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Posts posted by LetoII.3782

  1. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > Irenio mentioned improving rewards in wvw, so I’m pretty sure we will have more uses for these items. You also have to consider these achievements were made repeatable, and that wasn’t an accident.


    Agreed, it's no accident that they're uselessly piling up in my bags.. Like tomes of knowledge and so many other things that are there to take up space so I buy bag slots. Must be a big thing coming better save em all

  2. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"Vortigern.1987" said:

    > > > You are the only person who knows if you gank people to help your server to control the map or if you gank them because you enjoy to grief other players.

    > >

    > > The very idea that someone could be griefing by killing another player in a pvp game is fantastically cringeworthy.

    > >

    > >


    > How dare you ruin my gaming experience! (which somehow involves killing your side somehow)


    Some of these guys must've got lost on the way to silverwastes, eh? <,<

  3. > @"Vortigern.1987" said:

    > You are the only person who knows if you gank people to help your server to control the map or if you gank them because you enjoy to grief other players.


    The very idea that someone could be griefing by killing another player in a pvp game is fantastically cringeworthy.



  4. > @"Threather.9354" said:

    > > @"Zaig.4152" said:

    > > > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

    > > > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > > > > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

    > > > > > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > > > > > > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

    > > > > > > > > There is also no "old build" for the server, as that is one of the main selling points to AWS infrastructure, that it scales with use. Rather than having 20 servers to handle the game at peak and slow times, you pay for use, be it 5 servers or 100, it scales with load. BUT, we are not (at least i am not) talking about lag for busy times, or lots of zerg fights on the map, but being on a BL with almost no one else and seeing maybe 5 other people over an hours time and still getting more skill lag than say a few month ago.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Build here refers to software. "Server" term can refer to either hardware or software. This I am referring to software which is why the newest hardware is mentioned at the latter, they are two different things.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > So you have info on the coding and changes on the back end? Please do share.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > It just a logical assumption. How can amazon cloud architecture be using ancient hardware?

    > > > >

    > > > > What? You might want to read my posts again, you seem to be jumping all over the place.

    > > >

    > > > Huh, so you suggesting that anet did not pay them enough to scale appropriately?

    > > > But you asking base on my reply, so I am not sure what I am getting wrong.

    > >

    > > This is way old, but my two cents. Scaling is only horizontal, meaning they can spin up more servers quickly for more instanced maps, ect. Cloud really shines here. But WvW maps can't be instanced the same and therefore can't scale the same way. Unless they bought dedicated VMs, there will be times when the WvW VM will be constrained just by the nature of being on shared infrastructure. I've seen a reduction in VM performance on Azure by 10 fold or more certain times of day. Getting 1/10 of the CPU and general performance in a layer beyond your control will result in unpredictable end user experiences, which is what I think we see often in GW2 WvW now. They should have kept WvW on prem on dedicated hardware IMHO.


    > No reason to necro 2 year old threads, just make a new one :)


    Sometimes it's good to remind Anet a problem is old

  5. > @"Bezerker.2379" said:

    > > @"Randalph.9172" said:

    > > Because some commanders get so annoyed they rage quit. When it's happening constantly during every engagement I would get tired of it fast too. I have not experienced it myself as I do not drive, but I know of many commanders who have.


    > This is why. Zergs fall apart when the commander dies more often than not. This allows the opposing armies to continue rampaging, flipping things and basically turning the map their color, which is ultimately part of the game mode's entire objective.


    > Defend your commander.


    > There's a reason in the wars of past, you try to kill the general or king.




    I was under the impression plebs weren't to kill aristocrats in many cultures throughout history. Heck, even thinking bad thoughts about your landlord was an offence against God in some times.

  6. > @"Infusion.7149" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > A mark shard is _supplimental_ to making ascended via crafting. In addition to the shards you also get a stream of regular mats.. It might not be quite as fast as pve but it sure beats running another map meta


    > Kind of offtopic, but they should make grandmaster mark shards craftable then if they're stingy with changing the reward into marks.


    Personally I wish they'd never introduced ascended tier equipment. The skill gap between someone who's been practicing for 7 years and a newbie is brutal enough. But, as they're newbies the power gap just isn't that critical (most fights aren't lost for lack of 10%), more demoralizing. Someone that's losing every 1v1 is gonna be even angrier about also having a stats disadvantage wether it actually matters or not.

  7. > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"Clownmug.8357" said:

    > > > Hmm, seems we're at the stage where people switch gears into calling other players bad and downplaying things as "meme" builds.

    > >

    > > Well, to be fair zeal/radiance/dragonhunter is such an awful idea that it does merit a bit of fun-poking


    > Radiance/Virtues/Dragonhunter is more likely, but people can come up with whatever strawman they want really.



    Yes thank you


  8. A mark shard is _supplimental_ to making ascended via crafting. In addition to the shards you also get a stream of regular mats.. It might not be quite as fast as pve but it sure beats running another map meta

  9. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > @"God.2708" said:

    > > Is this y'alls first day calculating damage or some Kitten?

    > >

    > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWgAMZlFwmgViD9VdbH-zVJYiRFfh0UEUbCURBY7so/oF-w

    > >

    > > 1.91 Power Modifier * 3868 Power * 1050 Weapon Strength (Average) = 7,757,274

    > > Divided by 3000 for Armor = 2,585.758

    > >

    > > Now. He throws Spear of justice and it connects whilst he has aegis up at 1k range, then uses true shot immediately after and crits

    > > Unscathed Contender 20%

    > > Inspiring Virtue 10%

    > > Power of Virtuous 5% (average, might fury retal swiftness and regen)

    > > Fiery Wrath 7%

    > > Symbolic Exposure 5%

    > > Zealots Aggression 10%

    > > Pure of Sight 15%

    > > Big Game Hunter 15%

    > > Sigil of Force 5%

    > > Sigil of Impact 3%

    > > Rune of Scholar 5%

    > > Critical Hit 111%

    > >

    > > We'll leave out impacts 7% against CCed foes, Symbolic Avengers potential 10% increase, and Vulnerability (though he will have 1% for symbolic exposure from Big Game Hunter traited)

    > >

    > > **14,034 Damage** The biggest stretch is this DH having 25 might stacks as an opener, but an empower right after dragon's maw pops is 22 by itself, if he has a couple of allies to throw some his way even easier.

    > >

    > > Edit: This isn't even maxed, I used marauders cuz I figured a DH running around in full zerk would be insanity, 4091 Power with 133% crit in full zerk.


    > Wouldn't that require a complete potato of a target to land all that?


    That's a very mean thing to call gw2 players

  10. > @"Stormscar.5489" said:


    > > I count any group exploiting the 5 target aoe cap as blobbing, the REAL stale meta in this game. When the next game finally comes along with proper unlimited AoE, blobbers will remember they normalized an engine limitation and passed it off as good tictacs. The game isn't "designed around large group fights" as you think of it at all, it was designed to have lots of small fights happening all over the maps.

    > >

    > > The whole 15-30 is a player made fabrication. You've never received the slightest confirmation from Anet dispute 7 years of lobbying. Add to that the lag those big fights induce and it's amazing that anyone could not only present that way of playing as best, but _ONLY_?? Lol get ye gone


    > The 5 target cap is so that bombs aren't over the top.


    Anet itself has literally stated the exact opposite. This is a 5v5 game with some open world pvp shoehorned in. All mmo's have AoE, only this one limits it so drastically.



    > Also, there is spvp in the game so obviously wvw is there to fulfill another niche. All the objectives and the power of siege points that you need large, coordinated groups to take structures.


    Right, got your triple point conquest and got your mass participation tower flipper. The two types of pvp that exist




    > I don't think I fully understand the second sentence of your second paragraph, but if youre saying what I think youre saying, you really think that we need confirmation from Anet about what the game mode is designed for?


    You sat through the same horn tooting from the gvg crowd I did. Or maybe you're new? You do seem a bit fresh.


    > The lag comes from Anet firstly introducing mounts in the game mode, which massively increases lag. Furthermore, the introduction of elite specialisation and the power creep led to more boons and conditions being applied at once, which increases server load. Btw, at least in 2018 there was almost never lag even in 3 way full zone blob fights. So the things I mentioned, plus iirc the servers being changed, led to this lag.


    This is so completely incorrect I'm a bit amazed to see someone post it... I mean, the whole reason my guild moved away from blobbing 24/7 was due to the constant lag, 6 years ago. It's been a steady complaint since launch.



    > Again, if you want balanced small scale fight, go pvp. I know your ego might be hurt by meeting equally skilled players and probably ending up in a low division, but hey, I thought roamers want their amazing skill displayed.



    Considering the bots have made it to gold league, I can assure you spvp isn't what you imagine it is. I never claimed to want balanced fights and after 7 years I have no clue what a roamer is besides someone too reclusive to play the team game on a team of more than one. It's not binary: solo or blob, blob is a tactic. There's other ways to play effectively despite the insistence of blobbers.


  11. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > You threw together a build with 2.8k armor, you're short some toughness. But still, now take it out in WvW and see what happens. You'll find it's woefully short of the expected performance..

    > > If you're downing people with a single rapid fire, consistently, you are 100% invested in offence. Too many complaints on this forum are rooted in the best attributes of several builds being combined.


    > more propaganda. god this gets old. idc anymore dude lie all you want it doesn't matter, ppl know and this game isn't even that great.


    Like I said, take that soldiers gear out and light em up. You'll really get some understanding about the class by playing it. No propaganda here, I'm a guardian main and only playing ranger to help get quickcry nerfed. But I have actually spent time on the builds you're talking about and I guarantee It's not the boonbeasts blasting you from 1800 range. The build I use puts those offensive stats you listed to shame.

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