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Posts posted by Eekasqueak.7850

  1. > @"Rognik.2579" said:

    > > @"Moonyeti.3296" said:

    > > Skrittsburg is THE place to be if you are a young trendy skrittling.

    > Actually, a young skritt is called a "kit". They don't show up often, but they exist. Unless you were referring to a different stage of a skritt's life.


    > I'm pretty sure the hylek village has a name, too, but I'm blanking on it.


    Kits are children, I think the guy was referring to what we'd call teens or young adults. Not sure what Skritt would call them.

  2. > @"Pax.3548" said:

    > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > >

    > > The plot was literally Nightfall 2.0, in the same way that The Force Awakens was just A New Hope 2.0. It wasn't a good plot, and Balthazar's motivations were indeed one dimensional - but not only that, _contradictive of what GW1 had established for years_. He went from an honorable god of war with an anger issue to nothing but that anger issue.


    > Well, he was "honorable" but he threw that away, he said so himself at flashpoint at the Heart of the Volcano, "I've learned there is no honor in war", that's no contradiction, he just changed after a probably 200 years of imprisonment without the other gods giving him an "honorably" chance to fight back and being chained in rags like a beggar and left completely alone for all that time, could anyone that call himself the mighty god of war remain honorable after that humillation?


    Also consider that the knowledge we get about the gods is from their worshippers, hardly an unbiased source.

  3. > @"Magek.4718" said:

    > I wonder when we're going to fight Primordius.


    > Kinda weird.we haven't seen him yet considering the last scene of GW1 was of Primordius waking up.


    We saw him in person in season 3 though.

  4. > @"Palador.2170" said:

    > I really disliked Trahearne at first, but over time and as I did more of the personal stories for all of the races, the more I grew to like him.


    > I think the real problems with Trahearne are in three parts. The first part is that he's a good old friend with our Order mentor. And we find this out right before we lose our mentor. They meet, talk about old times for a bit (cutting us out of the conversation), and then that's the last we really talk to our mentor until the end. But there's Trahearne still, and the natural thought is "Why couldn't it have been you?"


    > Second is the way things are presented. There's backstory between him and the orders, but you don't know that before it becomes important. And if you're not playing a sylvari, you don't know him at all. If he had been there, waiting to talk to your order leader the first time you met them, you would have known about his history with them AND with your mentor before it was a story point.


    > Finally, I've realized who made me feel like I was just a support character in Trahearne's story, and it wasn't Trahearne. It was the Pale Tree. When we meet her, she focuses almost entirely on him, we're just an afterthought (even if we're a sylvari). He's told of his great destiny and how he'll lead Tyria to victory over the Elder Dragon. And we're ... along for the ride, so do try to be useful. And don't get in the great Firstborn's way. She even gives him, the non-combatant, the legendary weapon. (And if you're a sylvari, you're the one that got that damned sword back to begin with!) Yes, it turns out that he needs it later on to cleanse Orr, but we don't know that at the time. And while it may be an important symbol to the sylvari, nobody else knows what it is. It's not a symbol of leadership to bring the Orders together, but it IS a powerful weapon. Which we don't get, because Trahearne's the only one the Tree cares about.


    My issues with Trahearne tie in a lot with my issues with Sylvari as a whole and honestly it traces back to the tree too. I suppose I should be glad then that her wounding pushed the tree into the background.

  5. > @"SnowHawk.3615" said:

    > > @"Rognik.2579" said:

    > > > @"SnowHawk.3615" said:

    > > > Separatists are basically racists posting propaganda about Charr since they still hold a grudge that their ancestors dealt even though the treaty doesn't affect them negatively.

    > > But it does affect them. It means their race has given up on getting back the land they once owned by the right of the Six. They are the descendants of those who fought for generations against the charr, and now the Queen is just going to let them keep it? Unacceptable!


    > It was supposed to stop bloodshed, no I'm not siding with the Charr.

    > And wasn't it originally the Charr lands and then it was the humans who took it and then the Charr wanted it back? If I'm incorrect in saying so then please let me know.

    > Imagine the Native Americans (Charr in this case) wanting and taking all their land back from the descendants of the settlers who stole it and then the descendants of the settlers defending their right to steal.


    Well it went Charr took it from some Grawl, then some time later Humans took it from Charr. I think the person you are replying too was being sarcastic though, or at least I hope they are.


    I would still however argue that Charr have more right to it.

  6. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > > I think reward tracks should just advance faster personally, it takes too long to get through one.

    > > >

    > > > Then the rewards should be reduced to compensate.

    > >

    > > Except you can already do the tracks faster through unranked PvP... So WvW is just less rewarding.


    > Reward tracks are not the only things you can do in WvW to be rewarded.


    The rewards for the so called other things are too low to count.

  7. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > I think reward tracks should just advance faster personally, it takes too long to get through one.


    > Then the rewards should be reduced to compensate.


    Except you can already do the tracks faster through unranked PvP... So WvW is just less rewarding.

  8. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"White Kitsunee.4620" said:

    > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > @"White Kitsunee.4620" said:

    > > > > Asuran techno babble is pretty ex machina in general.

    > > > And with the portal and armies, that didn't come out of nowhere as it was from the establishment of the prior two episodes; that's more like chekov's gun in terms of literary devices (though they really shouldn't have had the Istani Sunspears and Olmakhan go through that portal since the entire point of the portal was to cut down time on heading to Kourna, and they were closer to Kourna than either Amnoon or Tombs).

    > >

    > > I was more confused on how the Oklahoman charr and corsairs got there, as to my memory we never told them we were declaring war let alone where the portal was. I'm sorry if i came off with the wrong Point there.


    > We didn't directly, but we have long distance communicators now, and it sounds like Rox remained with the Olmakhan between episodes; in addition, how did we contact Sayida during Episode 2? Via communicator and a Dragon's Watch member going to them. Rytlock, Canach, Rox, and Braham - none of them were in amnoon, but probably with our various allies.


    > Still, having the southern Elonian allies come in via the portal (well, corsairs didn't, so that's better), is weird given the narrative excuse for the portal.


    > > @"White Kitsunee.4620" said:

    > > Also I don't mean to say asuran tech in general was like that, previously it's been well established in the story before being used. For example in the build up to zhaitan we discuss the building of the cannon before the battle, and it's implied that it's being built during the build up to the fight. Exact same thing with the lazet we were going to kill primordous with. Personally I don't really mind having magi tech be the solution to a problem, I just dislike how Taimi and blish just invent ways to solve problems on the spot.


    > But the portal was built up, after all wasn't it the portals that Blish was working on at Rata Primus while Gorrik was working on the Scarab Plague, or something along those lines? And they didn't really invent anything else (to "solve problems" or otherwise, unless we're talking a roller beetle saddle that Blish spent the entire time we went out to get food and parts working on it).


    Blish's invisibility was also a Chekhov's gun, when we walk in on the brother's in episode two he's cloaked, and we even find stealth tech we can use on the way to them. So us being able to use a piece of him- the arm, to cloak made perfect sense.

  9. > @"Rognik.2579" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > Skritt sort of have a major city, them and Hykek are the ones with an area full of crafting stations at the very least.


    > True, the skritt have Skrittsburg and the hylek have the village in Sparkfly Fen (I think), but both of these settlements are under siege in a way that prevents stabilisation. In the case of the skritt, it's their king getting attacked. I think it's generally the Inquest behind it. As for the hylek, they are under near-constant Risen assault. I believe the hylek village's waypoint even becomes contested often, while Skrittsburg only has waypoints by the three entrances.


    It does show they're capable of building a city though, I think it'd either take some major living world movement or a change on how they do expansions. Kind of a return to how they were done in the 1st game where the new races would get an entirely new starting area and personal story on a different continent. Which would be a lot of work.


    As an aside though I do think that Canthan Skritt would work if they took inspiration from legend of the five rings' Nezumi.

  10. > @"Incurve Giidis.7829" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > I think alacrity should be given to maybe firebrand too, just in general more support options is good for the game I think. Druid and Chrono have a bit of a support monopoly right now.


    > Why mention firebrand without renegade against chrono+druid?


    > Anyway chaos chrono is Completely Fine. I don't want it nerfed down to others' level like the dps slots for no good reason tbh. There's definitely some niche builds for supports as well, there's just not many reasons to try and spend money on those.


    Firebrand because it has lots of quickness but not many other niches for support in PvE. In general I just wish there was more PvE support options other than Chrono and Druid, guardian seems so themed to be support but isn't used for it in PvE content.

  11. > @"Tyson.5160" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > > If you think the way he was executed is just "above" average, then you are in serious denial, but that much has been obvious from the start. I don't have a "gross misunderstanding" of what a Mary Sue is, I'm just not in denial about it and I'm actually willing to accept that not all sues are equally OP, but he still pulls skills out of nowhere, whether you're willing to admit it or not. Just like how you keep denying the spotlight thing, but you do you. You thought Jok(e)o was a good character after all.

    > > >

    > > > Congratulations, for every single post so far you've proclaimed I said something I didn't. You must be proud of yourself.

    > > >

    > > > I'd like you to try to give what your apparent definition of a Mary Sue is, because so far the attributes you've called out on Trahearne are pretty standard major character attributes across fiction, and is apparent in almost every member of Destiny's Edge and Dragon's Watch. So far, the only thing you've managed to consistently say is "a Mary Sue is a major character", which is as I've said, an incorrect definition of Mary Sue.

    > > >

    > > > You say time and time again that he "pulls skills out of nowhere", but yet every example you've given has been incorrect, and not only rebuttled by myself at this point.

    > >

    > > Because none of your rebuttals actually have any founding, you keep saying he's just like any other character in the setting while ignoring all the things that make him stand out ahead of them. Because again, you're in denial because you're not willing to admit your apparent waifu is a bad character.


    > Isn’t the burden of proof, yours?


    I gave plenty of examples, doesn't mean I can't say the rebuttals to my examples are valid ones... Which is exactly what I said?


    His "flaws" come off less as actual character flaws and more like minor things in a vain attempt to make us feel sorry for the character, it isn't until HoT that they have him fail so they could get rid of the failed character he was. He's shown to do plenty of things that other characters in the setting can't, too. Both of these are Mary Sue traits. The lack of any real personality or being shallow as a character is also a trait, but it's clear you won't accept anything below "literally invincible and godlike" as a Mary Sue despite it having more of a range than that.

  12. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > If you think the way he was executed is just "above" average, then you are in serious denial, but that much has been obvious from the start. I don't have a "gross misunderstanding" of what a Mary Sue is, I'm just not in denial about it and I'm actually willing to accept that not all sues are equally OP, but he still pulls skills out of nowhere, whether you're willing to admit it or not. Just like how you keep denying the spotlight thing, but you do you. You thought Jok(e)o was a good character after all.


    > Congratulations, for every single post so far you've proclaimed I said something I didn't. You must be proud of yourself.


    > I'd like you to try to give what your apparent definition of a Mary Sue is, because so far the attributes you've called out on Trahearne are pretty standard major character attributes across fiction, and is apparent in almost every member of Destiny's Edge and Dragon's Watch. So far, the only thing you've managed to consistently say is "a Mary Sue is a major character", which is as I've said, an incorrect definition of Mary Sue.


    > You say time and time again that he "pulls skills out of nowhere", but yet every example you've given has been incorrect, and not only rebuttled by myself at this point.


    Because none of your rebuttals actually have any founding, you keep saying he's just like any other character in the setting while ignoring all the things that make him stand out ahead of them. Because again, you're in denial because you're not willing to admit your apparent waifu is a bad character.

  13. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > Leading an army while having only experience in scholarly pursuits, there an example of a skill that isn't explained.

    > A job that he does pretty poorly overall, and constantly refers to his four highest advisors (including the PC!) just like any inexperienced medieval king or adviser put in charge of an army that isn't so full of himself that gets his army destroyed.


    > So, false.


    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > His flaws are all swept under the table and come off as insignificant,

    > They're continuously played to the very end of Victory or Death... We don't see them very much when we meet him again in Season 2, and he seems more general-y than scholarly, but he still performed some fatal tactical errors when not taking advisers' aide (which led to the Pact's destruction).


    > Still swept under the table?


    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > single handedly purifying an entire continent...

    > For starters, Orr isn't even a continent, but a nation; more importantly, though, as is hammered into us during Siren's Landing, after Trahearne's initial ritual (which we knew then and there could be undone and was just the beginning of things), dozens of sylvari have been working to further the purification of Orr alongside the ghosts trapped within the Eyes of Zhaitan.


    > So, false.


    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > Then there's stuff like again, the convenience of somehow having all the respect of the orders already before he just poofs in. Being some kind of "chosen one" is something I've always considered poor writing, and tacking it on to everything else is just further pushing him into Mary Sue territory. I don't care if you like him, he's still a Mary Sue and none of your unbased claims will change that duder.


    > Having a background of respect doesn't make one a Mary Sue. By this very argument, Rytlock is a Mary Sue. Eir is a Mary Sue. Zojja is a Mary Sue. Logan is a Mary Sue. Caithe is a Mary Sue. Why? Because they have backgrounds of respect, are each the most iconic figure of their species, and have some sort of special gear or attribute that makes them stand out above the rest even despite their backgrounds.


    > These are not qualities of a Mary Sue. I think you need to look up what the definition of Mary Sue is.


    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > The way he pulls the spotlight onto himself us also a sign of a Mary Sue, despite how much you're in denial about that fact.


    > Tell me **one** case where he "pulls the spotlight onto himself". Hell, even @"Oglaf.1074" is now denying he does such a thing (despite his original posts stating that he did, ironic).


    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > he's only actually in his mid 20s and has accomplished all this, I don't give a single kitten about the Sylvari's "born fully grown" garbage, that isn't how mental development works, and it's kitten stupid.


    > It actually is how mental development works for magical beings called sylvari; their mental development occurs in the Dream of Dreams, before they awaken and are "born". Technically speaking, if we go by mental development, the Firstborn are not 23 years old by the time of the PS but instead probably more like 30 if not older (we do not know how long their consciousness - or any sylvari's consciousness for that matter - exists in the Dream before awakening).


    > And at that, Logan, Rytlock, and Zojja are both in their mid/late 20s and they're just as accomplished if not moreso than Trahearne during the PS (EoD makes Logan and Rytlock to sound like they're somewhere around 19-23 and 5 years pass, while Zojja is a bit younger, sounding more like 16/17). Hell, by this point so is Braham, he's only 17 when we meet him in 1326 and it's been 5 years since then now. He's 21 and he's felled an Elder Dragon and cracked the uncrackable tooth of Jormag with a special bow of his mother imbued with ancient jotun magic. Is he, too, a Mary Sue?


    > Is every major character just a Mary Sue to you, because they're important figures or something? Because they're above the average character? Is that what "Mary Sue" is to you? Because it sure as heck sounds like it.


    > Every complaint you've tossed towards Trahearne is either blatantly false or can be attributed to nearly every major character in every piece of fiction across the scope of fiction, except those that focus on underdogs who remain underdogs.


    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > I'm far from the only one who thinks these things about Trahearne, and beliefs like that don't just come from thin air.


    > Like I said, he may be a well designed character, but he was poorly executed. That's where people's complaints come from - the execution. And ultimately, many, like you, mistaken this poor execution for "Mary Suedom" or something similar, because you have an apparent gross misunderstanding of what a Mary Sue is.


    If you think the way he was executed is just "above" average, then you are in serious denial, but that much has been obvious from the start. I don't have a "gross misunderstanding" of what a Mary Sue is, I'm just not in denial about it and I'm actually willing to accept that not all sues are equally OP, but he still pulls skills out of nowhere, whether you're willing to admit it or not. Just like how you keep denying the spotlight thing, but you do you. You thought Jok(e)o was a good character after all.

  14. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > Scarlet being a more egregious example doesn't make Trahearne not one. He still pulls talents out if nowhere, is inexplicably well liked and flat as a character. The Destiny and sword business only cement this. Just because you like him doesn't make him not a Mary Sue, sorry.


    > What talents does he pull "out of nowhere"? The only examples I can think of would be summoning multiple flesh golems, but he was long established to be a powerful necromancer at that point (and strengthened by Caladbolg, which was also established before then), or the ritual to cleanse orr, which similarly was very long established. Nothing out of nowhere.


    > And well liked? Yes, that is exactly why he had to prove himself to the Orders despite being respected by them. Unlike Scarlet, who's short story shows people taking a liking to her _for no god damned reason_, Trahearne's respect came from **spending 20 years** on and off visiting one of the most dangerous places in the world (at the time). His backstory actually has reason for him being liked, just like the members of Destiny's Edge. Or are they Mary Sues too in your view?


    > That's like proclaiming Deckard Cain from Diablo is a Mary Sue character because he knows a bunch of stuff about the Prime Evils because he spent his whole life studying demonology.


    > That's not a Mary Sue.


    > Flat character? Well, his voice sure is. But I wouldn't say that his character is. He's actually a well rounded character if you can ignore that annoying voicing.


    > And his "destiny" doesn't make a Mary Sue. If that was true, then nearly every "chosen one" character in the history of fiction (famous examples: Anakin Skywalker, Dragon Age: Origins PC, Shepard from Mass Effect, and thousands more) would be considered a Mary Sue. That's a _trope._ Very different. And being gifted a legendary weapon also doesn't make a Mary Sue - again, that'd be a trope that can date back to folklore like King Arthur and Excalibur.


    > And I never said I liked Trahearne; in fact, I dislike him, largely due to his super flat voicing. I just said he isn't a Mary Sue. So stop trying to shoving words into my mouth.


    > If you're going to repeatedly proclaim Trahearne is a Mary Sue, how about _providing specific examples_? Go on, I'll wait.


    Leading an army while having only experience in scholarly pursuits, there an example of a skill that isn't explained. His flaws are all swept under the table and come off as insignificant, single handedly purifying an entire continent... Then there's stuff like again, the convenience of somehow having all the respect of the orders already before he just poofs in. Being some kind of "chosen one" is something I've always considered poor writing, and tacking it on to everything else is just further pushing him into Mary Sue territory. I don't care if you like him, he's still a Mary Sue and none of your unbased claims will change that duder.


    The way he pulls the spotlight onto himself us also a sign of a Mary Sue, despite how much you're in denial about that fact. A lot of this comes in my issues with Sylvari as a whole though, he's only actually in his mid 20s and has accomplished all this, I don't give a single damn about the Sylvari's "born fully grown" garbage, that isn't how mental development works, and it's goddamn stupid. Trahearne and later Scarlet are an amalgamation of the issues with the Sylvari race as a whole and don't even try to say their back story as dragon minions somehow excuses this. I'm far from the only one who thinks these things about Trahearne, and beliefs like that don't just come from thin air.


    Anet knew they messed up with him and that's why he was killed off, deal with it.

  15. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > > > No. I will never forgive his Mary Sue treebutt for coming in and stealing the show, making the latter half of _my_ personal story all about _him_, nor will I ever take anything but sick pleasure from having been the one to do him in for good.

    > > >

    > > > Trahearne wasn't a mary sue in the least, and he certainly never stole the PC's credit. Hell, he constantly praised the PC. Just because he became the Marshal doesn't mean he stole credit or spotlight.

    > > >

    > > > Name one specific instance where he stole credit. I've asked others who are so adamant that he stole credit and spotlight time, but they couldn't give a proper answer because the few answers they gave, in that same situation he credited and praised the PC for a job well done.

    > >

    > > Sigh. _Again_ with this? Read what I _actually_ wrote about the spotlight stealing. It has nothing to do with what Trahearne does at all. It is about a _shift in narrative focus_ not _character actions_. Once he enters the scene it ceases to be the story of your character; he/she gets shoved into the role of a supporting character and observer to Tree Jebus fulfilling his destiny. This stands in stark contrast to earlier “chapters” having been all about your character’s origins and rise to power/fame.


    > Firstly, you never mentioned anything about "a shift in narrative focus" in any of your posts.


    > Secondly, no, it's still a story about your character. I mean, the story from Claw Island onward is about you avenging your mentor and slaying an Elder Dragon, with the support of Trahearne. It is **not** about Trahearne slaying an Elder Dragon with your support.


    > Trahearne plays the support role, you're the one being the kitten hero who slays the mighty champions, Mouths, and Eyes. You're the one who faces down the Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan. Trahearne may be higher ranked than you, and he may have the ritual to cleanse Orr, but in the end he's just a patsy to your deeds and actions. Without the PC, Trahearne would have failed, fallen to depression, and given up.


    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > > > No. I will never forgive his Mary Sue treebutt for coming in and stealing the show, making the latter half of _my_ personal story all about _him_, nor will I ever take anything but sick pleasure from having been the one to do him in for good.

    > > >

    > > > Trahearne wasn't a mary sue in the least, and he certainly never stole the PC's credit. Hell, he constantly praised the PC. Just because he became the Marshal doesn't mean he stole credit or spotlight.

    > > >

    > > > Name one specific instance where he stole credit. I've asked others who are so adamant that he stole credit and spotlight time, but they couldn't give a proper answer because the few answers they gave, in that same situation he credited and praised the PC for a job well done.

    > >

    > > You lost me at not a Mary Sue in the least.


    > A Mary Sue is a nigh flawless character who often succeeds where the main character (or in the case of fan fiction, where the non-original characters) fail despite no reason for either the others' failure or the Mary Sue character's success.


    > Scarlet Briar was a Mary Sue character because she had an impossibly grand background (studied under nearly all races and succeeded better than them), and whenever someone tried to punish her she got away ultimately scotch free. That's almost the very definition of a Mary Sue character.


    > Trahearne doesn't have a grandios background - yes, he's Firstborn and respected among orders for his history, but that respect as we see when non-sylvari first meet (as well as when we're forming the pact) him has a pretty low limit. He suffers from depression and self-doubt, which is actually a pretty decent character flaw to balance out the fact he's a powerful necromancer and knowledgeable about Orr and risen. He doesn't just get to snap his proverbial fingers and solve whatever problem comes his way (unlike Scarlet), he has to actually work towards them.


    > Just because he's a character you _think_ steals the spotlight once introduced, doesn't mean he actually does, and doesn't mean that he's a Mary Sue character just because you dislike him.


    Scarlet being a more egregious example doesn't make Trahearne not one. He still pulls talents out if nowhere, is inexplicably well liked and flat as a character. The Destiny and sword business only cement this. Just because you like him doesn't make him not a Mary Sue, sorry.

  16. > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

    > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > No. I will never forgive his Mary Sue treebutt for coming in and stealing the show, making the latter half of _my_ personal story all about _him_, nor will I ever take anything but sick pleasure from having been the one to do him in for good.


    > Trahearne wasn't a mary sue in the least, and he certainly never stole the PC's credit. Hell, he constantly praised the PC. Just because he became the Marshal doesn't mean he stole credit or spotlight.


    > Name one specific instance where he stole credit. I've asked others who are so adamant that he stole credit and spotlight time, but they couldn't give a proper answer because the few answers they gave, in that same situation he credited and praised the PC for a job well done.


    You lost me at not a Mary Sue in the least.

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