the same kind of infusion to get a bigger effect. > This looks more like random infusion combine with Delrimore as base. depends on the type I guess. Depending how its stacked stoneskin will make the toon solid stone or you can get it to only effect armor like I did in the pics. I think some people hoped it would give the player skin the stone effect and not the armor. Not sure though.
  8. I think it should be simple and shouldnt be capped. I think fair for all sounds like everyone getting the same access to the same AP. People who grinded AP when it was easier to get dont deserve a special spot at all. Also everyone should have to continue to compete to stay on top of things like ap because its a game. That is the nature of games. I would love some rewards to motivate me to do dailies.
  9. If they wanted MORE balance feedback from players maybe we could have a balance sub-forum with branches for each game mode on top of the other general game mode forums. I don't think a new sub is needed but it came to mind when reading the thread.
  10. practice. It behaves the same way in wvw as it does in pve pretty much. Go try on some NPCs to get a feel for it. Distance matters.
  11. DPS too other classes are much better in general at it
  12. Not really, people want alac renegade for 5 and 10 man. Its not that mesmer cannot possibly do support, its just inferior to renegade doing it. Edit: or Firebrand if you are talking quickness Either way, its not Chrono support people will be asking for
  13. ![snow Diamond + stoneskin + grey poly](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/538206523768438805/804468555403100290/deld_Stacks.jpg "") https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/538206523768438805/804468592342990868/deld_Stacks2.jpg
  14. You just use Rightious Rebel Trait (bottom slot GM trait) it adds 50% to duration from just that. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Righteous_Rebel Basically 2 Condi RR can do 100% coverage without the concentration stats, but one Diviners alac could do the whole squad alone.
  15. > @"BlueJin.4127" said: > > @"Moradorin.6217" said: > > That said, Im not sure what the best solution is or how feasible it would be for Anet to impliment changes that would make us all happy with the visuals so Im not in support of an ultimatum over it. The game has more important issues. Im reasonably happy with my ability to use the Nvidia overlay to tone down highlights and adjust the overall look. I still get the same issues, but it has helped in that the game used to make to close my eyes and turn away due to literal pain from the blinding glare of certain things. Its not quite as bad now for me. > > I tried nvidia filter after reading this, and reshade some time ago. Unfortunately, neither were satisfactory for me. These seem like they're just overlays and can't actually change the effects themselves. It's basically like walking into an extremely bright room and putting on a pair of sunglasses. Sure, the lights are not as bright, but it darkens everything you see through the sunglasses. For example, when I turn down the highlights in nvidia filter so that the grass in Dragonfall's Melandru area doesn't look so radioactively bright, all it does is darken all bright colors on my monitor. Sure, the grass is not as bright, but now my UI is discolored, too, along with everything else. There was just no way to adjust the lighting itself without affecting all other similar colors. > > Yea the understand what you mean. Its not a total fix. But I do find that turning off bloom alone makes a HUGE difference and really is just removing a blurring effect that brightens highlights (no color, contrast, etc changes) The other I do is to turn off or down highlights, then I think I tweaked Gama, contrast, sharpness to get the overall contrast, detail, brightness the way I personally think I like it. I didnt change coloring or most other things. I do admit tho it doesn't resolve my issue of not being able to see through effect spam on targets some times and effect layering covering up targeting or other similar issues. It does help me eyes a bit though.
  16. The best thing to do is check value on crops, Onion and Garlic I think tend to be highest value of the seeds u get free that auto-plant after harvest till changed. For ascended food it kinda depends on if you have seeds and the cost of making seeds. Gw2efficientcy I think finally shows the best/cheapest food to use in the crafting calculator to salvage for Compost to make the seed. Just be sure to consider the cost of the seed + compost for total cost. Crafting Cost of Each Seed type. Mint seed https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-91749 Sesame Seed https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-91681 Cilantro Seed https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-91695 Clove Seed https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-91776 Peppercorn Seed https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~1-91802 Values of each Cultivated crop (buy prices) https://www.gw2bltc.com/en/tp/search?name=Cultivated Also for the non-ascended (stuff friends can loot) I check the wiki here https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Garden_plot You can sort the list by value. Today Cayenne pepper seems to have the best price, but I would say onion and garlic have been more steady
  17. > @"DaFishBob.6518" said: > > @"Moradorin.6217" said: > > That said, Im not sure what the best solution is or how feasible it would be for Anet to impliment changes that would make us all happy with the visuals so Im not in support of an ultimatum over it. The game has more important issues. Im reasonably happy with my ability to **use the Nvidia overlay to tone down highlights and adjust the overall look. I still get the same issues, but it has helped in that the game used to make to close my eyes and turn away due to literal pain from the blinding glare of certain things. Its not quite as bad now for me.** > > This deserves a helpful. If you havn't yet, turning Bloom down to under 10% or even off in the same overlay will help allot too with glare off peoples infusions, skill effects, and scenery in game. I keep highlights low/off and bloom, then I tweaked contrast, and clarity up a little and thats about it. I play in Ultra mode settings so all post process, Shadows etc on highest so I still see allot of effects, but the game looks pretty at least and the glare isnt so crazy bad.
  18. I dont have major issues with infusions and backpacks so much. Its the skill and other game-play particle effects which are not reduced well by settings and turning off post process, shadows, etc creates new visual issues like some areas become too bright while others are too dark with certain lighting and shading off. That is if I want to turn off infusion effects as far as I know I can force my system to show simple models and get rid of that (if not maybe it should or have a checkbox for it). I would also like it is somehow I could still see targets, targeting better which is often obscured from all the effects spam from players armor, skills and the env combined. That said, Im not sure what the best solution is or how feasible it would be for Anet to impliment changes that would make us all happy with the visuals so Im not in support of an ultimatum over it. The game has more important issues. Im reasonably happy with my ability to use the Nvidia overlay to tone down highlights and adjust the overall look. I still get the same issues, but it has helped in that the game used to make to close my eyes and turn away due to literal pain from the blinding glare of certain things. Its not quite as bad now for me.
  19. I think Halls and guilds are in need of some upgrades. A new hall would be neat, but I would honestly be happier to get better use of the Guild system. That is, new better Missions, more Mission rewards that are useful to Veteran Players (Hero banners suck now anyway since they poof the second u leave a map, change toons and even then they only last 30 minutes. So banners are fucking garbage these days). The only rewards like 95% of players want commendations for seems to be to get trinkets (only core stats STILL) and banners cause the rest is garbo. The pvp arena in the halls should use pvp gear and stats or have an option to load a pvp instance to spar. The pvp arena is TOO SMALL. Guilds and the guild system could use work in general. The best guilds are mostly LFG systems via discord or active chat windows, average guilds are chirp chirp cause the game doesnt compel players to do things as a guild. How about XP, MF bonus for each guild member in squad or party or some other things that encourage people to bond some and get to know each other beyond LF x to do Y and saying Hi all, whats new. I used to play EQ long ago. It didn't have halls, but the game was designed with the trinity system and had large scale raids and things like competing for spawns that encouraged people to actually socialize and form guilds. Your guild mattered. IMO in gw2 much of the time the guild well just doesn't matter. Players in this game are independent because content isn't designed around a trinity system so it should have other things to compel people in guilds to bond to make guilds more meaningful and enjoyable to be party of and develop. As a guild leader these days I think people often get stuck in the roll of cruise director for a bunch of mostly detached strangers who come and go with the wind. It can get kinda old. I know Im kinda rambling at this point, but its just what came to mind and Im just trying to say I think Guilds need other things more than a new hall, but why not both some improvements to guild system and a new hall or two.
  20. > @"XceptOne.9134" said: > Ok managed to find others with the same issue, as a newbie who's doing mainly PvE stuff, I sometimes just stand there within a few meters to a mob with other players but not hitting it as I'm not close enough due to being bombarded with spells. Sure, personally I like range in Open world content and wvw zergs for that matter, partly because all the visual spam can cause me to be unable to see the target, see other targets, tell which I have targeted and its worse the closer to the object (and effects). Before some bright helpfull person suggests I look for the red arrow over the target and the red circle under them I will just say Mhmm I wish I could see them it would be helpful. This even happens in certain fractals. Some times the best thing is to just hit target nearest/next and keep hitting your shit if you see some numbers, well it must be ok.... Sure this game is designed with skilled active play in mind...
  21. I still login I still play. I didnt think losing the 10 ap a day would matter to me or impact my play until I hit the cap. I do have to admit that I often forget to even look at the normal daily panel about the half the time now. I dont really care about the 2g at all, but I mean sure its still 2g I guess. It does give me one less reason to play thought, sure.
  22. > @"Alabastrum.9361" said: > @"Moradorin.6217" > Its kind of funny you would say that because I just tested it ingame before writing my post (I have auto on skill one on). > > As clarification I mean pressing stow and roll at nearly the exact same time but stow first to avoid accidentaly stow the attack in lag. sounds like you may as well just face the opponent and reliably get the ambush...
  23. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said: > > @"Alabastrum.9361" said: > > @"Moradorin.6217" > > You can either stow weapons right before you use cloak or you could deactivate the automatic usage of skill one by using contol + right mouse on skill 1. > > > > also when you faced away and want to activate ambush make sure to face your target before pressing the button (especually on GS ambush otherwise it will go on a short cd aka wont be usable anymore) > > if you deactivate auto-usage on skill 1 some of mesmer skills become bugged and dont overwrite other skills. > dont ask me why, it just happens. but personally I dont have issues with using ambush when I dont want to, its not an autoattack so it doesnt cast itself> @"Alabastrum.9361" said: > @"Moradorin.6217" > You can either stow weapons right before you use cloak or you could deactivate the automatic usage of skill one by using contol + right mouse on skill 1. > > also when you faced away and want to activate ambush make sure to face your target before pressing the button (especually on GS ambush otherwise it will go on a short cd aka wont be usable anymore) You stow before and then when you dodge you will attack anyway, unless you have auto on skill 1 off, with auto off on Mirage u will have issues. Also when you don't face the opponent other skills like scepter 2 dont fully work (no clones no torment) as I recall which is another reason that Mirage ends up needing to backpedal a bit.
  24. Mirage Mirrors are a shitty mechanic. Forcing people to pickup things everyone can see (super predictable when its getting picked up) makes them basically a joke. THe opponent can stop u from reaching them or just wait for you to be done picking them up before they burst. Either way, the Mirage is at a disadvantage trying to get more evade frames. Stop trying to say Mesmer doesn't need 2nd dodge cause it has a shitty mirror no body (should) want.
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