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Posts posted by ZDragon.3046

  1. > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > @"Undo.5091" said:

    > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    > > > What Rune of Speed is doing, is making it so that "if swiftness is on" a character never incurs the in-combat movement penalty. So when you hit a player and enter combat "with swiftness on", you do not slow at all. While out of combat however, _you move the same speed_ as anyone else who had a swift buff that was out of combat. This rune only works when you are in-combat.

    > >

    > > Rune of Speed doesn’t remove the combat movement penalty. It’s only increasing your in-combat movement speed by 66% instead of 33% while under the effect of swiftness. You will still move slower than someone who is out of combat with swiftness on.


    > That's not true at all. You should go in-game and actually run some tests on this.


    > You'll see that if you enter combat while wearing rune of speed, by say hitting a golem, and if you have swiftness on and run alongside of a player who is out of combat who also has swiftness on, you will both move exactly the same speed. But if the person who is not wearing rune speed were to also hit the golem, he would begin moving 33% slower than you, even if he still had swiftness on. The rune does absolutely nothing for anyone when players are all out of combat. It only works in-combat by allowing the wearer to ignore in-combat movement penalty.


    > It isn't "technically" removing the in-combat penalty, but the way Arenanet has it set with the % gain, it creates an effect to where that is pretty much what's happening. But you have to have Swiftness on for that to be in effect.


    Basically this ^ Trevor is correct


    While this is technically some what true that it feels like there is not a in combat penalty there still is one... also its not an issue for the simple reason that some one else running the run cancels out the benefit of the rune. Not to mention the counter-play of just removing the targets swiftness to disable the benefit.

    If everyone was using it no one would complain about it because ideally the game would remain for the most part unchanged. Any profession thats generally got access to more mobility than another one would still have more mobility than the other in the end if both used the speed rune.


    IF someone is complaining about speed rune it means that obviously everyone is not using it because if everyone was using no one would have an issue catching their targets or them out running you.


    Ideally if everyone used speed rune its the same as the game just not having the rune at all.


    Heck even quite a few professions now have access to swiftness effectiveness increases or bast movement speed increases without speed rune. Weaver and Rev herald are both good examples here. Others (ranger, engi, thief, warrior) have access to super speed, blinks or generous leap or movment skills which removes the need for adding things base speed increase traits like that to those professions.

  2. > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > 99% speed runes on every toon is terrible. And I don't know anyone who doesn't run it.


    most things that are not necromancer wont run this rune because they dont need to. They have ports or super speed or leap/rush mobility in their weapon skills. The only class who does not have this for common use in their weapon kits is necormancers which is why ding ding ding.... you guessed it... its a more common rune for them to use.

  3. 1 The game is free to play and cost me nothing to play (no sub required but i do onw the x packs)

    2 Balance issues aside i love how the combat plays compared to other (still ongoing modern mmos)

    3 No other game has a necromancer profession that draws me like this game does.

    4 I sitll have plenty of end game content i have not experienced like (some raids) and a at least 1 more legendary i aim to own soon ish.

    5 Aside from optimization issues the games visuals are pretty great for running on such old tech

    6 Anet does some of the best sound effects and soundtracks ive heard in any MMO

    7 I can be a Charr in this game instead of standard human model character.

    8 Have i mentioned the combat system is just awesome its quick and reactive and makes the action feel more intense.


    Not many other games do combat close to this with the exceptions of maybe


    **Blade & Soul** and they spend 80% of their resources on combat refinement which is why the rest of that game is so unpolished which is just a darn shame.

    **Black Desert** with its beat em up action combat and that game requires you to spend money to play it with comfort and the rng factors turn me away from it.

  4. Necro is bad... looking for every thing else but necro.....

    In comes Sirens Reef one fractal where the aoe multi target cleave and boon strip of necro really excels and people dont think to take them there making the clear much easier. ;) When we did it with my groups its often not Social awkwardness that made us rage.

    We bleed fire is far worse because everything you hit spews burning along side the boss procs. Thats the only time we ever skipped this fractal.

  5. Any build that does not offer a wide range of counterplay and its tools and kit do not come with equal risk for reward.


    If a build offers great reward with little risk it will be seen as cheese

    If a build offers minimal or near 0 counter play it will be seen as cheese

    If a build one shots someone (especially form stealth) a person feels like they had no attempt to play and so it will be seen as cheese.

    If a build is just doing too much in too short a time frame it will be seen as cheese.


    So ideally almost or most anything that is barely meta or not meta in anyway is not cheese so long as it does not violate the above first.


    Sadly things you would consider non chese are things most players consider to be "dead" builds even if the builds do offer reasonable viability. But there is always something either its more risk than they are use to or they cant 1 shot with that build or it has a fair number of counters so its considered "Dead" when compared to the meta options.

  6. im gonna have to learn how to start filtering out your post.

    I would say bunker herald is about as strong as it needs to be good for defending against 1 person bad like everything else when more than 1 person shows up it dies. I dont directly see how its insane atm. Even when paired with support firebrand it can still be killed in a team fight (ive done it a few times)...

  7. > @"Uden Reavstone.3426" said:

    > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

    > > Necromancer staff is pretty weaksauce in pve. The pretty much only use for it is rapid tagging in open world groups, nothing more.


    > Or loading the enemy up with condis before switching to s/d or s/t. In four attacks, you got at least two stacks of bleed, one poison, fear, weakness, chill, whatever condis are on you, and, depending on your traits, burn, torment, and/or vulnerability. And this is all AoE which, with the right trait, is unblockable and you a kitten-ton of life force. Doesn't seem like "weaksauce" to me. Now the aa does kind of suck, I'll give you that.


    The reason its weaksauce is because the marks are lackluster mark of blood is just really kind of joke. All of the marks do not generate LF at base meaning you 100% must invest in the trait to even make the weapon have real utility for its caster which is more of a pain.


    If you use staff without the trait you will find it is indeed weaksauce.

    Ideally the trait is doing the heavy lifting for everything you just said above, the staff and its base value is very weak and could be considered garbage. Its not uncommon to use a weapon without its related trait and the weapon can still be considered viable but necro staff will not allow that and that is why it is "weaksuace"

  8. > @"Castiel.9048" said:

    > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

    > > the DPS of the ele is quite pathetic and timing restricted, the reason why i want to use it but i rather not.


    > This is the truth for ele. Not biased by the unrealistic golem dps benchmark videos that are wrong.

    > Staff as a dps weapon for eles is pathetic at best.


    When we do ranged Deimos i manage to get power staff weaver to 18-20k dps 21k if boons are perfect (You really need alacrity to be on point) and i dont make any mistakes so its not bad but its not good thats about the only case where i use it though. Oddly enough in this one case it does out-damage a lot of other ranged setups but i mean i dont thin kits bad its just too situational if you need ranged only dps its pretty good. If you have the option to go melee though Sword is better option for almost everything else with power or condi weaver.

  9. gem store skins (are some times nice looking) they also help pay for the game and keep it running other players buy things they like or just to own everything that comes out so you dont have to pay a sub fee just to keep playing the game and keep the game up and running.


    Gemstore stuff is lowkey just as important as everything else on your list but its importance is critical to things we dont think about on the daily while playing the game. IF gemstore items didnt come with each patch then theoretically the game would be making literally no money. Generally games dont last long if they dont have a way of pulling money. Most people here have already said they like that they dont have to pay a sub fee for this game so i dont think anet is gonna change their business model any time soon.

  10. can agree pvp itself is imbalanced and people are toxic af because thats the cool thing to do in 2019.

    Gw2 pvp use to be super fun now its super infuriating for one reason or another if its not the balance is the community of people who are butts because they always feel the need to kick someone while they are down or have god complex playing something thats still broken.


    Pvp is gonna effectively just done until

    They heavily rebalanced the professions and elites

    It gets new supported game modes thats not just capture and hold (they seriously need to get away from just this 1 mode)

    A new system that measures a persons individual skill and not just the skill of their team comp (what the current system does if you really think about it)

    They do something about win/loss manipulation and bots


    Of any of the games ive played in the recent years gw2 in pve can have awesome nice players

    Gw2 pvp it has some of the worst and nasty people ive ever seen in a game by far.


  11. > @"rng.1024" said:

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sigil_of_Cleansing_(PvP)


    > I can't stress the usefulness of this enough, every time fear is reapplied it bumps in priority. This allows you fairly easy on a 10 second cooldown to swap and then dodge whatever is incoming next.


    The fact that necormancers main "get off me/let me breath" tool is countered by something like this generally upsets me tbh. Ive seen people do this several times too. Get feared and just weapon swap to break the fear its just rude XD i wish i could break hard stuns just by weapon swapping


    > @"Curennos.9307" said:

    > > @"Ovark.2514" said:

    > > > @"Curennos.9307" said:

    > > > I think you forgot to link the video proof and may have accidentally cut out the extra couple paragraphs of more in-depth analysis. Happens to the best of us, lmk when they're back.

    > >

    > > Funny, you seem to not be bothered when other people post things with no "video proof" so long as you have experienced the same thing. You want in-depth analysis, ok: So Doom is instant-cast 1200 range skill that fears up to 3 seconds when built around it. While the opponent's feared you have all the time in the world to place a spectral wall that the opponent has to walk through twice for 4 more seconds of fear, so while he's doing that you can drop a Staff 5 for 2 more seconds, and if taking lich you can get 4 more seconds (though it's too long a CD so no one takes it). So that's 9sec of unbroken CC that can be applied all while you freecast other damaging attacks NOT TO MENTION that if I WAS taking and stab it could easily be corrupted to fear me more. And I'm not a streamer so I don't record on the regular.


    > I am, actually, but less so. They tend to provide more than grumpy hyperbole. Most of the time.


    > So. Throughout these potential 9 seconds of fear - you have not one CC break or cleanse? Any of that into a dodge? It seems like if you're fast enough, you can break the first to avoid the wall.


    > This combo is terrifying if you just sit through it, but presumably you have stunbreaks and such left. If not, that's...well, kind of on you.


    keep in mind most necromancer fears are 1s durations 2s if traited

    Spectral wall 2s (40s cd)

    Fear Mark 2s (32s cd)

    Doom 2s - 3s (under 600 range) depending on the range (20s cd / 17.5s cd if traited)


    Its not even possible for a single nerco to get a 9 second fear chain unless someone walks through spectral wall twice. (if what he said is true and his own build had no stab in it) While you can manipulate someone into walking through the ring twice while they are feared doing so requires super tight positioning and your movement speed to be un hundred. Or for the caster to pre place the wall behind their target and not ontop of them. So that they run through the near and far sides of the ring. But in these cases why wouldnt you just break the fear?


    Im not trying to be too bias but the only way you should be getting 9s chain feared is if you are providing extra fear by having stab get converted to fear which is the players fault not the necros. The other situation is if there are 2 necros and both necros are literally on coms and targeting 1 person at the same time. For a single necromancer to get a 9s fear in a team fight is unrealistic. People dont run lich on core as you said (more than likely) and hitting that fear is actually hard because it roots you to cast it so its always super clunky to use. Not to mention most core players go condi so they run plaguelands. Trying to work a lich fear into any kind of fear combo is just un realistic because its clunky and the cd for it is too high. The majority of people will immediately get defensive once they see lich or everyone will hard focus you because you just made yourself a big obvious target which results in your immediate death. PL just has more value all around.


    Average chain fears should be about 4-6 seconds with most chains ending around the 4s mark 6s or higher usually means they abused the targets stab. or they dumped all their resources on you. This is not too over the top from what any other class can do in terms of cc. Warriors can stun you and knock you down in a chain over that kind of time revs can knock you down and stun you for that kind of time, holos can double blow out for about that amount of time generally speaking being stunned for 4s some times more is pretty common. Fear just makes it feel alot different.

  12. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Axl.8924" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > Just another example of players on a class being forced to play a chees build which is 90% of the game these days

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I am a thousand percent sure that if Necros in general had more active mitigation/cc removal (That didnt debilitate them more than it helped), Reapers and Scourges would see more use and necros wouldnt be shoveling everything into fearing you halfway across the map just to stay alive.

    > > > > > > They need buffs. anything they find to play is going to be played with extreme prejudice because of how hard things like spellbreaker and thief counter them.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Yeah but their mitigation increase has to be met with decreases in their damage and a reaper in shrouds autos out reach and out dps alot of classes burst,let alone one spin to win will delete even a tanky class if not mitigated. But I agree their lack of defense caused this but I've also faught some very tanky cores at same time so I donno

    > > > >

    > > > > Their damage is already some of the lowest in the game if you really take a look at it. Warriors and holos and rangers can hit you just as hard if not harder than reaper can in melee and rangers and some builds of theif can hit you harder from ranged than necro can hit you from ranged. Ideally i would first prefer that others be brought down closer to the necromancers level as its probably where most professions should be in terms of power anyways, if not even lower along with some parts of necro itself. If overall damage in the game drops in the right places necro wont need buffs to damage mitigation and their damage soaking style of fighting will bee more viable than what it is right now. Right now damage across any other profession you look at is realistically too high for the damage soaker design.

    > > >

    > > > Excuse me kitten lmao reaper almost least damage in game omg I done reading this thread it's too much,biased in this community is unreal and useless to hope it would get any better.

    > >

    > > A rifle warr does more dmg than reaper shroud and deadeye can out dmg reaper too with kneel. Heard of warr with rifle doing 60k dmg easy.

    > >

    > > Even 1 shot pu mes with the prep can do more dmg than reaper. I saw a 18k mind stab from a pu mes from stealth.

    > >


    > U can say all u want but what's the dps outside of those few skills compared to reaper? If a player stands there and eats a reaper spin what's the dps because I've seen it 100-0 even tanky classes just like those skills uve mentioned. If reaper got more survivability or mobility and kept its damage these forums would flood for nerfs I guarantee that and every time I've said that it's happened. A reaper with damage it has now with more survivability would add to the already problem with powercreep,seriously the community blames anet for the games state but it's as much the players lmao


    Considering every profession has more evasives than necro in general if you stood there and ate that full 2-2.5s long cast of soul spiral i dont what to tell you dude. you do realize maul can do the damage that soul spiral does in a single hit lol and that can be used twice should you fail to dodge the hilt bash.


    So really you can say all you want it just sounds like you dont dodge things that come at you even when they are reasonably telegraphed.

    IF you are going to call shrouding yourself in darkness while walking slowly towards your character without stealth and spinning over roughly 2 seconds not telegraphed enough just get out already lol.

  13. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > Just another example of players on a class being forced to play a chees build which is 90% of the game these days

    > > > >

    > > > > I am a thousand percent sure that if Necros in general had more active mitigation/cc removal (That didnt debilitate them more than it helped), Reapers and Scourges would see more use and necros wouldnt be shoveling everything into fearing you halfway across the map just to stay alive.

    > > > > They need buffs. anything they find to play is going to be played with extreme prejudice because of how hard things like spellbreaker and thief counter them.

    > > >

    > > > Yeah but their mitigation increase has to be met with decreases in their damage and a reaper in shrouds autos out reach and out dps alot of classes burst,let alone one spin to win will delete even a tanky class if not mitigated. But I agree their lack of defense caused this but I've also faught some very tanky cores at same time so I donno

    > >

    > > Their damage is already some of the lowest in the game if you really take a look at it. Warriors and holos and rangers can hit you just as hard if not harder than reaper can in melee and rangers and some builds of theif can hit you harder from ranged than necro can hit you from ranged. Ideally i would first prefer that others be brought down closer to the necromancers level as its probably where most professions should be in terms of power anyways, if not even lower along with some parts of necro itself. If overall damage in the game drops in the right places necro wont need buffs to damage mitigation and their damage soaking style of fighting will bee more viable than what it is right now. Right now damage across any other profession you look at is realistically too high for the damage soaker design.


    > Excuse me kitten lmao reaper almost least damage in game omg I done reading this thread it's too much,biased in this community is unreal and useless to hope it would get any better.


    Yes reaper can hit you for 10k warriors can hit you for 10-14k rangers can maul you for 14+k Holos generally attack faster and hit similar to the damage of most average reaper power buidls while having active defenses... if you are done you can leave but thats your choice. Im not saying reaper cant hurt but ill be damn if you are going to pretend like these other professions dont hurt just as much if not more in alot of cases while having the active defenses that necro does not have.


    Everything hits hard but many things hit harder than reaper.

  14. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > Just another example of players on a class being forced to play a chees build which is 90% of the game these days

    > >

    > > I am a thousand percent sure that if Necros in general had more active mitigation/cc removal (That didnt debilitate them more than it helped), Reapers and Scourges would see more use and necros wouldnt be shoveling everything into fearing you halfway across the map just to stay alive.

    > > They need buffs. anything they find to play is going to be played with extreme prejudice because of how hard things like spellbreaker and thief counter them.


    > Yeah but their mitigation increase has to be met with decreases in their damage and a reaper in shrouds autos out reach and out dps alot of classes burst,let alone one spin to win will delete even a tanky class if not mitigated. But I agree their lack of defense caused this but I've also faught some very tanky cores at same time so I donno


    Their damage is already some of the lowest in the game if you really take a look at it. Warriors and holos and rangers can hit you just as hard if not harder than reaper can in melee and rangers and some builds of theif can hit you harder from ranged than necro can hit you from ranged. Ideally i would first prefer that others be brought down closer to the necromancers level as its probably where most professions should be in terms of power anyways, if not even lower along with some parts of necro itself. If overall damage in the game drops in the right places necro wont need buffs to damage mitigation and their damage soaking style of fighting will bee more viable than what it is right now. Right now damage across any other profession you look at is realistically too high for the damage soaker design.

  15. > @"Ovark.2514" said:

    > > @"Zexanima.7851" said:


    > > Here is a little interesting tid bit off the wiki that could be useful

    > >

    > > > A player who has toggled Walk speed will travel less distance when Feared. Walk has no default key, but can be set in the keybinding options and toggled on when required.

    > >


    > Immersion=broken. Why would a person who is feared be WALKING away from the threat? That function should probably be disabled in pvp.


    In real life some times fear paralizes people from moving at all its not unpractical that someone my have the mind set to do a slow retreat and not a fast one under the aspect of fear in the real world. Realistically toggling walk wont help you much if you still bite the full duration of the fear its just easier for the necromancer to hit you with others skills. Also if you were chilled before hand you will be walking when the fear hits you anyways.

  16. > @"SeikeNz.3526" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > only if by viable you mean it does something that has near 0 counter then of course it will be nerfed. Viable is a flexible word from person to person.

    > >

    > > If its viable but not doing anything like winning 90% of things it goes up against, tanking 3+ people on a point solo for 3 mins or longer, or one shots someone in .4 seeconds or something nuts etc its fine. But if it does anything similar to what i just listed if you share it and it becomes popular expect it to be nerfed.

    > >

    > > The days of having minimal counter-play is being phased out with each balance patch going forward seems like.


    > well it's balanced on 1v1 can kill alot of builds, but it's very broken on team fights and can change the whole team fight, sometimes can 2v1 and kill one but will die to the other one


    changing the course of a team fight does not always mean its broken i mean necro is known for being able to do that but that by far does not make the class broken people just focus it first and it dies.

    Being able to 2v1 and kill 1 does not make it broken either especially if you still die in the end or have to retreat after.


    Sounds like you just founds something that works for you or that people have been purposely putting chrono down lower than what it really is but no one is willing to come out and say that. To some people viable things only exsist while they are broken (has near 0 counter play, wins 95% of matchups, can tank 3 or more people for 5 mins on a point, insanely high and fast condi splatter while evading etc.


    That said if you want to keep it a secret then keep it a secret ;) its safer that way.

  17. > @"Ovark.2514" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

    > > stop spamming stability on yourself and you wont have that problem

    > > Most necor builds have 2 fears... 3 with a utility all of them having a cd no less than 20 seconds with the bigger ones that can hit multiple people being on the higher end of 32 to 40s cd if you are getting feared 90% of the time you are alive you are probably majorly contributing to that factor by spamming yourself with the stability boon.


    > My build has exactly 0 stability skills TYVM.


    Then stop running into spectral wall? Like i dont know what to tell you most necro builds will have 3 fears max if you include spectral ring , staff 5, and the shroud skill. Either you are getting stab corrupted or you are just just running into walls without fail... also no breakstuns? condition clears? resistance? Fear along side taunt is like one of the few cc's that has the most counters in the game.

  18. only if by viable you mean it does something that has near 0 counter then of course it will be nerfed. Viable is a flexible word from person to person.


    If its viable but not doing anything like winning 90% of things it goes up against, tanking 3+ people on a point solo for 3 mins or longer, or one shots someone in .4 seeconds or something nuts etc its fine. But if it does anything similar to what i just listed if you share it and it becomes popular expect it to be nerfed.


    The days of having minimal counter-play is being phased out with each balance patch going forward seems like.

  19. stop spamming stability on yourself and you wont have that problem

    Most necor builds have 2 fears... 3 with a utility all of them having a cd no less than 20 seconds with the bigger ones that can hit multiple people being on the higher end of 32 to 40s cd if you are getting feared 90% of the time you are alive you are probably majorly contributing to that factor by spamming yourself with the stability boon.

  20. Something that draws players into pvp but something that is noticeably obtainable without having to reach the top percentile. Just something for those who are decent maybe a lil something for each rank. It does not need to be anything close to what the top players get but just something in general thats enticing enough to draw new players.


    And something to make players in different divisions feel rewarded

  21. > @"choovanski.5462" said:

    > single skills should not do over 10k dmg. anything more is just absurd & lowers the skill required


    > one skill one kill is bad design


    > killing in a combo is ok. splatting people for half HP is ok, but like 32k dmg crit on one skill- especially something with AoE- nope. thats far too much damage


    I dont even agree with a combo of skills being used to achieve that level of damage depending on how many skills were used and the time frame in which they were used if 4 skills ended in a result of 7-10 hits of damage totaling to 20k+ damage in less than a second thats not ok either.

    Even less ok if its done from stealth.

  22. If 1 shotting is going to exist then it should only be after a person has burned their defenses in the fighting style of gw2's combat the answer is generally no especially if the person was not stunned in place to set it up. (at least as it exist right now)


    In blade n soul 1 shot 100-0 builds and combos do exists but you wont ever get them to work on another player till after you bait their break or force them to use their breaks leaving them vulnerable should they get cc'ed into a combo after the fact. But no build in any game generally should ever come out and just 1 shot someone from full hp unless there is a massive difference in level between the two combatants or something of that nature which in gw2 pvp wont be the case.


    Gw2's combat is so fast action that 1shots feel overly punishing and give a player a sense of not having a turn to do anything thus making them unhealthy and frowned upon if you get hit with them often enough. Especially if you have invested in defensive stats like toughness and are still getting 1shot or your hp dropped to less than 10%.


    Ideally in order to do one shots there should be more things like bloodlust runes or traits similar to this that should have to be built up to max stacks before hand, at least that way no one starts a match with the power to one shot but rather you gain it over time with kills and assist and should you die you lose that advantage for a bit until you can rebuild it.

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