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Everything posted by ArchonWing.9480

  1. Well, this is all very horrifically subjective, and you can never tell what a random player will think. For example, some players will see a guildie on another server and ignore them; if you do that, I'm actually more likely to kill you. xD A lot of players like me don't stomp in 1v1s if the other side tries to fight; we're actually more likely to finish you off if you just flat out surrender or run. On the other hand, other players simply don't care and will attack regardless. However, I would like to point out a counterargument against playing cutthroat even for WvW players. And yes, it's a sandbox, and you can do whatever you want for rules, but it doesn't mean etiquette has no value. For example, players ignoring each other doing dailies and then fighting has a certain QoL value. You're both benefiting each other. If people drive all the enemies off the map, then oftentimes they can't do their own dailies or even keep up participation (if they care) If you BM everyone that comes across you, then nobody is going to want to fight you and simply group up to blob you off the map. And if you just mindlessly outnumber and blob people off a map, the result is that you'll get nobody to fight, and it'll become very boring. In many cases, not displaying etiquette will escalate matters; meaning you'll see more hit and run builds, even bigger blobs, and even double teaming efforts to get rid of entire servers/guilds that show poor behavior, because nobody wants to play with you. I like to compare it to poker where image can matter a lot. If you're someone that constantly folds everything but pocket aces, then eventually you'll get no action because everyone knows better. Better players that are known to take risks every now and then, tend to get their good hands paid off a lot more as people are more willing to play with them. As for those people coming into this from the pve side of things, it'll probably help you a lot to know that what objectives an average WvW player isn't going to give up under any circumstance. For example, a camp that is feeding into a keep that needs to get to t3. If you go for those, then you're probably going to die no matter how you are. You just have to read the situation better. Oh, I forgot if anyone mentioned this, but desert is usually less cared about and thus easier to get dailies or reward tracks from.
  2. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > @"Gorani.7205" said: > > I wanted to link to a thread that I vaguely remember was sticky'ed in the WvW forum concerning how to get a GoB, but I could not find it any more. > > > > Perhaps it is important to give some "player etiquette" for PvE players that "loath" getting the GoB as well, so they will have a better experience, both for them and for dedicated WvW players. > > > > 1. Be neutral for Veteran Creatures. > > Most WvW players ignore the Veterans you seek for the daily or to refresh your participation. If you see an WvW ally waiting for a Vet to respawn and he dashes off to defend a nearby camp (which you could do as well, but perhaps you really don't want to fight), please do not burst the Vet down on its spawn. Call out the Vet creature (especially the Harpy in Water Camp and the Warg at South camp, which is super close to a home spawn) and wait for a few seconds. Should you see an enemy waiting for a Vet to spawn, don't attack. Emote to him/her and share the kill. And after the Vet is dead, don't ambush the enemy if you happen to be on an advantageous build. You will most likely have earned the appreciation of the enemy for that behaviour and he might give you a pass on taking a camp (he can flip back), especially during off-hours and on reset day. > I have often been ganked waiting for veterans. I don't like it, but I look at it as "well, I'm playing in this sandbox, so I have to deal with whatever comes." Yeah, it's annoying but that's how things sometimes go. > > What really peeved me about WvW was being downed and not finished while the opponent emoted on my dying corpse. Ok, I get it. You beat me. Get on with it. But no, they'd rather dance and emote over me in some kitten showing. Things like this are what has kept me out of that format. Some would argue that if I were to git gud then I wouldn't be downed and could then emote over my own, unfortunate victims. Meh. It's not my play style. Don't get me wrong: I'm glad that this format is available for those who enjoy it. I simply don't, and loathe any time that I engage with it. Oh those tryhards. Yea nobody likes them and feel free to call the map on them. Personally, I wait for people to get their daily and then attack them.
  3. > @"Astralporing.1957" said: > > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > > Just don't announce "i'm just here for GoB and i hate this mode, i'm leaving as soon as i get it". Cause then you're sending a wrong message. > So, you're saying they should lie? Well, if you want to put it like that, yes-- that's just common sense. Why would you discourage people from helping you? That's just dumb-- tell them only what they need to hear. I mean that applies to anything lol. "I really need help moving these heavy objects. Can you move them for me? I mean, I think moving heavy stuff is only for dumb people and beasts of burden, so I don't want to do it." vs "This is killing me. Can you help me move this, please?" It's just easier to cooperate with people if you at least entertain the idea of a common goal, then bore them about being oppressed about having to do things that really aren't necessary.
  4. 1 of each class and 1 more guardian because legendary armory is stuck down there with alliances.
  5. > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said: > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said: > > It's a pure support class so no less bags. When in tomes, you can't use weapon skills so it is a bit boring. But it is necessary to have against other organized zergs because stability so some people have to switch to it somewhat begrudingly. > > Oh come on dude, who even plays for bags? If you're playing for bags you are in the wrong game mode... goto cursed shore for that. > > I guess fb, or any support class is just boring or un fun to play as. > I know that, but that's what I hear people complaining about. I tell them Heavy loot bags are only 3s, but they don't care.
  6. Ah yes. That kind of guild. They pretend their servermates don't exist until they have a use for them. It's not very smart to shun people and then demand their help 5 minutes later after you 1-push into another group of similar size, but that's just me! Any guild that cannot function because they can't queue the map is not worth the space.
  7. https://fast.farming-community.eu/wvw/reward-track Not updated, but it's not like much has changed. Sandswept Isles, also the diffurite crystals can get some ascended jewelry. Main thing is the loot boxes aren't all different so they don't clog inventory. Same goes with most LS3/4 reward tracks. I also sometimes run Draconis Mons for the currency to make Magnanimous utilities. Those tend to be good for WvW and use up useless t7 mats. If I need more ascended trinkets, bloodstone fen is a good one because they can be reset. So is Bitterfrost, but it's probably faster to manually gather berries. I don't want to do that though. There's also Ember Bay which is sometimes needed to complete a trinket set, and I absolutely hate this zone because even looking at it makes me sick. tl;dr of this is to run the reward tracks of maps you _don't_ want to do.
  8. Ls4 too. Yea, plus a lot of the loot is samey so it isn't as much clutter. That's honestly better than anything else lol. I personally run Sandswept Isles (that's season 4) Other good ones are Bitterfrost Frontier and Bloodstone Fen for their currency that lets you buy ascended trinkets, and Draconis Mons so you can make Magninamous Utilities (those all consume useless t7 mats like bloodstone dust and such)
  9. Well to be fair, I think it's the only way to get legendary armor without raiding.
  10. > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said: > @"ArchonWing.9480" ok, u joking here? "People ought to realize that bags are pretty worthless in wvw, and anything of value comes from reward tracks..." ... what exactly at rewards tracks has any value? bags have the chance of deldrimor ingots at least. rewards tracks have absurdly small chances of ascended drops, but u still mostly have to change their stats for another ~5 gold. and it's like what, 5 ascended boxes in 50-60 reward track finishes? even with all kinds of buffs. What are you even talking about? You can't get steel ingots from player drops (or at least it's so small chance that it doesn't matter) or heavy loot bags, plus players usually drop spikes. Doesn't matter either way, wvw loot just isn't very good and worrying about player tags for loot is dumb. Looks like you're not running the living story reward tracks. Those have packets that can also drop t7 refined materials. (deldrimor/damask/elonian). There's also the skirmish tracks that also give stuff.
  11. > @"ASP.8093" said: > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said: > > It's a pure support class so no less bags. > > You can tag a lot if you use Ashes of the Just and then just heal your team, as long as the engagement lasts longer than like 20 seconds. Sure, but it's more involved than pressing 231111111, and of course there's more responsibility, assuming you want to be useful, and it's generally more evident if you screw up than if you just do mediocre dps as not having stab is quite noticeable. And taking responsibility for one's gameplay is simply not something people do in 2020 (just read this forum as a whole) Other support classes like tempest and scrapper need only push a few buttons and be on top for cleanses. On the other hand if you accidentally pull out book 3 when you're under a bubble, then bad times. There's only so many stab complaints one can take from party members in Narnia as well. The existence of Firebrand has caused players in both WvW and PvE to become very dependent on them and they forget to play their own classes. Though I guess it is more bags than pew pewing into reflects though. People ought to realize that bags are pretty worthless in wvw, and anything of value comes from reward tracks. Nevertheless, the kill count will be lower than on dps classes. > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > Ah yes those poor firebrands. The unpopular class thats the most requested class everyone plays. We all weep for the firebrand. Just like thieves being the worst duelists, the worst roamer and the least mobile class, firebrands have no CC, no support and no survivability. Well, duh, that's what the forum posts told me. I remember the guardian subforum a few years ago whining about not being able to heal in wvw and being too squishy and not mobile enough. And now we have the nonsense that is firebrand, though yes guardians are still rather slow, but get no sympathy from necros.
  12. > @"Junkpile.7439" said: > > @"Spiral.2895" said: > > Absolutely not, it doesn't need a nerf. Just learn how to stab. > How you learn it if class doesn't have stability? > Well, no need for stab; just stunbreaks and movement or block/invul Thief ---> Shadowstep ---> shortbow; should never die even if you get pulled. Also no point on being on wall. Rev--> pop your stunbreak and get glint heal going; kinda rough. Depends on your weapon skills. But you have no reason to be on top of a wall. Nec---> Yea, actually I got to hand it that necro is kinda screwed but you just gotta know your place; and you don't really need to bomb from the wall anyways since neither shades nor marks require you to be there for long. Smart necros will take spectral walk before doing anything risky. Any other class ---> stop being bad
  13. It's a pure support class so no less bags. When in tomes, you can't use weapon skills so it is a bit boring. But it is necessary to have against other organized zergs because stability so some people have to switch to it somewhat begrudingly.
  14. > @"uberkingkong.8041" said: > > @"Clownmug.8357" said: > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said: > > > @"uberkingkong.8041" said: > > > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said: > > > > Lords already do scale with players. > > > > > > > > Sometimes people coming in actually makes it worse. > > > > > > Thats the thing, > > > It scales at 10 players > > > 10 players? rarely happens, usually its 1-5 or 20+ > > > > > > 1-5 players should be able to bring a lord to its knees in 2mins, not a 10 minute fight because not enough people (cough EoTM cough desert BL) > > > > 3-5 players can already take down a lord much faster than 10 minutes if they're not complete trash. It's not really the game's problem if people bring things that do no damage. > > Yep the ordinary lords. The ones that turn the floor into lava, AoEs everywhere, good luck with that. Those guys need a toning/scaling down. No I meant all lords, if unopposed; you should never have any trouble with a few people. As for the fire lord, it is a bit tricky, but the game has a place where you can learn how to beat it: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dodge_Instructor
  15. > @"uberkingkong.8041" said: > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said: > > Lords already do scale with players. > > > > Sometimes people coming in actually makes it worse. > > Thats the thing, > It scales at 10 players > 10 players? rarely happens, usually its 1-5 or 20+ > > 1-5 players should be able to bring a lord to its knees in 2mins, not a 10 minute fight because not enough people (cough EoTM cough desert BL) 3-5 players can already take down a lord much faster than 10 minutes if they're not complete trash. It's not really the game's problem if people bring things that do no damage.
  16. Lords already do scale with players. Sometimes people coming in actually makes it worse.
  17. We generally seek power + ferocity, as most dps builds will usually max out their crit with fury (necros with death perception and revs with rolling mists) and we care much more about spike damage as opposed to dps but of course other builds may benefit from power+precision Regen on health: Useless because it's 85h/s and will not save you from anything Life steal: Obviously only for dps power builds. The life stolen is not very useful because it's on a 2s cooldown, however the extra damage (which ignores armor) can add that little bit extra to the damage spike. Funny enough, the worse your damage is, the better this is, as it accounts for a larger portion of your damage. If you really want to mass our your e-peen arcdps stats, this is the way to go but not really recommended. -% condi duration. Useless, because even in small fights, you can have massive amounts of condis dumped upon you. If you get immobolized for 5s, cutting it down to 4s rarely helps -- you'll have died to the bomb anyways so the only option is to cleanse it. May be viable on builds that already have a source of condition duration reduction to stack with it. healing-- Only for healers, but there's a lot of those so always welcome -10% damage. This is the most useful because it can prevent you from getting one shot by spikes, so it's the best general use food for everyone, and also healers that can't handle the other food. There's also Fire Salsa/Mango Salsa for bad players (+downed health/damage) to get the most use out of them.
  18. > @"Len.1879" said: > It's funny. Players keep asking for balance patches. And when it rolls around the corner threads like this immediately pop up: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/119399/goodbye-tempest#latest > > inb4 Tempest players "hurr, this isn't balance, this is gutting!!1" I actually think the nerf is bad, and Anet should be called out for that. But all 10 player abilities were nerfed and the thing that I think is funny is people only complain about nerfs to them. (screw everyone else) They should nerf scrapper cleansing for reals. There are some good nerfs to power guardian and engi though.
  19. PvE doesn't seem toxic because it's hard to fail, but when it does happen, well it goes downhill fast and sometimes degenerates into people bashing each other for wasting a whole ten minutes of their time. And then there's instanced gameplay. The amount of know it alls and entitled gamers is a giant pile. Also to OP, have you actually asked for help on the matter? You can't really have teamwork without communication. Plenty of people ask for stuff like that every day; it's just that people are more receptive to those that are proactive. People are not psychic; we don't know what you want. Of course, there is also the unthinkable, and that is to actually learn a few things about the mode so you're not deadweight. Nobody's expecting you to be some kind of expert, but picking a class/build with good escape tools can help a lot with this (mesmer, ranger, thief, engineer). Stealth can get you past a lot of stuff. Spend like 10 min taking a build off metabattle, and like 15g to buy an alternate set of gear. That is really not very demanding at all, I think. As with all subjects like this, I'd like to remind people that only people that want to be helped, can be helped. If you finish your legendary or not, we don't care, and Anet may care once in a while. So the help is there; it's up to you to decide if you want it or not, because sitting there sure won't make it happen. Moral Vindication may feel good, but it's not worth a single copper. You may call those that kill you "toxic" and "wrong", but at the end of the day they may have their legendaries, and you don't. Surely, you can't just be satisfied with leaving it like that. Change it.
  20. It serves as a meatshield to absorb some damage, and I guess lag the servers. The later is probably an actual reason. However, it can be dealt with by just moving somewhere else, and leaving the golems behind. I imagine it is much more troublesome in cramped spaces.
  21. > @"Zape.2094" said: > Do Rangers have any proper disengage? I never played them much but I didnt think they had that much mobility. Sure, they have immob, but you cant count on that to work vs a zerg (stability, multi enemies, etc...)..... How do rangers get out of trouble other than sitting at 1500+ range (and greatsword leap)? Bird gives you another leap; with Dolyak Stance giving you temp immunity to immob (and unlike boons can't be removed) you should be able to get out of anything unless you get bombed point blank on your own.
  22. > @"Infusion.7149" said: > Your poll is deceptive because you have platinum then diamond. Should be platinum , mithril then diamond. Oh right, I actually clicked the wrong answer myself lmao (should have been mithril) It's probably because mithril ore is worthless. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said: > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said: > > Hah, I made this thread to see how casual af I am. I only play this game a few days a week and basically only WvW usually for only an hour or two on non-weekdays, though sometimes stay up if things are juicy. It's completely dependent on whether or not friends or guildies or on. > > > > It is good to see that people are still playing a lot. > > > > > @"LetoII.3782" said: > > > Poll is definitely leaning toward most of us being hopeless gw2 junkies > > > > Well I figured you guys were probably sick of "I need a gift of battle"/ "why force us to wvw" topics. > > That and "Why nO rELiNks?!" threads... Oh right, I forgot about that option!
  23. Hah, I made this thread to see how casual af I am. I only play this game a few days a week and basically only WvW usually for only an hour or two on non-weekdays, though sometimes stay up if things are juicy. It's completely dependent on whether or not friends or guildies or on. It is good to see that people are still playing a lot. > @"LetoII.3782" said: > Poll is definitely leaning toward most of us being hopeless gw2 junkies Well I figured you guys were probably sick of "I need a gift of battle"/ "why force us to wvw" topics.
  24. > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said: > > @"kanemi.4903" said: > > > @"asterix.9614" said: > > > Can't you get legendary armor in pve? Also warclaw isn't useful outside wvw. > > > > I'm doing the weapons. > > You can thank Anet for removing WvW map completion years back. > Otherwise you'd be stuck here for much more than 8 hrs. I honestly can't see how anyone can find doing core map completion over and over can be fun. HoT is at least just 4 maps. I've used up both Gifts of Exploration, so no more core legendaries that I'll self craft.
  25. Was it on desert bl? That map is still buggy as hell with random fall damage on small slopes. My favorite back then was probably insta dying when leaving home spawn on it. Game was telling me I was dumb for even playing on the map.
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