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Posts posted by LetoII.3782

  1. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > cuz rangers are 100-0'ing from 2k range with quickness, stealth and mobility

    > >

    > > Yes

    > >

    > > > with 3k armor?

    > >

    > > No

    > >


    > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POQAMFYm4AYB8AGQB-zVQYRUwsgHB1ziemRA-w

    > threw this together in 1 min


    You threw together a build with 2.8k armor, you're short some toughness. But still, now take it out in WvW and see what happens. You'll find it's woefully short of the expected performance..

    If you're downing people with a single rapid fire, consistently, you are 100% invested in offence. Too many complaints on this forum are rooted in the best attributes of several builds being combined.

  2. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > Which is why they always peter out after a few months.

    > Queue mandatory **8 years later** in french accent.




    Pfft I can think of 2 blob guilds from launch, and they've taken breaks. A lot of groups are a remix of the same people, yes. But with breaks significant enough per individual that the old guild is dissolved as remnants of multiple guilds coalesce.

  3. > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"Stormscar.5489" said:

    > > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > > > @"Stormscar.5489" said:

    > > > > > Man there is so much misinformation and lack of knowledge in this thread, probably coming from bad servers/guilds/roamers. First of all, nobody cares about roaming balance, wvw balance is for group fights, whether it is 15/30/50+ etc. If you want balance for small scale fights, you can go pvp.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Yeah, so much ignorance. BLOBBING IS ALL, ONLY BLOBBERS MATTER

    > > >

    > > > Yes, group fights is all that matters in a game mode designed around large scale group fights (btw, you count 15 and 30 as blobbing?)

    > >

    > > I count any group exploiting the 5 target aoe cap as blobbing, the REAL stale meta in this game. When the next game finally comes along with proper unlimited AoE, blobbers will remember they normalized an engine limitation and passed it off as good tictacs. The game isn't "designed around large group fights" as you think of it at all, it was designed to have lots of small fights happening all over the maps.

    > >

    > > The whole 15-30 is a player made fabrication. You've never received the slightest confirmation from Anet dispute 7 years of lobbying. Add to that the lag those big fights induce and it's amazing that anyone could not only present that way of playing as best, but _ONLY_?? Lol get ye gone


    > You make some good points I hadn't considered before. Though I do think ANet makes a lot of their WvW related balance decisions based on large scale fights, I also think saying people are "exploiting" 5 target caps is a good way to put it.


    It was figured out very early on, AoE healing wasnt capped at first. So a smart group could just stand in a big clump and be immortal. It'd get extra silly when two groups stood right next to each other. Then Red Guard showed up with a way to make it mobile.. Every group since has been aping them whether they realized it or not.


    But it's a lot of work and not especially fun. Which is why they always peter out after a few months.


  4. > @"Stormscar.5489" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"Stormscar.5489" said:

    > > > Man there is so much misinformation and lack of knowledge in this thread, probably coming from bad servers/guilds/roamers. First of all, nobody cares about roaming balance, wvw balance is for group fights, whether it is 15/30/50+ etc. If you want balance for small scale fights, you can go pvp.

    > >

    > >

    > > Yeah, so much ignorance. BLOBBING IS ALL, ONLY BLOBBERS MATTER


    > Yes, group fights is all that matters in a game mode designed around large scale group fights (btw, you count 15 and 30 as blobbing?)


    I count any group exploiting the 5 target aoe cap as blobbing, the REAL stale meta in this game. When the next game finally comes along with proper unlimited AoE, blobbers will remember they normalized an engine limitation and passed it off as good tictacs. The game isn't "designed around large group fights" as you think of it at all, it was designed to have lots of small fights happening all over the maps.


    The whole 15-30 is a player made fabrication. You've never received the slightest confirmation from Anet dispute 7 years of lobbying. Add to that the lag those big fights induce and it's amazing that anyone could not only present that way of playing as best, but _ONLY_?? Lol get ye gone

  5. > @"Stormscar.5489" said:

    > Man there is so much misinformation and lack of knowledge in this thread, probably coming from bad servers/guilds/roamers. First of all, nobody cares about roaming balance, wvw balance is for group fights, whether it is 15/30/50+ etc. If you want balance for small scale fights, you can go pvp.



    Yeah, so much ignorance. BLOBBING IS ALL, ONLY BLOBBERS MATTER

  6. > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > > > I'm not entirely sure why pips _need_ to be tied to a 5-minute cycle.

    > >

    > > In the free-to-play meta, engagement is the key word. Not how fun, but how long they can keep you logged in. Whole lectures, whole seminars devoted to tricks for keeping you looking at the gem store.


    > I'd hardly call chilling at spawn engaging, but if the goal is to simply keep you logged in then timegating weekly rewards behind a repeating 5 minute clock will certainly accomplish that.



    It's their term, not mine.

    You've heard of Skinner Box theory? Same idea. The idea isn't necessarily to be bored, but actually being entertained isn't either. What's important is eyes on screen, logged in time. When you're "engaged" there's a chance you'll spend. Law of averages says the more people, the more spenders. YouTube has a lot of game conference lectures that do a pretty good job of explaining the ideas in detail... I find it all a bit gross, but people hate sub fees.


  7. > @"Kovu.7560" said:

    > I'm not entirely sure why pips _need_ to be tied to a 5-minute cycle.


    In the free-to-play meta, engagement is the key word. Not how fun, but how long they can keep you logged in. Whole lectures, whole seminars devoted to tricks for keeping you looking at the gem store.

  8. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"bigo.9037" said:

    > > See, FB + necro is BUSTED in all game modes. In spvp, WVW in both zerg and smallscale. Name a 2v2 matchup that can beat FB+ necro which has NEITHER of these two specs. You can't.

    > >

    > > Why do you think every single winning comp in 2v2 has either necro or FB on team?

    > >

    > > And it's not even balanced in zergs either. Stop pretending it is.

    > Errr... for sPvP where people have to stand on cramped points perhaps, but in WvW? Theres plenty of roaming combos that can beat a guard + necro combo. Any double dps will just maul the necro for more than the guard can heal and after that its just a CC in the right spot from victory. Its not until the guard is supported 2 or more dps that it becomes an uneven fight. Thats why zergs win.


    Agreed, I switch between FB and dps based on party size. The boonbot really shines once it's supporting 3+. For less, mutually supporting dps specs work better.


    And it keeps getting stronger the further past 5 you have, as opposing AoE gets weaker due to the cap and boons/heals go to the neediest person in range.

  9. > @"DeusVolt.4307" said:

    > > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

    > > > @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

    > > > Its even worse for SB. If you are on your mount and get attacked, your pet is perma-stowed so you are denied your pet AND the ability to merge. Definitely a bug, but knowing Anet it won't get fixed anytime soon. That being said, the ability to pet swap is central to ranger and making that its "trade off" definitely seems a touch much, but we'll have to see how it affects overall game-play once this bug is fixed. While the bug is in the game though, SB is unplayable in WvW.

    > >

    > > I simply don’t understand all this soul beast “issues”. These updates have caused zero change to my game play and I still destroy as much if not more than I did before.

    > >

    > > Yes I’m baaack. Now that other classes are nerfed nicely my kills are faster than ever. ahhhh


    > Doubt it, if many other soulbeasts are having issues, I highly doubt you're doing better than the vast majority


    There's 2 types of ranger players.

    Every class, when it was really strong but gets nerfed, goes through this. The players who hopped on when it was OP but didn't really learn how to use the class or build properly will move on to the new fotm, then we stop hearing how weak it is.


    Though ranger is special in one way, an impressive amount of long term players ALSO seem to be pretty clueless, but they hang out in the ranger subforum.

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