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Posts posted by ZDragon.3046

  1. > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > > @"babazhook.6805" said:

    > > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > > > > @"babazhook.6805" said:

    > > > > > @"Sikieiki.3189" said:

    > > > > > > @"TorQ.7041" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"verskore.4312" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"memausz.7264" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > Look, for people whose APMs and mindset can scale into really high level gameplay, good for you, that's fantastic. But at some point, the build allows even less skilled players to consistently outperform all the other classes... an in this case, dagger pistol daredevils in particular using Roll for Initiative can just SPAM Pistol Whip without even thinking about it. Not only does it CC, but it also provides evade frames AND it has such high synergy with stealth and ports AND with a particular choice of traits, cleanses conditions. You can't fight it by dodging, they will out-evade you, they can remove revealed with their elite skill, so that's not much of a counter... I suppose the idea is that they are supposed to be glass, so just break them first? But that is broken down by all the other things it has working for it. Please nerf these trait lines and increase the initiative for Pistol Whip (because it's also a problem on core thief as well). Thank you.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > You need to learn the evade animations. If you can do that then you can put pressure on them, which thieves cant take much of.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Ok, tell us how to put pressure on a s/p thief oh great gamer

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Learn when evade frames start and end based on animations. Then attack them so your skills land outside of those evade windows. Some skills lock thieves in an animation, and the evade duration is usually less than the animation duration. If they are spamming skills and chaining evades, they will run out of initiative and cooldowns very quickly. If they are playing more cautiously and kiting then you have time to set up attacks/combos, bait steal/headshot, or re-sustain.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Excatly this.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Better players always evade my PW. Cc me at the end of animation. I burn my cool downs till I got nothing then cc gg me. Now a days I have to force dodge to end pw to avoid putting my self in danger, which eats at my ability to do anything.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > No doubt pw will be nerfed tbh. Ppl will complain till it's nerfed to the ground n u can't play thief again.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > If you think s/p thief isn't broken you don't understand conquest. The weakness of thief was always that you had to give up your ability to fight in favor of mobility, but with s/p you are very strong in even fights while still having broken mobility and team stealth.

    > > > >

    > > > > S/p thief has existed about as long as Conquest mode has. Why were these same problems not noted years ago?

    > > >

    > > > Because the meta shift. Changing one aspect of the game can completely change others you never touched. That's why skills that haven't been touched for years can suddenly become really powerful due to changes made around things that might have been suppressing them.

    > >

    > > What meta shift? What was removed or added to the game that suddenly made s/p the OP monster people claim it to be. You have to come up with more then this.

    > >

    > >


    > It can take a while for changes to be noticed, there are probably still a couple sleeper builds out there. It's not until someone/'s start playing a specific build that it's power becomes apparent but most people stick to the "meta" so it takes a while to find them. The people who find these builds are constantly trying new things and seeing what works, pushing the limits of their professions. I would imagine S/P has always been pretty strong but was hard to play with things like scourge running rampant being able to drop shades on you while you're rooted. You also needed the superior boonstrip from Larcenous Strike for things like boonbeast, holo, and firebrand. Boonbeast isn't has played now and holo doesn't have quite the boon generation it use too. Because of changes to other professions things that might have seemed 'unplayable' might become viable or even broken over time.


    These are hard facts Zexanima :+1:


  2. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > I still think based on what CaL said i hope Arcane will see some changes i think its easily classed under the

    > > **"skills that do too many things at once"** category

    > >

    > > **Arcane thievery's** actions per single use on successful hit.

    > > Grants quickness

    > > Inflicts slow

    > > Steals up to 3 boons

    > > xfers up to 3 conditions

    > > is unblockable.

    > >

    > >

    > > Even if we compare it to **Corrupt Boon**

    > > Convers 3 boons to conditions

    > > is Unblockable

    > > Inflicts self poison


    > Corruption is stronger than a transfer and a boonsteal. And corrupt boon was already seeing meta use before it became an ammo skill, which you left out.


    Thats subjective though. There is no blunt fact you can find on the wiki or anything ( im pretty sure) that factually states boon corruption is stronger than boon steal.

    I personally would rather steal boons rather than corrupt them to be perfectly honest with you.


    The second part of your statement is not relevant to the things i listed as for why i listed them.

    These are the things they are looking to change with upcoming balance which is why i even bothered to point it out. I didnt point it out based on meta use i pointed out by looking at how many actions a skill does per 1 use which is factual and has nothing to do with meta vs non meta. A skill being meta or not is not something included in its tool tip as for the number of effects it does at 1 time.


  3. I feel like primordial stance does not need that hard of a nerf it would make the skill so situational that it would be seen as unusable lets not nerf skills into the realm of being unviable or too situational.


    While i do agree with what you say there are better ways to go at this without making the skills feel so situational

    For example leaving the cd and charge count alone and lowering the number of pulses to something like 3. The skill can still be used feqently and will still be impactful but not for such extended periods of time that would allow both moments of use when not and when evading.


    I personally think that mirage ambush attacks from clones should be a type of shatter in itself and this change could be a good thing but will be taken as a direct nerf to any mirage main and any mesmer or mriage main will 100% not agree that this is a good idea even though it technically is a good idea to put ambush attacks under control.


    As for Pistol whip im not sure the evade frames need to be removed but changing the stun to a daze might go a long way allowing people to continue moving even when cc'ed making it less likely that simply pressing 3 again will promise another stun into some form of damage. Balancing this one is tricky because it works on different professions with different levels of success and ease. IT can be something like necro which is almost free farm with pistol whip or something like warrior which has more than enough time and sustain tools to kill a thief who plays that way before it would get downed. I feel like a small nerf in making the Hard stun cc into a weaker hard cc like Daze might be a good start. Let people keep their base walking mobility for more wiggle room in counter playing the skill.


    Ranger GS 4 is bluntly over performing and thats a fact i dont think anyone should really deny this as a fact while its not broken its certainly up there with one of the skills i would consider does too much at once for such a short cd.


    Rev staff has already been nerfed so many times and this skill is not exactly spammable i dont really personally see an issue with it but thats just me ;P

    Phase transversal probably falls under the 1 skill doing too many things at once for such a short cd but at the same time it does cost energy to use.... i dont think that these skills are the issues of rev i would argue the boons are more of the problem with rev just generally.


    I think the herald heal is also overlooked its one of the few things that basically allows a rev to become immune or fight for a few short moments without fear of losing a damage trade. But again i dont think its something that can really be touched at this point its window is already really small and other healing skills rev has are riding a line of doing the minimum of acceptance in terms of healing skills.



  4. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > I still think based on what CaL said i hope Arcane will see some changes i think its easily classed under the

    > > > > **"skills that do too many things at once"** category

    > > > >

    > > > > **Arcane thievery's** actions per single use on successful hit.

    > > > > Grants quickness

    > > > > Inflicts slow

    > > > > Steals up to 3 boons

    > > > > xfers up to 3 conditions

    > > > > is unblockable.

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Even if we compare it to **Corrupt Boon**

    > > > > Convers 3 boons to conditions

    > > > > is Unblockable

    > > > > Inflicts self poison

    > > > >

    > > > > Technically speaking Arcane does do too many things at once with no drawback other than a cd even when we compare it to its closest relative corrupt boon (which inflicts the caster regardless of successful hit or not) the difference in what the skills do in terms "actions" in a single use is quite different. Even if we include the fact that Corrupt boon has 2 ammo charges which does not contribute to an action under 1 use Arcane still does several more things things in a single use.

    > > >

    > > > lol, you forgot to mention that corrupt is stronger then switching boons/condis.

    > > This is a subjective statement not factual.

    > > > for example you cant hard CC with AT, you can with corrupt boon.

    > > You are looking at the best case potential of Corrupt boon but generally speaking i personally dont agree that Corrupt boon is stronger in most general cases. If you land it and get a fear i would consider it stronger any time you land it and dont get a fear i would consider it considerably weaker. Even more so since it applies a condition to the caster even on successful hit. Unlike AT which rewards the caster with quickness on hit.

    > > The odds of you hitting stability into CC is based on the foes own boon application and in many cases is not relevant on all professions as not all professions plunder long durations of stability or in some cases much stability at all.

    > >

    > > While it is true that AT cannot hard cc it does inflict one of the strongest if not the strongest soft CC in the game ever time on hit. Does not require anyboons to even be on the target can can just be used for extra suppression.

    > >

    > > > AT cant reach its top effectiveness unless you have condis on you, not everyone uses condis. against warrior for example its " steal might " button and thats it.

    > > The same can be said for Corrupt boon though. ITs top effectiveness would require two things.

    > > A foe at least have 3 boons or more

    > > A foe has stability that is not covered by other boons.

    > >

    > > > meanwhile corrupt boon is 25might -> weakness meaning warrior loses 60%+ dmg on top of possibility of other things.

    > > But AT will take all 25 might from a foe and grant it to the caster > warrior loses the damage and mesmer gains the damage which can still be seen as questionably better but this is also subjective

    > > > IT also has 2 charges.

    > > Yes but im looking at actions per use having a second charge holds no value into the number of things (tool tip listed) a skill does at once when activated.

    > > > It also recharges faster, if I could take corrupt boon on cmirage I would 100%.

    > > thats a fair argument to make

    > >

    > >


    > what I ment to say is that corrupt boon has better peak ( corrupt stab )

    > has more charges ( so its more reliable, can try twice )

    Even if we factor in 2 uses AT technically still does more effects in a single use than CB does in 2 uses.

    Keep in mind again im looking at the number of things a skill does in a single use. "Skills that do too many things at once"

    The game has alot of skills like this (necro has quite a few too dont worry but i dont consider Corrupt boon to be one of them. I do for example consider Scepter 3 on necro ((when traited even more so)) to be one of the skills that does too many things at once back to the topic at hand.)

    > + its more generic, everyone has at least 3 boons. to get full value of AT you need condis AND boons.


    As i said AT does too many things at once it's both defensive and offensive. Its not that you need conditions to make the most of it its that you can choose to wait till you have conditions and use it defensively for condition clear or you can use it offensively and just rip your foes boons for yourself while inflicting them with slow and following up with quickness boosted attacks.


    A skill more similar to this kind of function is actually Plague signet's active. It is both defensive and offensive as it inflicts condition and clears conditions from the caster but the difference her is that using it with no condition on the caster = no benefit. Using AT with no conditions or even no boons on an enemy still grants a benefit.


    Using CB on a foe with no boons = a hinderance as it will inflict self poison.

    CB is more or less designed to be strictly offensive its built to be a 1 way street with how its used for the most part there is no defensive aspect like condition xfer built into its skill effect. Can you use it to technically defend yourself by converting stab to fear? yes... but is it technically a defensive skill... no not really.


    AT is more of a 2 or even 3 way street you can choose to

    use it purely offensively and take boons while inflicting slow or even just out right for the slow and quickness gain

    use it defensively and wait till you need to remove conditions.

    use it optimally and do both of the above at the same time if the opportunity comes.



  5. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > I still think based on what CaL said i hope Arcane will see some changes i think its easily classed under the

    > > **"skills that do too many things at once"** category

    > >

    > > **Arcane thievery's** actions per single use on successful hit.

    > > Grants quickness

    > > Inflicts slow

    > > Steals up to 3 boons

    > > xfers up to 3 conditions

    > > is unblockable.

    > >

    > >

    > > Even if we compare it to **Corrupt Boon**

    > > Convers 3 boons to conditions

    > > is Unblockable

    > > Inflicts self poison

    > >

    > > Technically speaking Arcane does do too many things at once with no drawback other than a cd even when we compare it to its closest relative corrupt boon (which inflicts the caster regardless of successful hit or not) the difference in what the skills do in terms "actions" in a single use is quite different. Even if we include the fact that Corrupt boon has 2 ammo charges which does not contribute to an action under 1 use Arcane still does several more things things in a single use.


    > lol, you forgot to mention that corrupt is stronger then switching boons/condis.

    This is a subjective statement not factual.

    > for example you cant hard CC with AT, you can with corrupt boon.

    You are looking at the best case potential of Corrupt boon but generally speaking i personally dont agree that Corrupt boon is stronger in most general cases. If you land it and get a fear i would consider it stronger any time you land it and dont get a fear i would consider it considerably weaker. Even more so since it applies a condition to the caster even on successful hit. Unlike AT which rewards the caster with quickness on hit.

    The odds of you hitting stability into CC is based on the foes own boon application and in many cases is not relevant on all professions as not all professions plunder long durations of stability or in some cases much stability at all.


    While it is true that AT cannot hard cc it does inflict one of the strongest if not the strongest soft CC in the game ever time on hit. Does not require anyboons to even be on the target can can just be used for extra suppression.


    > AT cant reach its top effectiveness unless you have condis on you, not everyone uses condis. against warrior for example its " steal might " button and thats it.

    The same can be said for Corrupt boon though. ITs top effectiveness would require two things.

    A foe at least have 3 boons or more

    A foe has stability that is not covered by other boons.


    > meanwhile corrupt boon is 25might -> weakness meaning warrior loses 60%+ dmg on top of possibility of other things.

    But AT will take all 25 might from a foe and grant it to the caster > warrior loses the damage and mesmer gains the damage which can still be seen as questionably better but this is also subjective

    > IT also has 2 charges.

    Yes but im looking at actions per use having a second charge holds no value into the number of things (tool tip listed) a skill does at once when activated.

    > It also recharges faster, if I could take corrupt boon on cmirage I would 100%.

    thats a fair argument to make



  6. I still think based on what CaL said i hope Arcane will see some changes i think its easily classed under the

    **"skills that do too many things at once"** category


    **Arcane thievery's** actions per single use on successful hit.

    Grants quickness

    Inflicts slow

    Steals up to 3 boons

    xfers up to 3 conditions

    is unblockable.



    Even if we compare it to **Corrupt Boon**

    Convers 3 boons to conditions

    is Unblockable

    Inflicts self poison


    Technically speaking Arcane does do too many things at once with no drawback other than a cd even when we compare it to its closest relative corrupt boon (which inflicts the caster regardless of successful hit or not) the difference in what the skills do in terms "actions" in a single use is quite different. Even if we include the fact that Corrupt boon has 2 ammo charges which does not contribute to an action under 1 use Arcane still does several more things things in a single use.

  7. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > Yes, i do understand that some people feel they don't have a perfect mode for duels, and try to use other modes for that, but the point remains - they are not playing WvW as designed, they are playing their own minigame, not caring that they are disrupting the game for those that want to play WvW as intended, to the detriment of the whole mode.

    > >

    > > Going back to the "Game has no dueling mode option" statement here. This is a game problem at its core. People who stop fighting and tell you off are a symptom of the issue not the issue itself.

    > Nope. Not having a duelling option is not a core game issue. It's a _player_ issue. Specifically, an issue for people that want out of this game something this game has never had, and never said it will have. And by acting the way they do they create a completely separate issue - albeit one they personally do not care about.


    IF people go out of thire way to duel in areas that basically allow player vs player combat i would say it is a core game issue, but you can agree to disagree im not going to go back and for on this when i see people dueling all the time in both game modes. If you see enough duels you can generally tell when people are dueling and just leave them be or interrupt them and risk getting slapped to the floor.


    > >

    > > >

    > > > At least in SPvP you can do it in 1v1 rooms, without being a kitten to other players and disrupting their play. But who cares about that, right ? /sarcasm

    > >

    > > I also covered why they dont use spvp rooms already. There is reasoning for that.


    > And? Does all that make anything i said untrue? Yes, they have a reason for what they do. That doesn't make what they do _reasonable_.


    To be honest so long as these game modes and professions are so imbalanced Anet has way too many issues to sort out and people fighting in 1v1 in WvW means thats just another thing people might enjoy being added to the game even if the game is not directly balanced around 1v1 battles.


    Most other games have duel request systems built into them at their core and gw2 does not so players find work arounds, its not a big issue imo.

    You wont ever be able to enforce people not to duel if they want to so this is a big waste of time going back and forth on if its right or wrong and who it hurts and who it does not hurt. If you want people to stop doing it in wvw then they need to add a core system that allows it in pve on a request system.

    All you need to do is make it so

    - it cant be spammed or request can be ignored / auto denied in the options (turned off by default so people cant bother pve mains and new or low level players with it.)

    - can only be done in some maps / areas, preferably not in towns (with few exceptions maybe black citadel has an arena for example)

    - make it so it cant be done in areas with metas, during the metas


    And yes I know guild halls have arenas for this but that takes a lot more effort than its worth in most cases also not all guilds are happy with just lower members inviting random people into their halls it could be frowned upon and rude to do even more so if other members use the hall for other purposes.


    This whole conversation has gotten off topic so ill be leaving this as my last statement.

  8. > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

    > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > > lemme see, 0 toughness. 0 vitality.

    > > the worst healing skill in the game.

    > > no passive or active sustain.

    > > no protection.

    > > no extra evade or vigor

    > > no energy on weapon swap whatsoever

    > > Seems like fair build, fair doesnt cut it. I might try it but I seriously dont see it working. 1 hit from anything and you are DEAD



    > Putted that way sounds like a balanced build in a game that people only call balance if carries...


    You know i think you might actually be correct here.

  9. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > Isn't that exactly the point? Groups of people dissatisfied of what WvW is are trying to enforce different sets of rules for some parts of that mode on people that were fine with the base rules ("if it's red, it's dead"). And if someone tries to play the mode as intended, they get punished for that.

    > >

    > > Not really people just like to duel its a game with pvp an anet has no dueling mode where as almost every other mmo game does so no... none of what you said here is really the point of why people duel in wvw.

    > Because i wasn't talking about _why_ they do that. Only about the _consequences_ of them doing so.

    > >

    > > IF you get punished for running into a group of people and attacking them on sight and they erase you then to them you were red and now dead technically the only thing being punished is the persons lack of common for running into a 1 vs x regardless whos side those players are on. You have full right to attack people dueling but dont be upset when they attack you back.

    > what about if i try to help someone i see fighting with an enemy and losing, and then the person i tried to help not only stops fighting and watches me getting killed, but then to top it tells me off, saying i "got what i deserved for trying to interfere"? Why do you think anyone going with such experience would want to continue helping other players in this mode in the future?



    > Yes, i do understand that some people feel they don't have a perfect mode for duels, and try to use other modes for that, but the point remains - they are not playing WvW as designed, they are playing their own minigame, not caring that they are disrupting the game for those that want to play WvW as intended, to the detriment of the whole mode.


    Going back to the "Game has no dueling mode option" statement here. This is a game problem at its core. People who stop fighting and tell you off are a symptom of the issue not the issue itself.



    > At least in SPvP you can do it in 1v1 rooms, without being a kitten to other players and disrupting their play. But who cares about that, right ? /sarcasm


    I also covered why they dont use spvp rooms already. There is reasoning for that.


  10. > @"XECOR.2814" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > > > I would like gs 3 to be a leap, rise to not be useless (dmg reduct takes place at ALL times not only when those dumb very kitable minis are attacking), reap 5 aoe stun but remove bonus dmg/ nerf dmg, reap 3 to continue after shroud ends, reap 2 dmg nerfed but anim finishes A LOT faster, elite to not be useless.

    > >

    > > Reverting the rise change would probably go a long way. Idk about making gs3 a leap though. Im struggling to think of how that would work unless its like a lunging slide across the ground with the sword out in front but would it stop on hitting something or just go through it tbh iwould settle for just making the gs5 pull a bit faster i think the creeping darkness along the ground is a big enough of a tell its less buggy now but also less reliable because they considerably shadow nerfed/ slowed down the speed the claws move back toward the caster.

    > >

    > > Its prob just gonna be one of those skills thats always gonna be a bit clunky no matter what they do to it.


    > Dmc3 video for reference of gs3 dash or leap.




    That would actually not be so bad. Even more so if it still had the magical drill spiral effects on the sword on impact. Would be cool actually now that i can see a bit of a reference. :+1:

  11. > @"ancafr.9274" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > Both are good options for open world so long as you build them right and use the right weapons.

    > > Reaper is best focused with power weapons, greatsword, axe, warhorn, or even daggers if you want.

    > > Scourge is best focused for weapons with condi and utility like scepter, torch, possibly even staff etc.

    > >

    > > Reaper will be easier to get running because its a bit more basic imo and it will prob be easier to learn different mechanics of different parts of the game while playing it.

    > > Scourge can take a bit more effort if you are new to necro in general and even I cant play it in every situation where mechanics need to be focused more over damage. But for general open world so long as you build it right you can ease into it.

    > >

    > > If you are considering competitive modes

    > > Reaper is likely going to be the better option if playing solo.

    > > Scourge really needs people like another scourge, a firebrand, or a tempest on its back 24/7 to protect it. Solo scourge play in pvp modes is going to be very very difficult.

    > >

    > > IF you want both but dont want to do say HoT hero points and instead do PoF hero points because they are easier you can always make 2 necro characters and make 1 a reaper and 1 a scourge and you have both all you have to do is swap toons. Yeah you still have to grind the hero points twice but still PoF hero points if you know where to go + mounts can take you 30 mins or less to unlock a single full elite ;)

    > >

    > > Also keep eyes out for hero point trains in the looking for group HoT areas and PoF areas which can speed things up considerably depending on the group and commander


    > thank you, its more for open world and things like that the pvp, competitive part i rather to leave for warrior and thief who are the king of pvp xD. As a fan of the power builds reaper is the best option, cause i hate taking long to kill enemies.


    To be honest scourge can do some nice condi burst and its not really an issue on its part just more so that necro has some of the slowest dps ramp in the game both on power and condi. Almost every other profession ramps its damage up to the burst peek or sustain peek faster than necro does. Reaper is a fun bursty option though have fun with it. Enjoy those juicy shroud crits ;)


    I mostly play reaper myself and prefer it in almost all situations be it open world, strikes, fractals, or raids ;)

  12. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

    > played 6 games with it, I consider that trying.

    > this interrupting gamplay is cute and all, but you cant interrupt mirage when he disorts, then dodges while attacking then ddoges while attacking again, then scepter 2 blocks, then axe 3 jumps, then 4s disort again.... all while filling you up full of conditions. Any good condi kills you.

    > instead of having this discussion record some gameplay, please.


    Thats just mirage in general though regardless what you put up against it you wont stun lock it down like at all for long.

    Chrono use to have a better perma slow build though a lot of the slow pressure was nerfed but arcane thievery alone can inflict such a punishing long slow that im not sure i would take the signet over it if i was to run this. And blink in general is prob a better breakstun too.


    That said though this build looks like it could be strong against a lot of matchups after defenses are burned generally speaking people wont play this in mass numbers unless mirage and core 1 shot is nerfed first.


    I think 1 person using this build it would be seen as a crummy / weak build. If the majority of mesmer players started to use it then it would become obnoxious as things always tend to do with mesmer in mass numbers.

  13. Its only really something people ever needed to master if you play something like warrior or core thief tbh everything else cant really make that much use out of it but i do see warriors do like 10 jump dodges back to back flawlessly and often wonder if its macro'ed or not.


    While i myself can do it a few times in a row i cant ever perform it perfectly as many times as i see some people do it in pvp back to back. I even see mirages do it and im pretty sure they dont actually get a benefit from it. You can tell cause why else would a mirage jump on every single evasive use which leads me to ponder if the player is macro'ing and they just forgot that they are playing mirage.


    I do think warrior is one of the only few professions where it can make a massive difference for the most part everyone else it just moves you a bit farther. But warrior can roll on people for 4-5k crits so i mean that range on dodge can help massively to make sure you always wanna land that for some one who is slightly farther away.

  14. > @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > The damage on most skills are fine actually the issue is usually the boons boosting stats up to points things are not tolerable there are a few exceptions like mesmer 1 shot builds that need to be adressed as that can 1shot people without having an obserd amount of boons applied. but in most cases like rev, warrior, ranger, etc its just the boons for the most part that give too much sustain or damage in some cases both.

    > > > >

    > > > > - Lower damage on CC skills make them like the cc skills in rampage especially if those cc skills have things like unblockable or evade attached to them.

    > > > > - Cull boons back so that there is no such thing as 40+ seconds of vigor, protection, regeneration. Make might burst beyond 15 or 20 stacks super limited to short time frames for solo self application.

    > > > > - Address no tell issues, 1 shot builds from stealth for example.

    > > > > - Address support specs having too much offensive power while keeping the benefit of the sustain built into their kits for their intended purposes of being played as support (mostly looking at firebrand here)

    > > > >

    > > > > Power creep in pve is a bit less of an issue because if they want in some cases they can force people to bring healers, and boon support much like they do in raids by adding mechanics pure full dps cant sustain. For open world i see no issue with going full glass considering there are usually other people around you it wont really matter. It really only matters in maybe future strikes, fractals, and raids where you want to some times have players invested into healing and boon support.

    > > > >

    > > > > Most of the power creep issues players will have issue with will be in wvw and spvp.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > Yeah I agree here. Warrior is a good example with the 25 might thing. if they didn't have 25 might, their damage wouldn't be so flippin high.

    > > > Same with my build. I just recently posted a picture showcasing a 6.2k auto from flamethrower. 1 auto. As well, this was without 10% of the usual damage modifiers I have (I run Object in Motion, so in this case I lacked Superspeed and Swiftness for the extra 10% damage).

    > > > Defensive, a good example is the Ranger trait that grants you Protection AND the the enemy weakness simply for being hit. Protection is good enough, but adding weakness onto it is absurd, absolutely absurd, and just for hitting them.

    > > > Then another example is 10k Bambi which is OMEGALULfineOMEGALUL.

    > > > I can go on with a list of so many things, but my intention of this reply is simply to agree with the one I am replying to.

    > >

    > > Warrior is one of the extreme examples to be honest because might syncs so well for them with a wide number of things and shouts like "for great justice" have just been power crept to the level that they are bluntly over performing. Not only does it give might to other players but the selfish use of it gives the caster 15 might for a long duration and fury with 0 cast time and the shout has 2 charges. With the right build that one utility becomes a small minor heal and free endurance restoration. Meanwhile some how the pve version is not power crept and only gives like 6 stacks of might or something.

    > >

    > >


    > They just need to bring the PvE split into the competitive modes for FGJ. Fixes 30% of whatever overperformance people feel warrior might generation may be. Halving the gains on Forceful Greatsword fixes the rest honestly.


    > Some would say Tether, but I disagree.


    Tether is an issue too though to some extent. Not so much with the fact that it generates might but rather how fast it generates it.

  15. Both are good options for open world so long as you build them right and use the right weapons.

    Reaper is best focused with power weapons, greatsword, axe, warhorn, or even daggers if you want.

    Scourge is best focused for weapons with condi and utility like scepter, torch, possibly even staff etc.


    Reaper will be easier to get running because its a bit more basic imo and it will prob be easier to learn different mechanics of different parts of the game while playing it.

    Scourge can take a bit more effort if you are new to necro in general and even I cant play it in every situation where mechanics need to be focused more over damage. But for general open world so long as you build it right you can ease into it.


    If you are considering competitive modes

    Reaper is likely going to be the better option if playing solo.

    Scourge really needs people like another scourge, a firebrand, or a tempest on its back 24/7 to protect it. Solo scourge play in pvp modes is going to be very very difficult.


    IF you want both but dont want to do say HoT hero points and instead do PoF hero points because they are easier you can always make 2 necro characters and make 1 a reaper and 1 a scourge and you have both all you have to do is swap toons. Yeah you still have to grind the hero points twice but still PoF hero points if you know where to go + mounts can take you 30 mins or less to unlock a single full elite ;)


    Also keep eyes out for hero point trains in the looking for group HoT areas and PoF areas which can speed things up considerably depending on the group and commander

  16. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

    > I would like gs 3 to be a leap, rise to not be useless (dmg reduct takes place at ALL times not only when those dumb very kitable minis are attacking), reap 5 aoe stun but remove bonus dmg/ nerf dmg, reap 3 to continue after shroud ends, reap 2 dmg nerfed but anim finishes A LOT faster, elite to not be useless.


    Reverting the rise change would probably go a long way. Idk about making gs3 a leap though. Im struggling to think of how that would work unless its like a lunging slide across the ground with the sword out in front but would it stop on hitting something or just go through it tbh iwould settle for just making the gs5 pull a bit faster i think the creeping darkness along the ground is a big enough of a tell its less buggy now but also less reliable because they considerably shadow nerfed/ slowed down the speed the claws move back toward the caster.


    Its prob just gonna be one of those skills thats always gonna be a bit clunky no matter what they do to it.

  17. > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

    > Okay here you go. Now imagine 6 - 8 Reapers doing this in to a cluster of players. Instant cast remember. No fiddling around with that summon, just pop right in there with CttB pre-cast and mass stun a bunch of people.


    if you class stack any profession in numbers of 6 or 8 in a jump in assault style tactic (with coms especially) any of them can become broken so im not sure this is really a valid thing to consider.



    > Or if it's 1v1, there are a lot of other nasty combos you could do. Sure, Necro doesn't have blocks, invuln or high mobility, but that doesn't mean an instant teleport is necessary. I'm not saying better defense options wouldn't be nice, I just think this particular option has too much potential.


    Keep in mind i was not assuming this strat would be used for a 1v1 i was thinking minimum 4v4 or 5v5 pvp setting. IT would be a bit silly to try a combo like that in a 1v1 for a wide number of reasons.

    As for an instant teleport the way it see it is that every other light armor profession has this and necro does not you can even say the same for things like vigor blocks etch. I doubt necros will ever get blocks or evades or vigor but i dont think a single instant port would be too much to ask for.



    > I apologize if it sounds like I'm being snide, I'm not trying to disrespect peoples wishes to see Necro improved where it's weak. I just wanted to provide an example to support my opinion.


    This is understandable


    > EDIT

    > Stupid link didn't work :x. Should be good now.


    Just to talk about your example though.

    1: You technically did prove my point that you can already do it as of right now and its not an issue now (or so i dont think). I dont understand how making the wurm instant would change anything really other than making the this combo example slightly smoother/quicker. This means that wurm being instant would just be more or less QoL and the combo would be slightly less clunky feeling to use it would feel more like jump in combos done on other professions more or less and using wurm to retreat would be more flexible.


    2: This is technically wvw example and not a spvp example and things would go considerably different in the different modes. In WvW there are far more busted things you can do that would down an even larger number of players. In wvw necro is also considerably in a better spot for a number of reasons, to name few....

    - In zerg fights like this you wont directly be focused because of the sheer number of players moving around on both sides. Its safe to say none of those players could probably even see you or the wurm because most players likely pc's have to turn things way down to do wvw scale battles comfortably. Its possible that for a majority of those people you basically could have had perma stealth while dealing that damage because their game had yet to render you. (thats a game mode issue for the most part)

    - Your life force will always be topped off from deaths happening around you in wvw where as in pvp life force is a bit more critical as not as many deaths happen as fast and its mostly based on landing skills to gain the majority of it.


    Realistically if this was scaled down from a 40v40 to a 5v5 the 4 or 5 people you managed to down would be equivalent to like 1 player in pvp. You did some good damage and even if you killed all of those downs it likely didnt change the entire course of the battle immediately. I dont see the issue.


    In wvw this might work but in pvp your results would be much less effective as people would likely see you coming and actively defend against burst attempts like this.


    I still dont think instant wurm would be any more busted than it is now it would mostly be QoL imo.




  18. > @"Ghos.1326" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > The damage on most skills are fine actually the issue is usually the boons boosting stats up to points things are not tolerable there are a few exceptions like mesmer 1 shot builds that need to be adressed as that can 1shot people without having an obserd amount of boons applied. but in most cases like rev, warrior, ranger, etc its just the boons for the most part that give too much sustain or damage in some cases both.

    > >

    > > - Lower damage on CC skills make them like the cc skills in rampage especially if those cc skills have things like unblockable or evade attached to them.

    > > - Cull boons back so that there is no such thing as 40+ seconds of vigor, protection, regeneration. Make might burst beyond 15 or 20 stacks super limited to short time frames for solo self application.

    > > - Address no tell issues, 1 shot builds from stealth for example.

    > > - Address support specs having too much offensive power while keeping the benefit of the sustain built into their kits for their intended purposes of being played as support (mostly looking at firebrand here)

    > >

    > > Power creep in pve is a bit less of an issue because if they want in some cases they can force people to bring healers, and boon support much like they do in raids by adding mechanics pure full dps cant sustain. For open world i see no issue with going full glass considering there are usually other people around you it wont really matter. It really only matters in maybe future strikes, fractals, and raids where you want to some times have players invested into healing and boon support.

    > >

    > > Most of the power creep issues players will have issue with will be in wvw and spvp.

    > >


    > Yeah I agree here. Warrior is a good example with the 25 might thing. if they didn't have 25 might, their damage wouldn't be so flippin high.

    > Same with my build. I just recently posted a picture showcasing a 6.2k auto from flamethrower. 1 auto. As well, this was without 10% of the usual damage modifiers I have (I run Object in Motion, so in this case I lacked Superspeed and Swiftness for the extra 10% damage).

    > Defensive, a good example is the Ranger trait that grants you Protection AND the the enemy weakness simply for being hit. Protection is good enough, but adding weakness onto it is absurd, absolutely absurd, and just for hitting them.

    > Then another example is 10k Bambi which is OMEGALULfineOMEGALUL.

    > I can go on with a list of so many things, but my intention of this reply is simply to agree with the one I am replying to.


    Warrior is one of the extreme examples to be honest because might syncs so well for them with a wide number of things and shouts like "for great justice" have just been power crept to the level that they are bluntly over performing. Not only does it give might to other players but the selfish use of it gives the caster 15 might for a long duration and fury with 0 cast time and the shout has 2 charges. With the right build that one utility becomes a small minor heal and free endurance restoration. Meanwhile some how the pve version is not power crept and only gives like 6 stacks of might or something.



  19. > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > > > Reaper needs some QoL but not outrageous buffs like the OP suggested imo.

    > > > > > > Like for example how anet made reaper cost more life force per second than the standard shroud in exchange for stronger melee power but neglected to adjust the life force gain on associated reaper traits specifically.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Update shouts and the related trait

    > > > > > > **Your soul is mine**

    > > > > > > Increase the life force gain slightly as a result of the reaper life force increase cost some time back.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > **Relentless Onslaught**

    > > > > > > Remove Quickness and replace attack speed increase (or to be technical cast time reduction) by 10 or 15 percent

    > > > > > > **Chilling Victory**

    > > > > > > Increase life force gain on hitting chilled foes as result of the reaper life force increase cost.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > **Base reaper**

    > > > > > > Base attack speed bumped up by about 20-25 percent. (or to be technical cast time reductions.)

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Reaper is now faster with attacking at base but not quickness level fast.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Ideally quickness on RO is just acting as a bandaid to a issue that should have been dealt with a long time ago. Base reaper without it is virtually unplayable in 2019-2020 for the most part even if you use the deathly chill its likely that it only works because people are use to quickness reapers meaning they dodge skills too early (in other words its gimmicky). Considering anet is trying to deal with reducing boons in general its best they just remove the boon and solve the issue correctly at the base level instead of culling the quickness down to a point that makes reaper function clunky. Or makes it even easier to counter by say providing one short instance of quickness which will promptly be stripped the moment someone activates shroud.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Reaper isn't too bad except everyone hits so hard that when you are focused you get hit for a bajillion and even with shroud invis 1 shot builds and long ranged 1 shot builds destroy your shroud.

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > Reaper still needs QoL but even my ideal of RO is technically still a nerf to solo play but a buff to group play.

    > > > >

    > > > > > If anything lets fix core defenses, not reaper's. They have shroud as-is and 2 sources of stab and decent cc and gap closers. What needs to be fixed is death magic, as I think its trash.

    > > > >

    > > > > I would argue that core sustain could be ok if nerfs fall on other professions in the right places but unlike other professions going necro core sustain leaves you with very very minimal offense usually not enough to kill anyone who is not raw glass. Mean while other professions can have fairly high sustain and very good damage. Core necro generally does not get to keep both. To get decent damage you sustain drops considerably and to improve sustain drops your damage down to almost nothing.

    > > > >

    > > > > I think core necro would be in a ok spot if they cull the other professions core bases down to the same level.

    > > > >

    > > > > Scourge does need a rework though they have openly admitted they cant get it balanced it correctly. I know some people love the shades and shroudless mechanic but its so problematic and no one fighting against it is ever going to think its balanced if its just only viable.

    > > > >

    > > >

    > > > And damage too. some classes with those hits can do over 10k 15+k is insane dmg and practically a 1 shot.

    > > >

    > > > Some classes I don't feel too bad about rangers for instance with that rapid-fire attack you can see it and avoid the majority of them or you can get an ele and or guardian to use some sort of defense versus projectiles. Attacks that you can see and have an actual animation at least are visible. I will admit I'm not the best reaper player by a long shot, in fact i doubt im that good at all, but at the very least I know how it plays, it's just very hard to survive or next to impossible when you get focused as a core necro.

    > > >

    > >

    > > I dont think rapid fire is too bad its generally the boons and the damage modifiers like from sickem that make it very busted. long bow is a strong weapon and it should be there is no reason to nerf the weapon but overall yes rangers can do alot of damage. I mean technically speaking axe ranger does just as much if not more just in bigger but slower chunks and in less hits.


    > If ranger was an immobile piece of junk, like necro is, the dmg of longbow would be justified, but it's also the class with the second best mobility (after thief), so if you cannot oneshot from 1500 range, you can still pretty much always run away.

    > So you can go full zerker, and have no downside. That's pretty sick. (Yeah I know ranger got nerfed a bit)


    But then the thing is... that means necro is the issue not the ranger. Cause necro is really the only profession that suffers mobility wise in terms of utility and skill movement. People already hate spectral walk (even thought the skill has practically hardly changed over time and wurm which has not changed in a very long time. If necro had viable movement people would raise their torches and say its op demanding nerfs because its movement would be viable to everyone else's movement.


    As for my opinion on 1 shots those should not exsist in this game in general the game plays too fast for one shots without massive tells or first burning a persons defenses. But then again its not hard to burst necro through its soft soaker style defensive mechanics because damage is just generally too high. Boons once again are kind of a issue on this point. I dont think ranger longbow needs nerfs. I would start with toning back the boons they have even more then start looking a few specific things like smoke assault on soul beast generally the cd is a bit too low i think. IF we are also going to keep skills in the game that do damage while evading attacks anet needs to work on adding more on hit procs that cant be avoided more aura access more retaliation access etc.


    > >

    > > Reaper has good damage but several professions out damage it even in melee range or in some cases beyond melee range. Especially when out of shroud. I dont want reaper hard buffs i just want QoL fixes and for it not to be so dependent on quickness to feel modern. There really is no excuse for the base reaper attack speed without quickness in 2019 -2020 if quickness is removed from reaper and they dont fix the base attack speed i would rather just play core.


    > A pretty good first fix would be to remove some passive condiremoves or reductions (for example mecha legs from engi) and also make movement impairing conditions actually impair movent: shorter leap distances, and teleports...


    Those wont be removed every class has at least one trait or minor in at least one of its specs that remove /reduce movement impairments. But yes the implementation of these has hurt necro sustain a tiny bit too. Considering half its sustain depends on conditions like , chill, weakness, cripple, blind, fear the more these are made less effective the harder it will be for necro. The moment fear gets any kind of nerf from where it is now its pretty much over for necros.




  20. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > Reaper needs some QoL but not outrageous buffs like the OP suggested imo.

    > > > > Like for example how anet made reaper cost more life force per second than the standard shroud in exchange for stronger melee power but neglected to adjust the life force gain on associated reaper traits specifically.

    > > > >

    > > > > Update shouts and the related trait

    > > > > **Your soul is mine**

    > > > > Increase the life force gain slightly as a result of the reaper life force increase cost some time back.

    > > > >

    > > > > **Relentless Onslaught**

    > > > > Remove Quickness and replace attack speed increase (or to be technical cast time reduction) by 10 or 15 percent

    > > > > **Chilling Victory**

    > > > > Increase life force gain on hitting chilled foes as result of the reaper life force increase cost.

    > > > >

    > > > > **Base reaper**

    > > > > Base attack speed bumped up by about 20-25 percent. (or to be technical cast time reductions.)

    > > > >

    > > > > Reaper is now faster with attacking at base but not quickness level fast.

    > > > >

    > > > > Ideally quickness on RO is just acting as a bandaid to a issue that should have been dealt with a long time ago. Base reaper without it is virtually unplayable in 2019-2020 for the most part even if you use the deathly chill its likely that it only works because people are use to quickness reapers meaning they dodge skills too early (in other words its gimmicky). Considering anet is trying to deal with reducing boons in general its best they just remove the boon and solve the issue correctly at the base level instead of culling the quickness down to a point that makes reaper function clunky. Or makes it even easier to counter by say providing one short instance of quickness which will promptly be stripped the moment someone activates shroud.

    > > >

    > > > Reaper isn't too bad except everyone hits so hard that when you are focused you get hit for a bajillion and even with shroud invis 1 shot builds and long ranged 1 shot builds destroy your shroud.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Reaper still needs QoL but even my ideal of RO is technically still a nerf to solo play but a buff to group play.

    > >

    > > > If anything lets fix core defenses, not reaper's. They have shroud as-is and 2 sources of stab and decent cc and gap closers. What needs to be fixed is death magic, as I think its trash.

    > >

    > > I would argue that core sustain could be ok if nerfs fall on other professions in the right places but unlike other professions going necro core sustain leaves you with very very minimal offense usually not enough to kill anyone who is not raw glass. Mean while other professions can have fairly high sustain and very good damage. Core necro generally does not get to keep both. To get decent damage you sustain drops considerably and to improve sustain drops your damage down to almost nothing.

    > >

    > > I think core necro would be in a ok spot if they cull the other professions core bases down to the same level.

    > >

    > > Scourge does need a rework though they have openly admitted they cant get it balanced it correctly. I know some people love the shades and shroudless mechanic but its so problematic and no one fighting against it is ever going to think its balanced if its just only viable.

    > >


    > And damage too. some classes with those hits can do over 10k 15+k is insane dmg and practically a 1 shot.


    > Some classes I don't feel too bad about rangers for instance with that rapid-fire attack you can see it and avoid the majority of them or you can get an ele and or guardian to use some sort of defense versus projectiles. Attacks that you can see and have an actual animation at least are visible. I will admit I'm not the best reaper player by a long shot, in fact i doubt im that good at all, but at the very least I know how it plays, it's just very hard to survive or next to impossible when you get focused as a core necro.



    I dont think rapid fire is too bad its generally the boons and the damage modifiers like from sickem that make it very busted. long bow is a strong weapon and it should be there is no reason to nerf the weapon but overall yes rangers can do alot of damage. I mean technically speaking axe ranger does just as much if not more just in bigger but slower chunks and in less hits.


    Reaper has good damage but several professions out damage it even in melee range or in some cases beyond melee range. Especially when out of shroud. I dont want reaper hard buffs i just want QoL fixes and for it not to be so dependent on quickness to feel modern. There really is no excuse for the base reaper attack speed without quickness in 2019 -2020 if quickness is removed from reaper and they dont fix the base attack speed i would rather just play core.

  21. > @"KrHome.1920" said:


    > If there is one balanced attempt to give necro more stability without causing problems it would be the introduction of an elite well that pulses stability for 5 seconds. It would help core necro to avoid being a punching bag on the capture point but would also have drawbacks since it limits the area of effect and could turn into a chain fear if it is countered by corrupts.


    thats not worth a elite or utility slot imo i mean good to hear your ideas though.


    Core is super picky about its utility because its so lackluster at base it depends on utility to make up for alot of things thats not built into its traits or weapon skills. I wouldnt take a well that pulsed stab for the simple fact that people would ignore it and still cc you anyways. pulsing 1 stack of stab is not enough to prevent you from being pin pong balled around a point. many professions can multi cc you in a short enough time frame to make that not matter. Or they just choose to disengage while the well is active and now you have to chase which means you leave the well to continue or you stand there like a fool. This also wont change the fact that you will still be focused first and against multiple people you will be a ping pong ball regardless. total waste of a slot to run your idea. Would rather keep CttB which has potential of at least providing more than 1 stack which does work in preventing you from being ping ponged so long as its not stripped. Also no chance for chain fears.

  22. > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > Reaper needs some QoL but not outrageous buffs like the OP suggested imo.

    > > Like for example how anet made reaper cost more life force per second than the standard shroud in exchange for stronger melee power but neglected to adjust the life force gain on associated reaper traits specifically.

    > >

    > > Update shouts and the related trait

    > > **Your soul is mine**

    > > Increase the life force gain slightly as a result of the reaper life force increase cost some time back.

    > >

    > > **Relentless Onslaught**

    > > Remove Quickness and replace attack speed increase (or to be technical cast time reduction) by 10 or 15 percent

    > > **Chilling Victory**

    > > Increase life force gain on hitting chilled foes as result of the reaper life force increase cost.

    > >

    > > **Base reaper**

    > > Base attack speed bumped up by about 20-25 percent. (or to be technical cast time reductions.)

    > >

    > > Reaper is now faster with attacking at base but not quickness level fast.

    > >

    > > Ideally quickness on RO is just acting as a bandaid to a issue that should have been dealt with a long time ago. Base reaper without it is virtually unplayable in 2019-2020 for the most part even if you use the deathly chill its likely that it only works because people are use to quickness reapers meaning they dodge skills too early (in other words its gimmicky). Considering anet is trying to deal with reducing boons in general its best they just remove the boon and solve the issue correctly at the base level instead of culling the quickness down to a point that makes reaper function clunky. Or makes it even easier to counter by say providing one short instance of quickness which will promptly be stripped the moment someone activates shroud.


    > Reaper isn't too bad except everyone hits so hard that when you are focused you get hit for a bajillion and even with shroud invis 1 shot builds and long ranged 1 shot builds destroy your shroud.



    Reaper still needs QoL but even my ideal of RO is technically still a nerf to solo play but a buff to group play.


    > If anything lets fix core defenses, not reaper's. They have shroud as-is and 2 sources of stab and decent cc and gap closers. What needs to be fixed is death magic, as I think its trash.


    I would argue that core sustain could be ok if nerfs fall on other professions in the right places but unlike other professions going necro core sustain leaves you with very very minimal offense usually not enough to kill anyone who is not raw glass. Mean while other professions can have fairly high sustain and very good damage. Core necro generally does not get to keep both. To get decent damage you sustain drops considerably and to improve sustain drops your damage down to almost nothing.


    I think core necro would be in a ok spot if they cull the other professions core bases down to the same level.


    Scourge does need a rework though they have openly admitted they cant get it balanced it correctly. I know some people love the shades and shroudless mechanic but its so problematic and no one fighting against it is ever going to think its balanced if its just only viable.


  23. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > Overpowered when instant cast.

    What about mesmer blink?

    What about ele lightening flash?

    Why would wurm be over powered if it was instant movement?


    Because the wurm can spit at you? or... Is it because the wurm can be killed if placed in a spot where it can be seen. Or is it cause omg 2nd hp bar?

    Every other light armor and even a few medium and heavy armor professions have skills that allow instant movement why would wurm truely be op if it was the same i honestly want to hear it.



    > spectral walk > grave digger precast > wurm > shroudburst > spectral recall > profit (decimate whole teams and jump back to safety)


    Lets break down your example.

    The grave digger likely didnt hit more than 1 person cause wurm needs to be fairly close as GD is melee attack you will likely only hit 1 person with that alone. Could it hit more than 1 person sure but chances of that are kind of up in the air to think its gonna decimate anyone. Grave diggers damage in pvp before any might application is also not very impressive.


    Moving on to the end of this you have now left the fight and now have no quick way back in. You now need to walk back to that point or to another point. You also blew 2 break stuns and utilities + shroud mechanic for that burst so if you failed you are now running on empty. Not only do you not have defensive utility you also dont have defensive shroud or high offense should your burst have failed. Should anything come at you you are a free target. Should you go back into the fight after failing to kill you are a free target. At best maybe you get 1 or 2 people down very doubtful you will get all 3 or 4 average people in one burst or 1 soul spiral.


    Lets assume you downed 1 person but didnt have time to finish them because after all you need to spectral recall so you have a fixed time limit in which you can stay in the fight if you want to "profit."


    My next point is questioning how this is any different from what already exsist. Technically speaking this can even be done already with the current version of wurm you would just sub out pre cast grave digger for something more juicy like chill to the bone and its not a problem right now.... Making wurm instant really wouldnt make things any different. The only thing that changes is the order in which you cast the skills wurm goes first then precast grave digger O_O.....


    Should wurm be made instant? thats up for debate but what i will 100% not agree with is you far fetched ideals the above statement being just a thing because it wont be. Even if you perform something like that perfectly you certainly wont be decimating whole teams who have any sense of how to play. You could even replace pre cast grave digger with spectral grasp and burn all 3 utilities at the cost of almost promising that you will have enough life force to burst and that people will be in range of soul spiral and you still likely wont instantly decimate a whole team of average players.


    Its not unlikely that you will be forced to recall early as you are focused even after the instant wurm. Generally speaking this strat you have proposed is a good idea but it wont be easy free op wins as you can technically already do this and no one complains about it BECAUSE PEOPLE DONT GENERALLY WASTE defensive resources like that)



  24. Reaper needs some QoL but not outrageous buffs like the OP suggested imo.

    Like for example how anet made reaper cost more life force per second than the standard shroud in exchange for stronger melee power but neglected to adjust the life force gain on associated reaper traits specifically.


    Update shouts and the related trait

    **Your soul is mine**

    Increase the life force gain slightly as a result of the reaper life force increase cost some time back.


    **Relentless Onslaught**

    Remove Quickness and replace attack speed increase (or to be technical cast time reduction) by 10 or 15 percent

    **Chilling Victory**

    Increase life force gain on hitting chilled foes as result of the reaper life force increase cost.


    **Base reaper**

    Base attack speed bumped up by about 20-25 percent. (or to be technical cast time reductions.)


    Reaper is now faster with attacking at base but not quickness level fast.


    Ideally quickness on RO is just acting as a bandaid to a issue that should have been dealt with a long time ago. Base reaper without it is virtually unplayable in 2019-2020 for the most part even if you use the deathly chill its likely that it only works because people are use to quickness reapers meaning they dodge skills too early (in other words its gimmicky). Considering anet is trying to deal with reducing boons in general its best they just remove the boon and solve the issue correctly at the base level instead of culling the quickness down to a point that makes reaper function clunky. Or makes it even easier to counter by say providing one short instance of quickness which will promptly be stripped the moment someone activates shroud.

  25. > @"Virdo.1540" said:

    > Wouldnt it be better to make the "buff" from Phase Traversal & Malicious Reprisal to an buff, that lasts 2seconds long instead of ONLY 2 hits? Warrior has it too, with its signet. (only better)


    > This is dumb atm, when using one of those things and then most of the skills doesnt even hit complete.


    Considering the cd + how often it can be used, the number of hits rev can do in that number of time no.

    That would be highly unbalanced.

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