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Posts posted by LetoII.3782

  1. > @"Optimator.3589" said:

    > Recruiting for a roaming group is probably your best bet. If you can get a few people hooked on the fun of trolling enemy players, you can probably get them interested in stepping up their game in terms of build and gameplay.


    Except they'll be fighting BG, which means their time will be split between fighting nobody and EVERYBODY with little in between. Though if they're lucky they'll see QQ once or twice a night

  2. > @"Vivilett.8509" said:

    > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > there is alot of talk about hackers lately here in the forums, but i still only see a hacker maybe once a year that i can clearly identify as such. maybe it is worse on NA or i am fighting the wrong servers here on EU.

    > > i am certain that most claims to spot a hacker or cheater are due to lack of understanding some mechanics in the game or lack of class knowledge what really is possible. so i think for most people to read all traits and skills, runes , sigils, food etc and think about what can happen combining them, you would see alot less cheaters.

    > > i am all for banning hackers and cheaters , i just fail to see were you guys find them in high amounts.


    > It is pretty clear when you have, guys running all over the map blinking even when cced by that i mean literally running around the map faster than mounts


    > And flying in a no fly zone


    No it's not always obvious, those are just the blatant cheats.

    The vast majority of cheaters are using much more subtle things.

    Things you might pass off as superior gameplay.

    The kind of things one can get away without most opponents even noticing.

  3. > @"Fuel.3285" said:

    > If Mark's learned from the mistakes and success of DAoC,


    He's learned nothing.

    As much as I believe he wants to make a great game, as much as I want him to make that game.. The reality is he flies too close to the sun again and again. I hear over 100 classes at launch and I cringe.


    The man needs someone to tell him when to stop. Instead he has people throwing money at him and begging for more.

  4. > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

    > I would love to see some replies from ArenaNet about the cheating reports. The only replies I see are thread locks when players post information about players who they accuse of cheating.


    It's kept on the DL with good cause, we advertise for it here.

    But if you pay attention, you'll notice full-time players suddenly _losr interest_ for months at a time.

  5. > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

    > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > The program which shall not be named has over 40,000 downloads.

    > > >

    > > > Forty thousand

    > > >

    > > > An epidemic needs to be treated differently than a single incident.

    > > But everyone says wvw is dead, wouldnt 40,000 players hacking and having fun be well populated?

    > >

    > > Where is everyone?!


    > You are forgetting PvP


    And pve


  6. > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > Has anyone mentioned the claiming guild can disable public activation in this thread yet?

    > > I forgot to check <,<

    > It is only useful for guilds who have 24/7 people playing WvW. If noone is online that can use tactivator it is the same result as a troll pulling it


    Untrue, you can also unclaim so another active guild can take stewardship. If it's really important, ways have been provided.


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