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The Greyhawk.9107

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Everything posted by The Greyhawk.9107

  1. > @"lare.5129" said: > we already understand that ranger have shield and spam alacrity with EoD specialization Citation Needed.
  2. > @"Zephire.8049" said: > Dyes also became account-wide instead of having to unlock them on each character, OP said that they'd being doing these flips with dye three or four years ago, the change to dyes from character to account was almost six years ago.
  3. > @"sorudo.9054" said: > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > I don't get that comment. Mounts by their very nature alter the game. How could a spider mount be useful otherwise? > > for one, it doesn't need a complete overhaul of the game just to get it working like the OP mount..... Yeah, it kinda would. Otherwise the best that could be done is end a handful of spots in new maps that can be dug into, similar to the few locations with walls that the roller-beetle can smash through. And at least the roller-beetle has functionality far beyond said wall smashing.
  4. > @"Vitru.7408" said: > It would be nice, because even people who has a good grasp on english, can't read the stories, beucause of the very formal or shakesperian vocabulary, please tranlste to portuguese. Most of the dialog in GW2 is pretty modern and hardly Shakespearean. You even come across some fairly modern slang, mostly American and maybe some British, but really, its hardly different from reading most modern English writing. That said, I think Anet should reconsider their current stance on no further localization, from what I've observed the Brazilian community isn't small and could grow further if they had the game in their language in the Text at least.
  5. Gunna call it now: Malyck's Tree is in the partially restored Echovald Forest! Malyck's actually one of those ~~filthy~~ Kurzicks... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  6. > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > With that setup you can get Cyberpunk 2077 below 20 fps too. Hey man, that's taking it too fair. DoggySpew doesn't deserve that.
  7. > @"aspirine.6852" said: > 1 thing only, That Cantha will not dissappoint.... :) Pretty much this.
  8. > @"Randulf.7614" said: > > @"Sir Alric.5078" said: > > > @"medivh.4725" said: > > > The Magic Carpet and Shattered Bloodstone Gliders cannot be dyed. > > > > > > This what your customer support team says > > > _"With that being said, it is a fantastic idea to make these items dyeable. "_ > > > > > > Heck even they agree with me these should have been dyable. > > > A small fix that greatly enhance these gliders value. > > > > It's not just those two. Any backpack or glider that has been released before they introduced dyeable backpacks and gliders has the same problem. Apparently, the change could not be retroactively implemented on previously released items. > > If memory serves gliders had dye channels from the start. Some gliders not having channels wasn’t a technical thing like backpacks, but a design decision not to have the channels assigned. It was glider effects that lacked dye channels until later Indeed. I don't think there are more than a small handful of gliders that can't be dyed. Can only think of two off the top of my head.
  9. Questionable whether Anet could pull this off and still put out at least some content. Not strictly against this but I'll not hold my breath.
  10. > @"medivh.4725" said: > The Magic Carpet and Shattered Bloodstone Gliders cannot be dyed. > > This what your customer support team says > _"With that being said, it is a fantastic idea to make these items dyeable. "_ > > Heck even they agree with me these should have been dyable. > A small fix that greatly enhance these gliders value. Maybe, but its not something that can be done over night. Probably has to go through some kinda approval process first, make sure its worth allocating time and resources to an old item, and then the time it takes to do the actual change.
  11. Can't say I've seen any guild names in need to changing lately, or really any time in the last six or seven years. From my understanding they get a bit more scrutiny compared to mere player names. It may be (as others have suggested here but I'll go against my nature and try to state more politely) that your own subjective views on what is or is not offensive or inappropriate do not match that of Anet or most people in general. Do you think you can provide an example so we better know what you're talking about? I'm sure you can get around the forums filter well enough to inform the rest of us.
  12. Why did you feel the need to do this? ![](https://i.imgur.com/tOhQDsG.png "")
  13. > @"hugo.4705" said: > No, just no. Each expac added something different and kinda revolutionary, mount again would be a huge downfall and regression. As said above, would like housing or personnal ship to command/customize see, like zelda phantom hourglass: You travel on the sea between islets, you can customize, some naval fights... meeting other merchant on the sea... > ![](https://imgur.com/x0xXxEZ.jpg) > Traditionnal boats but also I'm thinking, would enjoy going to cantha not flying but by the sea with a fleet of new pact vessels (Here I too wakfu cause i liked that episode picturing a big fight between a high tech fleet and a dragon on an island S2 E23) > Ships? Wouldn't mind this, but it'll never happen. I don't think the engine could pull it off if they tried, its just too old and limited.
  14. You mean they didn't? I don't have the Claw and haven't really looked at it much, but surprising that they didn't add some extra FX for some attacks. Maybe its the class you use, I do know some Legendaries, including Gen1) who don't include FX in all attacks.
  15. > @"Psientist.6437" said: > > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said: > > > @"Psientist.6437" said: > > > ~snip~ > > > > Sorry for going off topic, but I'm curious about why you use 'Thyria' instead of 'Tyria'. > > Isn't the planet called Thyria? I have been trying to get into the habit of using the name for the planet instead of the continent whenever the topic concerns planet wide features. There is a reason why I can spot pedantry. Its my understanding that 'Thyria' is Old Krytan for 'Tyria' and that there currently isn't a special term to separate Tyria the continent and Tyria the world.
  16. > @"draxynnic.3719" said: > > @"Psientist.6437" said: > > The Canthan Assassin had two first principles for its design; sequential applications of stabbing and efficient damage mitigation. A thief shield specialty would build on what made the GW1 assassin unique. Perhaps sequential shield skills that build effects? Could any class dual wield shields without looking like a Captain America caricature? Shields could make stealth impossible. That may make it easier to build for powerful and unique shield skills. > > As much as this may cause eye-rolling from The Greyhawk, given the magical nature of the GW1 assassin's defenses, a focus offhand would probably work better here than a shield, while also being more concealable. It's worth noting, too, that there are a fair few focus designs that look a bit like buckler-sized shields, so someone who wants an authentic swashbuckler look could use one of those. (Sticks tongue out at Drax)
  17. > @"Ashen.2907" said: > Love the axe skin, even without the SFX,. The shape alone rocks. This. Too few axes meet my preferences, especially those of the BLC variety.
  18. Also this forum isn't the one that was used when you last played, the old one got retired and archived around 2017. You can still look it up but its in read only mode.
  19. I don't think he's really hated all that much in actuality, he just came outta left field for a lot of players back when everyone was during their first play through of the Personal Story. I think the alleged "he stole glory from our character" sentiment is over stated.
  20. > @"Greg.7086" said: > > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said: > > I disagree with this idea that there are too many weapon skins in the game, > > ^^ lmao I guess you must be playing a different version of Gw2 to the rest of us then. It's not an idea, it's a fact >>> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/List_of_weapon_sets > > But don't worry you can rest assured Anet will design & implement many, many more new skins in 2021 as obviously it's at the top of their revenue list ! Or maybe your idea of the number of skins currently in game being "too many" is entirely _subjective_ .
  21. > @"Psientist.6437" said: > ~snip~ Sorry for going off topic, but I'm curious about why you use 'Thyria' instead of 'Tyria'.
  22. I disagree with this idea that there are too many weapon skins in the game, there are absolutely still possible new designs to be made. For one it wouldn't be a bad idea to give us at least a few new UW skins. I'd also like to see more weapons that relied on the design of the skin itself instead of a sploosh of particle effects.
  23. Even I kinda like them, and I am *NOT* a fan of over the top particle effects that have become so overly used the last few years. Not sure if I'll get any though, would probably clash with most of my characters looks.
  24. > @"phokus.8934" said: > > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said: > > Mounts have pretty much run their course, EoD needs to some how come up with something new. > The expansions point to them doing something different. There should be no expectations that they will use PoF mounts as a selling point. > > I can see them doing something transport related (airships?), though. > > Isn't that what I said though?
  25. How about a lead bullet with a mithril jacket?
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