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Everything posted by ArchonWing.9480

  1. There ought to be a mode where you can only recieve whispers from friends (or maybe server). The privacy options in this game are very 1999 Not all cross whisper servers are inherently salty though.
  2. The only correct answer is to throw siege on them back. Also just take a 10 minute break and grab a snack; most of their ilk doesn't have the attention span and they'll be yelling into a wall. Then, ideally grab some friends and kite them back into your biggest group you can find and siege them again. Have someone (probably you) pretend to be afk. If you don't have friends, tell people that there are gankers harassing said area so you can attract all the roamers to perform a hit on them. Also, any whispers should be answered with "Who is this? You have the wrong account; I was in PvE" regardless of what they say. Or. Just block them. No reason to even listen.
  3. > @"Spartacus.3192" said: > And yet i haven't seen a single condi rev while roaming in NA T1 /T2 in months. > its a constant plague of thieves and soulbeasts. So that makes me think the builds the thieves and soulbeasts are running could possibly be the current "braindead" flavor builds. Yea I noticed most of them vanished and found power heralds more annoying. Actually noticed much less condi builds running around in general. I wonder if it's because of the plague of small scale groups in NA bringing full supports to "roam" with them.
  4. > @"mmccourt.6254" said: > Anyone know if this build is still viable today?? It's more or less the same though everything does less damage these days. Ironically, everyone's damage getting nerfed means power guardian is all the craze these days: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Guardian_-_Power_Guardian But it's basically the same idea.
  5. > @"Luthan.5236" said: > If only it were easier to farm by playing defensive. Seems flipping stuff constantly gives the most WxP while killing players it depends on how long they were alive. (So defending against people that constantly respawn and try again is not efficient.) Well, maybe escorting yaks should give a small XP. As well as reviving guards when a objective is under attack. I don't even res that useless rallybot Quartermaster most of the time. If that's too abusable, then players should get XP every time a structure upgrades, if they participated in it somewhere. (obviously more for escorting 9 yaks then 1). Maybe you should get XP for having the first set of tactivators come online in a structure that you claimed. Incidentally, killing players don't really give that much XP too. You even get more XP for killing the veteran creatures than a player.
  6. Sometimes the POS simply can't turn. Also, that ledge outside SE ramparts. :(
  7. > @"mindcircus.1506" said: > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said: > >At least OP wants to pay, lol. > The OP does not want to pay. The OP clearly shows he wants Anet to pay these commanders. > > Oh dang, I've been had. In that case, flip the sentence around xD
  8. It really depends on crit cap. However, if your crit isn't capped, Power + ferocity doesn't seem to make much sense either since ferocity does nothing without critting. But since fury is generally expected, so 80% is more or less capped. So Revs easily cap, while necros have that +50% crit in shroud ability, but that doesn't always happen. But with that in mind, that's probably why precision isn't as valued. Power Guardians would also cap crit with Radiance, but the DH variant would not. With 2500 power, 50 power is like 2%. However, if you have might, this number is smaller. It would be 1.5% with 20 stacks of might, so a lot of this has to do with organization. But then again I guess it will not matter in most fights, since spikes tend to have tons of overkill. In a pug group, where people can be running whatever, the Celestial Food makes most sense. Or Fire Salsa. :lol:
  9. Incompetence can be fixed. it's the people that decide to stay incompetent or delude themselves otherwise that are the problem. Yes, everyone messes up and gets one pushed now and then, but if you constantly die on inc, well maybe it's not the game. Because the game's reward systems actively reward leeching, there is no incentive to improve. At least OP wants to pay, lol.
  10. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > I think people are not reading OPs question, or not understanding. > > The thread is about nerfs that you were mad about but **turned out to be justified**. > Not nerfs that you wish were never implemented. Oh, yea. In that case, I pick the nerf to literacy; that's been pretty OP and as seen is very lacking here. B)
  11. Uhh no. They'd have to compensate players for every change to the game. Sometimes you win some, and sometimes you lose some. Just deal with it.
  12. > @"schloumou.3982" said: > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said: > > Grenades are broken yes, but I've never taken anyone that uses Mortar Kit seriously. > > It's quite strong. Just not like most peops use it in wvw. Its a great utility pick with the pulsing blinds of flash shell, waterfield, poisen for down control etc. > Yea, it's more that the people usually use it to pew pew and not use it for the fields.
  13. Grenades are broken yes, but I've never taken anyone that uses Mortar Kit seriously. If they waste a slot on Rocket Boots, that means they are missing one of U, S, and grenades, which makes them much less threatening overall. And if they use Mortar Kit, they miss stealth gyro if Scrapper. Now, I'll admit that catching them is hard, but a good CC or two just as the elixir S finishes is usually going to shut down a good chunk of them down. That being said, there are some blatant hackers out there, and it would not be surprising for them to use builds like this to mask it.
  14. Ah, people that actually aren't lemmings. Nice.
  15. > @"KrHome.1920" said: > The 3 exits on EBG are not an argument, because spawn camping is usually a result of snowballing. This means you don't have any structure you can move to after you left the exit and it is quite eay to chase you down by the campers. > > So the only real workaround (I don't call that solution, because being forced to leave the map to be able to enjoy some basic gameplay is not acceptable) is switching to a borderland. Unfortunately all borderlands are inferior in design to EBG. So it's no surprise, when people just log out and never come back. I mean, sure, Red BL kinda sucks, but if you're limiting yourself to 1/3 of WvW, that's not the game's problem either.
  16. Less Condi duration food doesn't make any sense to me. People can stack like 20s of condis on you, and you'll be dead anyways unless you cleanse. I guess it can help vs soft CC if you also have traits that reduce duration. There acutally is - condi damage food, but it's only 5% and exotic: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bowl_of_Curry_Mussel_Soup
  17. So basically there's this giant neon light sign that says "don't come here", and out of the 4 maps and 3 possible exits from each, you insist on going out that way. Not to mention that fighting at spawn gives you the biggest advantage possible (you can instantly come back) as well as pull people into the legendary defenders. If you're getting crushed when you have legendary defenders on your side, how do you stand a chance anywhere else? I mean at this point, you have to ask, why wouldn't they farm those players? I mean you can excuse people that picked up the game yesterday, but falling for it over and over again? Especially Mag's EB. It's not like it's some giant secret. They basically are telling you upfront, and you're still walking into it. If you can't handle this, then there's always pve.
  18. Thief got outplayed 10/10 would watch again.
  19. You usually want to prebuff might and quickness at mistlock for fractals. Do not prebuff for raids; it doesn't work. Main priority is to keep mantra of potence @ 1 charge; keep using the other 2 charges to maintain quickness. Try to keep the axe symbol down too so fury isn't a problem as well. Empower from staff is good enough to keep might and heals going. Being healbrand requires knowledge of mechanics. People will expect you to aegis them through the big boss telegraph attacks which you can with your heal skill. Usually some bosses have a particular nasty part where they can wipe your party; tome 3 is good for that. Tome 2 should only be used to recover if everyone is too low. Don't use the last charge unless you will die. Remember to use axe 3/shield 5/tome 1 to help break bars. When you have nothing better to do; use your axe 1/2 to deal in some extra damage (don't just stand there). In raids, might is generally taken care of by other sources (typically druid), so you're there mostly to maintain heal slack and quickness on your party.
  20. > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said: > > @"paShadoWn.5723" said: > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scholar_Mossi#vendor49 > > Just as useful a "sink" as discarding them. But you have to type to destroy them. (That's its own issue though)
  21. Completing extra Diamond tracks should give you a reward track bonus as well as extra pips for next week. But limit it to 3 or something; gotta go outside once in a while.
  22. Yea sometimes. But I tend to only remember the big skills. Engi and ele tend to be the worst because they have so many of them and many only exists as combo fields or finishers to me.
  23. > @"Shroud.2307" said: > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said: > > -snip- > > Very well put, and weirdly a little moving. > > I feel the issue of megaservers is bigger than some people think. Like you said, servers would push to be the first at things, and servers had pride. Although this can create toxicity and exclusion of its own, it also creates competition, loyalty, and a true community. People get familiar with each other and are willing to help each other to work toward a common goal. These are things that still exist, but because tiers have been condensed and communities are regularly shuffled, it drastically reduces the urgency to coordinate for a desired tier/match up and makes it difficult to maintain a server identity. > Winning or losing isn't as rewarding or punishing as it once was, and frequent transfers and relinks have all but erased the personalities each server had. > Don't get me wrong, it's not like every server was a snowflake completely unique from one another and with different goals, it's just that differences were a lot more apparent to an experienced eye. > > The only thing keeping WvW going anymore is the combat. It's still exciting because it's still some of the best on the market. But a game can only carry itself on that one feature for so long before people get bored. You need a reason to beat the enemy, and you need a place to call home. You can have one without the other, but these things together can sustain a hobby for a life time.- Just look at passionate sports fans to see what I mean. In the past when I visited other servers, there were some very enthusiastic sever people that would go out of their way to make sure people got on TS and greeted people. They would push for meta classes but would really take anyone with whatever they had. People would get upset over losing stuff, but there were also people that just immediately proceeded to take it back like it was no big deal. And even after megaservers, there was still this thing happening. Nowadays, servers are just really more like motels, with bandwagons and guilds going whichever where there are greener pastures only to find out they're all dried out. The only content is now meeting new people via links for free. This all died once HoT came out and a lot of those people just seem to be driven off by exhaustion. But actually HoT itself had content and you'd still have efforts in pve. Not even the travesty of guild hall grinds or buggy missions was really the problem. The issue really came with a lack of support. The game has very dated community tools and it's been the same guild missions for how long? I guess you had raids but that only appealed to a small segment of players, and now they're essentially dead too. I bring this up to show that it's a disease endemic to the entire game, and that's not something some number fiddling or "balance" is going to fix. This game could have absolutely garbage balance (lol redundant I suppose) and people would still flock in if it actually had support and care. I've never really been a stickler from "server pride" but basically the whole concept went away and nothing went to fill it the void. I remember some RP'ers begging to have some kind of organization with maps post-mergaservers but they were just ignored, as well as those that wanted a unified Lion'a Arch as well. A lot of people will stay stuff like guild pride, but you don't actually need WvW (or even this game) really for that. You end up with these isolated cliches and a very insular community. Despite all the pug bashing, I do sometimes feel for those that actually do want to play and not leech. I've said it a lot but this game loves to create amazing new content and then forget about it forever. And WvW happens to be at the bottom of this graveyard. But then again, I never expected them to nerf Dragon Banners like that either, so there are sometimes good things.
  24. > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said: > > And without a doubt, many backs were broken. Commanders desperately trying to pull together some semblance of organization are shut down by the legions of toxic casuals that bring objectively useless builds that contribute absolutely nothing. It was probably acceptable in 2013 to run something useless, but with the wealth of information accessible with about 3 minutes of google, there is none. > > Worthless toxic casuals: *"May we join the squad? You can put us in a specific group so we can mark targets and be more effective, you dont seem to have a full squad anyway."* > > Friendly desperate commander: **"Why the kitten do we only have 25 in squad get the kitten on discord everyone gtfo off the border ONLY FIREBRANDS where the kitten is our dps!?!"** Yea those commanders that think they own a map are also an issue. Although you really don't need a squad to focus targets, especially in this age of just toss AOE in the same direction. Edit: Also I went back to clarify what a useless build was. It is not "non-meta" or roaming, but closer to "die on inc without doing anything". Something like Turret Engi maybe. Although to be fair, people on good builds also die on inc. But this is why I said objectively useless, rather than subjectively useless (eg, non-meta)
  25. As always, people tend to tunnel vision on their pet issues, but really aren't applicable to most players outside of their bubble and nostalgia. Running over blobs of players running 14/14/14/14/14 with your uncc'able hammer train was never impressive. Despite repeated nerfs to siege and this forum hilariously oscillating between "attacking is too hard" and "why can't I stand on this wall without getting killed", I think it is clear that the issues with the game mode go far beyond stats or even skill balance. WvW started dying slowly because Anet had pretty much nuked the concept of a "world" with megaservers. Back then you had stuff like servers wanting to be the 1st to kill Teq. Server communities would make sure all members would succeed in every game mode. But the focus got shifted to pve. With the atrocity that is guild halls, and pretty much every guild mechanic is now an abandoned feature on top of the dozens of constantly abandoned features in this game like raids, dungeons, or alliances you get a game that simply has no future. The game as a whole does not really push people to improve. The reward system in about 95%* of content promotes leeching and doing as little as you can. In WvW, some of the hardest working contributors are often rewarded the least. Reward tracks have by and far mitigated this, but there is no doubt that everything in this game comes down to the skinner box of press 1 and get rewarded. The very few areas of the game that did punish players for being screw up were met with constant cries for nerfs and "gimme gimme gimme". They caved and this is the community at large in all aspects of the game-- a ton of deadweight expecting to be carried. And without a doubt, many backs were broken. Commanders desperately trying to pull together some semblance of organization are shut down by the legions of toxic casuals that bring objectively useless builds** that contribute absolutely nothing. It was probably acceptable in 2013 to run something useless, but with the wealth of information accessible with about 3 minutes of google, there is none. Yes, yes. Buildcraft is very shallow in a game because most options are useless, funneling everyone into a certain meta. The whole nerfbatting of anything fun adds to the mess, and makes people apathetic. They can spam their discord or teamspeak all they want, but it doesn't matter as it falls on deaf ears. To have any chance of winning against other groups, as a result, even formerly friendly guilds retreat to inner circles, leading to much tears from entitled demanding free labor. Honestly, while some may call this toxic, I just call it radiation therapy. There is no way to be inclusive with those toxic snowflakes, and veteran WvW players were best served by finding those that share their same mindset. Unfortunately, that kinda just causes the community as a whole to die out. Our WvW developer (pretty sure it's singular) has made efforts such as removing degenerate elements such as Dragon Banners but most likely due to lack of resources, there is only so much they can do as the company as a whole seems to be putting everything on this new expansion? And as for players like you and me? Well, I doubt there will be a place, but I think people do deserve hope, so let's not ruin that bit for them. No doubt the shills will take glee in realizing this as they've most likely have and will make themselves feel better with the "you're no longer part of the intended audience" script. But don't let them shout us down, no matter how much they copy and paste. *This number is obviously made up. ** Edit: Note that this does not mean "non-meta" or "roaming" but literally builds that don't contribute to this game mode in any context by having mismatched or nonexistent synergy/purpose. Even certain PvE builds could possibly see some use, even if a bad idea. If you don't die on inc in most fights, I am not talking about you. Probably. But you may have no idea what kind of crap people run. For example, once I fixed a friend's gear that had mismatched runes and gear of varying quality from green to yellow. But he still didn't die on inc most of the time. And of course "what traits?"
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